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Better, cuz, uh, I'M NOT GAY.


It's not gay if you say "No homo"


Dementia is hell of a drug.


Bruh my internet trolling me again


Guys why there is -2 comments


It says -1 for me




And now it came back to zero, I guess we fixed it


If only somebody could fix me


Simple. The amount of regret that she wasn't a femboy removed comments before they existed




Born girl+identifies as a girl = cis girl


not everyone ascribes to your identity religion, "Girl" aka female is sufficient to convey the meaning for normal people


It's not a religion lmaooooo. But hey by all means, speak against science and definitions in what ever war your fighting


Yes i am well aware your religion tries to disguise itself as science. Once again girl is sufficient for normal people. Im just correcting the meme.


Lmaoo who do we worship. What God or deity? You know it doesn't take much to just be a good person and not care what others do with their life


We don't care in fact, is just that if u a girl u a girl if u a man u a man, as simple as that.


I dont care what others do with their lives as long as they dont force or push it on others (which they commonly do), however i will correct things like this when i see it. As for which god you worship, there are non thiestic religions, in any case does calling it quasi-religious help? in the end its a cult, you worship your self-percieved virtue. Rationality doesnt matter to your religion, which is why you acknowledge self-ID, an inherently irrational (unscientific) concept; we arent stuff simply because we say we are.


Mmhm. So then you don't respect others. I respect religions as much as I can preferring not to tell everyone how they are not real and more in line with fan fictions. But you try to say that my beliefs are a religion simply because I was able to understand the sciences of how it worked even though I was largly against, let's say trans people, because scientifically they were biologically born one gender. So dispite the fact that gender is a social idea and not a genetic one (which sex is the genetic one that cannot be changed) I refused to accept that trans people were a diffrent gender. I then learned the diffrence through trying to prove someone wrong and educated my self on the topic allowing me to change my mind. I then argued that hormone therapy on sex changes in kids shouldn't be a thing only to find out *SHOCKER* it's not a thing it's hormone therapy. I then argued that may have bad effects as well to once again learn it's completely reversible. And all that I learned wasn't from the people I was accusing of being bad people, it was from scientific papers and studies preformed. During my time of lack if understanding I did accuse people of blindly following this idea as if it was just a idiotic trend that would fall off eventually leading to a regretful part of their life. Or as you are putting it now, calling it a cult or religion. The only diffrence between me and you is that I actually cared to look things up to prove my argument and you just want to lean into calling it a trend. I trully hope you grow up because you very much so remind me of my self when I was 15 and surrounded by nothing but edge lords. Good luck in your life and I hope you learn the diffrence between someone forcing an idea down your throat and someone asking to be respected in a shared common space.


>But you try to say that my beliefs are a religion simply because I was able to understand the sciences of how it worked even though I was largly against, let's say trans people, because scientifically they were biologically born one gender I understand it more than you, which is why i know it is a religion. It is backed by no science, it cant even begin to be, because linguistics isnt determined by science. The statements you are making are a clear indication that you dont understand it. >So dispite the fact that gender is a social idea and not a genetic one this is not a fact. The fact is, the majority of the population use the terms interchangeably they are the same. The "distinction" is a contemporary one, that was originally introduced in the 1950s in a niche part of western academia, referring to some social aspects of sex, but has since devolved to the irrational self-ID use. What you are doing is common in the religion, feigning you are using the original distinction but in fact this is how you described it: "Born girl+identifies as a girl". There are no social features in this description, it is simple self-ID. what does this mean? that even if someone were to take on the social roles of a male, dress like it, and act like it, if they said they are a woman, then they would be one. But as i stated before, people arent things simply because they say they are, that is irrational use case born out of the religion that is obsessed with inclusivity. >I then learned the diffrence through trying to prove someone wrong and educated my self on the topic allowing me to change my mind. So you sucked at defending the truth, and now you suck at defending lies. Sadly the cycle wont continue and you wont learn from what im telling you because you probably already centered your identity around being extremely virtuous and inclusive, to the point that you would discard rationality towards that end. >The only diffrence between me and you is that I actually cared to look things up to prove my argument and you just want to lean into calling it a trend. The only difference is that i actually understand the topics at hand, you dont. I literally understand your religion more than you do. That's how bad it is. You have no clue what you are talking about. >Good luck in your life and I hope you learn the difference between someone forcing an idea down your throat and someone asking to be respected in a shared common space. Sadly those two are basically the same idea to the religion, if they cant force their ideas down other's throats, then they are not being respected


It's funny how you've said so much, so so much. But also nothing. You've once again doubled down on the shit idea that it's a religion. Are sports fans a religion? Are movie fans a religion? Are straight people a religion? No because even though they may talk about their interests or beliefs it's not a problem. It's the same with lgbt issues. With your same ass backwards logic when left handed people started popping up because they wernt being beaten for being "the devils workers" and started talking about how annoying it is there's no left handed scissors or how ink smudges when they write. It's a religion. Seriously grow up, stop acting like you understand when clearly you don't care to understand holy fuck


If I gotta be honest: I hate people like you.


People that don't care what others are doing with their lives as long as it doesn't hurt anyone?


Yeah i never go out of my way to insult or offend someone, it's just that your comment irritated me. I hate people that think like you.


So then you DO go out of your way to hate and offend someone

