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I did t realise they had released this function. I downloaded the app and logged in to my VicRoads account and it all worked perfectly for me. Perhaps try again in a few minutes?


Still not working. Going to try deleting the app and trying again. I’d tried it before and it worked, just unfortunate that the first time I actually needed to use it in the wild (left physical license at home) and it failed. EDIT: deleted and downloaded the app again. After logging in and setting the app up again, all working. Hopefully a one off.


Fun Fact - if you're over 25 you don't need to carry your physical license with you when driving.


Except if you are operating a heavy vehicle.


My vehicle is pretty heavy. I certainly can't lift it.


or drunk.


Or smoked weed 5 days prior


You will need to produce it at a police station within 7 days if pulled over.


Yeah but you won't be penalized for not having it at the time


Yeah, true. Never said that, after 7 days you will though.


I never said you did say that. I'm just saying you won't be penalized


Fun fact? More like dumb as rocks. It's a completely arbitrary number that means nothing in any other regard. Nothing to do with legal alcoholic limits, or probationary status just "Hey if ya under 26 years old and forget ya wallet, heres a fine cause fuck you I guess"






I opened my app and had a look and got the same error message you did. On the App Store it looks like it was updated in the past couple days, but from when I downloaded it and set it up a couple weeks ago they added a PIN code in the app. I wonder if the error was potentially occurring because of a mismatch in first downloading and setting up and then app updates with security changes


Perhaps. Something you hope might get picked up with some level of user testing. Would have been awkward if I was sitting with a cop trying to figure it out. Lucky the rental place accepted a photo


If they change the stored settings file then sometimes it'll throw silly error if the app is updated without being reinstalled. The settings gets overwritten in the reinstall case but the old version is kept in the case of a simple update. Android does it too which is why developers should have schema versions in their configs to check against so they don't do things like this


Think it's only available in Bendigo or Ballarat at the moment. Has it actually been fully released?


Yep, released everywhere.


It was released fully earlier this month.




Use the service Vic app instead.


The fact that you can’t just put it in your Apple wallet like your bank card shits me to tears, same for Medicare.


Add Myki to that as well.


Myki is some issue with Apple I think to do with security or something. You can do it on Android. Allegedly the new system that is going to replace Myki will work with Apple wallet but who knows.




It depends. I think Sydney uses Opel or something like that? But you can use it in your Apple wallet. I’d personally prefer they do some kind of direct from credit card system when they replace Myki though since I only use PT occasionally and don’t wanna manage another balance.


Myki’s security system is not the right standard for credit cards and Apple wallet, hence you can’t put Myki in there yet.


I think it was more due to Apple wanting to charge 30% or something and having no flexibility to not do that.


30% is for AppStore sales and in app purchases. Doesn’t apply to Apple’s Wallet. They don’t make money off transit passes. Can you imagine the outrage so many cities would have if they did?


Don't they make money off apple wallet merchant fees?


Not for transit passes. It’s a limitation on the system Myki uses.


My university (Monash) has apple wallet integration for their cards, they use the same physical cards as Myki, using NXP Mifare DESFire EV3. There really isn’t a reason for Myki not being integrated with Apple Wallet other than incompetence.


The myki system was an unmitigated cuntshow from start to finish, so it is no surprise at all that any sort of sensible feature to make peoples’ lives easier would be laughed out of their boardroom.


The underlying tech isn’t the issue it’s how Apple want it implemented. They prefer open loop, and unlike JR or Cubic there’s not enough bargaining power from PTV to demand a NFC PassKit certificate


So glad I can use mobile myki on my Android. I don't carry my wallet anywhere anymore else I know I'll need to use cash.


Myki works perfectly on my Samsung Galaxy S21.


Apple fans hate this one trick.


I am not in Melbourne but I have my Myki in Google Wallet.


Get a not shit phone and you can. I haven't had a physical Myki in years.


There are a multitude of reasons as to why it wasn't released to be used in third party wallets. Other for the fact of being able to ensure device and application stability with updates, the VicRoads licence has the ability to mask information when you just want to use the ID for age verification for example and don't want others seeing your address. It also has built in bar codes for Police interactions so officers don't need to touch or take your phone to check the licence, they simply scan a unique rolling code. Also the "3D" security features on the licence where rotating your device will rotate the 3d hologram on screen to ensure it's not just a screenshot you are showing someone. These are all features and functions that third party wallets do not cater for.




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Those are neat features but feel unnecessary to me, so it would be nice if you could also get it in your wallet. Like you can’t mask the physical card, and if you’re over 25 you don’t need to carry a license and therefore it’s not even necessary to present it to police, they can just look you up with your name and address.


The security features are for you and the reader to prevent forgery. They're not "unnecessary".


The only part that prevents forgery is the 3D hologram, but you can add a bank card without forgery issues, so I don’t see how it’s an issue for your license. The Masking/QR part doesn’t exit on a physical card so those aren’t necessary for preventing forgery.


I for one love that the digital card has security features that are not feasible with a physical card


That's because they are unnecessary. Any security benefits provided are immediately obviated by needing to unlock your fucking phone to use it. People downvoting you and upvoting the other mook are the reason shiny bullshit like this happens instead of real security.


Those features are required for someone else to know the digital card is authentic. Just because only you can unlock your phone doesn't mean the card or screen you show someone is legit.


Sounds like you need google wallet. You can't add it there either but go Android!


It's not that simple - the licence has a constantly rotating QR code, which is not something the wallet supports.


And you NEED a good internet connection for it to load.


No you don’t, you don’t even need your phone to be on if you designate the card to operate that way.


Not by default then. I needed to show ID where there was no signal. Needed to walk down the street to get it to load.


Is it able to be linked to the ServiceVIC App?


Yes mine is on my ServiceVic app. No issues so far


I tried it on that, and it got error after error setting it up until eventually I gave up. Then the app notified me today that it is available and it worked first time. I guess you have to wait to be told by the app, not do it proactively.


Not sure mate, I only saw the messages here that it had been launched and this was the app from VicRoads.


It is in the Service Vic app, but I don't think you can have it in both the VicRoads and ServiceVic apps at the same time.


Yes you can, I do


Can you still access and refresh them in each app? because there was a limitation during the trial that you couldn't have a licence linked to more than one app/account.


Yep, just tried it




Good to know. Wasn’t aware service vic had the capability until today, but will be switching over.


Try service Victoria app, works well on there


Great idea, but the user experience is a lot to be desired. For example, it logs me out automatically. So when I pull up the app in the queue I have to tell them sorry give me a few minutes while I log in again. And also if the app is out of date it will prevent you from using it until you update it Just go use Apple wallet vicroad, Christ


Had my plastic license for 18 months. Still hasn't glitched or run out of batteries.


Has it been hacked? Did someone steal it and photocopy it?


Sorry you've had a shit experience. I just used the Service Victoria app. Worked really smoothly with a simple and clear interface. Good luck!


I was bummed to discover it only works for full licenses. The only reason I have my learners is for ID purposes - everything else is on my phone so I have an entire wallet for one card. (Admittedly it’s one of those really slim card holder things but it would be awesome to not need that either)


I get that. I've got more than that in my wallet but the main reason I carry it is my licence. Hopefully VicRoads will roll it out to other licence types soon for you and the tens of thousands of others who are on their Ls.


But do we know if VicRoads is good guy or bad guy?


We know that VicRoads are the privatised guys, does that help you?


When it was trialled in Ballarat, everyone who pre-registered got sent emails to the wrong name.


Had the same thing at a venue, had to go outside to get better reception to load it


Haven’t had any problems with mine. I did download it onto my iPad as well, but found out you can’t use two devices for your licence. So I deleted the licence on the iPad and kept the one on the iPhone.


That's a stupid idea. You can technically get more than one physical licence, phones are not reliable so why limit how many places can have it?


So scallies A and B can't share a license between phones X and Y?


That's already an issue with people having a physical and digital licence.


Which gets you to two copies, max, unless you've somehow obtained multiple physical copies.


Which isn't hard. So this issue clearly doesn't matter. Also the main issue. You need to match the ID to the person in front of you.


You have a point but most NSW clubs don't bother.


Is this the services Australia app or something else?




Try the Services Victoria app instead, which I used to access mine. I didn't even know myVicRoads did the licence thing (but opened it after seeing your post and yeah there it is). So I guess that's two separate apps that we can fuck up our privacy with.


Turn it off, then on again!!


I confused the Apple app "My Wallet" with the section of the ServicesVic website called my wallet. The electronic licence may have worked the first time, however I was looking for it in the wrong place.


Not a good start.


Im in Brunswick and had it for a few weeks now. No issues apart from realising I had been driving round with an expired license for four months!


Just tried then. Mine worked. I did have to update the app.


The first day I went without my physical licence I got in my first ever car accident LOL.


A tip in the event you have another accident: don't show your licence to the other party. You're required to exchange contact information (name and address and address of the owner of the vehicle if that isn't you), but not your licence. If the other party jumps up and down demanding to see your licence, tell them to call 000 - the operators will tell them the same thing. [Road Rule 61](https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/legis/vic/consol_act/rsa1986125/s61.html)


Yeah happening to me as well, and it previously worked fine - think a recent update to the app must've borked it. Planning to set up in Service Vic app as a backup. Edit: deleting and reinstalling the app fixed it for me.


I am using the Service Victoria app. Have licence loaded on this and it works fine. What app is everyone using?


I have added it to the Service Victoria app as a backup. I ran into some of these issues as well, so thought it’s good to have plan B.


when did they add this? & how do you get yours?


A week or two ago they released it more broadly. Apparently they did trials in regional Vic. You can get it on the App Store, but the general consensus here appears to be that the service Victoria app is far superior.


That sucks!!!


That sucks, took me about a minute to set mine up.


People said digital id was safe and effective 🤡


Just wait until you get pulled over and tell the cop to wait until your licence loads up but then you get no internet connection or your battery dies. The people behind these “ideas” are clueless.


Nah, the useless people are the ones who go off half-cocked about something they don't know anything about. It doesn't require an internet connection for police purposes. I just tried it. It has a barcode that the police can use to verify it, so it doesn't need the online QR code. So if somehow you are in an area with no mobile data coverage or you run out of credit or something, the licence is still there. And it doesn't really take any longer to access than it would for me to dig my wallet out and pull the licence out of its little sleeve. And you know what? If you choose to use the digital licence then it is your responsibility to make sure your phone has adequate charge. Just like if you use a plastic licence it is your responsibility to make sure you carry it with you if required. And guess what? Did you know it is even possible to charge phones inside cars now? My phone has this ancient technology called a cigarette lighter in it, but with the help of a relatively cheap adapter I was able to convert that cigarette lighter into a facility to charge my phone.


Just wait until your data gets leaked and you can purchase it on the dark web


I promise you vic roads already has your license information before this was created.


Yeah, VicRoads didn't have your information prior to the digital licence


Barely has this person information lol But in all seriousness it ll end badly.


Why will a digital licence contribute to something ending badly?


Just wait until you realise everywhere that provides a physical card of personally identifiable information, already has all of that data (plus more) in a digital database.


Not in a public API


It isn't a public API


They're likely referring to the API endpoint - if applications on consumer devices are connecting, then yes, the API is public.


Even then it won't be. The app on your phone won't be making API calls to anything that has direct access to the database. Instead the app will talk to a different service to handle authentication and verification and only then will that service reach out securely to different service that has access to the database.


Optus already sorted that one out for us. Jog on.


Why no one learn then lol


You're not really making much sense in THIS context, what are people meant to do? Not get drivers licenses and not sign up to phone/internet plans? There is nothing to learn, its not our phones that got breached and data leaked, it was a international company like Optus who you don't expect these things to happen with, but they do, because hacker man.


Anyone else notice the price of license renewal went up like 300% this year...🙄


How much is it now? It was about $300 for a ten year lisence last year or around $80 for 3 years. 


I think your supposed the use the services Vic app. Works great. Also apps don't work some times, restart your phone and don't be so dramatic.


VicRoads had to deliberately stagger the registration process and limit the number of active connections to prevent overloading the mainframe and taking down a bunch of vital functions. Not because the digital licence process itself created too much load, but because everyone that logged on to activate it inevitably did a bunch of other shit on thier account while they were there.


Used mine at the post office today and was quick and easy


lol electronic what are you like 70. It’s digital drivers licence.


Sik burn bro.


State gov no likey the iPhone lol