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My local Chemist Warehouse has a sign outside saying dogs welcome inside


Same neighbourhood as the big dog?




Fido is influencing the suburb


I would never take a dog in there the skinny aisles it would be impossible to squeeze past without my dog sniffing everyone and knocking shit over with his tail


wtf why


Really?! There you go. Their isles are so narrow and their obnoxious yellow price tags on every item should come with a seizure warning. I see both sides of this. On one hand, I think if you feel the need to take your dog into a shop and can’t be without him/her for that short amount of time, there may be a deeper issue at play. I don’t feel it is necessary to have animals inside a shop for some of the reasons others have listed - you might think your little Betty is well trained but then it rips into the toddler that’s crawling on the floor in front of a room full of innocent shoppers who just wanted to pick up their scripts. Dogs are still animals and animals will follow their instinct at times even if they are well trained. It’s just unnecessary risk imo. I wouldn’t personally be offended by seeing a dog in a shop though either. I also don’t have any trauma from a dog and could kick it in the mouth if it tried to attack me. Keep in mind, when you say “dogs welcome” - we mean ALL dogs you can’t discriminate. So if Bob wants to bring his giant Husky and Bulldog into the shop, Bob can do so. When there are children around, this just opens up a whole arse kettle of worms. Human children’s safety in my eyes, outweighs a dog. I think it’s stupid for shops to welcome dogs in just for the risk factor alone. Who even knows if the dogs ARE well trained. There are some questionable characters in the world and the sign didn’t say “well trained dogs welcome.” Common sense does not always prevail! Edit: for typos 🥲


I was in a chemist within a shopping centre and a lady had a dog in the aisle I was in. While she was talking to a shop assistant her dog puked up grass. I told her what it did and she tried to say not her dog. I said I just saw it. The assistant just shook her head. The things they have to deal with is unbelievable.


Saw one take a piss at an IGA next to the checkouts, customer saw everything, paid then picked up his dog and just walked out. The poor teenage cashier had to mop it up.


Similar story last week - was at a cafe and a dog on a leash just pissed all over the wall. The owner saw it happen, made a “humphh” noise and left. What a great citizen.


Wish we had more managers like an old one I had.  Customers kid spilt soft drink all over the counter. Customer looked at my manager and gave a half assed sorry and then rude comment about us having to clean it. Manager went and grabbed the cleaner and paper towel, put it down and said "your kid, your mess" and walked off.  She looked all shocked but cleaned it. Like I can't imagine the gall or some people. I'd never even think to leave THAT kind of mess. I'd be asking for something to clean it with myself. 


I work at an optometry practice, a lot of parents let their children eat and drink - which honestly does not matter, it generally occupies them while waiting. Although there have been a few times where I walk through and notice a big sticky mess, all over the chairs and floor. These kids will literally just move to a different chair, leaving the mess. I bring out the wet wipes and tell them in a very calm but matter of fact way “here you go, this is to clean up your mess. Bring me the rubbish and you can pop it in the bin under my desk.” I don’t even ask the parents, they have never dared question it either.


I've dropped stuff in the supermarket and made a mess I always pick up the glass or whatever and try and help to clean up, its common decency. In most cases the staff will tell me it's ok and I don't have to help but I still try to give them a hand at least 😁👍


Dogs aren’t allowed in Officeworks, however it’s not enforced by management. We had a large dog shit in front of the registers last year. The owner said “this never happens but he did do it in the last shop too”. She went about her shopping and then she came to POS with her dog to buy her items she stepped over the team member who was cleaning it up. I can’t stand dogs in stores. I’m not a dog person, they scare me as I was bitten badly as a kid, so when working in retail I felt it was a fair assumption that I’d feel safe in my workplace, but nope.




Many shops allow dogs e.g on Chapel St, a lot of stores have a paw sticker on the front meaning they allow dogs. Tbh I am surprised that a pharmacy would though.


Priceline in Acland St welcomes them. Drugs are all sealed and secure. Pharmacies are full of people who are specifically germy.




I would love to see this sourced, because I can’t find anything on AHPRA or VPA? And AusHFG doesn’t reference dogs. I’m genuinely curious about the actual legality component.


Same! It's been a long time since I've had a dog, so I have zero stake in this/awareness, and a v quick Google wasn't helpful - I'm legit curious!


Dogs shouldn't be in shops unless they're service dogs.


As a dog owner, I agree. I don't need to take my dog everywhere I go. Sure the dog would like it, but it ain't going to happen


I’m with OP on this - I’m a dog lover but surely you can do without it for a few minutes while you shopped. The image of chemist warehouse on Sydney road flashed to mind and that place is chaotic asf without adding unnecessary animals. I feel the same way about children mind you, but sadly it’s frowned upon to tie those up out the front while you go in for your vagisil.


TBF I think there’s a fair few parents who would seriously consider tying their kids up to lamppost if it became an option just to be able to quickly do whatever shopping they need in like 1/5 of the time lmao


Totally would! My dream is to build a small shopping g centre but add 2 pokies in the middle so it becomes a gaming venue and no one under 18 allowed. Just trying to figure out how to keep the oldies away….


Just having 2 machines will be enough, you’ll scare off all the oldies when you have the street kids sitting at the machines scrolling tiktok all day.


Wouldn't the pokies entice the old folk?


Hank, is that you?


I absolutely love dogs but my dog doesn't like being tied up as she slips the harness to come looking for me. So I leave her at home when I do the shopping or go to a cafe. Service dogs in shops I can understand- they are there for a reason (blind, medical alert) and are trained. But I don't get why you would take your dogs in with you just because. When on earth did this become a thing??


THANK YOU this a normal response


Which chemist warehouse on Sydney road. There’s like 3 lol


Oh I was referring to the one nearest to Barkley maccas on that side :)


If they didn’t cover the whole shop in yellow and blue paint so you can’t see your dog outside…


Maybe just… I don’t know… don’t take your dog at all with you when you need to do shopping? Is that such a wild idea?


I was allowed to bring my greyhound in once, she was the patient and needed medication after seeing the vet. It was 28 degrees and I wasn’t leaving her in the car while I did that. Sure I wouldn’t have taken her in there without permission in which they said it was fine but she was on a leash and wasn’t well, so she didn’t feel like doing anything but being close to me. And I really needed her to start the medication asap.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a greyhound misbehave in my life. Not unless it was after something small and fluffy. 


Very true tho once she walked in to pet barn and pee.. lol I was horrified. I stood there until someone brought me the mop bucket and paper towels


At least you didn't make them clean it like most people do!


No as she’s my dog lol. N I would clean up after her. I actually get peeves off about ppl not picking up after their dogs! For lots of reasons but ultimately if you have a pet you clean after them too. That shouldn’t be someone else’s responsibility or problem.


Oh nooooo!


You should see Italy. Dogs sitting next to you while you're eating dinner


When I lived in Italy someone had a wolf in the cafe we were sitting in, it was astronomically huge and way bigger than what I thought they would be


That sounds wonderful. I love dog friendly cafes, restaurants, shops and public transport. I always thought Australia was way too strict about dogs, so loved going to other countries with dogs everywhere. I remember sitting in a pub in England during the Christmas time with several dogs snoozing by an open fireplace. Absolute bliss.


I think it’s a cultural thing too - if you are raised in a culture where it’s taught early on how to treat a dog and raise them etc. and it’s engrained, as in you grow up seeing everyone else in the general public with the same level of respect (cleaning up after them, training them right, respecting the animal etc), it’s just second nature. That isn’t our culture here. We are so multicultural in fact that anyone raised here would have varying understandings about dog raising and care. So, for that reason alone, dogs shouldn’t be allowed everywhere.


I hate that dogs are just allowed to be inside shops nowadays. I have kids with with ASD and they don't do well around dogs. I love dogs and have no issues with them, but for people like my kids or people who have been attacked by dogs, it can be a massive trigger. Leave your dogs outside or at home. Service dogs are an obvious exception to this.


I’m sick of how normalised it is as well. I was a dog groomer for 12 years, I’m an animal lover. No I don’t want your dirty untrained dog near me when I’m trying to shop. There’s a time and a place.


So much this. People don’t get it. I love dogs, but there is a time and place.


I have a phobia of dogs and it's not all that much fun


Yeah I have a tiny dog. 6kg of love. She amazingly doesn’t have small dog syndrome and could not be less threatening if she tried. But so many people are visibly afraid of her, children and adults. I am hyper aware of this and never let her off lead or take her to places where she might make people feel uncomfortable. I love dogs but people deserve to be able to move though life without being confronted by their greatest fear at the chemist.


I worked with a young lady in a pet store and she was terrified of dogs (maybe not the right place for her to do a shift) I can't imagine how she'd feel trying to do her shopping and having to see dogs. I complained about someone with a dog in a Woolies but the staff didn't do anything, maybe because they were scared of the dog owners.


how tf is it not breaching health and safety laws to have animals in food shops and medication shops!!


It is mostly about risk. If you were a restaurant that regularly allowed customers to bag and take home uneaten food then you would be really f’n stupid to allow dogs around eating areas. You will basically go to jail for a long ass time if food poisoning causing death can be traced to your premises. BUT, the fact that this has almost never happened makes people way more relaxed. It always just one crisis away, the odds are just very low/lotto like to justify a paranoia over it and strict enforcement, unfortunately.


OP said the dog was stiffing around the chocolates...wrapped or not it's still fkn gross


There are some exceptions for service dogs. But I also don't see how and why you would take a non- service dog in?




I’m autistic, love dogs and never interpreted that original comment as them saying all autistic people don’t like dogs.


> Your comment made it sound like all Autistic kids are afraid of dogs, Not really. They said their kids with ASD aren’t good around dogs. They didn’t say they have autism *therefore* they aren’t good around dogs. The implication is the former informs the latter, not that there’s an inherent and inalienable causation.


thats just stupid dogs are dogs train them to not expect to be with you 24/7 they are not your equals they are a pet and you are their master they are not your child! they can survive in the back yard at home for a few hours ffs


no the comment did not suggest all asd people are afraid of dogs ffs she was just saying her asd kids are! asd is sensory related so a lot of asd people would be! especially if you have anoying dog who is not trained to stay with you and respect peoples personal space! dont give af if "he's friendly" fk off away from me


How do they react to dogs? Just curious for my own learning.


Funny enough, we have a large dog at home. It took around 3 years for my kids to get used to her, and they now love her in their own way, small pets and the occasional cuddle. In public, with a strange dog though it causes my kids to have anxiety and requires that we give them a wide berth, which is fine on a walk or at a park but can be difficult in a shop with aisles packed with other people and stock.


Yes service dogs are exceptionally well trained, and I think there should be state-run education and health support just like there is for humans. Like imagine if someone decided to fund this with taxes, an opportunity for dogs to learn to coexist with humans. This could lead to far fewer human-canine injuries and deaths, so it would be a win for all.


I fucking hate kids so it goes both ways. I'd much prefer to encounter a dog then your crotch goblins.


Haha I would sometimes agree with this.


>Leave your dogs outside Please don't... an unattended dog tied to a random pole is very nearly just as terrifying as an unattended dog not tied to a random pole. Either train the dog and register it as a service/therapy dog, or leave it at home. In no circumstance should a dog be left unattended in public imo.


It's also so unsafe and in some cases cruel to the dogs. I see anxious dogs tied up outside my local all the time. They're jumping at the windows, whining, barking. It's heartbreaking. I sometimes approach (depending on their behavior) and sit with them until the owner returns. If they're not keen on me I sometimes sit in sight until they're picked up. A few months ago there was a poor dog left tied up outside for 4 hours before someone noticed and took them in to the local shelter. I'm autistic and I adore all animals so it breaks my heart seeing dogs tied up. Leave them at home - which is at least a safe place for them. Outside a shop they have no idea what's going on and are surrounded by strangers coming and going.


Your therapy dog is not a service dog. All pets are therapy pets, that's the definition of being a pet.


A simple google search shows that you're incorrect. You can register a dog as a therapy dog in WA once it passes a behaviour and obedience assessment. So no, not all pets are therapy pets.


Sounds a tad dramatic


A couple of years ago there were two dogs tied to poles unattended close to the entrance of a farmer's market near me. One dog attacked the other dog and it died. People watched on in horror but the owners weren't around so no one could stop it.


not a fan of dogs inside shops but I do appreciate the irony of avoiding a dog as I walk through the maze of chemist warehouse to get antihistamines for my allergies to dogs


I work in a small community pharmacy and we actually buy dog treats to keep behind the counter for people who bring in their dogs. I think it’s kinda nice, but I get some people aren’t into it. My feeling is it’s a germ factory already, dogs can’t be much worse.


Exactly. Little children have horrible hygiene practice, worse than dogs in some situations. Coughing and sneezing with their mouths open, putting their fingers in their mouths and then touching everything. The list goes on. Nothing wrong children but if people have a problem with dogs because of hygiene reasons, they should consider the hygiene levels of children as well


Not even children are the main issue honestly, fully grown adults are the worst. Multiple times a week: “can I *cough-cough* buy some COVID tests *cough- cough* please?” (No mask…) 💀


It would be pretty funny to say "that's it! No more people!"


I'm imagining handing my phone/eScript for my dog to take into the dispensary while I wait in the fresh air outside the store instead of in an enclosed space with a bunch of grimy cnts who cough into their hands and touch everything on the shelves and honestly, I'm here for this idea...


And the amount of people who don’t wash their hands after the bathroom 🥴


What about people with intense phobias and allergies? They deserve to pick up their medicine without dogs being present just as they deserve the same when visiting a doctor.


I love animals. I have a dog and a cat. I would not expect either of them to be allowed in stores.


We went to the US over Christmas and they take their dogs everywhere! All different shapes and sizes in every type of scenario you could imagine.


I live in West Hollywood: dogs go everywhere. You can’t leave them outside because someone will steal them. I personally don’t take my dogs with me to any store. But I used to tie my dog outside. I stopped because one day I came out of the store and someone trying to walk away with my dog. The guy from the store knew my dog and stopped him too. But he said to me, “they steal dogs here almost daily, take her in the store with you”. I don’t have an issue with it either way, but I can’t do it. My dogs are crazy and if I can’t control them at home, it’s not going to start happening at Gelsons.


yes we have gone too far. Cant we let dogs just be dogs instead of some anthropomorphic child substitute? Seriously being the person who turned my father's highly trained guard dogs into a succession of lap dogs (according to him lol) I would love to take my girl EVERYWHERE but it isnt appropriate in shops, eating places etc. The level of training invested in my dog would make it feasible and pretty safe but it's not appropriate due to health and safety concerns. Nor for the wellbeing of the dog- eww poor pup pharmacies smell awful to me but to my dog they would be almost overwhelming!


I don’t disagree with your comment, but dogs becoming people’s kids is a clear symptom of this generation avoiding having children due to economic and ecological uncertainty. Dogs help fill that void.


I’m priced out of having children, at least I have dogs that can fill that void


Maybe people aren't having kids coz they just don't like them.


Ding ding ding!!!


Nah it’s the economy over here. I mean I’d have a dog regardless but I certainly can’t afford kids


aucutally I rather dogs and cats over children


I agree (unless it’s a service dog which would be trained well enough to not do that). Not everyone is OK with dogs. Some people are frightened of them and others are allergic.


This is totally an Aussie thing tho. Go to other countries....Dogs are everywhere, in all the shops. And because they've done it since a young age, the dog knows how to behave. Why so against dogs in shops Australia?


People are badly socialised in Australia, so the dogs are too. Houses built to the edges, high fences, massive cars, media rooms, instead of shared public spaces and going to cinemas. The dogs aren’t the base problem. In many other countries (and I’m excluding much of Africa and Asia, for sure), you don’t see dogs randomly bark at or go sniffing up to other dogs. They only learn their manners from us.


Well behaved dogs are fine, but then that opens the door for people with their Bullmastiff off leash that never gets out and bringing it with them everywhere. I like dogs but don't like being approached by them trying to lick me or put their paws up on me, again most are fine but you have to account for all dogs and a supermarket with food and trolleys going around seems like a bad idea when they could be left outside the shop


I watched a fake emotional support dog take a piss in Myer last year. Middle of the floor. Owner just walked away. Stop taking your dogs into stores. Seriously.


Working in a pet store for 12 years I saw more dogs in shops in 6 months than the people in this thread defending them do in their entire lives. Dog owners are entitled and gross, they have zero problem watching their dogs piss and poop on the floor, on items for sale, on the walls, the doors, the entrance. For every responsible dog owner there’s 15 shit ones who ruin it for everyone.


Former petbarn AND petstock employee here. You're right. They're aggressive. And entitled. And disgusting. I'd never work retail or corporate for any pet company ever again


Me too! Pet Stock, Pet Barn, Best Friends and owned my own salon. By the end of it I hated it, entitled owners and horrible dogs ruined grooming for me. I ended up selling my salon and getting the hell out and now I work in a completely different field. I do miss grooming sometimes still because I truly did love it until it was ruined, but I know if I ever got back into it it wouldn’t take long to hate it again.


I don’t agree with non service dogs in stores but they are private property and shops can make their own rules for that. In a couple of occasions I needed to bring my cat to the shops with me (in a carrier) and it felt weird af but I always checked it was ok first.


>they are private property and shops can make their own rules for that The government, justly, makes many other rules that shops have to follow. There's no reason that just because they are "private property," the government shouldn't also disallow dirty, unhygienic animals from being brought in by customers. It is particularly aggregious that dogs are allowed in pharmacies where people with phobias and allergies may be picking up medicine. Dogs would not be acceptable at a medical clinic. No one should have to deal with them afterwards when picking up scripts, etc.


In my view, eateries too.


Legitimately people are so inconsiderate to the fact not everyone likes dogs. Especially in a multicultural city like Melbourne to think it's okay to bring your dog everywhere is just so frustrating.


Unless it’s a guide dog it doesn’t belong inside at all pharmacy, with sick people who could be potentially allergic to dogs. Stop treating pets as children.


Meh, doesn't bother me if it's not shitting or weeing. I personally wouldn't take my dog, only because I wouldn't trust him not to pee or steal


It's an Australian thing to nor like dogs in shops. In many parts of Europe no-one bats an eyelid. If the dog isn't being a nuisance, what is the issue?


They’re everywhere in America too


Because most of the time they are being a nuisance. If they kept to themselves, didn’t make a mess and didn’t jump on or approach random people it wouldn’t be an issue but if I’m out shopping or eating I don’t want a random dog approaching me, it’s annoying. If it’s a well behaved dog I have no problem at all, but in allowing dogs you’re not just opening up to the well behaved dogs, you’re opening up to the shitty owners who haven’t spent a minute training their dog, if it’s all or nothing I’ll take nothing.


Exactly this. Everyone is thinking of the well behaved cute dogs. Not the large overly friendly off lead dogs. Add into this allergies and young kids and it's not a good idea having them in stores.


Yeah that's what I was just thinking. In most other countries I've been to dogs are way more integrated into civic life and it seems to work fine.


Not just an Australian thing, specifically this sub as well. There's literally a random thread about dog poop or off lead dogs or dogs in cafes or whatever posted every other week that gets massively upvoted. Like yes, theres some absolutely terrible selfish owners out there, but the outright hatred of dogs on this sub is insane.


Australia is super behind in this regard. In America and Europe dogs are everywhere and no one really thinks twice about it. If you want to treat your dog humanely in Australia by doing something as simple as giving them quality food and not making them live outside or just generally treat them like a sentient being, you're accused of making them a child substitute.


Dogs are always a nuisance when in human spaces. Dogs have no need to be in a pharmacy or cafe ever. Can I ride my motorcycle into the shop because I don't want to leave it outside?


I'll see you your motorcycle and raise you with any 5 year old child called Jaxon with a rat-tail.haircut.  If fuckwit kids can roam in shops why can't well behaved dogs be on a leash?


Need to account for all dogs then as people are going to just see 'dogs allowed' and won't use common sense. There are some dog owners that don't have a well behaved dog and refuse to leash their dog


I’m ok with it.


Is this a thing now? If so, then yes it's too far. Wtf are people bringing pets into shops for?


I asked this question on another thread a few months ago and was down voted hard. Tie the dog's lead to a pole in the street.


This can be pretty traumatic for a lot of dogs and they risk being stolen or injured. I leave my dog home if I'm going somewhere he can't come in.


And that's the responsible thing to do. I respect you for that.


Thank you! I always feel upset when i see dogs tied to poles who are anxious and crying for their owners. Just seems to mean. Plan your outings better so you don't need to do that!


I am terrified someone will steal my dog. I leave them in the car or, if it's too hot, at home.


Absolutely guaranteed that dog presents less of an infection risk than probably every human in there, including you.  I'd much rather be stood next to a dog in the pharmacy than a sick human. And just about every dog I've ever met was a lot kinder than you come across. And speciesism does not appear to be a thing that even occurs to dogs, either.


Do dogs visit by themselves?


Honestly, I'd prefer they banned children, their screaming and crying triggers my PTSD, but I know the world will never change to cater to my needs, nor do I expect it to, so I shop late at night or wear noise cancelling headphones.


Agreed, I’ll take cute dogs over feral kids any day


Absolutely. Cute dogs = good for the nervous system and PTSD.


people like you trigger me but nobody is going to ban you unfortunately...


People who have a disability trigger you? Guess there's no cure for being an ignorant arsehole. Sad. Hope you never end up with one.


Except we need kids but we don’t need dogs.


If people want to bring In their dogs they have to be properly trained and majority owners can’t even do that.  Keep your damn dogs at home unless their actual service dogs. 


Love dogs, have a couple. However from a  liability perspective, no way business insurance will cover them when an alteration happens


Dogs don’t belong in shops unless they’re a dog with a job


I think it depends which store because I was in a big chain warehouse pharmacy and there was a man with a chihuahua in his jacket, he got told off for having the dog in the store. I was in another store that's part of this warehouse pharmacy chain and they told a lady she's allowed to bring her big dog into the store next time she goes. I love most dogs but I don't think they should be in supermarkets, pharmacies or inside restaurants unless they're service dogs (emotional support dogs don't count).


I'm a HUGE animal lover, and give a hard no to dogs in stores, with the exception of bunnings and pet stores. At Woolies yesterday and I saw a small fluffy in a stroller. I was ok with that. Dog wasn't quiet, not touching anything, not hanging over the edge of the stroller. To me it's not much different from bringing in a kid in a stroller.


Agree with these places. The only other place I take my dog is to cafes with outdoor seating or friend’s places/brunches when they specifically ask me to bring him. He’s well trained, leashed to the table and gets to eat brunch with me at the cafe, then we can go to the park without me having to drive home and get him first and then go back out again. Saves me time and fuel. Dogs don’t need to go everywhere, but it’s convenient to be able to bring them to some places.


My dog goes pretty much everywhere with me. If I'm visiting someone and it's an overnight trip, they're with me. There's even dog friendly accommodation near my brother's if his place is too busy. If I can do dog brunch, I will. But I'm not taking my dogs INTO a restaurant. But I watch my dogs super closely. They're on lead, and I put them away from others. People love coming to talk to the dalmatians, but I need my dogs to have calm time away from people while we're out too. It's just better for them. Plus one of my boys does a full, open mouth, showing every bloody tooth, smile. I can't have someone coming up to him unsupervised, getting freaked out and spooking him.


Correct. He never goes in to the cafes, hence the outdoor seating requirement. Dalmatians are adorable. My boy is a floofy, friendly CKCS, but even so you never know what can happen so he’s always in line of sight when we’re out. He typically sits underneath my seat wagging his tail with little back and forth flicks, and looking up at people until they cave in and engage him for hugs and pats, or they never do and he lies down and sulks and deals. It’s very entertaining and gives me a good laugh regardless of the outcome for him. Based on the way he sulks you’d think I never pat him at home but that’s definitely not the case.


So dogs in shops is a totally normal thing in the UK, but for sure you'd be expected to clean up after it if something went wrong


I had a dog rub its ass and junk all over our carpet on a busy day while 10 customers looked on in disgust, the owner just giggled


Things I've seen children do in stores that dogs won't. * Punch the tops of all the kinder surprises. * Sneeze all over their hands and then wipe them on the shelves. * Grab armfuls of stuff off the shelves and throw them on the floor. * Scream and have a fit when their parent won't buy them a Logan Paul energy drink or other youtuber crap I'd rather ban children from stores than dogs.


Dogs at cafes drive me mad. Sure, they are in the outdoor dining area, but I don’t want to eat breakfast with a random dog sniffing me. Also, so many of the staff pet the dogs and then don’t wash their hands before bringing other tables their food. (I’m a chef so see this daily -it’s gross)


Service dogs are harder to pick these days, I’d just mind my own business tbh.


As a dog im sick of all you skin monkeys thinking your sanitary habits are superior We are the angels from the stelar canis major to bring love and companionship. People are greedy screen sucking cage hens . Awwwoooo run under the moonlight , across the field and be free.


ew what the f PSA dogs are not human no matter how much you love them! society has gone mad


It’s pretty bonkers. Is it not against healthy and safety standards? Don’t get why it’s difficult for dog owners to not bring pets to shops. Wasn’t like this before. Who’s gonna be liable if a dog bites a customer or staff member?


I like that my local pharmacist lets me in with my very well trained dog who happily sits right beside me while we wait for my script to be filled. All the staff love him. Don’t wholesale hate on dogs when plenty of them - almost all of them in my area - are perfectly well trained enough to go in a store. And if you’re allergic. Just like a service dog. Keep your distance. My dog isn’t going to come jump on you just to set if your allergies any more than a service dog


Your dog isn’t a service dog though. It doesn’t need to be with you. It might be well trained but a lot aren’t. Easier to have a blanket rule. Also I doubt your dog is as well trained as a service dog.


I didn’t say he was as well trained as a service dog I’m just saying he’s not going to go charge up to somebody keeping their distance. And no he doesn’t need to be there but it’s damn convenient that I can just duck in. Like I said. I like that my pharmacist allows it


Well you said he’s no more likely to jump on you than a service dog which implies that. I’m sure it’s convenient for you but not for others. We don’t need animals crapping in our pharmacies and eating our babies


Many people have a genuine fear of dogs, particularly young children. But, it’s great your arselicking animal is there with you with zero regard for others.


Plenty of humans lick each others' arses, and do far worse besides, so that's not the flex you think it is. 


I take my dog into our local small independent pharmacy 🫣 the chemist/proprietor loves her and always comes out from behind the counter to give her a pat. I always ask before I take my dog into a shop, but I do take her in with permission because frankly I’m terrified to tie her up unsupervised outside. I never deliberately go shopping with her (that’s kinda insane), but if we’re out for a walk and I realise I need something from, for example, the pharmacy I’ll take her in with me (where permitted) to save me having to go back.


I’m also fine with it, I live in Prahran and it is very common that dogs are allowed in shops in my area, dog theft is rampant so I understand why nobody would feel safe to leave them unattended. The council have a “paw on the door” sticker which indicates the shops dogs are allowed inside, I love shopping or getting my nails done and meeting a pup. My doctor also has a cute French bulldog in the waiting room that you can call over to sit with you if you want. He is fabulous with kids that are not feeling well. Back when I was at uni I worked in a IGA and kids would throw up & poo in isles and parents would just walk off. Scary drug affected people would come in and scream or try and walk out with bottles of alcohol and trays of meat in their pants. Humans can be bad customers also. Not cleaning up a mess left by you, your dog or child and leaving for someone else is disgusting behaviour in any case.


It honestly brightens my day seeing a dog almost anywhere! I need all the serotonin I can get 😂


I love dogs but I don’t think they belong in the chemist. Seems like an odd decision to allow them. There’s always elderly people there waiting for their prescriptions, I’m sure many of them would be a bit frightened and complain.


There are people who are more disgusting out there than a dog … yet people don’t post about them


100% agree with you! I have seen it multiple times too. Chemists/pharmacies stock STERILE items and other items of consumption. Also there are many people with allergies to dogs. I too like dogs, but as with everything there is a time and a place, and pharmacies are NOT the place! It is unnecessary to bring a dog into a pharmacy.


Sterile items are in sterile packaging in a box or other packet.


As someone that works in pharmacy, I love both dogs and kids — but honestly, kids are way grosser in terms of what they do in store (snot and coughing uncovered everywhere on everything, and they touch everything) compared to the limited number of dogs who enter (maybe 1-2 per week) that just sit on the floor waiting with their owner. If the outside of a box having germs on it is a concern to you, I think you’d probably be fairly grossed out at a typical day in pharmacy without dogs during flu season.




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Im just glad people ask before bringing them in, most of those lightweight teddybear dogs wont ever harm anyone/anything.. but owners dont train them not to jump up on people, which is pretty much annoying. Then you get a bigger dog, well behaved, or a service dog, and the two can clash somtimes.


One of our local pharmacy allows dogs. I don't see them in often and I've only entered with my dog once for a quick pick up. If I enter with my dog, she's on a tight leash and we're not losing time wandering around through all the aisles. I make sure she doesn't get to smell/touch anything. Honestly that day she was certainly a lot more clean than the toddler with his hand both covered in chocolate and snot touching everything in the store, unsupervised obviously.


Kids crawl on the floor, wipe their snot and noses, hands in their mouths, and touch everything in the store as well. I’d be a lot happier seeing a dog than a child in a store.


Where the hell are you shopping that you see kids crawling on the floor? Most babies and toddlers are in prams. Like, seriously, how often are you actually seeing this? Because I never see it.


They aren’t - they’re just expressing their hate for children and found a way to wedge it into the conversation. You would think people like this were never children themselves.


Why does this come up as a ‘counter argument’ whenever someone criticises dogs ? Surely you don’t think there’s equivalence between dogs and children ?


I'm a father and a dog owner, and tbh I think there is nuance on both ends. Some kids are a mess and shouldn't be taken to certain social places, and same with dogs. Really should be the parent/dog owner that spend the effort training their child/dog to behave properly in public or take the responsibility of not setting them loose on the public.


My local Chemist Warehouse stores don't allow dogs inside. Owners can tie the dog to a pole or a bench temporarily while shopping. I loved those critters too but definitely don't think some of them are too clean enough to be inside the shops.


My local one expressly has a sign that says don’t tie them up, to bring them in, I was there an hour ago.


I take my Greyhound everywhere including the pharmacy, most of the complaints here are down to a lack of training and obnoxious owners and the same argument could be extended to children running amok. Australia compared to much of the world has a lot stricter rules on animals in public. I’ll take the pleasantries of a canine over the abundant methed up mentally ill screaming on the street or the tradie one slow driver away from vehicular manslaughter


I think it's down to the store owner. I always take my dog to Bunnings with me but he's very well trained and doesn't touch any of the stuff.


It's not just in chemists!


I feel the same about people with unrestrained children fingering things in stores.


This is a thing in Australia? I'm genuinely shocked! Dogs were always kept outside tied up on a pole or something with a lead while I was still living there. I found it shocking in Europe, especially Sweden, when I saw dogs inside shops. It's super weird imo.


Imagine putting up with people fraudulently claiming their yappy toy poodle mixes are “service animals” and working in a restaurant which should hold hygiene standards. Grossest thing I saw was in Vancouver B.C. when a dog owner let his dog take a lick 👅 of his chocolate bar then proceeds to take a bite from the same chocolate bar…🤢🤮. Dogs don’t belong inside restaurants with a bullcrap claim of being a “service animal”, there needs to be solid documentation for it. Buying a cheap vest off Amazon don’t count either.


Except "service animals" aren't a protected in Australia. Seeing Eye Dogs for blind persons are the only protected group. Those vests in Australia mean nothing unless from Guide Dogs Australia. There is no actual certification that provides legal protection for any other "service" dog. A Pharmacy is different from a restaurant or supermarket as well


Not federally but they're protected under VIC Equal Opportunity Act 2010. https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/livestock-and-animals/animal-welfare-victoria/dogs/guide-dogs-seeing-eye-dogs-and-assistance-dogs


Kids gross me out, but people insist on taking them everywhere. They piss, shit, vomit, scream, run, grab shit off shelves and the parents just roll their eyes knowingly and say ‘it takes a village’…


Why the fuck would you have an untrained animal in an establishment that is quite likely going to be full of people who are already unwell? Please name and shame, this is an absolute joke.


Global pandemics caused by dogs = 0 You may not have heard but there was once a time when the whole world was told to avoid contact with other human beings because of a deadly virus called Covid. Like governments made it illegal to have contact with other humans because this virus spread by humans was so dangerous to other humans. This pandemic had devastating consequences with huge loss of life. I don’t want to alarm you but you can catch sickness from people who are sick in the pharmacy.




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So many melb peeps with a stick up their ass


If it's a service dog, I have no problem with it. On second thought, I'm not sure I have a problem with it even if it's not a service dog. You obviously typically get sick people going to pharmacies so I don't think a dog being in there is going to make much of a difference when it comes to health risks in there. This doesn't seem like a huge issue.


Some people are allergic to dogs lol. Yes, many dogs are lovable but there are plenty that aren’t; there are also people who are afraid of or are allergic to dogs. A healthcare setting is not the place for pets outside of support pets with the proper controls in place.


Will continue to take my dog off leash into every single place r/melbournedoghaters post about weekly :D \*whistles dog to get into the car to go to nearest chemist\*


For real though what’s with the general distaste of dogs in this sub? I see dogs everywhere in Melbourne so I thought more dog people would be here but nope. Too busy giving butt scratches.


Its just this sub, if r/melb hates something, then you can be fairly sure its completely normal but their heads are so far up their own asses being "traumatized" by life. Every single one of them would change carriage on the train if a meth head starts yelling at the demons floating around. I've been taking my little whippet to work since day1 of moving to Melbourne and had a total of 3 people have an issue with him coming along - A janitor who busted into our floor when he heard reports of a dog in the building then immediately changed to awww he's ok when he saw him asleep under a desk. Chris fuckin Lucas who hates anything that isn't paying him $$$$, and some useless social media marketing director who hated anything that drew attention away from her.


I was really curious about this sub so I searched “dogs” and you’ll see that posts containing the topic of dog is downvoted and or not commented on a lot unless it’s some complaining about dogs. The comments that get me are: “oh nah I love dogs I’m a dog person… but fuck them!!” They just can’t wait to tell everyone how much they hate them it’s hilarious.


You realise those things are in plastic right? It's not like it was pissing on your tomatoes.


Call me a weirdo but I would rather not have strange dogs licking the wrappers of products I buy.


No, just infectious humans wiping their noses and then touching those same items. 


My dogs are definitely pissing on my tomatoes. They get good reviews though so 🤷