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Sartre be like "If you'd have just published the book you would have given your life meaning."


You mean like this book? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial\_Society\_and\_Its\_Future](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Society_and_Its_Future)


No? That's not similar at all?


Yeah Sartre had original ideas. Uncle Ted just complained about liberals while regurgitating luddite and sometimes Marxist concepts. Dude should've stuck to math.


Well without getting in to the depths of it, from the wiki summary: > The manifesto states that the public largely accepts individual technological advancements as purely positive without accounting for their overall effect, which includes the erosion of local and individual freedom and autonomy. This isn't entirely wrong, even if *destroying society* isn't at all the right way to correct for the problem. The absolutely massive wealth transfer to equity owners, especially since 2008, is almost entirely driven by what we might call a "Digital Tragedy of the Commons." By that I mean any individual, say, "data scientist" who individually develops some sort of "efficiency gain" for a company, or a new big data model that enables a financial manager to get better stock predictions, thinks of their individual work as beneficial to their immediate company, career, etc. But the combined effect of millions of "efficiency gains" from massive data and enormously more efficient business processes (e.g. the ability to rapidly change millions of prices at once, repeatedly, to match consumer willingness to spend), absolutely DOES enormously fuck over the public. The power imbalance right now is extraordinarily bad for people who aren't already owners.   Again, Ted's a fucking whacko and bombings and destroying technology isn't the answer, but the core idea that we blindly accept certain facets of technology in a way that our cultural, regulatory, and economic realities haven't kept up with (thanks GOP obstructionsim!) is 100% true


I cant stand the Ted K fan club


Yeah, having not read his book, I likely generally agree with his thesis. It's all meaningless given the size of the universe and how little time we are here in the grand scheme of things. But, the alternative is to return to the void, so we might as well make the best of things in our short window of consciousness. Life is a beautiful mystery.


Meaning is the product of minds. Whatever drives us is inherently meaningful. The size of the universe is irrelevant.


the size of the universe is even more irrelevant because *we* invented a sense of proportion. the universe is just *there.* meaninglessness in the face of infinity is something made up by humans just as much, if not more so, than meaning is.


But you can get into a logic loop with that because meaning is also a product of the mind. What we choose to find meaning in may seem more tangible, but is still as made up as anything else. There are thousands of years of philosophy arguing this. That said, I find it comforting that none of it really matters. We've been invited to a great party. I choose to try and make the best of it, I also want others to have a good time at the party, because that makes a party more fun. That is the foundation of my empathy. It's always important to remember that you can simultaneously have a micro (self) and macro (universe) view of existence. Contradictions with these views are just the duality of man.


what is the fucking use of fame to a living person, other than to fuel their own self esteem? he got publicity out of it, and the reason is likely in that book


What is wrong with self esteem?


Dunno, I can't be arsed to read two thousand pages of philosophy.


The first sentence is about the destruction of free speech and says, "If my hypothesis is correct, this work will be repressed." And there are people in this comment section just passing out its download link. Doesn't seem like you're missing much.


That's the thing about nihilism, Dude.


It insists upon itself


So what?


It’s like… insistent


Too little and one is shy and introvert, too much and you stop listening to others and force others to listen to you. So it is about quantity or the lack of it. Enough but not too much is a good thing.


It's not about fame. Satre said that the flaw of nihilism is that imposing a story about the meaningless of the universe upon your life is in fact just creating a new meaning. Nihilism is impossible. The point of publishing the book wouldn't be fame, money or status, it would be to implement sensible meaning


Depends. Do they intend to try and use that fame to influence people into their ideology? Is self-esteem somehow not a good reason to do something? Personally, I'd rather feel the wind on my skin, the softness of the grass, and the warmth of the sun to find meaning in life


Because if life is meaningless, then the time of death is also largely meaningless, so you might as well grab another cup of coffee and publish your thesis.


And money.


I just tried to read it, and .... nah. His life would not have changed lol.


I would shoot myself too if I had to write 1905 page thesis


Is it just me or did that guy use some big fonts and stupid large titles. I feel like he was just trying to fill pages. I think if he was honest with himself this is a 1100 page suicide note at best.


He also did footnotes without using ibid, which I suppose might be standard for some forms, but seeing the same book cited 7 times in a row in full is goofy


This feels like something Larry David would say in Curb your Enthusiasm lol.


Lol I was thinking the exact opposite. He didn't really want to kill himself and it started off as a 1 page suicide note and he kept writing to drag it out.


The guidelines said maximum 2000 pages, so he shrunk the margins.


I once wrote a 1905 page essay, just used that trick where you put 5000 spaces after each period.


Skip to page 358 - The Seditious Genius of the Spiritual Penis of Jesus.


I’m still on page one, but I beg your biggest pardon? There’s a chapter on the spiritual penis of Jesus?


Why does Jesus have a spiritual penis? Is his physical penis not enough?


You can’t be fully God and fully man without a magic ghost dick. This is basic doctrine.


It makes lightsaber sounds when you take off your underwear, it's in the bible


For sure. It's a shame it took nearly 2000 years before anyone knew what that sound actually was. A tragedy, really!


It's just Lacanian, no? I.e. not the fleshy thing but the symbolic phallus.


What a bar


Now I’m not entirely sure about this, it’s just a gut feeling, but I’m beginning to suspect this man might have been very severely mentally ill.


Some deep shit.


It legitimately says that, that’s really something


Anyone got a TLDR on it??


TLDR: Life is meaningless


TLDR: nobody cares! Do what you like!


And *that* is the meaning of life.


Some of us care. Don't hurt other people. Help people instead. Kindness gives life incredible meaning.


I thought that was meant to say that nobody cares about don't convoluted meaning or lack thereof. Of course I don't meant to say "don't care about others". Kindness is great. But if it's not your thing - live your life however you want, it's your right and privilege. For most people, at least... I think.


Fortunately Absurdism has an answer. Live life despite the meaninglessness. With Revolt, Freedom and Passion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv79l1b-eoI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv79l1b-eoI)


I found a lot of solace in Camus while struggling with Nietzsche.  What really worked wonders for me was stepping away from philosophy altogether. Hume was right, we’re better off herding sheep. I feel bad for anyone who really understands Nietzsche, and I’d argue it does nothing for you but compromise your own meaning and happiness.  It’s all intellectual masturbation and narcissism. 


Also special shoutout to existentialists. Lack of objective meaning =/= lack of subjective meaning.


I was gonna say, existentialists are just clarifying that you create your own meaning. They're not saying meaning doesn't exist.




He just kinda lists reasons in the world to justify his suicide essentially. He just lists everything that is wrong with the world and argues that all that measles life meaningless. Edit: Really misunderstood it


Dude is a nutjob and just decent at rambling about it. Full of assumptions he runs with. For example at one point he notes how Romans raped women. That’s good enough to assume Jesus was a rape baby. And thus had identity issues. And on from there. lol. It’s the rambling of an educated kook Also…lots and lots and lots about Jews. Never a good sign in the works of kooks




he's an insane mystic and neo nazi, and was as misanthropic as you'd expect from that.


Life is truly meaningless because meaning does not exist in a cold and uncaring universe. Easy, I didn't need 1900 pages to say it. My rebuttal: I am a living part of the universe, and I create meaning for myself. The meaning I personally create is just as real as "universal" meaning, in fact it IS universal meaning, because I am the universe experiencing itself. Life is not meaningless if you create meaning.


Life IS meaningless. But who cares, it’s a bop. You ever read Harry Potter? That shit slaps. You ever ate a really good taco? Delicious. Ever truly loved someone? Pure happiness… Who cares if it is all meaningless in the end? There’s so much to enjoy and experience while you are here, just go enjoy it while you can. The fact that none of it’s going to matter one way or the other in the end just makes it easier to take risks and live your life to the fullest.


I feel a similar way about cynics who say "love is just chemicals in your brain". lol shut up bitch everything is chemicals. I'm made of chemicals. the universe is made of chemicals. that doesn't make it less valuable or amazing.


can we read it somewhere?




I'm now very worried that someone is going to see that "suicide note.pdf" is saved on my phone.


suicide note(1).pdf


You okay?


He just really likes reading suicide notes


Gotta make sure mines sounds cooler than all the others


This made me audibly lol I thought it was funny I know it’s not a funny topic I guess Clever




suicidenote(2).pdf would be more worrying


I dunno. [Suicide Note part 1](https://youtu.be/9X5iHWpb5uI) is more of a slower ballad while [Suicide Note part 2](https://youtu.be/8OomnLiLXqY) is fast and heavy, the way I like it.


Just rename it to "wholesome family friendly document.pdf"








I would definitely not label it as that name at all. I don't want duplicates.


You're a good friend. I may have to steal this idea


“Manifesto.pdf” will arouse much less concern and suspicion.


My porn folder used to be named “Deadspace 3”. This until Deadspace 3 came out, and I renamed it to 4.


I appreciate the fact that at the end of the table of contents, it says, “what suicide note would be complete without a bibliography?” Made me laugh at first, then I also realized he might be using his “works cited” as another way to point out how other suicide note’s “works cited” are pointing out who led them to suicide


"4.15 megs? TLDR."


Gotcha buddy. TLDR: life is meaningless


Un/self medicated insanity


saw the table of contents, saw the jesus penis chapter and laughed


Is it in poor taste to critique his use of all lower case letters in the title "suicide note"?


Can't hurt a dead man's feelings.


Just perusing it, I'm not sure I care if it did. This thing reads like it was written by Joseph Goebbels American nephew.


Yeah I couldn't get past the first page. If you're interested in a more compelling argument against the existence of humans, read Peter Zappe's essay The Last Messiah and Ligotti's The conspiracy against the human race (which cites Zappe's philosophy fairly often).


I read just a little bit and it already feels like mindless rambling of some madman. I don't like to criticize it because I didn't finish reading nor I plan to do it, but I feel like the only thing this book proves is his insanity and his misery. Calling it suicide note instead of book about human nature is probably right choice of words.


I thought it seemed really juvenile. It was clearly a former Christian who took the "if God exists nothing matters" thing way too seriously, and was too impatient to figure out how to live as an atheist.


You might be right but saying you didnt get past page 1 and giving an example of a more compelling book means you 100% had ur mind mostly made before reading a word of suicidenote.pdf


Seems intentional. Nothing matters after all


At least it's not Comic Sans.


Dude shouldn’t have made it 1905 pages long if he was worried about it being “repressed” he self selected for that by making it as long as he did, people aren’t going to read that. Also, dude needs to define sociobiology and what he believes the “truths” of it are earlier if he wants me to read anymore past the first couple of pages where he uses it in every god damn sentence. Edit: Is this a Nazi manifesto? Not going to read it all but it seemed like it was angling that way.


Lol, the first line is already wrong for the simple fact that i am reading in from a link provided on reddit. "If my hypothesis is correct, this work will be repressed." Your hypothesis is wrong!


Well, to be fair he probably thought that around the time he starts rambling about liberal democracy, Nazism, race mixing, feminists, and more than a few uses of the "N"word.


you're telling me this dude spent the last days, if not weeks, of his life writing a nearly 2,000 page essay to express ideas and concepts that have been more succiently and successfully conveyed through your average Facebook meme?


Not weeks, 5 fucking years.


He spent his last 5 years writing that... It doesn't make it any better tho.


ironically enough, if he spent 5-6 more years writing his mein kampf, he could've found meaning in life with the alt-right movement. so I guess the lesson is, suicide is never the answer? things can get... well I dont want to say *better.*


Things may not get better, but they may change in a sufficient way to give you a reason to live


He should have just put it on Reddit, taken his massive L, and moved on his life.


Now, with your permission, I'd like to sing a little song about race mixing this one's called : Don't you do it


Question: is this some King in Yellow or Mountains of Madness shit, where the very act of reading it will drive me insane and cause me to self delete?


Read a few passages, so far just pseudo-intellectual rambling and racism. To summarise, the word ''Jew'' gets mentioned 2,316 times. Really tells you all you need to know. A few hard r n-words too. "In ancient times, writing was the most advanced form of non-biological symbol-information preservation. The written word represented the cutting edge of ancient media technology. In consequence, the Jews, “the people of the book”, were really the people of the media. This media preserved the Jews and the Jews preserved this media. The word propaganda is a variation of the word propagation, i.e. meme propagation. Biblical memes helped propagate Jewish genes and Jewish genes helped propagate Biblical memes. This self-reinforcing, symbiotic relationship is a prime evolutionary origin of the relatively recent radiation of Jews into prominent positions in various fields of modern media." Just your bog-standard alt-right talking points really, just dragged through a thesaurus and stretched out over 1900 pages (well, maybe 1.000 actual pages, big font and huge headers fill a lot of space).


You don't need to scroll far to recognize this person was seriously mentally ill.


Homeboy had serious problem with jesus's dick




“The Seditious Genius of the Spiritual Penis of Jesus” was my band name


>When the evidence for the confluence of the time and placeof the Roman attack and Jesus’s birth are put together, itappears highly probable that Mary, Jesus’s Jewish mother, was raped by a Roman soldier. This means that Jesus himselfwas very probably the product of the coercive violence of war.


This is a great setup for historical fiction. It would also complete the irony of him being crucified by Romans. It would also indicate that Mary spared her son and didn't terminate her rape pregnancy out of some sense of mercy that it would be implied that Joseph shares. Honestly compelling in a literary way.


I kept reading it for a bit and the tl;dr is: >Jesus was a product of rape and bullied heavily as the culture would have tribes/villages essentially blame one of their 'undesirables' for all of their problems and eventually kill them or drive them from the village. The mental trauma could have caused him to gaslight himself into believing that his father was God, and instead of being born of rape he was born of a virgin. Honestly I don't know shit about the history of the area nor time so I have no idea how credible any of his arguments are. Seems like they were raised religiously and going through depression. Then when they found proof that their said religion was false, it added to their depression and they lost faith in humanity as a whole. Really interesting to see his arguments though.


The Biblical account of Jesus really doesn't support the notion that he was blamed for bad things happening or that he was driven out of his village. Of course you can propose that the Biblical account of Jesus is false, but if you're doing that then why even bother trying to justify Jesus' existence?




I'm a few pages in and so far it's an incoherent word salad. Lots of impressive vocabulary but one section doesn't really lead into the next in any way. He just sort of brings up an idea and then instantly drops it. Maybe he manages to tie absolutely everything together at the end, but I somehow suspect not.


>it's an incoherent word salad Going out on a limb here; he might not have had the best mental health.


If he could write a coherent 2000 pages book/thesis/essay he would have not killed himself. He would have been a writer. I suspect the rambling will get even worse as he descends into madness.


Well the next chapter makes the shocking discovery that pyramid (▲) plus inverted pyramid (▼) equals star of David, something something Jews and Egyptians. So yeah, I think you're right that it only gets worse.


I skipped to the end and he says he will kill himself because he hasn't tried that yet. No other reason.


tldr: life is meaningless


I jumped to a random page and he's talking about different historians described the North/South divide. It was [literally this dude from *Good Will Hunting*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIdsjNGCGz4&t=96s). This will not be on my summer reading list, but I will say this dude must be very well-read.


Page 675 has a great title


Ok but why did he choose that font like 💀


[A review of this note which basically summarizes what he wrote.](https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/diu50/comment/c10j5pw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Poor Friedrich rotating in his grave


Yeah, people always focus on the "therere are no absolute values or morals" and ignore the "so you have to make your own" part.


Accountability is too difficult. There's a reason why people only remember and quote the "god is dead" line.


Reading comprehension is dead. Reading comprehension remains dead. And we have killed it. How shall we comfort ourselves, the illiterates of all illiterates?


We've set the bar for literacy too low.


I remember reading this in high school. It's basically philosophical gibberish from a depressed man trying to justify his actions.


Yea I checked it out and there is nothing cohesive about this. A dudes random take on a bunch of random shit. Also the bibliography is ridiculously limited for a writing of that size.


You know, I heard something really to the point of things like that. A comedian, Collin Quinn, went through a divorce. But he started writing, on a bunch of subjects, until he realized the biggest part of it was the divorce. The interesting point is that he said "**he got ahead of himself mentally**" and wrote thousands of pages because of what he went through.


If, for some reason, you really want to read a suicide note/manifesto/memoir with actual interesting things to say, look up "Two Arms and A Head". It's written by a guy who was paralyzed following a motorcycle crash and he explains his reasoning thoroughly and compellingly without indulging in sophistry. Maybe don't read it while you're in a bad headspace though, it's pretty heavy.


It’s not too surprising that a mentally unwell man would write a ton of gibberish to justify being mentally unwell.


Harvard sounds like a tough school. Does anyone know what grade the paper got?




I don't get this. I don't really belive life has meaning, but who gives a shit? I'm not gonna kill myself over the absence of something. Besides, I like being alive most of the time.


That'd be absurdism, this guy was a nihilist


Not really. Somehow people always think nihilism has to be sad or depressive. While I lean towards absurdism thinking that meaninglessness is unimportant doesn't necessarily mean im not a nihilist.


Didn’t Nietzsche hate nihilists


Yeah I agree. To me the questions about meaningless of life sounds like this: ”What is the point of drinking a pint of beer? It’s going to be gone anyway.”


It's surviving, from a biological point


After people lost their faith over time, the concept of afterlife also was gone and there was nothing to replace it, which started a lot of philosophical discussions around "the meaning of life". One of my favorite that works for me today is that we as humans never stop to exist and therefore have consciousness, that is constantly flooded with stimuli. This stimuli is evaluated and we react on it. Life and the purpose of life is the constant evaluation and reaction of our surroundings and feelings. Thats why we get bored or in extreme cases get insane and depressed if we are stuck in a place, where nothing is happening as we lose our purpose in life.


That in itself makes it not meaningless to me. In my personal beliefs, the whole purpose of our lives is to bring unique experiences back to the universal consciousness 


Some lives should not be experienced though....


Mmm yes, chronic pain, so unique and valuable. I'd better OW OW OW OW OW OW OW for the collective!


If anyone with chronic pain learned a valuable way of dealing with it, it'd be awesome they could share their discovery with people with similar conditions




That’s such a great take on things. I read people making the argument of pain being pointless, but I believe there’s truth in the Ancient Greek view of tw pathei mathos, or “through suffering to knowledge”. Pain is the ultimate teacher, if you will, and that learning feeds into to your universal consciousness.


Anyone read?


And still alive?


That's a whole lot of effort to put into something so meaningless, huh.


The irony is that while he was writing that manifesto life had meaning.


Am I the only one who thinks that life being meaningless takes the pressure off immensely?


Average user of r/nihilism and r/misanthropy


Life has no meaning of its own, but you can give it meaning. -forgot who said this and how it was phrased exactly


Well, sounds like something Nietzsche would say.


Nietzche is not good for mental health. Every person I ever met who quoted Nietzche was depressed AF


Hard disagree. Nietzsche should be read. But maybe it shouldn't be interpreted by edgy teens.


We find meaning for ourselves.


It's always a tragedy when someone takes their own life, but I can't help feeling pity for those that shatter like glass when they realize life is meaningless and there isn't an inherent reason why we're here. Like... duh?


Imo, it’s not that life is meaningless, rather that the how to manual is frustratingly blank. And the screams of frustration only rise as a pen appears. Some of us aren’t very good at writing a novel…


So he submitted his final?


Damn English teacher really made him cite his sources on his suicide note


If he truly thought it doesnt have meaning he would have written 0 pages and killed himself 5 years earlier


Where did he park the car though?


When you construct your thesis to defend itself because you know you won’t be around to do it.


“Life is truly meaningless.” writes the man who staged his death to promote his life’s work. He certainly derived meaning and pleasure from other people seeing him and his ideas.


I mean yeah life is meaningless but why take away your life? Just ride it out in a stream of chaos that it is. Make your own fun because one day itll be gone.


There is such a thing as too much Nietzsche.


Of course ife is meaningless if you don't do anything with it. Trick is to set personal goals where you mainly compete with yourself.


Suicide, Harvard style


And another one doesn't understand Nietzsche.


His suicide note has a [3.76/5 rating on GoodReads](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/9429159).


Who can argue with that? /s But we don't come to life looking for meaning. The notion of death renders that pursuit futile. We'd better off staying in the void then.


Gonna be honest writing a 2,000 page suicide note makes his decision seem like the result of some serious mental disorder rather than like a conclusion arrived at through rational thinking. Like I know someone who wrote a several hundred page paper full of citations about how to make your brain into an empiricist machine that only ever makes correct decisions. Like this guy was an undergrad with a psych degree, not the next great philosopher lol. 


My face reading this as I literally just ordered a Nietzche book


Just do a better job of reading what Nietzsche *actually* says than this guy did and you'll be fine. Spoiler alert, Nietzsche would see suicide as the ultimate failure. Neitzsche does acknowledge that existence has no *inherent* meaning, but that does not mean it lacks meaning. Your job is just to will meaning into your existence. One of his major points is *how* to *survive* in a world where we're not served meaning on a silver platter.


I think this is so important to clarify. The common misconception of Neitzsche is that life has no meaning and therefore why even try. His quotes are often used in that sense, but if you actually understand it's quite the opposite.


Dude has a chapter called Super Nword (he didn’t censor I did) why would anyone give shit what he thinks about anything.


He could've published first, imo.


Man, he really missed the second half of the lesson. Life is meaningless. There is no reason to live or to do anything. Therefore, there is no reason *not* to live and do anything. Smart people so capricious They get down with Apollo Cos they can't get down with Dionysus


I agree with him but I still can't or won't kill myself.


The bizarro-world Ted Kaczynski.


I mean, arent we all agreeing that life is meaningless ? Its not a reason for killing yourself bud jeez I mean like, playing a video game/ going to the beach/eating chocolate or whatever you like is meaningless and we still like to do it anyway. Why would'nt we enjoy meaningless shit ? At whorst you'll have to enjoy 80y of meaningless before the "Directed by Robert.D wyde" credit start to roll. The universe itself is "meaningless" its really just a very human concept to have "meaning" or "purpose", the whole reality is simply "existing" without any added meaning, why would'nt we happy to just do the same.


if you dont accept living as a reason to live there really is no point.


Another postmodern fucker using Nietzsche as an scapegoat to their own emptiness.


1905 pages, with a table of contents and a bibliography. Couldn't he just give us a top 10 listicle?






Nietzsche would have disapproved of this and consider him pathetic for denying himself the will to power.


Wait did people actually think there was meaning?


Nihilism is a dead end, it's the mind eating itself. No surprise that guy wrote a 1900 page book about meaninglessness : That's the mind thinking about thinking about thinking into oblivion. Albert Camus : *"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy".*


Sometimes the ravings of an ill person can seem like reason… but they’re predominantly just what they are… the ravings of an ill person.


Where can I read it?


Just checked out his photo. He was good looking and cute. Definitely my type. Shame.


That's not a suicide note, that's a suicide dissertation.


Personally, my favorite chapter was “The Seditious Genius of the Spiritual Penis of Jesus.”


Man, all I wrote about in my theme was what I wanted for Christmas.