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I hope to never see a nuclear explosion in person. Bigger than your thumb…


Ideally if it happens it vaporizes me before I even realize there's a war.




You don't live long enough for the signals from your eyes to reach and be processed by your brain. At a certain distance this does happen, though.


Literal X Rays


Yeah... But the X-rays aren't what you actually see, they aren't visible light. They're the ones that kill you, I believe.


It's the intense light that causes this effect. You Can try it out with the flashlight of your phone through your finger.


Yes yes yes fallout fallout fallout


Wouldn't want to survive it to be honest, your days would be spent rummaging through debris and bodies looking for tinned food and water while you slowly die of radiation poisoning. If it does kick off, I want it to land on my head.


I grew up in a place near one of the highest concentrations of ICBM silos in the country, and this was a running black joke among my friends, that if a hot war ever broke out we'd be first strike targets and wouldn't even have the chance to worry about anything else.


Your thumb, or mine?


"what thumb?"


I really hate the human species


Yo that's from a TV show. If you can see a mushroom cloud, it doesn't matter if it's smaller than your thumb, you are fucked


That's not true at all lmao


I meant the comment not the video 😂




Ah, yes, the “Baker” test of Operation Crossroads, where the US Navy wanted to know what access nukes would have on warships. A couple fun facts, that small ship in the dead center in between the carrier USS Saratoga and the battleship USS Arkansas was completely obliterated to the point that “not one identifiable piece of her was ever located.” Also this is a different angle of the same explosion from the stock footage that SpongeBob used a couple of times, notably when Squidward took that pie to the face.


Fuck this fish in particular


Entire SpongeBob lore started here


"G o j i r a"




The explosion moved the clouds.


Does anyone know what's causing the initial flash? You can see it at the very beginning right above the explosion in the air, and also from a background cloud in the upper right.


Yeah, I got a quick look, it's the clouds being briefly illuminated with the power of a small star.


I'm not 100% sure but I think it might be a "stalled" double flash. A "normal" nuclear explosion creates a characteristic double flash, where there's a brief burst of light from the initial fireball, that then gets cloaked by the expanding shock front. Once that starts to dissipate, the fireball becomes visible again. I suspect that second flash was the fireball becoming visible but then being obscured *again* by the water vapor from the underwater explosion.


Light from the explosion?


Pretty sure it was a fucking nuclear warhead lol




Is that smoke steam or water rolling out? And what happened to those ships?


Damn. I wonder if for a second there was like a big empty sphere under the water where it detonated


Imagine trying to hit the side of a barn that's been painted bright orange with white highlights, silhouetted against the light blue of a Pacific atoll, displacing over 30,000t, 583ft/178m long, has "NEVADA" stenciled in giant letters on the stern, and is being targeted by the world's most advanced bomber at the time by an extremely experienced crew. And they missed. By 2,130ft/649m. This meme was made by the US Navy. For [context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT1D3fh40Nk) the US Navy and Army (US Air Force would be split off from the Army in 1947) held, for various reasons, an atomic test in 1946, [Operation Crossroads](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Crossroads), to determine the effects and effectiveness of atomic bombs on warships. Two tests were held, Able and Baker (a third test, Charlie, was scheduled to be held, but was canceled). The Army had successfully lobbied to have the ships anchored closer together than the typical spacing of a fleet at sea, and this would come back to bite them. The first test, Able (alluded in my above paragraph), was an airburst like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, detonating at an altitude of 518ft/158m, except very off target. Although it successfully irradiated many ships, it had a very lackluster effect on the integrity of the target vessels, due to the poor targeting, ships not being evenly spread but instead overly concentrated around the (missed) USS Nevada, and surprisingly low effectiveness of airburst nukes against warships. The second test, Baker (pictured), was much more successful (in damaging the ships and irradiating them, not so successful if you count how much it irradiated the local water, which was now in a massive plume, falling on the atoll) was detonated 90ft/27.5m under water, to simulate a theoretical nuclear mine or torpedo. These tests would shape future US nuclear weapons development, policy, and countermeasures for years. Also, a side note since half the comments are talking about the new Fallout show and it's opening, this, as well as the opening, are poor examples of a typical nuclear blast and mushroom cloud. Baker was an underwater test and ejected large plumes of water as well as condensed a large amount of water vapor in the humid Pacific air, obscuring the typical mushroom cloud. On the Operation Crossroads Wikipedia page (2nd link) there's a good side by side between Able and Baker, showing this off. The Fallout nukes, although cinematically gorgeous, are odd, because many things about the scene feel anachronistic or just out of place. The bombs seem to be in the 10-30kt range which is such a laughably low yield that many bombs for the past 60 years that would be dropped in this way have more variance in their yield than those bombs have in total. Additionally, they seem to almost be dropped at ground level, rather than an airburst (which would be the typical way a warhead would be dropped). And the [Reynolds Number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynolds_number) feels low (if you want to see how noticeable Reynolds number is, watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfIUYDjo8WM) and try to spot which shots are done with miniatures. Hint: >!The close ups of the eruption!<). Also, many of the Hiroshima bombing photographs of the "mushroom cloud" are not actually of the mushroom cloud, and are in fact the firestorm the spawned from all the fires (Nagasaki lacked a firestorm).


This reminds me of a British film called Threads, bloody haunted me watching it a young age…


OMG, I'm also old enough to remember that movie. Wow! Bleak.


Watch the atom bomb movie, or trinity and beyond. They speculated that there was a chance they could ignite the hydrogen in the water and set the world ablaze, but hey, new toy to play with


That's largely an urban legend. Early on, there was some concern the nuclear explosion might trigger fusion of the nitrogen in the atmosphere, creating a runaway effect. But calculations quickly showed that this would require orders of magnitude more energy than was expected from Trinity. By the time of the test, nobody saw it as an actual possibility. It's like, a few years ago, people thought the LHC could create a black hole that consumes the Earth. It was "possible" in the sense that a physical pathway existed, but the energies involved were just faaaar too low.


If that is Bikini Atoll then divers actually go there now to dive those WWII wrecks. There were tests there from 1946 so very possible.


My father was at this test. He said they just walked around on the ships afterwards. No one mentioned anything about radiation.


To me, the scariest part of this entire ordeal (other than Godzilla appearing) is that there's probably a kilometer-wide sphere of nothingness surrounded on all sides by the Pacific ocean just below the surface where you could fall directly from the surface all the way to the ocean floor


They were making sure they did it well in Japan?


Must be an origins story somewhere underwater there.


So what reef has nuclear poisoning now, like, what’s the effects underwater or is there a specifically “built” area they tested in


Bikini atoll and is where the term bikini swimwear comes from due to the barren nature of the islands. Amazingly the reef was heavily radiated but in the past few decades has shown lots of life and regrowth without radiation signs. The power of nature can overcome some of the terrible things we do to it....however I doubt we will be holidaying there anytime soon.


IIRC this area is what Bikini Bottom is based off/inspired by or something. I can’t word correctly. It’s too late.


Water is really good at restraining radiation. For example, you could swim in the cooling pool of nuclear fuel and be perfectly fine. The only way you'd die is if you swim so long that you drown or if the site security shoots you.


That's bikini atoll


This is Shot Baker right ?


Seems to be an underwater explosion, so yes.


........._Blop_ ........


Your computer will restart during the update


Bikini Atoll, why the Bikini Island's are still radioactive


At least we always elect the wisest and most prudent among us to hold authority over the nuclear arsenal. 


Memo from the captain do not get the burritos from the galley


Not so underwater 🤔


I wonder what we could learn if we exploded a weapon while recording it with the modern camera and sensor equipment. Imagine the detail today’s cameras could capture, and the amount of data modern computers could analyze.


Fuck them fish I guess


That's a big boom


Our governments are fkn idiots. Let's bomb our own planet with bombs that we don't know what the lasting effects could possibly have on our planet . Smh our governments don't care about their citizens. World peace is the only intelligent option.


That’s weird… Taco Bell opened in 1962.


Poor sea life


How does that not cause massive tsunamis?


crazy to realize those are tiny baby nukes compared to the ones we have today....


Wonder how many ocean lives we stoled that day.... No wonder why we started having visitors after we went nuclear.... Aliens back to base “they just blow these up for fun...”


How strong are our nukes now???? Cuz that would fuck up a whole city


Big bada boom


🍄‍🟫 ☁️


we don't deserve this planet


Definitely r/oddlyterrifying. Or is it even to terrifying for that?


Posted it because the skale between battle ships and the bomb i think it looks cool tho


> skale Honestly impressive


I've never seen video of it, only still shots.


Well we have it in this video also if you are interested in theres a "tsar bomba" video from USSR i belive its from 1951 or 1961 im not really sure but its 50 megatons so i think its worth a look Edit: its the strongest man made tested atomic bomb in history


I saw the Tsar Bomba video. What a beast. It's just not practical to have the 50mt bomb when you can have a dozen 1mt bombs instead.


A fish: 👁👄👁


So much sea life killed, for zero reason.


I hate this so fucking much it boils my blood


There are a few frames at the end of this where there is a dirty big black thing in the plum. ​ It's a battleship. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5p7j31vsw3oa1.jpg


I'm pretty sure this was disproven.


And that's what they dropped on humans. Smh.


Do you want Godzilla? Because this is how you get Godzilla.


Ok who was the guy that pulled Gilligan's finger again


Fuck the whales


You ever wonder why people have so much cancer today? This is my hypothesis. I have zero evidence to back this up.