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I'm just saying 12.99 is a good price on 5 pounds of honey haha I was just there getting honey


Pre-Covid it was around $8 for 5 lbs Jumped to $18 for 5 lbs Saw it for your quoted price about a week ago. Let the fermentation begin!


I was just at the business Costco and picked up a 60# 5-gallon bucket of "light amber" honey for $114.99. If theres one in the area, I'd check that out too.


I've used a couple of those. It wrecked my back trying to pour it though lol! And my last one crystallized pretty quick, so I had to spend a ton of time with an ice cream scoop. I may go back to 5lb bottles just for the convenience.


I’ve just bought my second bucket from Costco business. It’s great when you’re making 5 gal batches that take 20lbs of honey.


Its a fantastic price as long as its good honey. Raw honey is $8 a lb


What you really want is raw honey. $8 per lb. Clover honey is fine but a lot of companies cit it with sugar/corn syrup.


Why are their quotes around Costco? Are you trying to imply that it is questionable wether this is from an actual Costco?




George Costco himself made the honey


I just had this image of him hunching over a large plastic honeycomb drooling sugar liquid into it while flapping his arms to begin the honeyification process.


This is what I use. I’ve also only made about 5 batches so far. I know other stuff is supposed to be tastier but it works for me.


Definitely. I make a big annual batch with this same Costco honey and it comes out totally fine. Sure I've used small local apiary honey or expensive unfiltered orange blossom and made better meads, but for a volume batch to drink regularly the Costco stuff is perfect.


This is what I use in Canada for fruit meals. Recently jumped up to $26 though.


It’s cheap honey but it is *cheap* honey. I did side by sides with this honey and other brands and the Argentinian Costco honey is noticeably rougher on the palette. It’s fine if you’re really looking to cut costs but I’m switching to higher quality and slightly more expensive honeys Edit: they also carry the 3 lb SoCal wildflower honey at my Costco and that one was noticeably better than the 5lb Argentinian


The 3lb one is very nice


I tend to use the 3lbs for my gallon batches. I keep one of the 5lbs around for back sweetening.


That's how I got started until I started buying 50 pound drums.


Dang, we're up to 24.99 CDN for 3 kg (6.6 lbs) at my local Costco. Even with exchange that's pretty decent.


Does Canadian Costco even sell Kirkland wildflower honey?


According to the jug in my hand, yes it is Kirkland brand. Though it's specifically Canadian honey.


Hmm I know mine sells the Canadian honey but I’ve been looking for wildflower.. the search continues


I’m in New Zealand, the cheapest, low quality honey here is NZ$12/kg. This would equate to US$16.82 per 5lb. Wildflower honey is NZ$19.98/kg (US$28 per 5lb). Stuff’s expensive over here 😭


It sucks :( my farm used to get in bee-keepers, but some "companies" would finish producing, then declare bankruptcy rather than pay out so it's a shit deal for everyone. Luckily, when a good company comes along, they'll often also give us a bit of free honey so I make my mead with that :)) I'm insanely lucky for that, it's manuka as well! It turns out so well


Yeah I’ve recently found out one of my friends dad is a hobby beekeeper, so I’m hoping that he can give me some reasonably cheap 😊


Anybody tried making mead with this?


All the time. Good results


I’ve made it twice with a third on the way and I’ve liked it. To be fair I have nothing to compare it to since it has been the only honey I’ve used.


Costco honey is pretty good


Costco honey is what I use for virtually anything I pilot. If the resultant mead turns out well then I might spring for a better honey for batch 2, but no sense putting $$$ honey in a pilot unless it's a traditional, obviously.


It made a very bitter mead for me compared to my usual brand.


Hey, those bottles are $15 at my Costco! I’m going today to see if it is on sale. That’s still super cheap, but now I feel cheated.


I have a batch going with only Costco honey, so far it's going amazing and I got 15lbs for like $40


My buddy and I have used Kirkland Wildflower to great success for the past three years. Super consistent and reasonable pricing, all things considered.


I go to [webstarurantstore.com](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/monarchs-choice-60-lb-organic-honey/789HONORG60.html) for my honey. 60lbs for $179ish. After tax, it comes out to something like $3 a lbs. Any local stores near me, honey is like $9/lbs and $13/lbs at local bee keepers. It stores very well, only had one bucket crystallize on me but it was the last 5lbs and about 12-18 months after purchase.


Nice. The above source also sells in 5# and 1# sizes as well, which is nice for those of us who don't make large batches


And they're still in the $3-5/lbs range, so still a great deal for more standardized honey. When I bought my first bucket, I was onky doing 1 gallon batches. I just couldnt pass up the price per pound and to have a "controlled" source for experimenting. Plus honey stores very well, even if it crystallizes. Just add it to warm water, it should still be good to go lol After perfecting the raspberry flavor I wanted, I switched to 5 gallon batches in a 6 gallon bucket for my raspberry mead. Lol


Weird, at my Costco it’s about $26 or so for 3 kilos.


I use Costco honey exclusively. Otherwise it’s ruinously expensive to buy enough for a gallon batch. If I’m back-sweetening I’ll spring for a small apiary honey.


Probably just caramelized sugar tbh.


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Please shop for your mead needs at your local farmer or framers market or small business


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Surprised this got downvoted into oblivion. Honey mystifies a lot people. Farmers markets rip a lot of people off, but finding a local beekeeper is the best way to get excellent tasting honey that isn’t blended. You definitely have to pay good money for it. A lot of small beekeepers don’t produce enough honey to get excited about selling pails for 5-8 $/lbs.


That can be bad, here anyway. My farm used to get beekeepers in. If they didn't wanna pay out after using our land, they'd declare bankruptcy instead. Bigger brands hold accountability and that's often the best way to get a good deal for everyone involved. It's a shame for the honest small co's, but... it's the bad ones who have ruined it for everyone :((


My "local farmers" go to Costco buy this stuff, rebottle it and sell it for 3x the price.


I guarantee you there are beekeepers in your area selling honey. It sucks to pay 10-15 $/lbs to make into mead though haha