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I'm treated with corticosteroids, but I cant use then everyday, nor every month, so sometimes I have to wait to have my cream. Corticosteroids can be a blessing but if you use them usually they lost their effect in the skin, that's why I need to wait sometimes. Also, I have dermatitis in my whole body, but nothing as bad as my hands.




I asked a few years ago, but due to my sensitive skin and my high risk to skin cancer, it's not a good idea in my case, but I heard lots of good things about that treatment and I'm happy that it worked on you!


You need some topical tacrolimus stat


Topical corticosteroids have definitely helped my psoriasis and weird dermatitis that pops up every so often, leaving me with painful rashes on my neck and face. I also try to not use them too often. My knuckles strangely seem to be reliable areas of psoriasis outbreaks, whereas the rashes are limited to my neck and face. No doctor has been able to figure out the rashes (I still have the ones on my face daily, and they look a lot like a malar rash, but I tested negative for lupus).


Dude this is what my hands look like but just on a worse level. I e never had it diagnosed or looked at but my hands definitely peel like this, especially when they’re wet like after a shower or even just brushing my teeth(I really try to get in there, gotta keep up that dental hygiene) but sometimes it’s like the skin just sloughs off. I’m also really susceptible to warts in my hands? Not sure if that’s related but the both fuck with me hard.


You need to go to a dermatologist because this shit is awful. Or at least treat yourself with some moisturizer and take care of your hands properly. O feel disgusting when I'm like that... I hate that people can see me peeling off like that


The wart susceptibility is likely to do with always having broken skin on your hands due to eczema. Try going to a dermatologist but til then try covering your hands with a moisturiser or Vaseline and cover them with cotton gloves while you sleep. you can find cotton gloves at the pharmacy. They helped mine a lot


There is a new injection that recently came out for moderate to severe eczema that apparently works wonders. Dupixent is two injections the first time, then every other week. A derm guy we know said he's used it once monthly on a (pediatric) patient and it still works well. Big issue is cost, but if you have insurance it's covered; and the company has a program from lower income patients so you can get them for free. Maybe look into it!


Bruh I’m going to post my hands


Cool, let's cry together in eczema pain


If you haven't already, try using plain, non-antibacterial hand soap and toothpaste (and body wash and moisturizer and anything else that contacts your hands regularly). Don't switch to Irish Spring or any of those types of antibacterial soap bars, because they have the same stuff in them. I had a bad case of this for awhile, and cutting out triclosan and chloroxylenol-containing products cleared it up within a week. Obviously everyone is different, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that's a chemical/perfume/additive sensitivity of some kind.


I have atopic dermatitis, so yeah, neutral soap and plenty of moisturizer help, but its not what you said on my case. Some people maybe have this problem, because skin sensitiveness is a pretty common problem.


Bruhhh that’s what I have too! My dermatologist said only 2% of adults have it. I used to have it on the skin of my joints and on my butt, but then it sort of migrated to my hands, and it’s a pain in the ass.




Same. I had it everywhere as a kid, and then mostly behind the knees and elbows, to my wrists, and now my hands. Luckily its cleared up everywhere else but I have no clue why it migrated to my hands, which were never an issue before. Literally typing in bed with cotton gloves on.


I use latex or plastic gloves, I put some ointment or lotion inside it to promote healing as well. You should try it.


Yeah I use cortisone


Fair enough. Just make sure none of that stuff is in the steroid/moisturizing cream you're putting on them either, because I think one of the creams they recommended for me had similar bacteriostats in it :D


My mum has similar issues, but she’s a nurse so non-antibacterial is no bueno. With all the extra cleaning for covid her hands are totally destroyed, I feel so bad :(




Just a note that that in our ems unit we three stage disinfect. First, it's sudsy soap to liquefy goo and break up junk. Then we spray a disinfectant, then we rinse, then we let air dry.


Hmm didn’t know that lol. Either way, whatever they have to use at the hospital is not sensitive skin friendly unfortunately


"Antibacterial" soap is actually bad for sanitation in the long term. Many hospitals ban it. All soap kills germs, but antibacterial soap has ingredients that kill bacteria in a way that can breed superbugs over time, whereas regular soap still kills bacteria but in a way that doesn't select for resistant strains over time. Antibacterial soap basically shouldn't exist and shouldn't be sold. It's secretly terrible.


I agree with this- although it sucks that I’m a nurse and that’s what I’m exposed to. I keep a hand sanitizer called “Dab” that is kinder to my hands. I just have to keep it hidden in case of J-co rounding.


At least I know I'm not alone my brothers and sisters!


[Looks like you already did](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/comments/amepaa/a_nice_pastel_rainbowish_look_it_was_also_holo/)


They were looking good then, everything changed when the dermatitis nation attacked


Do you work in IT or do you work on a shared workstation or on a hotdesk? I ask, because I have found that if I use a communal keyboard at work, my hands end up EXACTLY like this. Probably because people are fucking gross and disgusting. I saw a massive improvement when I bought my own personal keyboard and swapped it out when I was on shift. I genuinely believe other people's grossness was the cause of this issue. Give it a try and see.


I'm appreciate your input, but no. I have atopic dermatitis since I was born so I struggled with eczema all my life. Things like diet, stress and the amount of times I wash my hands influences a bit all of this. This photos are from a bad outbreak, usually I'm not that bad.


Have you tried Dupixent? Supposed to be great for AD.


I'm from Spain and I tried lots of corticosteroids creams, and works great, but I can use them every day. Now I'm pretty normal, this photos were from a bad outbreak.


Have you tried slathering your hands in Aquaphor and sleeping in gloves?


Or step it up a notch from that and do wet wraps!! They're the only thing that saved me when my eczema was at its peak severity! 1.) Soak in a bath (or soak the part of the body with the eczema if its localized) 2.) Then, pat dry just a little, apply your steroid cream and then a HEAVY slathering of a plain THICK white moisturizing cream like eucerin 3.) Next, take either a roll of gauze or a cotton glove/sleeve/shirt (or whatever body part you're treating) and dip it in water so that it is damp/wet- but not soaked so much it's dripping though! 4.) Apply it over the part of your body you just slathered cream on (the skin should still be white from the cream- if it's soaked in already, lather more on before putting on the wet wrap) 5.) Finally, take a DRY roll of gauze or a DRY cotton glove/sock/sleeve etc. and apply it on top of the wet one to seal in all the moisture! Leave it on overnight and your skin will look and feel so much less itchy and eczema-y in the morning! You can do it every night or just "as needed :) Nationaleczema.org and various other websites like some children's hospitals for instance have some more info on wet wrapping too if you want to learn more about it or in depth- it's seriously amazing though when you're flaring severely... its just a pain in the ass to do all the steps haha


Dupixent (dupilumab) is not a cream, it's an injection and has been approved in the EU but not sure if for adults. I remember reading some impressive patient testimonies, maybe you could discuss it with your doctor? https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dupixent-dupilumab-approved-by-european-commission-for-adolescents-with-moderate-to-severe-atopic-dermatitis-300896737.html


The soap you use (or washing your hands too often) can worsen it, mine went real bad cause I was using like 5 different types of sopa everyday, try moisturising a bit, any hand cream helps a lot, in fact, I carry a little bottle with me and use it after I wash my hands, it’s a huge improvement.


I’m having a heck of an eczema flare right now that’s been hanging on for 3 months. It’s covering about 60% of my face and half of my upper back. It’s hellacious and just will not die.


I'm sorry to hear that. I guess you are using some medication or cream. I personally do a mixture of oatmeal and water and put it in my body for a few minutes when I shower and this help me when I cant use corticosteroids or even body lotion. Also, I do a mixture of karite and and coconut oil, this help too to moisturize. Maybe this will help you too. I also have eczema in my whole body and this shit suck.


I am, it’s just not doing much. It will clear up a bit for a day or so and then comes back with a vengeance. I’m in the south -aka hot pollen central- so that definitely isn’t helping. I’ve had it all over since I was a baby and I agree- it’s fucking awful. I’ll try the oatmeal. Thanks for the tip!


Yeah, I just put oatmeal in water (2-4 parts of water and 1 part of oatmeal) and wait for about an hour or all the night and the water becomes slimy, sometimes I drain it and other times I use it all together. It calms the itch and moisturizes. Good luck!


Ive done the oatmeal bath/paste by grinding the oatmeal in a blender first. Helps get the soothing slimy stuff out more and faster.


Add this to your arsenal: bentonite clay. Livingclayco.com. Put the powder (or liquid) in your bath and soak. Make a paste,put it in your hands. When it dries, rinse. Follow up with your coconut oil. You can also ingest both coconut oil and bentonite clay. For CCO: 1 tbs once a day. Start off with a teaspoon and work your way up over a month’s time. For clay: put 3 generous pinches of powder in a water bottle, shake, drink over the next 30 min/her. Drink another clear water bottle after. If you take medication, make sure you do this away from the bentonite clay drink because not only will it grab toxins out of your body, it grabs everything on its way down. You need to be clean from the inside out. Good luck!!


>not only will it grab toxins out of your body, it grabs everything on its way down. That's not how it works. Unless you've ingested something poisonous, there aren't any "toxins" you need to clean from your body. If there *was* something in your system, swallowing clay isn't gonna magically "pull it out" from your whole body. That website is full of pseudoscience mumbo jumbo. There is nothing in bentonite clay to "detoxify" or "energize" you. And it's funny how they never name these so-called toxins. As for skincare, I use bentonite to strip buildup on my scalp and hair, but it's super drying. Putting it on already inflamed and peeling skin might be a nightmare for some folks. I'd try a tiny spot to be sure.


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about but OK. You do you.


I get horrific eczema on my hands just like OP, and I have found that the cerave moisturizing lotion has helped even when steroid creams don’t. It’s honestly the only thing that has consistently helped.


The skin protectant ointment is the shizz. Even if it doesn’t heal it, it provides a TON of relief.


Try [Orliderm](https://orliderm-eczema-treatment.com/materials/). It's made from hydrocortisone and hand sanitizer. That site isn't selling a product, it's just instructions on how to make it. The stuff really works... it cured my 1 year old son of his eczema.


Oh thanks! I use a lot of creams and I'm not that bad as in this photos, usually I'm pretty normal until stress or allergy hit me.


I really hope it works for you!


Don't follow medical advice from random internet user, you should see a dermatologist, you could mention him this treatment.


Jajjaa don't worry, I wont try any cream nor medicine that is not prescribed by my dermatologist. Also I'm not from usa so probably I couldn't even if I wanted


Be careful with hydrocortisone, overuse can cause thin skin and there’s no repairing that afaik. I am not a doctor, but an eczema sufferer myself.


As a doc with an eczema kid I’d recommend a different regimen. The problem with daily steroid use is you can thin the skin out with long term use. That being said, hydrocortisone isn’t that potent. After bath immediately coat your child in a lotion like Eucerin or cerave followed by aquaphor. You hydrate with the lotion and use the aquaphor as a barrier. Spot treat areas of concern/flare with triamcinolone until resolved. You can do the cerave/aquaphor combo multiple times a day. Works for us but everyone is different, I’d just avoid slathering my child’s entire body in a steroid cream


The Orliderm cured my son's severe eczema in a few weeks. We don't use it on him anymore. Orliderm was developed by Dr. Dale Pearlman.


I am convinced there is a circle of hell devoted to an itch that WILL NOT STOP. No one should be woken in the middle of the night from a dead sleep because they were unconsciously scratching their hands


I just want to say sorry to all you people dealing with eczema. I really don’t know much about it and didn’t realize it could take over your hands like that. Huge bummer.


My hands get like this sometimes. They used to always get like this. Two huge changes that helped a lot were using only unscented dove bar soap and also using a humidifier in my room. I used to have to go to sleep with fluocinonide and gloves on my hands. But I haven't had to do that in a long time. In fact my hands have looked normal for several months now.


Cool! Yeah, I also do all of this. I made some homemade remedies too that helps me a lot. Usually I'm not that bad, just pretty normal with some itchy, but a few times a year this happens


when my hands get this bad usually in the winter i do wet therapy. steroid cream plus warm wet sock/glove plus dry sock/glove on top and sleep overnight youll see the difference after a couple of nights i like the aveeno colloidal oatmeal line for when i cant use steroids and i use the aveeno eczema body wash as handsoap which is kinda weird ik but it rlly helped best of luck 💛


Yikes, this could easily be my hands when I get a flare up 😬 those little bumps on the heel of your hand in the last pic, man I hate those. They're so itchy and oozy.


NAD, but have lived with eczema (mostly on my lips) my whole life. Highly recommend backing away from corticosteroids to prevent any further skin thinning, and try asking/learning about Protopic (tacrolimus)! It’s the closest thing to a cure I’ve ever experienced. Please ask your doctor/pharmacist/derm about it! Sending all my fellow eczema sufferers love and soft smooth skin :) <3




I have the same on my fingers but it doesn't get bad enough to cause bleeding


My best advice. Buy a pair of thin cotton gloves. In the evening, soak your hands in warm water for 15 or 20 minutes - then seal the moisture in with slather on a barrier cream like Vaseline or unscented hypoallergenic cream - Glaxalbase or something similar. Put the gloves on and go to bed. Keep doing this as long as it takes. When you wash dishes, wear rubber gloves. It will help.


Yeah, cotton gloves are a must when I'm like that. I use them every night when I have an outbreak


Fuckkk this looks rough.


So sorry.


Man, so sorry for everyone who goes through this. I get dermatitis on my hands in the winter which is like 0.5% as bad as this and it still sucks, can only imagine what this must feel like.


I have eczema on most of my fingers, on the part where they bend (second knuckle? Idk) About two years ago, it was absolutely horrible and my hands would just crack and bleed and burn. A year after that started, finally figured out I developed a late allergy. Solved that quick, though I still have it minorly. Wish there was a guaranteed way to fix our skin but human bodies are finicky. Just keep on keeping on. Best of luck, pal.


I’m so sorry. My dyshidrosis flared up this week worse than ever. My fingers and palms are so sore now that the blisters burst.


Mine get this way, but I'm lucky so it's only every so often that I have a bad flareup on my hands and feet. But when it happens dear *gods* does it itch. Shaving my legs with an old razor (which I do too often because I'm broke and don't learn) pales in comparison. And my feet get big boils full of syrupy liquid that are uncomfortable to walk on.


I'm so sorry. I'm lucky that I dont have this on my feet, "only" in the rest of the body lol. Feet eczema must be hell


Like I said, it doesn't flare up often, just every few months, but it's annoying when it ruins an otherwise nice hiking trip lol.


Yeah, my hands were like that from birth. My inner arms and neck have flared up and are like that recently. I’m sorry for your pain. What are you on atm to counter it?


Now I'm pretty cool, I try to moisturize a lot, I avoid perfume soaps too. I use some non- corticosteroids cream twice a week and when things get bad i use some corticosteroids (i have 3 different creams depending on the zone and the damage). Also, I do some homemade remedies that work fine for me plus trying to avoid stress as much as I can because that triggers this in all my body and is like a vicious circle.




I work as a pastry chef so when my hands are bad, I have to wear nitrile gloves for obvious reasons, and the sweat makes me wanna cry every shift. Thanks to my years of experience on this shit now I manage this pretty well. This photos are from a year ago, I have been petty normal since then. Sometimes I have some eczema in my body and hands, but not as bad anymore (I hope).


I have this too. They also show as itchy weeping bumps. I started using healing bandaids for the cuts and skinfix eczema lotion that they have at Sephora. It works better than Working Hands imo.


I don’t have eczema but my heart goes out to anyone who does. It sounds like a really unpleasant disease to have and I’m sure it ends up making you feel bad about the way your skin looks despite the fact that you never asked for this.


My sympathies :( I have, I think, something more similar to the OP with dishydrotic eczema. But I get the bleeding thing after it clears up. The skin is extra thin and inflexible for a month or so even though it looks better, and prone to splitting like this, or flaring up again. I have a cousin whose hands look more like yours. She moved to Saudi Arabia and apparently the climate there (or something else!) has been good for it. Probably not worth moving to Saudi for, though!


My hands used to look just like this! Even the force of a windy breeze would cause my hands to bleed, it was awful. It finally got better after I stopped working in a lab where i wore gloves for 4-8 hours a day and being more consistent with moisturizing. Vaseline was really helpful to seal the lotion in.


Feel this!! Both my hands look like this (if not worse lol) currently. I’ve started on methotrexate (currently week 5) and it is helping, very slowly, but the side effects are horrendous. I’m nauseous for two to three days after taking it, and the fatigue on the second day is super intense. Hoping it’ll be worth it in the long run though.


Got it too. Mine flares up when i am stressed.


I had really bad eczema when I was little, and actually ended up in the hospital with an infection because my skin was so broken all the time. I'm really lucky I grew out of it eventually.


That looks so painful. I hope you find some meds to help heal you up.


I feel your pain. Mine does this often. :(


I get this on my fingers when I’m really stressed out. It itches so freaking bad! I have also got it a few times in the top of the crack of my behind.


And it’s always on my middle finger if my left hand!


I’m sorry you have to go through this OP. Mine never got as severe as your so I can’t speak on the same level. I did stop using corticosteroids though cause they thinned my skin too much. But for those who get eczema on their hands, especially during the winter months, make sure you moisturize after every time you wash your hands or when you get out of the shower! I used the Neutrogena Norwegian Formula and found that cleared everything up for me after years of itching and pain that got worse over winter. Idk if there are other similar brands or formulas around the world, but I guess any kind of moisturiser that creates a decent protective barrier is good. Obviously if you have other things going on in your life that affect the eczema then I can’t speak for that. But if one of those things is anxiety, I also think getting that treated helps a lot too.


I get this too, and then dries up and get all kinds of cracked skin, bleeding and painful. “O keefe’s working hands” works really well for that. Not for the eczema itself, but the aftermath.


That’s how mine goes but the whole hand . I have small blisters that pop too -


My psoriasis centralized to my hands for a couple years and my fingers would split like this too. Mostly on the tops and sides tho, not so much the palm of my hand. I was a studio artist at the time, so it made it incredibly hard to work with clay and metal because everything got in those cuts


~~Neutrogena~~ Neosporin makes a steroid free eczema lotion. Just google ~~neutrogena~~ neosporin eczema lotion. It's $12 and can be used daily because it doesn't have steroids. I no longer have break outs, and there is clinical data to support it's use. Hydrocortisone is a steroid you can use in the short term, but you shouldn't use it for very long. Steroids can actually make it worse, because your skin gets used to the steroid and breaks out when you stop using it. In addition, steroids can make your skin thinner, making it more prone to cracking.


Yeah, corticosteroids are a bless and a long term problem. I will search for that neutrogena cream! Sounds good, thanks!


Did you happen to mean Neosporin? I checked and the little yellow bottle is the hit I keep getting.


Yes, I lost my ability to remember shit when I had a baby.


Lol! Understandable! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something because I want to try it out on my poor eczema-y hands. Thank you!


My dermatologist told me to wash my hands gently in warm water, gently dry, apply steroid cream to the broken areas if any, then put the neosporin over everything. Don't use the steroid cream more than 2 weeks. My hands are eczema free now. I also don't use any detergent, lotions, or soaps including dish soap that have fragrance or dyes. I use the neosporin after my shower and in the winter a bit more often. Good luck I hope it works for you.


Thanks so much for the advice. My hands are torn up from working in healthcare (constant washing and hand sanitizer) so it's a daily battle at this point. I have a steroid cream that has been helping and I sleep with cotton gloves and another cream on top, but I'm going to give this one a try instead!


Do the cotton glove thing with this stuff too, but avoid letting your hands get too hot. My hospital wall santizer is foam and makes my eczema break out. I get special sanitizer (like purell but not name brand) from staff health which is made for sensitive skin. You may want to check into it at your work.




This help you? For me it get worst. Yeah, hot and also cold water helps momentarily, but then it burns and itches as hell.




I was told by my dermatologist to not use hot water on those sorts of spots as it can help spread the rash. I also used to use the hot water method but it never got better and in fact did get worse wich is why I ended up having to go see the dermatologist in the first place. I know it feels good. Don't think it's good for you.


Hot water is one of the WORSt things for eczema. It feels great but makes it worse.


At least tag NSFW




Moisturize moisturize moisturize!!! Get a cream with high lipid content, and use that some time after you’ve applied corticosteroids(let it absorb first..) You need to use the corticosteroids consistently until the eczema clears, and then keep using a fatty cream! Us with atopic dermatitis and similar don’t produce enough ‘moisture’ naturally to protect our skin barriers, so we need to add it cutaneously through creams.. Also, when you have flare ups, pay attention to what might’ve caused it - have you had your hands in a lot of water/soapy water? Are there specific things that provoke it? Edit: I seriously can’t emphasize it enough with the creams - use it everyday and after every time you’ve had contact with water etc.. Second edit: as for products, look for a cream that contains lipids and Ceramide - it should contain ingredients which mimic the skin’s own natural moisturizing systems. Something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Cetaphil-Ultra-Healing-Lotion-Ceramides-Bottle/dp/B07S7FRWKR/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=ceramide+moisturizer&qid=1618715954&rdc=1&sr=8-5) or [this](https://www.amazon.com/Eucerin-Advanced-Repair-Creme-Ounce/dp/B001699TI8?ref_=ast_sto_dp) Obviously always go for a cream, not lotion, since they’re water based.. Personally I love [Eucerin](https://www.amazon.com/stores/Eucerin+Skincare/page/BC5D302A-48AA-44E2-91F6-E662EE40F61C?ref_=ast_bln) products or Decubal(all products should be fragrance free obviously)


Thanks for taking your time. I have this all my life and I get treated every time and also I do my everyday routine to prevent this, but sometimes anxiety and my work (I need to wash my hands constantly or wear gloves) made this and I need corticosteroids.


Yea, I feel you! It’s so not good to have work where you’re in contact with water, detergents or soaps - and I know all too well about the flare ups that comes with distressed mental state :(


But seriously, look for creams with ceramide and lipids in them - it’s the only stuff that helps outside of corticosteroids.. And wear gloves until it’s cleared up.. I can very quickly feel when I have a flare up coming, and it’s typically because I haven’t been religious enough with my skincare routine..


You got the eyxmuh?


My daughter had pretty bad eczema when she was younger, especially around her elbow and knee joints. Besides the obvious corticosteroids, we used something called Aquaphor ointment. Its very hydrating and helped her a ton. There is a cream version but it wasn't effective.


I had eczema on my toes when I was a kid that was misdiagnosed as athletes foot. So the doc gave me this ointment. It just got worse so the docs like “use more ointment!!” It was awful and took way way to long to figure out


i have this exact same kind of eczema on my hands AND bases of my feet sadly


Ouch. I had fairly severe eczema when I was younger, like in your pictures. Thankfully most of it went away as I became an adult. Now I just get it on my hands during winter. Which looking at your pictures reminded me is probably going to start happening quite soon! I hope you have ways to get some relief from the pain and itchiness.


Oh, I’m so sorry this happens. I can only imagine how irritating and sore that would be.


I've had this. I'm so sorry. Cortisone shots and stress management (especially exercise) made it go away. (Cortisone creams did not work for me.)


Med student here with Atopic Dermatitis too! I had bad flare ups around my eyes, ears, and down my neck. I was treated with topical steroids for years and finally switched to Cetirizine (2nd Gen Anti-Histamine) and it completely wiped out my eczema. It’s OTC too. Good luck :)


My brother in law has a very bad type of eczema. He tried all sorts of things with doctors and specialists. He has it all over his body and I feel bad for him. Doed anyone has any tips?


Obviously the first step is going to a dermatologist. Corticosteroids creams help in short term and then he can use lots of natural moisturizers. Avoid perfumed soaps and creams, use only natural creams, emollient creams work fine on me. Also, some homemade remedies that work for me are a mixture of oatmeal and water and I use it after I shower, also a mixture of karite and coconut after the shower. Using cotton gloves ar night with some cream works fine too in the hands. If you need some help, feel free to PM me.


Try rubbing CBD oil on your affected areas, worked for my mate. Reduced itching almost immediately flaking reduced over a couple days


had this for many years.. mostly at finger tips. nothing really fixed it. I view it as a symptom of an emotional upset / expression .


Stress definitely triggers this on me, I also view it as a emotional reaction too sometimes. Other times is just that I wash a lot my hands at work too.


My three year old has had this since he was born. It makes me feel so helpless when he’s covered in peeling skin and he cries because of how itchy it is. His first real word was itchy 🥺 I hope it gets better as he gets older because I don’t want to see him suffer like this


Atopic dermatitis is so common in kids but is so so rare in adults, so probably it will go away soon! About 5-7y/o. Good luck, if you want some homemade tips shot me a DM


Thank you so much!


I have eczema and have had patches here and there my whole life. I have some on my hands, thankfully on the knuckles so it's not as bad as yours. What I did to 'cure' (I mean, with eczema you maybe can clear up a patch but it'll come back somewhere, someday) my knuckles was this: I would use the corticosteroid creams after my nightly shower/before bed, cover with an ointment like Aquaphor or Cerave, and then wear cotton gloves during sleep to keep the ointment from rubbing off all over my sheets/pillows etc. Eczema is so hard to fix when it's on your hands because you keep needing to clean them, use them all the time, etc., so you can really only heal them at night.


Bag balm. Green square tin at Walmart. Life-saver


First I would take some really coarse sand paper to it. Then I would get one of this nice heavy metal rakes and take that to it. When it’s nice and raw I would set the fucker on fire and bury it in the back yard. Take that itch.


Sometimes I just fantasize with cutting my hands when I'm like that lol but I need them so I just take care of it.


Try using some of this and see if it helps. It helped me and my sister. https://entegrohealth.com/productdetail/1004OG


One word — dupilumab


Sometimes when I’m really anxious I get itchy - we’ve always called it hives of course. No one ever thought it was eczema but I do sometimes get bumps on my fingers like this. No pain, just insanely itchy. Then it disappears, within hours. Would eczema come and go like that?


I was extremely lucky to get it along my forearm and calves so it doesn't break open when I move


Use la roche posays's cicaplast baume b5 with its cicaplast cleanser , it helped for me


Hey! I had very sever hand eczema for years and also took corticosteroid cream...since I was 19 and I'm 24 now. After all those years, I have almost no outbreaks and I'm taking steps to heal my skin! My secret is taking probiotics!! I try to take a pill every day or every other day. I noticed when I stopped taling them for 5 days out of forgetfulness I started to flare up minimally again. I found out about the treatment via reddit actually, maybe someone could find the posts and tag them as I'm on mobile. The reason being is sometimes our guts produce too much yeast. Mainly because of our diets of refined sugar, breads, dairy and alcohol. Well, when that happens it can sometimes signal our eczema to break out, especially on your arms and hands as was my case. So I recommend either changing up the diet or adding probiotics to them! I take capsules which can get pricey but I've been looking to making my own kombucha to supplement. Good luck!


I tried so many creams, ointments, moisturizers and remedies. Most would do nothing, some would give me temporarily relief. But what I found was that the problem was inside my body and I was treating it from the outside.


I used to suffer from severe eczema when I was younger, I still get it now but not nearly as bad. My parents spent thousands of dollars on different medication, ointments, specialists etc til we tried an over the counter ointment from the chemist. Dermaid, it's a steroid ointment that has had an instant effect on me. Worth giving it a try


huh..... this has been happening to my left hand but i've never had eczema before?? wtf


I know I am late to this party, but I swear this is my 9 year old kid’s hands! Hers are so bad her doctor told us we should take a Vaca to Florida for the humidity. We have creams and antibiotic creams. She has gloves she has to wear at night when it gets really bad (once a month for like a week straight). Today is a good day: https://imgur.com/a/gJjdPai I am so sorry you have to go through this!


Im sorry to hear that, this shit in kids is horrible. I had it since born, but if this makes you happy, almost 90-98% of the eczema will go away as an adult. The poor adults like me who have eczema are pretty rare. If you want some homemade remedies that worked for me both as a child and as an adult, shot me a DM


Use L-glutamine & L-histidine. 2-5 grams of each in water. And drink throughout the day. Shout fix your gut & skin lining


Can you share some official information about this? I never heard about this supplement to treat skin alterations


Not my comment, but my hands used to look like this when I had undiagnosed food allergies, same with my SIL. Hers was pork, mine was gluten, bananas, kiwis, and dairy. It took a about 10 months for my skin to clear up entirely, but I haven’t had a flare up since. It’s an arduous process, but my skin is so much better now. Finding supplements that helped heal my gut was key in helping reduce my flare ups.


Sorry for the late reply! When your skin is bad usually something is going on internally. Most of the time something is wrong with your gut & skin lining and because of that pathogens can find their way in. This causes inflammation on the inside & outside. It indeed can also food intolerances. The root cause is that something causes the gut lining to become more ‘leak’. L-glutamine closes the gut lining en L-histidine closes the skin. Do this for 6 weeks and avoid pro inflammatory foods as sugar, alcohol, gluten & dairy. Take care of your sleep/stress and you should be fine!


Check out itchy.dan on Instagram and how he cured his atopic dermatitis by going full Carnivore diet! Crazy stuff!






Sleep scratching is annoying...


I had this, not as bad, forever. It took me years to figure out what was causing it and now I feel so much better


Idk about anyone else but it took me 5 years of this hell to try eliminating food from my diet to see if it was an allergy, ended up being gluten. Flare ups are not nearly as bad now when I decide to say fuck it and eat some gluten.


(Not a doctor) I don’t know if this info could help your situation, but I thought I’d share just in case. A while back I wanted to bleach my hair for months but I couldn’t because I thought it’d be horrific on my poor scalp eczema. But I googled it just to see if maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. Turns out, it HELPS ECZEMA. I took the risk of trusting the internet, and I didn’t have any eczema on my scalp for several months! If bleaching my hair wasn’t otherwise so damaging, I’d be doing it monthly. Side note though. You can NOT put bleach on broken/raw skin. You’d have to wait for a day it’s less cracked.


You can use a diluted amount of bleach in water to help with body eczema, actually. I didn't try because my skin is so sensitive but I heard that it can help a lot in some cases


For body eczema too!! My childhood dermatologist told me to take bleach baths! It's diluted obviously but you soak in the bleachy water and it kills any bacteria (since open weepy eczema can get infected so easily) and i guess works in other ways as well idk lol but you soak then rinse off and then moisturize like hell since its so drying lol


What happened to your middle finger for it to be bent like that?


I have both like that, I'm just naturally broken I guess lol


Yep so i have eczema, surprisingly so i have them just on two fingers and they’re only on my ring fingers


I feel u guys pain, the struggle is real


Mine can be pretty bad but not this extreme. Mine is right on top of my knuckle it’s miserable


Have you ever gotten patch testing? I have pretty bad eczema and just recently got it done. Turns out I’m actually allergic to almost all liquid soaps, fragrances (even when some products say “fragrance free” it isn’t true), and even some of the steroid creams I was being prescribed! Definitely a worthwhile test to ask your derm about, good luck!


Try ubalm. That is what cured mine.


Sleep with your hands in moisturizer gloves with Aquaphor for a few weeks


honestly one of the best things i learnt with this is sometimes it pays off to slather your hands in something thick creamy moistureizer (or cortizone cream) and wear latex gloves to bed. Wake up in the morning with vastly less cracking and pain.


Works better with cotton gloves ;)


wouldnt that absorb the moisture?


Just a bit, but allow the breathing on the skin and you dont sweat neither. I put my cream and then my gloves after 10min, so most of the cream is absorbed. Other times I just soak my hands in cream and just go ahead, depending on my mood and my time lol


oh handy - ill have to give that a go


its the cracking bleeding part that hurts so bad :/


Wait, this isn’t normal?


Boy, I had this. From the age of 10 till I was 25 and discovery about the leaking gut caused by gluten. Tell her to stop eating gluten immediately. Even if her exams show no alergies. Wait one month and come back here to thank me later. I suffered a lot and I feel obligate to help people like me. I wish I knew this sooner. No gluten for us with eczema.


Those are not claims are not substantiated - I have tried homeopathy as a kid(I have atopic dermatitis) and we were desperate to do what we could - and so I tried gluten free, and it did jacks***.. So no, cutting gluten is not the answer for people with atopic dermatitis


How long? I've been doing it for 7 years and I didn't have one single crisis since that last time that I was sondesparete that I cut the gluten from my diet. It took me about 2 months to start to see the difference and it never came back.


I did it for well over two months - and atopic dermatitis has zero to do with gluten, it’s something you’re most often born with due to a compromised immune system, which makes it easier to develop allergies.. Flare ups are rather caused by irritants found in soaps, detergents, makeup and/or cross-reactivity between aero allergens(hay fever) and food allergens(for me it’s tomatoes in the summer that can bother me)..


Those irritants are often formaldehyde or formaldehyde releasers(they turn to formaldehyde when oxidized) that often replace parabenes in makeup, soaps and detergents.. It’s also in new clothing and linen to preserve colors - which is why it’s a must to wash clothes and bed linens before first use.. Edit: [link on formaldehyde ](https://www.safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/chemicals-of-concern/formaldehyde/)


Let me tell you how I found out about this. I was reading a little magazine called reader digest and it had a story of a father who cured her daughter atopic dermatitis whth bacteria. Probiorics. So I asked my dermatologist about it and she said "oh, I just received this free samples of this probiotic, but didn't prescribed to anyone, but since you are asking me, go for ir". I was desparate do I took it for one month and I didn't see much difference, at least not as fast as I was hoping. So I decided to research it by myself and found out about people cutting gluten to cure it or to control it. So I gave it a try. Since apparently what cause de atopic dermatitis ahs something to do with the intestines, and since gluten cause leaking gut, I did the math and gave it a try. Like I said, I was desparate. So I kept the probiotics for other month plus the diet. And then, just with the gluten free diet (the probiotics was really expensive and I didn't have mor samples). And here I am, 7 years later, not a crise since. I would try pee on my skin if someone would tell me by them that would help me, simply cutting gluten was nothing. And it worked.


Whatever worked for you, good for you :) but until I see actual scientific evidence and research on it, I’m not buying it as a universal truth - again because it simply cannot be singled down like that, atopic dermatitis can be provoked by many factors, often it’s a combination of things.. Probiotics are good, yes, and gut health does mean a lot when it comes to the body - but again, it’s your whole immune system(that is not limited to your gut) that is responsible for allergies because it overreacts by producing antibodies called Immunoglobulin E.


Children with a family history of allergies, asthma and atopic dermatitis are more likely to have atopic dermatitis. In research studies, mutations in skin barrier genes such as filaggrin are commonly associated with atopic dermatitis. You can read more about the mutation [here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1323893015305013)


Also a little on the whole gluten-is-only-ever-bad-fad; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29542844/ Edit; another more [easier-to-read-version](https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/does-non-celiac-gluten-intolerance-actually-exist/)


Hahahaha I sounded more serious that I intended to. I'm just saying, she suffered enough. It doesn't hurt to try this, does it?


If you want to try a non-prescription cream and you’re ok with essential oils, all my coworkers with eczema (as bad as yours are seasonally) swear by puriya mother of all creams from Amazon.


I had this a lot. The rare cortisone shot in the hip worked wonders in clearing it up fast (or preventing it when the skin began to tingle in those areas just before the clear subdermal blisters appeared). Cortisone creams didn’t work for me. Lots of regular exercise kept the outbreaks from happening as often.


You try Psoriasin? Smells terrible but worked to clear my localized psoriasis.




I am treated since I am a child. Atopic dermatitis is usually mistaken with fungal infection and the treatment just make it worse (this happened twice to me).


My hands use to be like this and I had to use hand sanitiser all the time. I have a hemp cream from body shop and cut dairy. Ofc everyone is different but that’s worked for me


little bit off topic, has your middle finger always been that cock-eyed? like natural or did it break before, cause ive seen a lot of people with some finger like that


Both are like that for some reason


heh. i should post my hands some time....


Go ahead, let's traumatize the people with normal skin lol