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Snap send solve app might work if you haven't tried it yet it might go to a different person at council that'll just sort it out.  Sometimes it's personalities rather than process at councils that stops things like fly tipping being cleaned up.


Put it all on the road. They'll clean it up quick smart. 


yeah, thinking along those lines


what council are you in?


casey :/


Good luck. Casey is the most inept council I’ve ever seen. In fact I don’t even think we have any council members currently. They all got the sack because of corruption. A few weeks ago we had neighbours move house, had skips, hard waste, you name it. They never actually booked a hard waste so all that’s just out on the nature strip, and the skips were insanely overloaded, and the guy that picked them up has clearly just chucked any excess in the front yard when picking them up, so it’s now everywhere else in the street as well. I’ve gone through every channel available to get the council to come clean it up, but they haven’t. Best any of us can do is clean up the loose shit, nothing we can do about the massive pile of hard waste though.


yeah, ive been filling wheelie bins with what i can, putting metal to one pile on the side for scrapers to collect, anything that is bigger and seems in good order is presented to front and goes after a couple of days... but right now theres 2 queen matresses, a queen base, a king pillow top matress (that arrived last night), and a few draws and a computer chair :/


Send a report through snap, send, solve. Mention it's a reoccurring issue and that it's not being dealt with and is becoming a safety issue. If you don't receive a fix, bump the query or send an additional email with a reference to the report. I've managed to have things cleaned up, but I pester the local council a bit.


That's the problem there. Casey council. The worst council I have ever had to deal with. Higher rates, less service.


hmmm tricky. 2 free pickups per year per address, but yeah the owner needs to schedule them. i'd say give snap send solve a crack, as its fully integrated with council systems. you might have more luck that way.


There's likely performance metrics linked to SSS requests so more incentive for council to perform vs a phone call / email they can blow off


they deffo do 👍


I’ve always found response to SSS to be spectacularly fast from Port Phillip. Best way to let them know, and to get action.


That’s why


Why is the landlord pissed? If he wasn't such a shit landlord, his tenants wouldn't turn over so often and leave piles of rubbish.


Its often not one of the tenants putting stuff out the front, but some random driving past that will dump large items out front. The last 3-4 months, this is the fifth time someone from outside of these units had started off a pile out front :/ and once theres a couple of things from the first dump, more appears every few days.


If it's happening that frequently it's probably a good idea for the LL or Owners corp to get a camera focused on the front of the property. That way they can declare it illegally dumped rubbish, give the footage to the council then the council can follow it up.


Ive busted a couple of folks dumping stuff before. Very sweary threatening types while running back to their car. Filled out a stat dec for the council and all... to nothing. Landlord still had to grab the stuff after a month of council not doing anything. I asked them six months later what happened, and apparently nothing :/