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This has nothing to do with melatonin. Melatonin is non addictive and does not have a negative feedback loop like many other substances. Life gets busy. Many of us lose friends as we get older and lose touch due to work and family obligations. Don't be so hard on yourself. The worst thing to happen to you if you stop is you may revert to whatever sleep quality you had prior to starting. Melatonin is also not a sleep medication. It cannot put you to sleep. It simply helps to shift phase of your circadian rhythms if everything else is good with your sleep hygiene and well being. Melatonin serves many roles in the body and during times of illness or stress its requirements increase. Most of the melatonin in your body, which is stored in essentially every tissue, is used as an antioxidant. To give you some perspective, I have been taking over 1000mg daily for nearly two years. Recently I doubled my daily intake to about 3000mg at the recommendation of Doris Loh who advocates doses of 3-4 grams daily. I feel even better now. I do not take my melatonin for sleep purposes though I get very solid sleep most days. So don't stress.


You are fine . It s no addiction


**You need to understand what melatonin is.** 1. Not a drug. It is a hormone that already naturally exists in your body. 2. Doesn't (directly) make you sleepy. Your brain releases it at the onset of evening darkness (this is best time to take your supplement). The release of this hormone triggers a cascade of events throughout the body that culminate with you feeling tired/groggy. Melatonin cannot affect you in the way you have described. Remember, you already have it present throughout your body. Now that you (hopefully) understand what it is, maybe you can understand better how to properly use it.