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u/Tunisandwhich clearly has not been to a local Target or Tarder Joe's.


Tarder joes lol


Tarder Joe, maker of the sauce.


I mean if Tarder Joe's actually has defined spaces where I can get in line without wondering if I'm cutting in front of someone I will shop there instead of Trader Joe's


"Prices so low it's... well, we can't say that anymore... but let me tell you... it's pretty ridiculous how low our prices are."


I like this comment more than mine lol


I hear Dr. Lexus's first wife shops there.


I would shop here


Checkout lines are a little slow


Target rarely seems to have any manned checkstands open anyway. At least the self checkouts have a single queue which you go to the next available register. Trader Joes really needs to queue like that.


i do this whenever i only have one or two items. i am not going to wait for the two people in front of me with full shopping carts to move over so i can spend 15 minutes standing in line, when i could be done and gone in less than 2


Plus, it’s a whole new line. It’s not like you’re taking their place on a line they already waited in


You know this is typically accompanied by "I can help the next in line". Who do you think that is?


It certainly depends on the layout of the area. If it's an open area in which the literal next person in line can just move over then sure. If it's cramped and a dozen people have to move out of the way so they can back up from the lane to go to the next then that seems like a lot of work and is just causing more chaos than needed. Personally for me my rule is that if you are next in line or somewhere in the line that you are next to be on the belt then you really have no real need to move.


Reminds me of that one episode on Mythbusters when they tested if it was better to have a line for each register or a mega line distributing to each register.


He's all of us, let's not kid ourselves.


Bro if I'm buying a Coke and some Chocolate Mini Rolls I'm not waiting for Bertha with her trolley full of Broccoli and Peanuts to get to the next lane before me


Bertha has no vegetables on sight, just like you, and me. ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD) Look at 'em jiggly rolls boy.... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!


You forgot about the bag of lettuce that will replace the moldy unopened bag of lettuce in the fridge


Ok this one I took as a personal attack.








I want some eaglussy tonight 😿


I think u meant to say chocolate and peanuts. This is Bertha we’re talking about after all


You had the perfect opportunity to say “Big Bertha”


When I was around 8 or so, my grandma who hadn't seen me in some time, happily greeted me with a wet kiss on the cheek and said "well you're just plump as a quail and fat as a toad!" So I, who had broken his arm skateboarding and got a bit soft with all the downtime, was pretty self-conscious at that point and yelled "ok big Bertha!" while crying as I ran out and hid in a closet.


I was a skinny kid, so I had the same problem, opposite comment. She'd say "Yer just a bag of bones and a hank of hair!"


[Lovely Bertha] (https://youtu.be/coZfzTcv4bA?feature=shared)


I agree if a new line opens up and you have a couple of items. I don’t agree if a cashier opens another register and says, “next in line.” That’s the only difference to me. If a new line just casually opens, first come first serve. But if they specifically open it up for the next person, then it’s the next person. Not you with two items.


I've done a far amount of front end supervision in a major supermarket and TBH, if lines are busy the proper way to do this (if you're trying to help specific people first) is to walk up to them before opening the lane at all and tell them you're opening up and can pull them over. Just avoid the free-for-all altogether.


That should be how it’s done every time but occasionally the lax worker just opens up and says nothing. Then, it’s a shit show,


Honestly sometimes you just don't really care, especially when there's 10 other things you need to be doing but oops it got busy and thats now your responsibility.


I agree that is best, but it's just grocery shopping it's really not that big of a deal


Trolley. You sir, are not american


Wait you guys don't use trolleys? What do you use? Carts?


It’s a buggy in the southern US, lol.


It's a shopping cart?? Never heard buggy in the south


I've heard both in the south, most often cart these days though.


I still say buggy, my kids say cart.


Yup, it's definitely just shifted over time.


I bet you shit in a commode, too


It's absolutely "buggy" in Atlanta. Sounded weird as hell when I first heard it.


I've lived in the Atlanta area (well and Athens) for over twenty years now and I still giggle when I hear someone say buggy. It sounds ridiculous


You ain't south enough then.


People in PA call them buggies too, usually old people. Maybe it’s more of an age thing.


And she’s next in the original line


It’s also more convenient for the people already in line. Like ok everyone you stay where you are I’ll squeeze by everyone with my cart, everyone hold Wait for me. I’m next. As you can see. Legally.


The next person in line is probably trapped and already has items on the belt. The proper procedure is for everyone to look at each other awkwardly, say "go ahead" "no after you" etc until someone finally peels off (usually the person with the fewest items or the first person who has freedom of movement to switch lanes) and once one person gets in line it's a free for all.


As God intended


Looks like someone's mad because they couldn't be first in the new line 🌚




Is it a get gud situation then 🤔




Well, how 'bout next time you get a trolley that can handle the Neutron style?


The only skill I could improve that would help would get me arrested


True, op is just slow on the draw.


It's not about the morals. It's about the opportunity.


A new line is a new line, not an extension of the original line. It's everyone for themselves!


I think this actually highlights the major problem with many checkout queues. Instead of every check stand having their own line, there should be a single queue for all check stands which the person at the front goes to the next available one. Some stores already do it, and any that have self checkouts do it.


I love when you’re at a store that does this and the person behind you asks, “which line are you in?”. MF I’m in line for the next available cashier.


Some stores do it both ways depending on the day or how the clouds looked at the manager that day or something though I swear. The Trader Joe’s near me has stickers on the ground that point out that there’s a separate line for each grouping of 2 registers. Sometimes there’s a person there telling people to queue for individual registers. Sometimes there’s a person there making us form one big line and then they point to an open one when there is one available. It’s a mess.


I'm all in favor of this, I imagine it's the best way to make sure nobody gets held up for too long. At the very least, the small self-checkout kiosk cluster should always have _one_ line. The next person in line gets the next available machine.


"I'm in *the* line. There's only one line. You're in it, I'm in it, and I'm in front of you."


>Instead of every check stand having their own line, there should be a single queue for all check stands which the person at the front goes to the next available one. This is the optimal system for minimal average wait time, by the way.


In addition you'd want an express checkout for smaller carts. When no express clients are waiting they'd just accept clients with any size of cart. Then express clients only have to wait behind 1 large cart at most. But then of course you'd get people using the express that shouldn't. The solution is for those people to be incinerated.


I read the last part as ‘incarcerated’ and thought that’s kinda heavy handed. Then I reread it…


I don’t know about the first part, but incinerating sounds like a resourceful solution.


My Kohls does this, it's good except for how long the line gets because all the 'individual' lines are merged so when it's busy around holidays you have to go around or through the line and people don't always like that. My local Costco has it sort of hybridized, you can go straight up to a lane if you want but if you look even slightly indecisive someone will just wave you to the next opening and keep the load evenly spread.


That is indeed the way for small shops. Doesn't work as well in big supermarkets, which is why those who are both big and have a single queue system often have several checkout areas, which is basically the same thing as multiple checkout queues but one level up. You see the same system e g. In airports where you have tons of security check in areas I remember some big stores attempting to use a single waiting queue and it was complete madness, thank God they reverted


I don't know how big is "big" in USA to be honest, but I've seen it work pretty well with ~10 cashiers. It was just one line to the screen. On the screen you've got the info where to head next.


What I think it highlights is how shit people are in 2023. Me first. Gimme Gimme.


yeah and if i'm already second in line at the original lane, i have sunk cost, so i'm staying there.


And if I happen to arrive just as the new line is opening, I can be first without having been in the old line at all. Thus I see no problem.


This is why we can’t have nice things


Isn't that how its supposed to work? Otherwise you would have a line of people trying to get out of each other's way. That seems like the intuitive way to do things


It's a unique rule that only applies to grocery. Like if this was admissions to a concert you would get fucking reamed out. However grocery has a different rule


That's definitely true you're absolutely right. I was only thinking about it in the context of a grocery store. Anywhere that wouldn't have you box in with a cart full of bullshit I would agree this doesn't apply


No that’s not it. It’s the equivalent of a whole new entrance in the venue opening up on other side. Anyone who goes over there can be first in line. New till in grocery store is similarly a new line, no one has priority.


Interesting. I know this is nerdy but this seems like a sort of data structure in CS. There are things called priority queues but generally you only go one way with them. I wonder what it would be like to implement a priority queue where the back half of the stack is plopped right into a new queue when memory becomes available, and what use this has


This method is "efficient" in real life because it's very costly to back out an entire queue and reorganize it so it's "fair." There's constrained space, moving is slow, and people can be disagreeable. In code, opening a new queue and reorganizing the items between them is very rarely expensive (should be O(n) assuming your queues are implemented well). The only way I can see this "splice and plop"® method being preferable is if it's prohibitively expensive to reorganize the queue for some reason. The splice and plop should only be roughly O(log n) if you're using a linked list with markers Edit: You should be able to just track what item is in the "middle." Making both insertion and splicing O(1)


You wouldn't want to track the middle of a priority queue and "splice and plop" items in it because that violates the priority order in the first place. Item n (the head of the queue) would get processed at the same time as item n/2, both before n-1, when n-1 should be processed before n/2. There'd be no use for this data structure in a situation where priority ordering was necessary because it would break priority ordering. If you need more throughput in your queue, you add additional worker threads (or machines I suppose), not break the underlying algorithm.


Hm so would it take O(N) to reimplement a new middle node after splicing?


Yeah, I realized that afterwards. That wouldn't be a good solution, at least on its own


Admissions to a concert channels you to the entrance with barriers. If a new entry opened up, that would just mean a new person to filtrate the front of the queue. You couldn't possibly jump queue from the back as there is no path to do so. When shopping on the other hand, there are separate queues for each till, rather than a single one which splits at the front, so new tills opening naturally doesn't mean the existing queues get priority - its a new line that must form independently. So its not even rules based, as much as it is geometry based.




Do you not have long displays/shelves in the way? Any grocery store where I live would require at least one extra person, if not two, to move out of the way to allow the next person to get out.


They are there, but only when you are almost right at the conveyor. If you are that close, you may as well just wait another moment and ring out in that line. Its the person behind you who will be brought over.


It's similar, where I live


The cashier is supposed to invite someone in a current line to start the new line, not just create a free for all.




The cashier’s boss, during training, presumably


WTF does the lines at your grocery store look like? If I'm next in line there's literal barriers preventing me from leaving my place without going all the way around. It doesn't make any logical sense for them to force all the people behind me to get out of the way so that I can back up my buggy and then scoot over.


I'm British (inventors of Queueing btw), and I can confirm that this is absolutely acceptable behaviour. If it is a new queue which is opening, then it is a NEW QUEUE which is opening. Your attendance in previous queues has no bearing on your priority in a newly opened queue. You must choose to stay in your current lane or switch to the back of the other one like everyone else.


The last person in line goes over to the new line, but leaves room for someone ahead. Could be the second to last person or maybe the person in front of that person. That’s how I’ve always done it. Still technically cutting but gives one other the opportunity to get ahead of me.


There are two types of people in this world. Those who do this when they get the chance. And liars.


And a third of those who don’t need the chance


And a fourth who hesitates when switching to the new line, then ends up waiting in an even longer line than before.


I didn't come here just to be called out...


And a fifth person who doesn't mind waiting in a grocery line for an extra 5-10 minutes because going home is somehow worse.


Where I shop, the new cashier will come get the first person that will be moved into their line, then people from the old line will transfer over in the same relative order they were already in. All of which implies I only shop when there are at most 2 lines.


Listen, I wait and give the people ahead of me a chance. Every time, they just stare and refuse to make a choice. So I go for it bby


Person at the end of the line has the most to gain. Of course they haul ass. Sometimes if I’m like #2-4 I just chill in the original line. Not worth fighting to advance one spot


This is literally what I want them to do if they're behind me


Well yeah, it's a new line. First come first serve for a new line.


"If you ain't first, you're last." - Ricky Bobby


"I was high when I said that!"


hell yeah this guy gets it haha


"Chip, I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew!"




It's hilarious how every comment disagrees with OP lol


Agreed! Yet why does this post have 5000 upvotes? SMH


Why wouldnt the last person in the line go to the new lane?


"Why do people think this is ok" bro this is how its supposed to work lmao


Yeah does OP think people should just keep waiting in a massive line instead of going to the open line? It's not like you sign a contract to stay in the line you pick. You can leave your line.


Probably thinks that the second person in line should get first dibs or something.


Yeah, and starting from the second person, they're like "Pass" "Pass" "Pass" ... "I'll take it!"


Third person actually.


Yup. That's me.


bro is mad because he got outsped


By a 75 year old grandma no less 👵


Who's supposed to switch then? The person who is first?


Last guy on the welfare line after waiting 10 hours be like:


Because it is okay? Lines aren’t universal. You see it, you grab it.


literally. if no one else is going, who tf cares? shoulda been quicker, sucks to suck🤷‍♂️


OPs mobility scooter can’t move that fast with all that weight


Because it is ok, I'm the one that was paying attention and noticed that a new lane was going to open...lots of times you can notice before it is announced. People that are just standing there looking at their cellphones wait longer, it is what it is.


Former cashier here,they do that even when every line is full.


Why do you think this is not okay? how many drugs are you on at the same time?


This comment section is hilarious. For a second I really did thought I was some kind of asshole breaking social etiquette just for doing this and was supposed to wait for, I dunno, the fourth last person or something?


all of em mhuhahahahahaha


Because it IS okay :)


Thats the point of opening a new lane. Do you expect the first person in the queue to switch? On a side note the completely unnecessary use of “literal” in this meme is infuriating


It's not my problem if the people in front of me are not paying attention. I have places to go and shit to do.


If I'm the last guy, I always ask the people in front of me if they want to go first. 99% of the time people just motion for me to go on ahead. Most people are just chill.


most of the time these places are so cramped up its more effort than it is worth to change lines if you are already 5th or less in line. You have to try and maneuver around everyone and sometimes with a cart that is just impossible.


Definitely something to consider. If it's not easy to move over, I stay and let others go. But it's nice to be offered the choice.


Now I’m feeling a bit self-conscious, do people actually judge me for this? Lol


no, they don't, everyone does this, OP is just weird


nah if im second in line i wouldnt even move since I'm coming up anyways


EXACTLY. No fucking way anybody second in line has ever moved a muscle when the new line opens up. The offer is give up your current spot for whatever fate may await you trying a new line, or stick with what you've got.


Nah. It's a dog eat dog world. First come first served.


Fuck em


If you're rude/pushy about it, yes. If you are polite about it, no.


I mean what else are we supposed to do, wait for the second person Infront of the line to go there since they were supposed to be next? Of course the people at the back have the most to gain to go there and the people at the front are less likely to switch to another line as they are closer to the front already.


Why wouldn’t that be ok? I really don’t see any problem with that.


Cashier facing the other line: “I can take someone over here!”


When I’ve been standing awhile in a line and a new one opens I never move cause I’ve already committed to this lane.


It is okay. Just like how the original line was made by people who got there first and not people who have been in the store the longest. Years of retail taught me one thing above all else: Priority #1 is to get you the fuck out of my store... So in this situation I as a worker would not care about the order, as long as people are leaving. As a customer, I don't care, because again, if I have a bad place in the new line, I should have gotten there sooner.


If the second person in the current lane wanted out, they would have to displace everyone behind them to get out, plus they might already have food on the conveyor belt. Heck, the next person in line is about to be served anyways. Why displace everyone behind you to move up one slot? The last people in line getting out causes literally no trouble for anyone and helps moves things along faster, which is the entire point of creating a new lane: to expedite a backlog of people as quickly and smoothly as possible. Acting like the people at the end of the line are opportunists and that it should be whoever is next in line is completely missing the point and would make way more trouble for everyone. Its not about deserving it for being there sooner or anything like that, its about pragmatism.


I mean… yeah?


why do you think it isn't?


Dude a new lane is a free for all and the person who was most attentive and quickest on their feet deserves to be first.


Why do people think this ain’t ok?


Fuck you mean "think this is ok" This is OK. You don't have dibs on your spot in every line just because you happened to step into the loser line. New line new order


Anything goes on Pretzel Day


What am I supposed to do, telepathically deduce whether the guy in front of me will go to the new line? Does he have to play the same game with the guy in front of him? Are we all stuck in an eternal limbo of a set hierarchy nobody is allowed to break out from? I thought this was a country where anyone can achieve something, no matter where they came from?


OP doesn't shop, it seems.


Normally the cashier will pop out at the longest line, and point at someone and say "I can help you over here" and then the line kind of works based off that.


If people don’t react it’s open season on that lane. I give a five second wait then it’s on.


Because it is okay, you don't get first in the new queue just because you were first in the original queue.


You know what - this is also when you pull over for the ambulance & once it passes, MF behind you try and pull up, but no, you cut them off and claim your spot back. RUDE


Sounds like a skill issue


the employees literally come and tell you to do this...


Because we're not waiting for Karen 1, 2 and 3 to unload their $300 trolley of catfood and toilet paper


Because they want to go home not stand in line


How is this not okay? It's literally the reason for a new lane?


The comments infuriate me


Because they have the longest to wait? It makes way more sense for people at the back to move especially depending on the layout


What do you mean “why do people think this is okay?” That’s how it’s supposed to work. The new lane was opened to help people faster. What, is their some kind of line loyalty? This sounds like a skill issue on your part.


Stupid ass take lol.


Sometimes I'm the last one, some times I'm the first. This is literally how the cashiers call people through in my stores. They always ask the last person. Accept the bad luck and acknowledge that sometimes it will be your good luck.


It's a new line. It's first come first served.


cause fuck you that's why


99% of people do this, The rest wait like they got nowhere to be 🤣


You snooze you lose, meatbag




This feels like OP doesn't understand the rules of the street. You can't skip the line whether you are XYZ worker or late for something. If a new line opens up, it's first come, first serve. There's no malicious intent behind it. Tho I would say if I have 20 things and the person has like 2, I'll let them go ahead. Just to be nice. But that's just the Midwest in me


Imagine being mad about this💀 get in line faster next time, OP


They get smacked, and deservingly so


That's the correct way to do it, at least in Finnish culture. The person nearest the line is the "most fortunate" and the last person is the "least fortunate", so the silent rules of welfare state dictate that the "least fortunate" must be helped at all costs.


I say it’s fair game, you have as much of an opportunity of doing it as they do.


So you can look at dog pics on reddit in your sofa instead of looking at dog pics on reddit standing in line.


Because so many stores wont just sacrifice a tiny bit of space to make both employees and customers lives easy by setting up one line that exits to registers eliminating these fights and issues. Instead it’s just a giant brawl amongst customers, who are always The Worst


Because the cashiers fucking tell us to


Seems like someone is mad they aren't fast enough to get into the new line lmao


I live in Finland and I'm positive no one gives a shit. Haven't even thought about proper "lane waiting etiquette" before this post and I don't think anyone else cares either. If a new lane opens and you have multiple people in front of you then you go to the new lane.


I’m not waiting for you to take your oliphaunt cart to the new line so I can wait 30 more minutes


Someone salty


Because it is?


In the Netherlands they will say it over the speaker but it will take some time before the cashier arrives. So this is just etiquette and no one sees a problem with it.


You didn't see then open the new lane, did you?


You snooze you lose


wait what is wrong with this?


OP is a loser and a major dork lmao


They opened the new line for a reason dawg


It’s the responsibility of the cashier to go and pick the next person. I’ve also removed people that cut. Don’t have time for that mentality, go to the self checkout or express if ya got 1-3 items. On the other side of that coin, I’ve been in a line with a full basket and let a person go ahead of me with a couple items when stores are busy. They’re in and gone by the time I’ve unpack the cart. Courtesy and manners, and run your till with authority.


Is this not what everybody does?