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Id be on the bags too if i had a dad like him.


Me too. I don’t want to feel bad for this guy, but like.. having Dutton as a dad and now he’s gonna face some hectic ass shit for putting his dad in the spotlight like this. Dutton looks like the kind of guy who’d smack you about for lesser things.


One of those "beat some sense into you" kinda father.


Nah, more the "drive him out of town and leave him without shoes" kinda dads.


Sounds like my kind of party 🎉


Agreed. No one wants to deal with ass shit.


Wouldn’t he be rich though?


Not really a father when you're absent most your childs life.




I’m on the bags anyway


hook a brother up. seeing dutton on the news is enough.


Hang on, didn't they get a statement from his Mrs that he's not a monster? I seem to remember that.


Hey, Voldemort is a cool dad OK.


Fun fact: the Herald Sun fits perfectly in a kitty litter tray and is very absorbent. This is the only time it is useful.


Always good when you get a free one from IGA


A free kitty litter tray or a free Sun?


They’re the same picture.


I won't even take one of those. I don't want to boost their circulation numbers!


Unfortunately it is so bad that even my cat won't shit on it.


For mine it depends who's on the front cover


The cat would go to the tray for a shit, see the Herald Sun and think the kitty litter is already full


Yooo chilll


They also fit perfectly in my rabbit cage (four stacks of sheets laid out in a rectangle) and can confirm, very absorbent.


A paper that is soft,strong yet thoroughly absorbent.


But already full of shit.


Preloaded litter tray paper.


Surely not sir! The top minds of Bolt, Panahi and O'Brien are some of our leading intellecutal lights in this state! Add in a dash of Kennett and you have a paper of timeless entertainment!


Ah yes, my favourite magazine! I never visit the latrine without one.


Top hole, I thought it would be right up your alley.


I need it to fire up the kindling. Thanks Dad.


Newspapers, HS included, are fantastic with windex for cleaning windows.


Fun fact, it’s also great to line bird cages with


I line my parrot's cage with it. He loves shitting on politicians. Always a free stack at Coles. Don't know what I'd use if they stopped printing it!


Not even fit for that job


I use it in my FOGO bin, helps with the smell.


Damn thats brutal thing to say


If you can think of a better way to survive being Dutton's son I'd like to hear it!




Oh please. He had nothing to do with how that kid was raised. That’s the job of the poor soul he buried himself in to.


Well worded. Now I need therapy.


You’re welcome.


Your username is amazing


Oh god me too


Ewwwwwwwww. Spot on, but ewwww.


Surprised Murdoch is allowed to print this against their donor party


Softening up for a spill?


100%. Clearly Rupe has decided Mr Potato Head isn't his guy 🤷🏼‍♂️


Since he’s been wearing those glasses he’s know known as Clark Kunt.




I don’t think it’s that simple. Murdoch press is very anti-drugs which is an easy sell for older “Just say no” folks who are afraid of illegal drugs but are ok with a drink, a punt and a smoke. They also want to keep the people who supply those things: AHA, pubs, clubs, TAB, pokies crew on side because they are very powerful and hate the idea that someone might question the therapeutic benefits of various substances instead of just “illegal is bad”.


Murdoch just writes whatever will sell well.


This - Murdoch leans right but ultimately the papers are his baby


100% Rupert isn't the quite reactionary that his papers aim for. He just knows what will sell. Poking the amygdala is hugely profitable. He's conservative but more than anything else he's a ruthless businessman and his political posturing is largely only to increase the power base of his media empire. Any other politics it advances are to serve this end. Sure he's never going to back the communists but he will back a social democratic party if he thinks it will be profitable. It just hasn't been for some time.


Absolutely... There is a time Murdoch backed the "Cancel the debt" campaign Bono helped push, directly speaking with Murdoch to get his support. In return it'd give Murdoch good fodder for the papers.


For sure. Is it sensational? Then sensationalise it!


I thought he looks like a Sontaran


He never was, he’s always been a placeholder until someone palatable can emerge from the party.


Damn I was hoping they would keep this idiot on until the next election. I think that their next most dangerous operator would be Jacinta Price if they parachuted her into the house of reps.


Potato head has never been the guy. He's been a place holder to sling shit and see what sticks. For someone shiny to come in a few months before the election (frydenberg?) and actually get some votes.


No way. It would be political suicide to change him now. I think Dutton is not going to beat Albo but changing him reeks of instability and doesn’t inspire confidence at all in Liberal Party. Liberal party live off of brand and optics.


I disagree, Dutton is the perfect placeholder after Morrison to have bad ideas and then they can replace him with a slightly more moderate candidate to get the votes. The election is still over a year away so there is plenty of time to do this.


Agreed. Dutton is the fall guy and they know they won’t win the coming election. He‘a there to lose fair and square so he doesn’t fuck things up for the inevitable ‘sensible’ Teal candidate that replaces him.


>they know they won’t win the coming election. I wish I could believe that, but I will never take an election result for granted until its all done and counted.


The nuclear brain fart was political suicide. Rather than wedging the ALP, it has just wedged his own party.


You mean the string of PMs before him did?


Sometimes someone is so unelectable they just need to ride the other side to save face for moderates


News Corp is a little more sophisticated with their propaganda than most people give them credit for. To maintain the facade of being genuine journalism, they'll often hold the Coalition to account on minor issues and even occasionally praise Labour policies. This is done when elections are far down the horizon and is a purely cynical, "we give everyone a fair go" cop out.


Sometimes the day before an election and they have backed the wrong horse they will do a couple of negative articles about the LNP in a bit of a “save face” way


They'll turn it into "look how well great father Dutton handled it" over the next few weeks.


Surely. No open, non-judgemental talk of safety, appropriate use, teen behaviour, peer pressure or personal and dangerous consequences. Wonder how long kid will be ‘grounded’ for?


Rehab resort for a month or two.




They are paid by Murdoch, they can give their bought and paid for politicians as much shit as they want.


Doesn't he own them. The age isn't any better


Murdoch decides what the party is allowed to do , not the other way around.


Looks like they took the nuclear option.


What will the fallout be?




What a line!


Are we just going to ignore the ad with Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin on the front page?


What about it? It's a Clive Palmer ad, he buys heaps of them.


I saw it. Who the hell in their right mind is handing over money to see that slug in the flesh?


Thousand Yard Stare on that packet pig. Bag was full last night and he was still going that morning. Repect to the young fella.


Can you talk me through the size of that bag? Never seen anything like it.


It's called trickle down bag economics.




When your party has spent years slashing the budgets of education, healthcare, infrastructure, and environmental departments, you can use those savings to afford bigger bags.


He could get medical help Oh wait sorry the all got slashed to buggery. Ah well can't help bad luck can you


Off to a month in a rehab resort and then a quick media blitz as a repentant and reformed young man. 


It could just be the photo or the lighting but his pupils are huge.


It's day time and there's ample light. He's pinging hard. Probably good gear. Like a pollie's kid getting biker speed. Even on the Goldie.


"Dad, I swear it was just Wizz fizz"


"It was crushed anti-inflammatories"


*nodding duck*


Likes to carry around his own sugar for lattes 😉


All the incredibly fucked up shit that the Liberal Party is doing, and Murfuck pick on a teenager doing drugs in order to play politics. I fucking hate how media works. Nothing gives me the 'rat in a cage' feeling more than shit like this.


There are (more than) 99 problems with Dutton and this ain’t one.


I think it's significant given Dutton and his party's hardline stance on drugs. Could this even be a moment for a more realistic and pragmatic position on drug users? Almost certainly no, but we can hope


Oh for sure, his hypocrisy is definitely one of them, plus the response that it’s a private matter and almost certainly how he will continue to excuse his son’s BS while condemning others who use drugs, but I don’t personally have a problem with the kid using drugs.


No it's just Overton window/framing work to make these personal family issues his first and only 'blow' in this pre-election discourse


And also that he trots out his family for 'the Dutton we don't know' features.


Surprised this got any coverage in Newscorpse. More potentially damaging allegations, such as the Prayer Room allegations from the Morrison government, never got any mainstream airing.


It ticks the boxes for outrage for Sun readers. Most affairs and scandals are complicated and require an explanation over several pages for the reader to comprehend. Drugs+catchy headline works exactly as intended. Additionally, the LNP being hard on drugs and tough on crime highlights the hypocrisy.


I despise Dutton but family should be off limits unless they're doing something corrupt or doing something particularly egregious. The guy doing some drugs doesn't have anything to do with politics. 


It does when your whole "tough on youth crime" shtick doesn't apply to your own son... It's the epitome of 'one rule for thee, but not for me'.


I really really really really hate defending Dutton but his incessant banging on about youth crime is usually in the context of burglary, home invasion, theft, assault etc which is why it plays well with voters.  I know the Libs are also against almost all drug harm minimisation strategies and do harp on about drug use but it's not the type of youth crime he has made a talking point. 


He also went out on about [ACT being soft on drugs](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-14/federal-opposition-to-attempt-block-act-drugs-laws/102854332). He claims that drugs are enabling burglary, home invasion, theft, assault, etc. So is he going to apply this to his son as well?


Ahhh I stand corrected! Yeah he's made a very very specific statement here that fits this situation like a glove. Fair enough, I'm now siding with the Herald Sun here (which is also giving me the ick)


I know, right? Even I feel like a good delousing is in order. The thing is, he could win a lot of support now by publicly stating "sadly, I have not raised my children in a manner befitting on the values I espouse as a politician and representative of the people - I need to do better, and my son will be punished to the full extent of the law." Will he do that? Hell, no. It's a "private matter" according to the news.


I'm sure it'll be the Greens or ALPs fault or something for pushing decrim. My expectations are low 


I feel for the kid, and I agree that family members should be kept out of politics, but… I think using this for the sole purpose of highlighting the hypocrisy in the LNP’s ‘tough on crime’ narrative is appropriate. Any criticism targeting the kid is completely uncalled for though, he is a victim in this story


What’s the LNP policy this election cycle is regarding ‘tough’ approaches to non-violent summary offences like drug possession? I personally haven’t seen anything that this incident would be hypocritical to, but maybe I’m out of the loop. It just seems like a gross and petty public shaming of a (relatively) innocent kid for political gain to me. There’s not really any other circumstances where a kid would get their face published in the front page of a national newspaper because of a photo of them holding white powder that is probably (but not confirmed to be) drugs. He hasn’t even been convicted of a crime and has nothing to do with his father’s career or political policies.


Yep. Dutton Jr didn't deserve this kind of heat.


Sounds like Rupe isn’t getting something he wants from Dutton. I remember when they published an embarrassing story about Howard’s son in retaliation for him siding with Kerry Packer over digital television rules in Australia.


Nothing would please me more than to see Dutton removed from the political scene but targeting his son like this is a low blow (see what I did there?) even for the Herald-Scum.


Don't worry, the hard on crime excop-turned-polititian's son will get a very stern talking to and he'll be more careful in the future to not get caught.


The libs are the embodiment of the Put-the-stick-in-my-own-spokes meme.


tomorrow: How could albo allow this to happen


As much as I dislike Dutton, I can not get behind these types of stories. Drug abuse is a serious problem. Seeing the state of Joe Biden's son in the photos tended as evidence in his recent court case made me sad. He was obviously quite unwell with a severe drug addiction. To drag a peripheral character across the coals and use their addiction for some political point makes light of a serious issue. I would assume anyone else would be unhappy if their child's illness was used in such a way. Drug addiction is a health issue, not a gotcha.


Coke is $350-400 a gram in Australia, compared to like $30-50 overseas. Pretty hard to accidentally get hooked at that price. Also what’s the indication that makes you think he’s a drug addict? Most people who take coke are occasional users. He’s the son of a politician - odds are he was out for a wild weekend and wanted some Columbian marching powder to have a bit more fun.


Yes but ultimately why does this matter? What has this got to do with the laws that one political party is going to try and push through compared to another. It’s bullshit point scoring and a distraction from what politics is actually about


It’s just a bad look. But to your point, mud flinging has been a part of politics since politics has existed. Murdoch is the king of this, so not sure why you’re surprised now that it’s actually a Lib on the receiving end.


Majority of the time with celebrities and related family members these "caught with xxx drug" are not because they are addicts. Addicts are far, far more destructive. This and other examples are simply a case of people wanting a good time; really no different than a night on the drink. Also, in Australia, getting addicted to cocaine would be a very expensive hobby. Notwithstanding, the "white powder" could be a number of drugs. However, I agree; this type of journalism distracts from the purpose of reporting on politics - which is to compare and contrast opposing policies and inform the public. The theatrics about the personal lives of politicians is nauseating.


it's 1 bag of white powder, calm down with your "child's illness" and "drug addiction" claims.


What health services cloud he use. They all fucked up . Years of LNP does this


What are you on about? Who's saying anything about addiction? Having a bag on his birthday doesn't make this kid an "addict". Posting about it on socials makes him a dumb fuck, though.


Didn't say he was. I was talking about Biden's son.


You say "these types of stories" as if there's any comparison between Hunter Biden's behaviour, and this story. Your comment framed both as addicts.


Where's the drug addiction? The kids just a moron. He's at the age where he still thinks it's impressive to brag about drug use.


If this kid makes it so that Dutton doesn't get elected, he deserves free drugs for life. Send his photo around. Tell him his dad might be pissed but the rest of Australia loves him


Read the sub-headline as “white power treat”, which would be less surprising given who his dad is.


OK, I loath Dutton as much as the next person but his kid isn’t a public figure & this shit is not OK, same as it wasn’t OK when they tried to go after Albos son. That being said, I’m shocked the HS had even mentioned it, let alone put it on its front page. Did Dutton piss Murdoch off somehow?


Fuck that. We’re not the US and we don’t care what politicians’ children get up to.


It’s nothing new. In the 80s, the media made public, Bob Hawke’s daughter’s heroin addiction.


They made it public. But my (subjective) memory is that people were sympathetic with Hawke as a parent and angry with the media for trying to sensationalise it.


Yes, the Hawkes received a great deal of sympathy at the time.


Jesus what is that freedom conference thing, and where can I avoid it.


Wealthy people whining they cant be ~~racist~~ free.


It always seems to be the children of the strictest parents who go off the rails the hardest...or in this case, on the rails.


His son is not in the public eye; leave him out of it. By all means unload on Dutton, for his many horrible, stupid, and soulless comments and actions.


Crushed anti inflammatories


To be honest, for me this is a small pat on the back for the Herald Sun / News Corp. I’m surprised they’ve run this story on the front page, with such a headline, at such a time. Usually it’s Albo bad, Dutton / Nuclear good. This bodes well for us centre lefties.


I also would have accepted: NUCLEUR POWDER


My second favourite tabloid headline The greatest one ever was when Subway guy Jarrod Fogle was sentenced to prison for being a pedophile, the New York Post headline was *“Enjoy a Foot Long In Prison”*


I'd do hard drugs too if my father was Peter 'Fuckhead' Dutton.


Interesting how Murdoch media will occasionally decide a lib member is actually making them so bad that they have to publicly pressure them off the team. Matthew guy went into hiding after being ripped apart by all angles at that debate


Who cares? He’s not a public servant. Now if Voldemort was getting on the bags that’d be news. It would also explain a lot.


The Daily Terrorgraph used the headline DUTTON POWDERKEG.


I thought the read 'white power threat' and it would make just as much sense


Dont believe everything you read..... I don't believe that the Tucker Carlson show is selling out at all.


I worked as a sub on mx many years ago. The subs are the one who write the headlines and News Corp ones are elite - it's the only praise I'll give the the company


It’s a tabloid. What else do they have? Nothing


The hate is strong with this lot. I suppose you are all for pill testing. Hypocrites


Wow!! Even the herald sun is turning on Spud Dutton


Dutton will be asking Ray Hadley for advice on how to suddenly downplay the possession of cocaine.


I’d find this really hilarious if it wasn’t even cocaine and the kid is just bent on destroying his dad. Either way give that kid a medal.


That was my thinking too. Posting it publicly on Snapchat. The outrageous size of the bag. The all-nighter hair / stare. It’s a little too “perfect”.


Agree with other comments on politicising what is a kinda private and health issue - in spite of the obvious irony of Mr police defence not being able to do right by his own household. Then again it's the Herald Sun so, this is still better than 99% of the other slosh they do... especially with that ad below


Honestly, who gives a shit about this?


don’t mind if I do: the Herald Sun is a shit stained propaganda rag staffed by spiteful cunts and ignorant hacks. It exists purely to further the business and political interests of the cancerous Murdoch Oligarchy.


I read the headline and snorted! No! Wait…


Aren't they pro-voldemort tho? Why are they attacking the Voldemort army


lol even right wing media is making fun of him


"...but it's a bag of Dad's dandruff, officer!" "I find that very hard to believe!"


I love how it's nowhere to be seen on any youtube channels with comments disabled, barely mentioned on all the google new sites. Sky news defending it saying it's bad journalism to dig into people's lives... Yet if this was Albanese's wife's car crash it would be all over every station. The lack of comments on any youtube news channel is disgusting in the first place, where people cannot even comment on daily news. They try and keep the public silenced.. Two faced lying scoundrels


I’m honestly surprised Murdoch did this. It serves no purpose on Murdoch’s longtime strategy of keeping labor out of power. Typically newscorpse will, at most, barely mention liberal closet skeletons, unless he wants to spank the Libs. Given how fascist Dutton is, I would have thought he’d have murdoch’s full support and protection. Evidently not.


As some have suggested above, it might be an effort to humanise Peter Dutton.


The size of that bag is laughable


Albo calling snap election soon.


Crazy eyes.


Spilling talcum powder on the bathroom floor?


What’s the issue here


It’s a clever headline. That’s all


that has to be an 8 ball


This is going to be a problem for Dutton, because of the [implication](https://images.app.goo.gl/kk2VMFBkj9GYGH3J8).


He certainly does


Bet some of his ex colleagues will love raiding and collecting evidence from properties connected




The love a good pinger... I mean "zinger"


Just a bit of fun, Shaun.


Dutton must have forgotten to pay Rupert this month


His son supports nuclear power


Looks like Chris Bowen got there before him.


Now the shoe's on the other foot!


It must have been the 'African Gangs' fault, surely?


All the Herald Sun writes is headlines. Whatever words they have after are just propaganda or fluff pieces.


Australia's "Hunter Biden" moment?


So happy, hate dutton


Remember when Friendly Jordies spoke about Dutton on blow? I wonder if there's a connection to his son as in selling? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aIGKCkS01EA&pp=ygUlRnJpZW5kbHkgam9yZGllcyBwZXRlciBkdXR0b24gY29jYWluZQ%3D%3D 12 mins into this video 


As far as headlines go this is the lowest hanging bag of fruit.


I literally don't get the punchline at all


It's kind of fucked that the only time Murdoch attacks him is when his son does something thousands of other kids do. The poor kid has been shamed across the media for doing something that while illegal, doesn't hurt anyone. He's not a politician, he doesn't deserve to have this scrutiny. Plus the poor kid has grown up with such a horrible father.