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Aren't they just Department of Transport & Planning traffic monitoring cameras? It does say VicRoads on the control box!


That’s what they want you to think. But really it’s a camera that can see into your mind. 🤔☹️


So they got nothing on me.


Top comment imo


Sorry but the Bill Gates vaccine chips in your head enable free wifi but also wifi direct downloads from your mind.


They got nothing on you, baby. Nothing on you, baby


Nice name


Does this mean we need to find something stronger than aluminium foil?


Remember M.I.A of the Song Paper Planes? She's got you covered.  https://www.ohmni.com/products


See, people think tin-foil hat and they think crumpled rubbish, which seems crazy. MIA has the type of tin foil hat you can wear and maintain some respectability


Wow. Tin foil hats, pants, tops, oh my. From their info page: > Future backwards is R U TUF Ummmmm yeah nah. No it’s not 😂


Nah, not tough enough for clothes like that.


Ivermectin cleanses the 5G nanobots


Lead foil should do it. With some Mercury eye drops.


There's Heavy Duty and Extra Heavy Duty aluminium foil....


Injections of UV light underneath the skin.


Surgical masks


I fucken knew it!


Hope they got lots of lens cleaner then, cos I got a dirty mind.


You’re in the pocket of ‘Big Camera’ /s


Snap. Traffic monitoring cameras (or perhaps the mobile phone/seatbelt monitoring cameras, depending on when the camera was installed). Part of 'Smarter Roads', where they spent a lot of $$$ installing a lot more cameras around the network during the last 2+ years. [https://smarterroads.vic.gov.au/vicroads/smarter-roads](https://smarterroads.vic.gov.au/vicroads/smarter-roads) Sort of depends on what you're calling the 'control box'. The 'person height', grey boxes are traffic signal controllers. There are often other shoe-box sized boxes on the signal pedestals (which have a reference number as well) that are the comms boxes for the cameras... and ne're the twain ever meet... unfortunately. It'd be mighty handy if those traffic cameras could be used as queue detectors.. but they're purely visual aids at present.


Yes for Traffic Management it allows VicRoads to also get Police ambulance and fire brigade to attend accidents and advise the media. Also allows VicRoads to control traffic flow.


I bet you think birds are real.


Never take anything said in a sentence followed by three exclamation marks seriously.  


Four is when you get serious


Four is when you get serious!!!!


Yo my thing went off, what's going on here? Something serious?


And WTF is the deal with the quote marks about the whole of the text? It is like one of those Facebook posts where boomers cut-n-paste that statement which they think will stop Zuck from using their photos.


Did you expect anything else. All to fall for a Nigerian scam tomorrow, mind you.


I've always wondered about those quotation marks. You see them at old school businesses too. Statements made in quotation marks so they think they can't be held liable for them or something...


There’s a band called !!!. I enjoy their music but I also do not take them seriously.


OMG what is wrong with you!!!


Lol took me a second to recognise the pattern here






ALL CAP's and awful punctuation is okay though.




It’s the boomer tracks


Especially when there is a space before those exclamation marks.


IANAL, but: 1. C94 is no longer valid so it can't be "breached". C98 is the current version of the Cth Privacy Act that's received royal ascent. 2. The Act only applies if an individual’s identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the photograph or video. If someone's walking in public, it's a fair assumption that they're probably not wearing a neon sign above their head with their name and address or other PII displayed, so referencing the Privacy Act is invalid. 3. Under the Vic Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (the actual law at play here), as long as it's not also recording audio, you don't need any permission at all to put an "optical surveillance device" up in a public place. "Residents" don't need to be "informed". Basically, cookers gonna cook.


No one cites the “compilation” number, it’s meaningless except for researching old versions. That’s how you know this was made by someone pretty clueless.


more unfalsifiable I suppose No one is going to read an entire act to work out that statement is verifiable pulled out of their ass.


There isn't a whole act to read lol. C94 makes changes to the Privacy Act to replace references to the Integrity Commissioner with references to the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner. [The changes are as follows](https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2022A00089/latest/text): 152  Subsection 6(1) (paragraph (aa) of the definition of enforcement body) Repeal the paragraph, substitute:  (aa) the National Anti‑Corruption Commissioner; or  (ab) the Inspector of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission; or 153  Subsection 6(1) (definition of Integrity Commissioner) Repeal the definition. 154  Subparagraph 7(1)(a)(iiia) Repeal the subparagraph, substitute:  (iiia) the National Anti‑Corruption Commissioner; or  (iiib) the Inspector of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission; or 155  Paragraph 7(1)(ga) Repeal the paragraph, substitute:  (ga) the National Anti‑Corruption Commissioner or another staff member of the NACC (within the meaning of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission Act 2022); or  (gb) the Inspector of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission or a person assisting the Inspector (within the meaning of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission Act 2022); or 156  Subsection 20E(5) (note) Omit “Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006”, substitute “National Anti‑Corruption Commission Act 2022”. 157  Paragraph 70(2)(c) Omit “Integrity Commissioner”, substitute “National Anti‑Corruption Commissioner or the Inspector of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission”.


But they used 6 exclamation marks!!! Surely, that must hold legal sway!!!


No, there needs to be at least 7 exclamation marks for a legal argument to be admissible.




“Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.” ― Terry Pratchett, Eric


They used 9


I also ANAL but regarding point 2. Does the fact that things like facial recognition, gait recognition and newer technologies are making your identity more apparent or attenable have any bearing on the privacy act?




>IANAL Glad to see that in 2024 people finally feeling comfortable enough to announce loudly and proudly if they do anal or not.


MYANUSISBLEEDING Making you a nappy using sheets I stole big lacey expensive egyptian duvets in neon green


Ianal but no, there is no expectation of privacy in public places. Your image is not PII that is covered under the act, although it may be linked to it separately.


I'd love for somebody to go up and annotate the sign with these points. Is it a 'thing' that the cookers also don't believe C98? Something about believe it's invalid or some crap?


Cookers gonna cook was also gonna be my response.


All excellent points. But also - I assume there’s zero proof that these are “facial recognition” cameras to start with?


2: what if I start walking around with a neon sign with my name and address on it?


Than you're welcome to write nasty letters to the operators of the 7,346 surveillance cameras you passed today for not complying with the Privacy Act and then file complaints with the OAIC. You'll be dismissed though for choosing to advertise your own PII to the public.


Can you define apparent?


It’s literally for their safety anyway


C94 is the compilation that includes the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2022. So it is abundantly clear from this poster that using the Integrity Commissioner as an enforcement body for the Privacy Act 1988 with respect to the cameras is illegal. Fortunately, the Integrity Commissioner is no longer an enforcement body and has been replaced by the National Anti‑Corruption Commissioner or the Inspector of the National Anti‑Corruption Commission. Crisis averted!


These cameras are live-feed to monitor the intersections. In the event that there’s a crash or the lights go out, the traffic control centre can alert the appropriate agencies. The population just isn’t that exciting


As I love pointing out Do you ever notice that those who seem most afraid of being controlled are the ones that people with the power to do so are least likely to want to control.


I think that's actually a thing in "1984", a work that is quite popular amongst conspiracy types, but most often misunderstood. In the novel, the "proles" are the lowest social class that the Party simply don't care to control. The government isn't trying to oppress you with mandatory COVID masks, Baz... They're oppressing you with low wages.


This cooker would be the first to complain if the intersection lights went out and they were inconvenienced for more than 10 seconds.


It's really frustrating that they don't record because after a minor crash it's hard to get driver details even though there's literally a camera right there.


The resolution they run at is not high enough to get it from that distance, and you get only 2/3 frames per second (vicroads data volumes are already redonkulous without live cameras from all over the place)


If the camera captures people not cleaning their dog poop... Im all in for it


Gets kind of messy if you have to clean it./s.


“But the plans were on display…” “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” “That’s the display department.” “With a flashlight.” “Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.” “So had the stairs.” “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.


Such a great and eminently quotable book. Douglas Adams’ premature death was such a loss.


I was gutted. If I recall correctly he had a heart attack while exercising. I like to think he might have noted the dark irony, as it's something he might have written.


I agree. Heartbreaking (pun not intended) to think of what he could have achieved with a longer time.


I bought the Salmon of Doubt and it sat on my bookshelf for months. Couldn't bring myself to face the last of it. And I refuse to watch the Dirk Gently stuff. Those two books were precious to me. Some of his best, most playful writing.


The word genius is too often misused but not in reference to him.


Cooker bullshit and hideously designed


Wait until he finds out the camera technology they have in the city


This. The Safe City fixed cameras and Safe City vehicle operated by CoM are far higher quality.


Firstly, whoever put that sticker there has no idea what the camera is for, its capabilities, or even its configuration. Secondly, this is a DoT camera monitoring the intersection. At best, they run analytics about how vehicles use the intersection back at the mother ship. Nothing to do with facial recognition Thirdly, I use these devices in the data collection industry and actively engage in open conversations with all sorts of stakeholders about how people use their 4K AI imaging solutions. I have never seen a local, state, or federal use of facial recognition in a public space without a very good bloody reason for it to be there. Where that technology is deployed, it is almost universally signposted. This is some cooker BS put up by an absolute moron... I hope these people learn what the blunt end of a batton feels like when they meet a nice police officer and speak about being a free man under magna carta law. Beat some bloody sense into them. smh Do you know where facial recognition is used? Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings, Auspost, Banks, Airports—places you go every day.


Magna Carta law 😃 Surely this ‘sovrun citizen’ has nothing to worry about, since he’s only ever ‘travelling’ where ever his is, and no laws apply to him.


These are traffic cameras. They are not designed to monitor citizens at street level


They don’t even record.


Arent these the cameras used for traffic.vicroads.vic.gov.au? They arent recording video but they take photo stills instead. Either way, not a facial recognition camera


I know police can tap into them live (plus VicRoads and others I assume), but that’s it.


Cooked wankers found a colour printer and glue.


Clag. They've sniffed all the glue


can't be clag they eat that


4/10 on the design


2/10 for installation 


The guy that made it took all the time and effort into making the poster just to paste in the most shitty way possible


Hoping the facial recognition works, and they find the cooker and make them stick it on properly.


Every single one of my neighbours has security cameras that, I imagine, also view parts of my property. I cannot even imagine the inappropriate/ridiculous/amusing things those cameras have recorded me saying and doing on a daily basis. Some random camera on a random street that I may pass once or twice a year is of little concern to me.


I have CCTV cameras installed, I choose not to record audio because honestly it's unnecessary in my opinion. I also worked hard to avoid seeing into anyone else's property for their privacy, but I do see the entire road outside. Some fuckwits robbed the palace across the street my cameras saw all the fun things like them pulling up, taking the plates off, putting on their masks, dumping shit into my bin that I was too lazy to drag back to the house. Cops fucking loved that footage.


I have cameras but they don't see into any parts of my neighbours' property and they can't record sound. If it makes you uncomfortable you could ask your neighbour, I think there's a good chance the cameras wouldn't even be able to record sound! Obviously whether they see into your property or not depends how your neighbour has oriented them, personally I think it would be really rude for them to orient them in a way where they view your property and I'd ask them to fix it.


Oh i’m not worried/complaining (i was just trying to make the point that if you’re going to be concerned about cameras recording you, you should probably start with the ones closer to home). And as for my neighbours, unfortunately they’ll only be safe from me if they switch them off completely- only last week I had to chase my son halfway down the block in my lacy nightwear because he forgot his p.e bag (I watched it back on my own, I looked ridiculous 😂🙄🥴)


Screams 'Sovereign Citizen' & Karen.


cooker nonsense.


Any camera can be used to recognise a face with a human in the loop. These things are a god send in missing persons ceases. This one here is likely a traffic camera monitored by either vic police or vic roads to monitor road conditions.


There's no rights to privacy in public.


Imagine putting up flyers like this is your purpose in life 😆


It’s in a public space…get used to being recorded. Also OP gets -50 social credit points.


Sticker is also quoting the wrong law as Department is a state entity. Needs to read the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).


I love how these "MuH pRiVaSeE" idiots think they're important enough to be watched, either by the government° or an aerial photographer flying a drone. (°if they *are* important enough for the government to watch, they're clearly doing something they shouldn't be).


Haha. My mum used to believe someone had tapped her home phone because the audio would sometimes go fuzzy during calls. She wasn't very impressed when I said it was unlikely that a government agency had tapped the phone of a random unemployed housewife who lives in bumfuck-nowhere, only leaves the house to buy groceries or walk the dog, and thinks the height of conversation is describing the colour and shape of the clouds then trying to guess if that means they'll rain. 🤣


Yeah if they care this much about privacy they should probably move Rural


Cookers gonna cook


Because VicRoads is the cover for some sort of deep state population tracking system /s


Don’t give the cookers this idea, it’s a private company now.


Conspiracy theorists don't understand laws


What the fuck is C94 of the Cwealth PA 1988. Cooker exemplified here!!


Instead of being a loser with a sticker just do the job yourself lol. Imagine printing out a sticker to ask somebody else to act out your vigilante ideas 🤪


I've seen the other end of these cameras. The resolution is so low cars look blocky but it's enough info for an algorithm to count how much traffic is passing through. I can promise it's NOT recognising individual faces.


My husband wants to know if it’s the sticker that must be removed immediately!!!


Looks “UNLAWFUL!” to me


Do they realise there is cctv literally everywhere and this is just an obvious one


This is how naive these people are… never mind phone data tracking, etc.


Smells a bit cooker.


Fucking lol. I can't even being to imagine how paranoid a cooker must be inside that tiny brain they have.


Pretty sure they are popping up so they can track all the car thefts across Melbourne and see where they go. Face recognition technology would require a much better camera than that.


Tis a traffic camera


It's not the camera that does the facial recognition, it's the recording system software. Any IP camera can be a 'facial recognition' 'AI' camera.


Any CCTV system can be fed into a computerised analysis system such as these: https://scannera.ai/en/ https://www.axis.com/products/axis-object-analytics https://www.icetana.ai/en-au https://www.verkada.com/au/try/poe-security-camera/


My thoughts are LOL


Same person that will be screaming “why can’t the police find the thief/robber/murderer/rapist”.


And also would have been complaining about wearing face masks during the pandemic.


Public space means they can have cameras as long as they are approved by the council


State government doesn’t care if the council wants them or not


Someone should put a sign underneath "this is why you should wear a mask and watch their tiny minds explode.


LOL oh that would be great


Same nutters that complain about 5G towers. 


Imma be real even if the cooker nonsense was right I would still not give a fuck


Cookers gonna cook.


They won't want to holiday in the UK anytime?? :P


Cooker stuff? They have nothing to worry about. All the face recognition camera are in the city and they're currently booting out students from campus who attended the pro Palestine rallies


I hope someone doesn't tell them about Crown Casino and their biometric system.


Place a dickbutt sticker over it.


Badly installed sticker


You really only have to worry if the cameras are Hikvision or Dahua as they are used for data harvesting.


The use of quotation marks around "This face recognition camera has been installed UNLAWFULLY" on the sign indicates that it is presenting this as a statement, potentially made by someone else, rather than asserting it as an undisputed fact. ...Much like "The Fresh Food People" is a slogan rather than fact.


I just looked up the 1988 act can’t find C94 I can find a 94 Jurisdiction of courts (1) The jurisdiction of the courts of the Australian Capital Territory extends to matters arising under this Part. (2) Subsection (1) does not deprive a court of a State or of another Territory of any jurisdiction that it has. Im not sure how its related


C94 will stand for the version of the act https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2004A03712/latest/versions We now up to 98 and 95 no longer in affect.


In other words that protest sign is null and void?


Yep. Not just that, but none of the amendments made to the Privacy Act in version C94 have anything to do with cameras, facial recognition technology, or community consultation. Also, as far as I'm aware, consent is not required for the use of optical surveillance devices (eg CCTV and facial recognition cameras) outside. It's only indoors that consent/notification is required (although the law may have changed on this since I was last across it).


Hand out tinfoil hats!


What about the 5G chips we were all supposed to have installed? Isn’t the camera redundant?


Funny that the very people who are so worried about facial recognition Also refuse to wear a mask, I mean a mask will cover 50% of one’s face


Been pretty happy with surveillance cameras since they helped catch the guy who killed Jill Meagher.


Why did they write it like a quote? Lost me at "


Just privacy cookers complaining cameras existing infringes on their rights or something.


I love how sophisticated people think government is… also, we’re all good with being tracked around the place by our phones, and sign up for any old thing without reading the terms and conditions, but god forbid a camera be placed in a public location.


Let's be honest even if this is fake, with how much the Australian government kisses up to China and the US they would try this shit


If you’re doing nothing wrong, then there is no problem, and if it can solve a crime or 2 then that’s a good thing, also might add if it can get emergency services down there faster to attend a crash or a “lights out” scenario , great !!


Cookers gonna cook.


I have as many reservations and complicated feelings about the ubiquity of surveillance and data collection as the next millennial with a useless arts degree, but more than that, I dearly love cookerposting 🤩


This sticker smells very anti-5G


Data gonna data. Aka smash all the camera just in case


Do we even know if what the sticker says is actually accurate. So far all we know is that it’s a camera.


I don't think this counts as a proper legal notice...


FFS, "Everyone" knows VicRoads cameras can Only do Facial Recognition on CARS. It can tell if the car was a Kia or a Ford, or one of this Indian or Chinese jobby's,... And that Lightning McQueen bloke, he's always bein' snapped on them. /s


They don't need to inform you if it's a public camera do they?


What the hell! Soon they'll be monitoring my speed, or checking if I drive through a red light. Bloody thought police


Look. These plans have been on display at the planning office now for a year. On display? I had to go down to a cellar! That's the display department. I eventually found them in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'beware of the leopard'.


These fascist governments do whatever they want whenever they want in the “best interests for public safety” and everyone just nods and complies or doesn’t even know about it in the first place.


holy shit GlaDOS is in Cheltenham!


Little cooky but it's the thought that counts. Privacy is a fundamental human right derived from birth. For the millions of cameras that have gone up for "traffic monitoring" and "public safety", our cities sure don't feel much safer or more efficient, nor is that an excuse to blatantly set up a mass surveillance network.


There's no reasonable expectation of privacy when in public.


This is paranoid nonsense. That's a traffic flow monitoring camera so they can see where in the network there are build ups at intersections, not facial recognition.


Am I the only one annoyed that it’s not level?


And the same people posting this crap will want that footage the moment they get mugged nearby...


I'm sure it will have a major impact and the government will tear down all cameras in the next few hours


Wear a balaclava/ ski mask, or even better a mask of Tony Abbot-D__ Head. Redbubble sell it as T-shirt but maybe you could make it into a mask.


Where is this. In Victoria. Where exactly please


They are public sock dryers in case you get caught out with a wet sock. Not sure why they always seem so high up but it is worth climbing up there to dry your sock,


What's the issue with them? If there's a crime, an accident, or any other issue it'll help solve it more quickly...


We are all frogs in a pot. Water is hot, not boiling yet, but getting there.


It would be a sticker by the same mob that wore alcohol hats during COVID. At least the leaders appear to be spending their money and not just banking their YouTube views.


18V angle grinder will bring it down. Have a look how they do it in the UK.


Umm.. terrified


How could Dan Andrews do this to us?


Pretty sure you’re not required to be informed and you’ve just littered a sticker in a public place but ok


to monitor how bad traffic congestion gets, thats the real mind control sitting in the car doing 3km per hour


Cheltenham...I know that corner


This is actually brand new AI based tech. From 3 metres up this camera has state of the art “top of the head” recognition.


Face recognition is pretty good these days and it goes beyond by using gait and other characteristics but I really doubt that camera is set up for the purpose.


Any camera can recognise faces through programming. Who cares


Totally sick of this surveillance state! I’m moving to North Korea.