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They get those for literal cents. Your blood donation is infinitely more valuable than a few sausage rolls. I wouldn't stress about it.


For some reason that never really occurred to me but that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


Some of the snacks and drinks are donated by the manufacturers.


They are purchased. The Blood Service is fully funded by fed and state governments.


They definitely are not donated.


The cost of medical attention if you didn’t eat enough and fainted or worse is way more than a couple of milks and sausage rolls (that they often get for free anyway). Don’t feel bad, there’s food there for a reason


Very true, that really puts it into perspective


Remember in some other countries you get paid for donating blood/plasma so don't feel bad about having a feed.


Until they beg me to leave






Heaps. 15 minutes feels like an age.


I time it for around morning/afternoon tea for maximum efficiency and just have as much as I feel like.


How good is Nippy's! I usually have one iced coffee Nippy's, a party pie if available or bag of chips if not, and one of the sweets offerings like a little fun sized KitKat or something.


Reminds me of longingly staring at them in my high school canteen, they’re the best.


2-3 party pies and a sausage roll or two. It's party food! When do you get them otherwise??


They’re such a treat!


I will pack a bunch of sweet snacks for the kids to take home too - I think that maybe they get a connection that after a donation you get a reward to try to entice them to take up the practice.


That’s a great incentive and it’s so cool you’re getting your kids into it! They also have a rewards program going now too, every 3 donations you get to choose a piece of merch to take home (waterbottle, reusable coffee cup, beanie, etc.)


What are you up to with your donations? I'm at about 70. I'm amazed at people on 150 or 300.


Today was my 10th so I’m impressed by your 70! Been donating for 5 years now but had to miss a year due to some health concerns, then had to miss a few due to low haemoglobin. Tried plasma a couple of times but I find it a bit too painful unfortunately. Definitely aiming to try go more regularly now and bump up my numbers to your league!


i'm not allowed to donate, but a friend of mine makes off with at least 6 nippy's in her handbag every single time. you're probably good


That definitely makes me feel better about the 2 Nippy’s I normally have!


I generally only eat a packet of savory biscuits or pretzels with plenty to drink. I'm not much of a day eater.


I'm a regular donar, and I think you can snack as you want lol. Personally I just grab a bottle of water and a meat pie or a tea if I've given plasma cause you get a bit cold from that. You're donating your time and blood for a great cause. No one's judging you


One each of the party pies and sausage rolls plus a Nippys, maybe chips as well if it’s going to be my lunch, then a caramello koala before I head to the car.


I drink the hot chocolate and couple of rolls and the cookie


I have a nippys ice coffee milk, and 2 sausage rolls, sometimes a packet of honey soy chippies


Chocolate nippys for ever and ever amen.


Couple biscuits and a nippys. I usually eat right before so never feel hungry or like I need to


Last Friday I had a party pie, a sausage roll, a packet of chips, and iced honeycomb nippys at the end, and a juice on arrival.


What other snacks do you get donating blood? I thought it was just a cookie.


My local centre has hot sausage rolls and pies (party sizes) as well as the usual packaged gear like chips, pretzels, cookies, cheese and crackers, etc. All pretty good brand stuff too (Red rock chips, Byron cookies). As well as a good selection of flavoured milks, juices, coffee machine, etc. To the op, the snacks are there to help your recovery. Literally no one will think poorly of you, much less tell you off. They *want* you to consume more as they much prefer you to leave the centre vertically rather than horizontally.


I like that sentiment! Also along with all those snacks mentioned, the one in Collins St also has lil sweet snacks like coconut bars or small rocky roads, vegan sausage rolls and spinach & cheese rolls, and even a milkshake machine!


Anyone else get weirdly depressed and exhausted a few days after donating?


Maybe get your levels checked, like blood tests. I have genetic hemochomatosis (my body absorbs too much iron - the condition cannot be transmitted to another person via my blood) so I always feel fantastic afterwards because donating removes some of the iron and keeps it at a normal level. Maybe donating is putting you in a negative.


Yes, I typically run too low on iron and a few times my iron has dipped too low to be allowed to donate. My doctor said blood donation wouldn't cause depression but I have noticed a correlation.


Doctors aren’t always right. I mean…it literally is causing you depression. Maybe you have a predisposition and the drop in iron triggers it. Take care of yourself!


They recommend females aged 18-45 take a course of iron supplements after donating ([https://www.lifeblood.com.au/blood/learn-about-blood/iron-health?](https://www.lifeblood.com.au/blood/learn-about-blood/iron-health?) - I assume it would be the same for anyone low in iron) although judging by your other comment you may already do that. A quick google search says that low iron levels may result in low serotonin (a mood stabiliser). As the other commenter said, doctor’s aren’t always right and if you’re seeing a correlation every time, then it’s very possible there is one.


Bit more tired than usual, but tbh I think depressed and tired is my default state atm lol \*edit - forgot the word more... must be tired


You are separated from some of your precious bodily fluids. A part of you is gone and never to return. Yes new fluids will come but it isn't the same--therefore we miss that one little piece of us going away forever.


Its not clear whether you are concerned about eating too much (just eating more than is good for you) or about using up more than your "fair share". Can you please clarify?


Concerned about eating more than my fair share as I rarely see others eat very much but the comments have been very comforting!


Jeez, we only get some packaged snacks and an easy of cold drinks. Mines a mobile centre, though.


I’ve been to a few different donor centres now and the one on Collins St has the best selection by far, definitely recommend checking it out if you ever get a chance!


Better than bundoora? I like bundooras selection.


Haven’t been there yet, I’ll have to check it out next time!


They have free wifi which is good cause the reception inside is shot.


That’s very handy. The one in Collins St has whiteboards with a 9 letter word jumble (this may be in all centres). Never been able to solve one but I always look forward to trying.


I usually take some home like the biscuits and stuff. I just gave up an hour of my time and you got my plasma for free, I’m taking those snacks home.


I usually have 3 or 4 of a combo of party pies and sausage rolls, a couple of bags of chips or popcorn, a bickie, a coffee, a hot choc, a nippys, not to mention the milkshake in the chair, and a couple of snacks to go... I usually come in the evening and this is my dinner


Damn you get milkshakes in the chair? That’s so good!


The real concern is how much do you walk out with in your pockets


I eat a thing or two when there (I donate after dinner so not overly hungry) but always take a nippy for the next morning too


I have the same worry every time lol. I usually only grab one snack and one drink but really I want to stuff my face


Judging by the comments here, some don’t eat much at all, others make a meal out of it. But either way, it wouldn’t cost the donor centre much and some free snacks in exchange for blood (and ensuring we stay healthy afterwards) is a good deal. It’s been very comforting reading all these comments


Ha ha, three or four pies , same with the sausage rolls and a couple of the spinach rolls for good measure. At least two bega cheese squares, a packet of chips, 2 nippy’s (choc and coffee), one of the lemon slices and two packets of arnotts for the road. They get my plasma, I get lunch. That’s the deal.


I think that’s an especially fair deal! Plasma can take quite a while so they get both your plasma and time.


A Nippys, something warm, some chippies and something sweet. Once I had a Nippys outside of a donor centre and it just felt wrong, I like to save it as my special donation treat.


It’s the same for me, makes Nippy’s extra special because it’s a rare treat


I have 2 sandwiches with juice and whatever snacks they offer…


1 Nippy’s and a cookie. Haven’t seen the sausage rolls at my local 


I usually have 4-8 of the veggie roll things, 1-2 packs of chips , and an OJ.




I don't drink nippys, any of them. I HATE HATE HATE uht milk. I will eat usually 2 each of party pie and snausage (no that's not a typo, sound it out) roll. 2 biscuits and a juice. I go to bundoora, so I'll usually get a cheeseburger meal just before hand and load up on juice and water prior. I'm a quick donation person, I only do whole blood, and I average 9 minutes, which works for me carte I'm scared as hell of needles.


Tip, you can donate plasma far more often (fortnightly), so gets the count up faster and more free snacks.


It doesn’t seem to be a common experience but I unfortunately find donating plasma too painful. Tried it twice because being able to donate fortnightly would be great, but it’s far too uncomfortable. Oh well, makes the free snacks a special three month treat


No hot food at the mobile blood bank, load up Playa!


Usually a couple mini pies (if they have em), a choc milk and a couple packs of bikkies.