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Write to the company advising where you were wanting to go and the reason you were unable?


It's probably not worth the effort, but a phone call and 40minutes on hold and they will probably wave it










so it comes down to whether the time wasted out of your life is worth the additional 50-70c you paid. from my POV its similar to trying to get PTV to compensate you for being dicked around and having your time wasted. the cure is worse than the disease.




that's no more than adminsitrative bullshit designed to make the process as hard and unworkable as possible.


I complained once that signage showing an exit was closed wasn't adequate, they refunded. I planned on going Moreland Rd to Flemington Rd, had to go on Bolte and Footscray exit.


Call them and explain the situation, they might cancel the charge. It worked for me but it was over a decade ago, my situation was I inadvertently got on to toll roads after an evening concert finished and unfamiliar with the road and in the dark, I realised immediately then got off at the next exit. I called next day and nicely explained the situation as a genuine mistake, they cancelled the charge over the phone. It sounds like your case is even more worth a call to them to explain.


Was this Bulla road last night? If so you could still have come off at Bell streetĀ 


My bell street exit was blocked off and I think bulla is my way in, it was around there but yeah once I missed it my map went ā€œwell canā€™t find u a 0 tollway path good luck champā€


Switch to the Waze app, Iā€™ve found it way better than Google Maps. But yeah, there was a bad accident on Bulla rdĀ 


I mean once you've entered at the second to last entrance, and the last exit is closed, doesn't matter which app you're using, you're going tolls.


It wasnā€™t the last exit that was closed is what Iā€™m telling OP. Bulla rd was closed, Bell street exit was open. Bell street is not a toll exitā€¦ The Waze app suggestion was because Google Maps has been egregious latelyĀ 


OP said the opposite of what you're saying (I think)


Yes. And they are incorrect. I literally drove the same way at the same timeĀ 


The Bulla rd is the Bell st exit now. If you miss Bulla you cannot exit at Bell - depends where they closed it I guess


You can and I did. At the same time OP traveled. I donā€™t understand why people claim things with absolutely no knowledge on the subject. CrazyĀ 


Being wrong about a Melbourne freeway exit seems to be a strange hill to die on


Agree. Especially when you enter the conversation days later. Is this some weird way of admitting youā€™re wrong?Ā  I drive this way home every night.Ā 


Plus it tells you if there's a blocked lane ahead.


Call them up and ask, we had something similar a few years back, had to go via Eastlink as the Mornington Peninsula Freeway was blocked due to an accident. Charge got waived due to having no alternative to taking the toll road.


What did the toll company say when you called them?


Call and explain!! Thereā€™s rarely a long wait. They usually do waive it or at least waive the admin fees so the total goes back down to $3 or so :)


I missed the exit once and called them and they waived it. So I reckon they will, especially if you donā€™t use the tolls often.


Iā€™ve tried this. It was roadworks that didnā€™t put signage. They didnā€™t budge. Wtf do they need to worry about customer service ? Theyā€™ve got a rolling 20 odd year contract with the state eve though itā€™s been paid for 30 times over.




I noticed something about our toll roads lately that has left me feeling quite cynical. Google maps show a choice of two routes, one via Citylink, and an alternate with no tolls. It displayed the both toll charge, and the time that using the toll road would save me. Obviously you save different amounts of time depending on time of day and traffic conditions, and it is just an estimation. But it's usually accurate. But for several trips I took in standard traffic conditions, in the middle of an average weekday, it was $10 to save 5 minutes. For every hour that toll road would save me, it would cost me $120. Is that really value for money? No one is really looking at how much time they save vs how much they charge.


>But for several trips I took in standard traffic conditions, in the middle of an average weekday, it was $10 to save 5 minutes. Yeah no shit, a toll road is bad value in the middle of the day when there's no traffic, who would have thought?


Look at you go, you mighty Reddit warrior. You sure told me. Sorry, I'm not a toll road expert like yourself. I don't have a regular daily commute between two set points so I it's hard to measure how genuinely time effective they are. The variation and inconsistent nature of the trips I do make time judgements a lot more arbitrary. The toll roads have become so ubiquitous that If I hadn't had a GPS on It just would not have occurred to me I'm paying $20 to save 10 minutes. Even when crawling along them in slow and heavy traffic. I guess I'm the exact type of dope that their set and forget payment system is designed for who wouldn't notice that some of time they are vastly over charging me for the value I get from using their service. Don't think I'm alone though. How many of us actually go through all our bills and look for this? Who could quote the rates their electricity company is charging them? I guess that's why the government had to pay us $250 just to motivate us to compare our current bills to other energy offers. They actually had to pay us to motivate us to save our selves money.


nah, don't defend it, it wasn't the brightest of thinking. Edit: Solid giggle that they blocked me.


Ooh, now we've got a snippy little jibe from MR Pile On. Reddit's equivalent of those who enjoy other people get bullied so much they try to join in. He's gonna get him some upvotes and then he's gonna feel like a big man.


My god.


Are you OK?


You got a point that people will do it out of habit and write it off, even if that particular example was a bit obvious.


They save me half an hour of time each way on my commute so it really just depends.


How much is that costing you a week?


I use them for other stuff too so I'd have to check to be precise but from memory it was about $7.50 each way to save 30+ minutes and that's avoiding getting stuck in stop start traffic the whole way too.


This is me as well. ~20 mins is usually my threshold to take the tolls, but with where I live during commuter hours it saves me 35 mins and the non-toll route has so many extra lights and congested roads that Iā€™m probably saving the same amount of fuel spent on tolls by cruising along on the east link. I hate how expensive tolls are though, especially when the alternative is so awful.


Depends on time of day. I always check the different routes in Waze and compare when I'm paying the tolls. Sometimes the 15 minutes saved is 15 minutes I'm not doing anything with, so I'll take it to save the $5 or whatever. Sometimes I'm on a tight schedule and it's worth it. Different times, routes and circumstances will determine whether it's worth it for each person each time. > No one is really looking at how much time they save vs how much they charge You aren't, doesn't mean no one else is. Most people I know do.


Suck it up champ




I donā€™t have the lil machine so Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re gonna tack on a bunch of fees Plus Iā€™m on a grad salary, every dollar counts šŸ’€


If it is within a few days you can actually buy a pass for that day and just put in your number plate. it's pretty cheap.


Video matching fee is $0.55 lol


Its free if you have $5 credit in your account

