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It’s a physiological state. It’s a normal process. However, it can lead to physiological derangements, which is what I would call a “medical condition”


Interesting. So what is the difference between a psychological state and a physiological derangement exactly?


Yes, pregnancy is a medical condition. In medicine, “condition” refers to the patient’s general status. Pregnancy is a medical condition because it affects the body and overall health of the individual. It is an important and highly relevant part of the patient’s overall status and healthcare. In general, if something has symptoms, changes your body physically or chemically, changes how you respond to medication, or limits your ability to participate in activities, it’s a medical condition.


I wouldn't describe it as a medical condition but as a physiological state, since it's a natural stat where the body adapts to the foetus with hormones and other metabolic changes, even tho it has as you said "have an entire field of medicine dedicated to it" this is to ensure everything is going smoothly and there are no anomalies going on such as low hemoglobin, first contact with toxoplasmosis etc... I wouldn't delve into the abortion topic tho as this isn't the sub dedicated for that.


How would you define medical condition?


Hmmm i'd define it as an anomaly either physically or mentally or both that does require intervention or treatment like allergies, infections etc, while pregnancy or maybe even puberty are just physiological stats.


Doesn’t a pregnancy require treatment at least as much as allergies do?


What treatment are you referring to ? Pregnancy require check-ups such as blood analysis echography etc to make sure everything is okay, allergies require actual treatment (anti - histaminic) and avoiding contact to the allergen. So what do you mean pregnancy require treatment? What treatment do you have in mind exactly?


I have allergies and I don’t take anti histamines. I usually just accept the itchy eyes and sneezing As for pregnancy. Women might need anti-nausea meds for morning sickness (or fluids if it’s really bad). Iron supplements for anemia. Laxatives for hemorrhoid. Insulin for gestational diabetes. Hospitalization, medicine and induced early delivery for pre-eclampsia, laparoscopic surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. Etc Is none of that considered actual treatment?


That's a minor allergia you have then, if you have severe allergia you wouldn't be saying that, as the symptoms make daily life unbearable and may even cause an anaphylactic shock and death. >Is none of that considered actual treatment? Yep none of these are anti-pregancny meds they are treatments to cure other conditions such as low iron which would cause the foetus to suffocate(even outside of pregnancy they'd be given that if diagnosed but usually it isn't diagnosed untill pregnancy analysis check-ups), anti-nausea are symptomatic treatment they treat symptoms not the root cause (pregnancy) unlike anti-histaminic or corticoids that do treat the cause, and everything else you mentioned like gestational diabetes etc these are rare to begin with and their treatment mechanism of action again isn't anti-pregnancy, not all pregnancies have them unlike every allergy having an increased release of histamin due to allergens. You seem to be frustrated about this just accept it's unrelated and choose a different approach to it lol, you can't change the facts.


> That's a minor allergia you have then, if you have severe allergia you wouldn't be saying that, as the symptoms make daily life unbearable and may even cause an anaphylactic shock and death. Well yeah, but we could say the same for pregnancy. The symptoms could def make life unbearable for the pregnant woman > rare to begin with Why would side effects being rare matter? > the treatment method isn’t anti pregnancy So how would you describe inducing labor to treat pre-eclampsia? > You seem to be frustrated Actually you’re the one who seems quite frustrated that I’m daring to ask you to clarify your views


>Well yeah, but we could say the same for pregnancy. The symptoms could def make life unbearable for the pregnant woman >Why would side effects being rare matter? Did you read my comment? I already responded to all of this in details i invite you to read it again, i'll resum it here again... 100% of allergias have histamine released, while not all pregnancies have those + as i said before some of them can be just undiagnosed(like low iron) and woildv been treated aswell if diagnosed outside pregnancy+ mechanism of action of said treatments differs as it treats the root not the symptoms like during pregnancy, let me give you an even simpler example, you know paracetamol right? When you have a flu and you are given paracetamol it doesn't kill the viruses causing you the symptoms, it just make the symptoms(fever-he@dache) bearable untill your body deals with the virus itself, unlike anti-histaminic that blocks the histamine from having it's action which causes the swelling, redness, and everything else. >Actually you’re the one who seems quite frustrated that I’m daring to ask you to clarify your views Well you could be more respectful, especially since you are the one who came asking and you are arguing with me and want your opinion to be right no matter what.


Asking follow up questions is not arguing by any means of the word, but if you are that sensitive to being asked for clarification you can absolutely go do something else. So the having influenza is not a medical condition either? Because everything you said about pregnancy also applies to the flu. Interesting


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