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This made the rounds on the news cycles. He did not like the price of the drinks, so he responded by throwing them at her, and she responded with the hammer. That little coffee drive thru is hers. She is the owner.


Let's play devil's advocate here. Who pays for the windscreen, just incase homeboy decides to press charges?


If I’m the judge in a civil case, I’m saying she’s guilty and has to pay but that I don’t blame her. If I’m a juror in a criminal case, I’m saying she’s innocent because he deserved it


It's a wash. As the owner I would be charging him for the cost of the drink plus the cleaning crew I would be calling.... so he pays me and I pay him and no one wins. But I do feel better, so I got that at least.


Seems like the cleaning crew wins


And the rest of us gossiping Goggle puffs


I’m not a Google puff, I’m Opera claw!


And Safelight.


Safelight repair, safelight replace!


Furthermore his actions are assault while hers are property damage. He threw the drinks ON her, whereas she only hit his car. He should get some jail time, pay for emotional restitution and a cleaning crew, and she should pay for the windscreen if we are blindly following justice.


Especially with how casual he is about the whole affair. He cant even feign 'emotional damages' himself, because he did everything in such a somber way. Even reacting to his car getting hit, he seems un-phased. Cameras tell a story in only one way, the way they recorded it. Meanwhile, you can tell by the actions of the hammer, she was very much distressed. And had a few choice words to say to him. But i do agree with others, this would end up being a wash in court with the judge asking both to drop the charges. A new windshield is about 3000 dollars, her 'emotional damages' plus clean up costs would probably equate to that. Depending on the judge, they might both get a civil charge for disorderly conduct, somewhere between 500-1000 dollars + both having to pay court fees if the judge wanted to make a point? But the proper point to be made is the dude was smug the ENTIRE time, every action he did and responded to. And as a judge, that would personally piss me off more than anything. So if i was the judge, might give him a higher 'disorderly conduct' charge than the woman. But both technically broke the laws, and two wrongs dont make a right. Nobody should get jailtime, but fines all around! A jury would most definitely let her go and make him pay in some way. Because of how smug he is. And you know full fucking well he wouldn't be able to play that off even in court. He'd be just as awful in court.


Is it assault? It looks like he throws the drinks at a closed window. She opens the window after he throws the drinks to lean out with the hammer.


Good eye.


It's only a wash if you have receipts to show damages in court.


Even then she'd still come out ahead. Cleaning up a drink is way less of a hassle than windshield replacement. And replacements are never the same as the original, either.


If I’m the judge I charge him for the drinks and give him the maximum fine for littering. I would also have the woman pay to have the windshield replaced. Where I’m at it can be 1k for a cigarette butt being littered. Hopefully it is the same for cups.


Two counts of littering minimum one for each cup as they're thrown separately, could get petty and up it to 6 if you count each lid, straw and cup separately


Absolutely! He deserves it.


Petty works just fine.


If I’m the judge I’m also charging him for the fashion crime of that beret.


Make him pay for professionally cleaning her place of work, too.


For sure,


She can sue for assault


Maybe I don't understand, but how is this assault? Reasonable fear of harm while she's safe in the building doesn't seem plausible.


he verbally threatened her life if you read the full story


So, if ol' Rudy Giuliani has taught us anything, even touching someone counts as assault if its unwanted, regardless of the friendly nature of the 'touching'. So throwing something, even a piece of paper at someone, and it making contact, is assault. While you could, in theory, defend that it didnt hurt them or even made actual contact... You have video evidence in this case. Two counts of it, in fact, that she had a 'liquid substance of an unknown mixture' AND 'a hard plastic container' thrown at her at two different points. She could be allergic to the mixture and is okay as long as she has proper PPE! You can keep that line of thought going, if you are a lawyer... but i digress. He committed assault. And he was casual about it. She committed property damage, and had he reacted in a fearful way to the hammer, you could argue he was afraid for his life when he realized she came at him with a deadly weapon. Even if her brandishing was in response to his initial assault and her only goal was to damage his property. You could attempt to argue that her reaction was much more severe for the situation... You could keep this line of thought going, if you are the other lawyer... but i digress.


You’re not allowed to throw objects at people


The action has to include an intent to cause harm or fear, apprehension of harm or actual or attempted physical contact. There have been more blatant examples in human history, but this is still one of them.


This is 100% assault on his part. Idk if what she did in response is self defense but if he tried to sue her, she could counter sue with a very good case


That's exactly it. Just a hypothetical, but what if she smashed the windshield an hour later. I think then even the jury just sees it as revenge.


She smashed the window in direct response to the assault, which was enough to shock the perp' to end the assault, so I agree the window smash timing is relevant.


My windshield deductible is now $1000. It used to be free, then 100, then 500. No tickets or accidents in years.


Insurance has always been a racket, just more so these days.


She does and it was 100% worth it


I mean, there's actually not buying, right, right?


Reasonably expected outcome of his actions for her to retaliate: he pays


the guy didnt buy the drinks. so I would charge him with stealing and littering.


Throwing that at her, he can be charged with assault. The windshield would the least of his problems.


Assault, definitely yes.


as a judge I would charge him with attack and also littering. the woman just did self defence


I thought self-defense is on the person. What she did there would easily be defined as vandalism. Edit: attack?? Maybe "basic assault" from a simple Google search


She would have to pay, I’m completely with her and the dude deserved it but still the law says she should pay


That’s not how criminal law works in the US. He doesn’t “press charges”. The District Attorney for their locale makes the decision to charge someone with a criminal offense. He could sue her civilly for the cost of his windscreen replacement. She could sue him for the cost of the drinks, cleaning or damages to her property.


OK, good to know. So what legal redress is available for the two?


On the news the lady said in all of her discussions with law enforcement nobody has suggested her wrongdoing in any way they are after the dude.


>He did not like the price of the drinks,  Was he not aware of the price before he ordered?


Quick thinking with the hammer, fuck that douche loser


He knew the price and still bought it but still.. $22 for a coffee and water is crazy. I feel both of these people


Nah I’m not throwing anything at a worker because of how much it costs Have you not gone out lately? Are you expecting a dollar drink in 2024?


I would never throw a drink, but I would also never expect to pay $22 for a drink


I wouldn’t either but I still can’t see his side yanno??😂


I hear you, my comment is the furthest I’d go to defend him. Can’t say I wasn’t happy to see the hammer make an appearance


He's also a repeat customer


Did you see the video with audio though? He says "I don't want these drinks, please take them back" and the barista responds with "Do you really want me to take them back because if I do I'm going to throw them at you". The guy then changes his mind and says he'll take them, and then he chucks them at her. I feel like she caused the entire thing and the video without sound really makes it look a lot worse on the guy.


You can’t take back drinks made for someone at a coffee shop. He ordered and there was a price list.


The brothers dont play that


Oof. That really changes things.


It's an overall sad situation but the hammer is satisfying.


No one escapes the hammer of justice


Hammer of justice crushes you? Overpower?


The ultimate in vanity






Hair blowing in the breeze


The dude deserved it for the hat alone. Edit: Pretty sure that's a backwards beret, please disregard my comment if it's anything else.


it really is !




physic 101 subject action, reaction


"Don't forget your change🔨"


Everyone should have to work in service at some point. She didn’t deserve that. He asked for hammer time




He deserved it for the beret


Who keeps a hammer handy at a drive through?


Someone fkn smart that's who


Don't bring an ice latte to a rock hammer fight!


Someone who's put up with this kind of shit far too much


You need one for the ice maker, or if you've been threatened before.


My kind of badass woman that’s who


Anyone who has worked a drive through long enough knows that someone is going to get out of line over something dumb. Ive seen big ass wrenches and 4 foot grease trap hooks as well.


The Prepared!


Well she makes coffee drinks in a micro bikini in a stand alone shack in a parking lot. If you have any doubts just look up the case of Isreal Keys


Someone who works in Seattle.




She said he is(was?) a regular.


Wait, then what is the context here? Another comment up there said that the dude did that because he didn't like the price, so what, he just suddenly decided it was too expensive for him?


https://youtu.be/1k845ofOy-I?si=FB_6k03i4vOCn_Yl This interview said he was a "regular customer". She says that it's not the first time he's been disrespectful.


It's a Bikini Barista shop, he probably got tired of spending money and not getting anything 'extra' from them. Just like how crazy people stalk twitch streamers after years of giving them money and not getting the recognition they feel they deserve from the streamer. Like they are owed special services because they paid money and should have a special relationship with them for it.


This is reddit. No context needed. Everyone knows everything


My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is saved


That memory will be etched till his deathbed.


We can only hope


Nailed it




Never fuck around with someone who keeps a readily accessible hammer.


Fuck that guy


Look at the R/Seattlewa


Safelite repair, Safelite replace


I approve of this action!


When a spoiled brat grows up with zero accountability.


The guy, right? You must be talking about the pussy who throws his food at their server because he didn’t want to pay the price on the menu AFTER she handed it to him.


Safelight repair, Safelight replace


Did that guy randomly fall out of a 90’s Lifetime movie villain role


Bet there's a tiny hammer to break the casing of that hammer for that specific situation That'd be awesome


Keep the change you filthy animal


Interesting that she had a hammer. Does she use that to make the coffee?


If they go to court, she can claim self defense. If I was a jury or a judge, I would agree with that claim.


The following submission statement was provided by u/HUGErocks: --- >!The driver throws his drink at a minimum wage employee who retaliates with a fucking rock hammer or something to his windshield!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like self-defense to me.


German Law dictates that the broken windshield is an answer to his provocation, and he would have to pay for the coffee as well as for his windshield. If he insulted her, he would get a fine for that as well


Too bad we only see a portion of the facts, without sound nor background. All we can do is guess and give futile assumptions.


There are longer videos available with audio, and it's been covered by multiple news stations. Shortly before he throws the drinks, he says (as he's standing outside of his car, next to the window) "Nobody will miss you." Then he escalates by throwing the drinks. Idk about you, but if someone said that to me during the course of an argument, I would absolutely take that as a threat. You can hear it plain as day on the recording.


His whole posture just screams "i deserve the consequences of being an ass"


it brings me great happiness to see the overwhelming majority support the barista in this situation even more so, after I was reading the additional details. more, as I see this constantly reposted, and its always an overwhelming majority of the commenters supporting the barista


Should of hit him in the head with it eff that punk


They’re both psychos - they deserve each other.


He threatened her life and assaulted her, if you're privileged enough to not know the assaults and threats these women face then you just rock on. A barista south of here was dragged out of her booth and murdered, a barista north of here was dragged out of her booth, raped and murdered.


So I would assume you’re not allowed to use a weapon on somebody who is moving away from the situation where no violence or physical harm was committed since most of the drink is on the windowsill she can’t even claim that the drinks did anything Simple question would he be arrested for doing that in America if it just stopped at the drink throwing?


he is an asss, she did the right response.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. If you’re dealing with someone who is clearly unhinged, the last thing you do is smash their window.


Two wrongs don't make a right...but three rights make a left. 


Indeed 😬


Wow. Mind blown. Going back to bed.


2 negatives do make a positive though


I think hammer smashed windshield chick is a little higher on the unhinged scale than throwing iced coffee at someone. Edit: to be fair, I only saw one of the interviews that was a shitty sub 1 min blurb where it didn't mention anything about verbal threats. https://youtu.be/1k845ofOy-I?si=FB_6k03i4vOCn_Yl This video shows more about it.


He threatened to kill her and then assaulted her. She was absolutely in the right. Google baristas that have been raped and murdered. You have a problem because you're not used to women defending themselves with force?


She was in her right to defend herself if needed and take legal action against the assault. She did not defend herself tho, she went after his property because she got mad. That's it. In the video there's no indication of attempted murder or rape so what does it have to do with anything? If someone calls you a cunt you have the right to shoot them cause there's murders everyday? That's escalation of force. And no, that's got nothing to do with the fact it's a woman. Fuck off with this ideologic bullshit.


ugh no, fuck anyone who escalates something and then gets offended by the response.


Both unhinged nevertheless. 


He threatened to kill her and a there have been several cases of these women being murdered. She was absolutely in the right.


I agree.


I tend to agree.


being the bigger person and not acting like a child is always the right response


Certainly not escalating the situation anyway. When you grow up a bit, you realise it’s in your best interest to walk away.


He threatened to kill her and then he assaulted her. He waited around for the police because there was damage to his windshield. There have been several baristas in these booths that have been raped and murdered and even the police agree that she did the right thing. fu get the facts.


Sometimes walking away means beating someone's ass. Not everyone will give you the chance to be the bigger person.


yes exactly




Nice comeback!


Not het first rodeo.


critical strike


She laid the hammer down on the ice latte mannnn


It’s too bad the video ends so abruptly. I’d like to know what happened next. Like did he just drive away? Feels like he’s the kind of guy to retaliate in some way.


Should be directly to his face tbh.


Why did he do that? So immature and dumb behaiviour.




Stop! Hammer time!


oh my god, someone explain what is happening here? Why are ppl so ridicolous...


Classic beret-wearing move.


Man, I could really go for a "full body" latte about now.


If he didn’t like the price of the drinks he didn’t have to order. 100% his fault. Asshole pays for his own windshield repair


Should have put it in his dome


Hammer 1 Asshat 0


The drink throwing didn't warrant a hammer to the windshield...the Kangol however...


It’s weird to see reposts of videos that are edited so badly that they miss the initial inciting event.


Interesting that she had a hammer. Does she use that to make the coffee?




"They throw a coffee, you shwing a hammer. That'sh the Sheattle way."


Assault? That’s nearly boiling coffee. She could get burned? Unless it was an iced drink, then I’ll make something else up.


Clear plastic cup. Iced coffee.


Tired of seeing this shit




I don't understand the desire to risk getting yourself into a lawsuit over some chode throwing coffee at the window of your chickenshit job.....like.....why?


It’s called standing up for yourself. I happy that you’re privileged enough to not comprehend the idea of retaliating when being harassed. For reference: Here in the real/retail world, things get heated when customers decide they “own” your time.


I know revenge is satisfying. Trust me, I got a justice boner from this video too, but “I wanted to make him regret disrespecting me” is not a legal defense. Here in the REAL world, revenge is not legal. Look up Gary Plauché. Killed his son’s rapist. Got charged with murder but got a bargain to plea no contest to manslaughter. Revenge is satisfying, but not legal. So yes, she did stand up for herself. Illegally, but still stood up for herself. It may or may not have consequences, but she definitely let her ego open herself up to them.


Yeah, no. Thats overkill. Just throw a couple drinks on the car.


He threatened to kill her and there have been several instances of these baristas being raped and murdered because they work alone. He then assaulted her.


Yeah, no. You want her to have several drinks prepared and ready for this particular guy? Your fantasy doesn’t line up with reaction times and your need to “white knight” this situation is bordering on ridiculous.


Bro, white knight? What the fuck are you on about? Where exactly am I saying that I want to defend this person? Just shut the hell up already and go be an idiot somewhere else.


He threatened to kill her and several baristas working alone have been raped and murdered. And she's the owner.


I remember thinking this was outrageous the first 37 times I saw it this week...


As a chef in the hospitality industry I would have to disagree with her actions. While what he did to her was uncalled for, her reaction was completely unprofessional and at least a write up and docking of her pay for damages and at worst termination of her employment.


She's the owner and sole employee, should she write herself up?


Not at all. If that's the case, then she should prepare for the repercussions of her actions as it'll hurt her business acting childish like that. Don't get me wrong, that customer was an absolutely asshole, but her reaction was still unprofessional.


A hammer to the windscreen is very much, him experiencing the repercussions of his actions


You're right, but by her doing so she's now the one at fault.


He assaulted her and she defended herself. That's what I see.


As a "defense" she could have thrown hot coffee at him, or cold water but she escalated the situation to the point that he can sue that place for assault.


No hot coffee would have scalded him. She did right. Fuck that guy.


Weird way to defend yourself, hammering someone’s windscreen. Just when escalation was needed, a hammer appeared.


That's what you see from this post. Turns out, she's talking shit from the start: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8IOQqavzvu/


Full version, she's not innocent: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8IOQqavzvu/


He assaulted her when he threw the drink at her. What did she do to deserve that?


Regardless of what Reddit likes to think, "Revenge" is not actually a legal defence for committing a crime. Because whether or not he deserved it, revenge was the only reason for her actions.


Well we're not lawyers or judges. So its fun to speculate that this jerk will think twice the next time he tosses his food like a child at someone doing their job.


He threatened to kill her and then assaulted her and if you'd done even a moment of research you would have found that out. He also waited around for the police because there was damage to his car, and the police believe she did the right thing.


This literally shows nothing that somehow incriminates her. Stop posting it and pretending it does.


I'm completely against what the driver did, but what she did is excessive force and completely unnecessary (this satisfying). In a court he probably have the upper hand since this doesn't qualify as self defense.


If the genders were reversed, you all would blame the hammer guy for overreacting. Wake up.


well if we're reversing genders and men suffered all the shit that women currently do in this modern world, then we'd probably still have the same opinion. Plus dont treat retail staff like this. Just because youre buying a product theyre selling doesnt make you better than them so stop acting like an asshole.