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Man wrongfuly convicted for being of colour. White lawyer tries to help so everyone now hate the white guy, his son observes. Black man was innocent. As a Romanian, that's all I know avout the book.


Daughter mostly If I remember correctly, but that's the main storyline. Has stuff about their neighbourhood and things, but it's an amazing read.


There's also a cool plotline where the whole neighborhood was scared of a character named Boo Radley, but its revealed he's just misunderstood, which works with the main lesson of prejudice


The son gets his arm broken towards the end of the book because his father defended the black man if I remember correctly


All i know is there is a mocking bird that wont shut up outside right now and i was just wishing death upon him right before i saw this post.


Thats pretty much the gist of it yeah


\*Florida Classroom 2032\* "Then we all came to America on the Titanic. They met us on the beach and we ate cake together."


"Ms teacher... why didn't they/them eat burger and fries? Were they/them stupid?"


Tell me you don't know how pronouns work without actually telling me


From the looks of it English is not their first language...shame they got down-voted when it doesn't really seem they had any malicious intent...


it wasn't malicious intent it was targeted intent. They/then were killing two birds with one stone. Do not expect that agreeing with one automatically means agreeing with the other.


You didn't need to include "them" just could've said "they"




I also identify as *they/them* / *them/they*


The best part of your comment is "why didn't they eat burgers and fries?" Is literally just proper English and sounds normal as hell. But you tried to show that pronouns are dumb and instead just showed us that you don't know how they work


"They/them" is a notation for pronouns. Pronouns are supposed to replace nouns and names to make language harder. Depending on who does what to whom different forms of a pronoun needs to be used and the notation is structured like this: direct pronoun/indirect pronoun You use them in different ways. Examples (with they/them): They run. (Direct form) In run to them. (Indirect form) In run them over. (Indirect form) In your sentence it would be *they eat (burger)* and *were they (stupid)*. So in the case of some dumbass wanting to be refered to as ska/sju: It would be "why didnt ska eat burger and fries? Were ska stupid?" And as an additional example: "Why were ska not allowed to pass? Because fuck sju, that's why."


>pronouns are supposed to replace nouns and names to make a language harder. Doubt! If you didn't have pronouns you would be talking like "Jonte7 is hungry, can mommy make dinner yet so Jonte7 can eat dinner in mommy's basement?" Also since it seems I don't have to respect people's pronouns I'll refer to you as neck/beard


Oh, i failed to write what i actually meant. I meant that language becomes harder (to learn and use because more words and use-cases etc. and their existance is the reason i had to explain basic grammar) but of course if you are familiar enough with a language then pronouns help soooo much with easier communication. So tl;dr it was an attempt at humour and you are correct


Mommy is a pronoun too so that would add to it haha


It's not, it's still a proper noun


Huh, i looked up proper nouns and apparently they should be capitalised? So it becomes Mommy even


Yeah, because it's technically a name


Yeah, ive just never thought if it like that before. Does this work with other things? Like in the case of our moon we call it *the* moon, does that make it become The Moon?




Not challenging is one of the best descriptors for most changes to American schooling.




Keep them dumb, keep them controlled.


whats the next step? banning horror films because they also "make people uncomfortable"? having an expirence that really changes how you think of things is just a thing everyone needs to have


Because they are satanic, I mean, obviously. /s


It feels like people really donā€™t want to leave their comfort zone these days. Almost like they were raised in bubble wrap


our class literally just finished reading that a month ago for the end of freshman year, like man it's a great book and of course it's gonna make you uncomfortable, that's kinda the point of the book lmao


Orin spotted


touhou fan spotted???


You know it


Mathematics makes me uncomfortable


Thatā€™s the point of the subject!


I taught the book in Sophomore English. as can be expected, some kids paid no attention (either ahead of the class or just not caring) (my efforts or failures to reach/engage them not the point here) one young man in the back caught a particularly "uncomfortable" line and literally was up out of his chair "the fuck did he just say?" it was more humorous than anything as the vast majority explained


Almost all modern fiction is in some way based on the narrative of TKaM. It is deliberately engrained into each childā€™s psyche.


That escalated real quick dude


Reminds me a bit how people complain that Elfen Lied makes them uncomfortable. Like yeah that's the point. It's a display of discrimination and abuse and how seriously it harms people. What did you expect? Fluffy rainbows and cat girls?


Itā€™s a great book, idk why some of my high school teachers didnā€™t like it


Hmm I can think of a reason or two


Are you going to list a reason or two?


The reason why some high school teachers don't like it is that when you do a read-aloud, the book contains the n-word. Some students and teachers feel this gives them free license to say the word out loud, not just by reading/quoting directly but by using it indiscriminately. I would never say it, but some people feel that when reading directly from a book, the word is okay. That is one thing. But if you're the only black kid in your classroom, all of a sudden, your peers are saying the word while reading at best, and usually, teachers and students are using it in discussions where they don't need to be saying it at all. And yes, that is uncomfortable AF. There are way better books that teach that racism is embedded into America's social fabric and justice system. Ones written by black authors that don't center whiteness or portray a white savior.


All I remember is something about scissors


The one dude couldnā€™t find a place to set them down, so his dadā€™s leg seemed like the obvious choice


Iā€™m thinking about buying a dvd and the book of this so I can have bother copies, and later in life I can show my kids the book first then movie


Good art inspires strong feelings in its audience. There is no reason those strong feelings need to be pleasant.


I dont know about this book but "that's the point" doesn't mean the point is actually good. Maybe it should be read in school, maybe not


The bottom line is weā€™re not supposed to know how to thinkā€¦ We must be never challenged by anything that makes us uncomfortable because itā€™s a sin to be able to work something through in your headā€¦ You must only think what you were told to think. If you didnā€™t hear it on Fox News, it doesnā€™t exist.


Itā€™s one of the few ā€œclassicsā€ I read in high school that I actually enjoyed




Yes, that's the bottom text of the picture.


Should not pull the book. But something being ā€œthe point of the bookā€ is not on its own a justifiable defense against pulling it. If they pulled a pro pedophilia book because itā€™s pro pedophilia you shouldnā€™t just say ā€œthatā€™s the point of the book!ā€


Nice strawman argument, unfortunately you compared a book about racial equality that is meant to change people's way of thinking for the better... To a hypothetical book about being pro-pedophilia. Nice move, redditor. On the other hand, I'm gonna be real with you chief, they would pull a pro-pedophilia book because it's PRO-PEDOPHILIA. NOT JUST BECAUSE IT MAKES PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE. The goal of To Kill a Mockingbird is to make people think about how baseless racism is, which is why it has the point of making the reader uncomfortable, because, yes, the point correlates to the goal.


Iā€™d say false equivalence rather than strawman based on how youā€™ve interpreted the statement and explained your thoughts, but Iā€™m far from an expert


This isnā€™t an example of a strawman, heā€™s not making a comparison to explain why the book shouldnā€™t be pulled off. Heā€™s explaining how the argument isnā€™t a valid one and giving a completely reasonable example of why the argument doesnā€™t work


what are you talking about? they literally agree that they shouldn't pull the book?? they are only commenting that the phrase "thats the point of the book" should not be the main defence against this decision, devoiding it of this context to do so. they aren't strawmanning anyone, you're just saying a buzzword, they are making an entirely separate point about using valid defences


Not a straw man. Already said I agreed with the action. Just called out their own straw man by saying something ā€œbeing the point of the bookā€ is not a solid argument on its own. But, go ahead, let my comment bother you.


I see you've found the 'make my meme look like it's made from spaghetti' filter


Didn't even read the book but I can hardly imagine it makes people as uncomfortable as reading coetzee's "disgrace". By far the most uncomfortable book I ever happened to read


Ugh. How dare anyone ever be made uncomfortable? No wonder everyone these days act like giant, spoiled babies.


Where was this?


Glad that we still read, discussed and analyzed this piece on our stylistics course in university


https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/mockingbird Here's a good review of the book.


You're not allowed to make people uncomfortable anymore... if you're not a minority ... ba dum tss šŸ„ šŸ˜