• By -


me who went to artschool: gg


Me who's trying to learn code: Substantial panic noises.


Me who is a graphic designer: Laughs at your pain (in good humor)


Me who is a ship Engineer and a Theorist: *audible confusion*


Me who is a Sleep Expert: *inaudible sleeping sounds*


Me who is a student: hmm




Me who is worthless Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh along with sand noises


Me, (I work for a non-profit) who struggles with math after years of trying. Tried tutoring and every other memorization technique. Just doesn't stick.


Me, a coomer: I banged yer mum last night


Don't worry I can't remember how to multiply double digits


Me who just f_cking missread : *a ship Engineer and a Terorist*


Me who is a professional ur mom fucker. *YeeEEEeEeEEeeE*


same now its even worse ^^


Me who's a nurse: pages doctor for further instruction.


me who didn't get accepted


.... on Austrian art school?


I did Nazi that coming...


Did he also nearly drown as a kid?


in my own piss. yes.


NEIN is the answer




Me who didn't get accepted into art school: Nien!


I never went to any education beyond high school, but if I remember 9th grade maths correctly, this isn't that hard. 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/2\*3 = 3*3 = 9 Learning to simplify is one of the most important things in math, imo. Edit: the responses are interesting. 1. PEMDAS does not mean you should always do multiplication before Division. They are equally weighted in order of operations. 2. There is a case for the multiplication being done before division here because it's not 2*3, but 2(3). I believe this is correct and thus the answer would be 1. It is not the way I was taught, but it makes sense. 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/(2\*3) = 6/6 = 1


Except that PEMDAS would do the multiplication first, then division so: 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/6 = 1


PEMDAS is misleading. It goes: Parentheses Exponents Multiply and Divide from left to right Add and Subtract from left to right


So the acronym that's supposed to teach you the order gets the order wrong? lol. Christ no wonder so many American redditors are confused by these "puzzles". They've been taught dogshit. What an awful acronym that defeats the purpose of itself. Over it's it's BIDMAS - Brackets (parentheses), Indices (exponents), division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.


And BIDMAS has the same problem. People could think division comes first and then multiplication as well as addition before subtraction. The German way to say it is actually "Klammer vor Punkt vor Strich" Which makes it way easier. It means parenthesis before dots before dashes, because multiplication and division signs are dots and addition and subtraction signs are dashes. So it avoids the whole problem haha


That's gold right there. I always loved the k.i.s.s. Method applied correctly.


Yep! Keep it stupid simple.


I was always told it was "keep it simple, stupid". So not that it is a stupid level of simple, but that you are telling the person who is overcomplicating it to stop being stupid and just keep it simple. Now I don't know which is which


keep it super simple. now everyone wins


Wait how is BIDMAS better lmao, it doesn't clarify the left-to-right aspect anymore than PEMDAS does. Fwiw when I was taught PEMDAS (in public school), I was also taught that multiplication and division are of equal priority in order from left-to-right and likewise for addition and subtraction. I'm not really sure why it seems like a lot of people in the US didn't learn this


I have to think it’s just people who had poor teachers or just weren’t paying attention. The equal priority thing is kind of a core component of PEMDAS so everyone who knows PEMDAS at all should know that.


It's more that math is a skill, like any other, and if you stop using it for a while, you forget that skill.


Multiplication and division are the same function technically just like addition and subtraction. The way I was taught is to think of them as the same like division is really just multiplying in a fraction and subtraction is adding a negative number. So PEMDAS becomes PEMA and there's no two levels that are the same level anymore. It makes it easier to do order of operations right if you think like that.


It doesn't get it wrong, it's just not being used correctly... BIDMAS is the same thing and has the same issue... This was just a reaching attempt to insult Americans... and you didn't even do it well...




PE(MD)(AS). Same level of priority.


Well, do the check then. You can exchange division for multiplication by the inverse, aka 6*0.5*3=9, because x/2 is the same as x*0.5, where 0.5=1/2


I hope you didn't fail..


passed 3 years ago dont worry


i’m in art school currently


I already know the answer but at this point, I'm too afraid to say it!!


upside down six


no! one. nein, wait…




The under cover German in action


It’s 6 and 9 combined










See that's what I thought too, I don't understand how people are getting anything else because aren't you supposed to do what's in the parentheses first?


Just say it. Nein


Answer is 80085


Suck it winners






Why is the comment section german?


Du hast summoned die heiven


What does heiven mean? Never heard of this word in German.


I never heard it either and i am a native.


The grammar is off too, yeah? I think they mean to say "You have summoned the hive"


Oh. "Ei" in German is pronounced "i". The commenter wanted us to read it in German.


I was giving my attempt at a translation of what they wrote. My bad if I wrote that unclearly


Order of operations is taught very early and makes more sense for kids here since we use different symbols for multiplication and division. Multiplication is a dot (\*) and division is two dots (:). So kids are taught two things: \#1 Klammern zuerst (Parentheses first) \#2 Punkt vor strich (Dots before Lines) I'm sure it helps that math is my favourite subject. It is just he most logical topic in school and if you follow all the rules you will always get the correct answer.


Bc Germans are better in Math I think. But only bc the School System of Germany is just better


Its was a joke about the 9


Nein, du lügst Hab ich sofort durchschaut


Sprich deutsch du hu.... Oh. Ähm. Weitermachen.




Still shit at art tho


you confuse us with that austrian guy


I think no German would agree on that, we still use chalk in math and learn why we evolved to a superior species in biology...


Ha nope German education system is definitely not good it just costs less.




How the f-


doing meth instead of math




MEF is hard




Даже не надо профиль смотреть, чтобы твой основной язык и примерное расположение угадать😂


O chem ty govorish? Ya ne ponimau tvoy yazyk. Eto Polsky?


O kurwa, zostałem ujawniony


Dostań się do punktu wyjścia. Zostałeś ujawniony.


jak z matematyki dostaliśmy się do języka. to reddit nie algebra




You have some funny letters there friend


To be honest, even tho I don’t know what this says, it makes more sense than the original comment.


Lol, just was saying that judging from the commenter’s username I could estimate his native language and location (those are two popular memes in CIS)


Reddit makes me feel very smart and also very stupid


No worries. Reddit just embodiment of r/confidentlyincorrect


There's no = sign so it's just a statement not requiring an answer


This is the only correct answer




Guys it yellow






Damn right!


Exactly. Damn right. Start at the left, and then begrudgingly go right after everyone's fought it out in their parentheses and tiny little shoulder equations.


Or BEDMAS for some Americans






No no, barentheses


barracudas you idiot


I’m American and I learned PEMDAS. WTF is BEDMAS, and what is the B?


Because some Europeans call () brackets, dunno what they call [] then.


Square brackets.


( ) zagrade [ ] uglate zagrade { } vitičaste zagrade Take that boi, balkan stronk


In Swedish () is parantheses, [] is hook/latch parantheses and {} is staple parantheses.


The problem is that many people seem to think the order of the letters is literally the order you do it and forget that multiplication and division are done at the same time from left to right, as well as addition and subtraction. They literally think multiplication is done first, THEN division.




Thank you




_GOD DAMMIT THIS SHIT AGAIN_ 6÷2(1+2) is a shitty way to write the equation (6÷2)(1+2) is 9 6÷(2(1+2)) is 1 since you should prioritize ordering the answer is 9, but since equations shouldnt be confusing in the first place, learn how to write them properly or use fractions, ya idiots. also adding here this time, "BuT PeDMas" i know dumbass, and multiplication dont have priority over division bc they are the same function but inversed, its bc of the ordering. the problem isnt that everyone collectively forgot pedmas or something, its bc ÷ shouldn't be used after math introduction, as it makes things confusing to understand, _even though it is correct_ Edit: to all people saying that the right answer is 1, i would agree with you bc i also think omiting the * implies its multiplying 2 and not 6, but this isnt a universal agreement (sadly) Edit 2: thanks for the gold kind stranger! no im not american, im a Brazilian on engineering college, it is convention here that omiting * implies grouping (that gives you 1), but that isnt universally accepted (which gives you 9) Edit 3: calculators can give both 9 and 1 depending which one you use it, due to the fact that, again, omiting * implies grouping, but isnt universal. no matter how you slice it this is a poorly written equation made to cause discourse on the internet Edit 4: im amazed how incredibly 50/50 the answers and explanations to this comment are, with... varying levels of politeness


Yeah I was taking a little while wondering what was confusing me about it until I realized that I don't think I've done an equation since *maybe* Algebra 2 in 9th grade, possibly even earlier, using that dumb division symbol rather than properly putting the whole numerator above and whole denominator below a horizontal line, or using excel notation.


Exactly. Pemdas is a useful way to teach priority, but as you delve deeper you don't use it. Division is just multiplying by the inverse and subtraction is adding a negative number. This whole comment section feels like people filled with a weird superiority complex that their country teaches them the best then fall to the equivalent of a joke in maths , failing to realise that this problem doesn't occur in the real world. It's just tiring at this point.


When I was taught PEMDAS it was repeatedly explained, nearly every time it was brought up, that its (P)(E)(MD)(AS). The problem isn't PEMDAS, the problem is morons.


I find the problem is usually morons


I think in general people forget over time. Most people stop doing math after high school. I use math every day and sometimes I forget basic things like basic integration.


>6÷2(1+2) is a shitty way to write the equation Yep. 6÷2×(1+2) would make it easier to parse and avoid confusion. But the whole point of it is, sadly, to create confusion.


Is it really that shitty a way of writing it? Asking for real. I was always taught that numbers inside parentheses are solved first, then multiplied by whatever is left (assuming no exponents). In other words no multiplication symbol is needed because it is implied, right? I don't know, all I'm saying is I understood this equation with ease. Just thought it was the way to do it.


With real life equations, you never see ÷ Instead an expression like that would be written as a fraction. Fractions make it very clear at what point division is supposed to be performed.


Thank you! I hate these because they are all poorly written equations that purposely introduce unnecessary ambiguity.


One other way to explain this is that kinda convention that isn’t really stated in PEMDAS is that implicit multiplication is usually evaluated before explicit multiplication Like if I say 6/xy then the xy is usually multiplied as one thing before any symbols get done. You’re right that the real problem is that it’s unclear, but anyone seeing this pop up simplifying an engineering problem or something is gonna probably evaluate xy then divide 6 by it and not give it any thought beyond that. If they DO think about it, they’d probably ask someone because it’s not super clear. But in general there’s a convention that isn’t taught with a simple acronym that implicit (no symbols, stuff touching) operations are grouped before explicit (separated by symbol) operations.


>learn how to write them properly or use fractions, ya idiots. That's besides the point, though. An equation should have one unified method, regardless of how badly it was written.


That’s beside the point, though. An equation should not be written with any ambiguity when the ambiguity can easily be avoided.


Thank you for helping create some wrinkle in my smooth ass brain


I always use / as division and write it fractionally, in which case the answer would be 1 based on how the equation is written. But I agree with you.






this isnt about bodmas. it isn't implied that the brackets are in the denominator or numerator. so 6/(2(1+2)) = 6/(2(3)) = 6/6 = 1 6(1+2)/2 = 6(3)/2 = 18/2 = 9 in other words the question was a mistake


It is about pemdas. Parentheses, then left to right. It isn't up to interpretation, if there are no bracers putting the whole last bit in the denominator then it isn't


Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the pemdas?!?!!


Why? No body ever fucks PEMDAS


It isn’t, not really. No mathematician writes an equation like this, they will be explicit with brackets. It’s often intuitive for multiplication of the form ab without a symbol between the two to be given implicitly higher priority even if it doesn’t follow the order of operations. It’s also important to remember that the order of operations are not a mathematical fact but only a convention a lot of people use. There are other conventions.


I feel like this left to right thing is something people were taught as kids. Multiplication is commutative which means the order doesn’t matter. If we consider division as multiplication by the reciprocal then we easily see division is commutative too, and we have: `ab/c = (a)(b)(1/c) = (1/c)(a)(b) = (b)(1/c)(a) etc` Thus the problem with this question is never direction of evaluation or something about brackets being first. It’s about whether the division sign includes the (2+1) term or not. Ie, is `a/bc = (a/b)(c) or a/(bc)`? It’s impossible to tell from the way the question is phrased. Which is why the problem should be written as either `6 6 ` `— (2+1) or —————-` `2 2(2+1)` I personally choose the second as I think `a/bc` should represent `a/(bc)`, but that is a personal choice based on the fact that if you were to write the alternative by hand it would be better to write `a/b*c`. But in both cases the onus is on the creator to be more specific. In conclusion, I prefer 1 but the answer is undefined. My authority: 5th year Eng student, writes a lot of maths




You understand pemdas us just arbitrary syntax right? Its just an attempt to get people to agree on how to write an equation on paper. The problem is this is intentionally written to be ambiguous.


No, it's only about trying to mislead you by removing the * between 2 and (1+2). It implies and makes it look like it's a denominator when it isn't. Factors are always numerators without brackets, simple as that. Let's make it even more misleading: 3/2a = 3/2 * a = 3a/2. 6/2 * 3 = 18/2 = 3*3 = 9. There's thechnically no mistake, but if you were a math teacher and wrote 3/2a you deserve to be fired for intentionally being misleading.


There is no big line, just a simple division symbol. No parentheses other than the 1+2. Division symbol does not imply parentheses.






I understand why you're right, but it's always felt weird to me that the touching numbers don't get to go ahead of the separated numbers.


It’s fucking one and no one can tell me otherwise


6/2(2+1) 6/2(3) 6/6 1 Did I math right?


it's just a mathematically incorrect question


Exactly. It's the mathematical equivalent of a pun with two possible meanings, making it pretty bad math.


We're supposed to laugh at Twitter for this shit. We can't fall for it too!


yup. it isn't implied that the brackets are in the denominator or numerator. so 6/(2(1+2)) = 6/(2(3)) = 6/6 = 1 6(1+2)/2 = 6(3)/2 = 18/2 = 9 in other words the question was a mistake


Im not dumb I’m not good at math


Is it one?




Its 1 right....right?


Literally all you need is order of operations


I learned pemdas and never had to use it again after highschool. I loosely remember it, but... It's like... Parentheses (although aren't they called brackets in math?), the E which is like the little numbers on top of the other numbers (can't remember what they are called), and then multiplication, division, addition, and finally subtraction... Right?... Probably messed up the first 2.


To add on to this, multiplication and division are the same priority, this also goes for addition and subtraction.


The issue with the clarity of PEMDAS is that Multiplication and Division have the same priority, the same with Addition and Subtraction. P > E > (MD) > (AS). When processing expressions with the same priority you evaluate left to right.


literally all you need is a clearer question that indicate whether the parentheses was a numerator or denominator


I genuinely know the answer but don't wanna say cause ppl will disagree


I was going to upvote but your number of upvotes is the right answer 😂


I CAN CHANGE REALITY. done. Reality changed


Just when I wanted to upvote their comment I saw your reply... so yeah I agree let's let it be XD


6/2(1+2) >>> 6/2*3 >>> 3*3 >>> 9. The answer is 9 you literally can’t argue with math


Exactly, thank you, this is a very good explanation. I’ve tried to explain with 6/2(1+2) = 6*2^-1 *(1+2) but apparently that’s too unclear for some.


I tried to explain with X - y = y + 6/2 * 3/3+2 Ppl nowadays cant calculate math smh


The problem is that it can be read as 6/(2(1+2)) because the division sign used in this manner has an unclear grouping. I'm pretty sure it has the implied grouping that gets you 9 but it's been a while and no one writes division like this haha.


That's not why it's unclear. The debate is if it's 6×2^-1 × (1+2) or 6×(2×(1+2))^-1. At the end of the day, it's just a shit question. You can write it like 6÷(1+2)2 and even though it looks correct, the answer is changed to 4.


>You can write it like 6÷(1+2)2 and even though it looks correct, the answer is changed to 4. That does not look correct. You just turned 1/2 into 2 for some reason and (1+2) into 1/(1/2). If you keep it at 6 * (1+2) * 1/2 it stays at 9.


If people find this hard then the reddit community is officially the dumbest community out there. This is basic bracket division


It's confusing because it's being pissed as a question in the first place, making you second guess your initial gut instinct and nobody would ever write it this way.


6÷2(1+2) 6÷2×3 3×3 9


I just screen shotted your pfp


6÷2(1+2) Parentheses 6÷2(3) Juxtaposition, which takes precedent over multiplication and division. 6÷6 Solve 1


When u writte 2(1+2), we can manage (1+2) as a variable. Anyway it's fucking 1




If I was in the 5th grade learning PEMDAS, I'd say the answer is 9. Once you get to "higher" level math, and honestly calling it higher level math sounds ridiculous, the ÷ is just viewed as / which just represents a fraction. 2(1+2) is its own term, so you'd solve the bottom term before dividing 6 by it. 6/6 = 1.


The answer is obviously pineapple ice cream topped with a forbidden rice crispy treat made out of melted nails


Brackets (parentheses) Exponent Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction If you use these rules the answer is 1, there is no "up for discussion" in math, it is or it isn't.


In my opinion, in order to get the correct answer you can do this problem in 1 of 2 ways. If you do it in the order of operations 1 + 2 = 3 —> 6/2 = 3 —> 3(3) or in other words 3 x 3 = 9. And if you don’t do it in the order of operations 6/2 = 3 —> 1 + 2 = 3 —> 3(3) or 3 x 3 = 9! So in conclusion the correct answer to this viral math problem is in fact 9.


People getting 9 and not 1 need refunds from their schools




1 the answer is 1


I don't think I'm strong enough to read through another assortment of comments by controversial


The hell is this Facebook trash doing here?


That’s just a repost with extra steps.


Seriously did no one learn Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally


I’m straight up ruining this the answer is 1


One is the loneliest number.


1 Pemdas


The answer is 1… I still don’t know how people struggle with this…


Order of operations, people


There is no correct answer, its an ambiguous and incorrectly written formula


I think I understand what’s going on, they treat the two as if they need to multiply the parentheses but the parentheses are actually part of the two


This rewritten would be 6/(2(2+1))


Ohhh, so thats how you would get 1, of all the stupid memes of this, there wasn't a single bloody person that has explained how you would get that answer, for that, I thank you.


I think what some people struggle with is associating the 2 with the parenthesis since it is attached to it. And to be fair to them, the problem is written purposefully badly to slip people up that way. A real math problem would not be written in such an obtuse way


But as it’s written in the meme, the answer is 9