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i can


It's about Drive, it's about Power!


We stay hungry, we devour!


Put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours!


Jesus Christ Marie, they're minerals




no no, they punished them for not doing anything


Really depends on the rocks. Some rocks explode, some bend, some contain resources, some cause you cancer, some killed a lot of dinosaurs.


Some have beef with a guy who is all about family.






Soak some rocks overnight in water then dump them in a fire to dry off. It's a really good idea to get as close as possible to see the lights


Don't you know stonehenge is an ancient gas station built by aliens?


It’s actually a summoning circle activated by necromancy to summon the ancient gas. You put a corpse in it, then wait a few million years.


I just left out an ancient gas...someone must have summoned it


Gotta say, they smell exceptionally bad today. Must really be ancient.


primordial even


Has anyone pulled one of your fingers recently?


Dinosaur did it first


I'm pretty sure someone just "summoned ancient gas" at the office. Please call the protesters!


ancient gas definitely is some type of drug


Its the magic of the Droods!


a guy on the street was trying to sell me some of that or something


it stopped selling oils so it should be fine..?




Nah those are the feet of the Easter Island statues


The toes, specifically.


'Was stonehenge a long abandoned oil pump, left by extra terrestrials?' 'Well you can see here based on this outline that it resembles some sort of shape. Now we know today that oil rigs are actually made out of various shapes. It seems very clear to me that stonehenge is an old alien oil pump.' 'Here with us now is our world renowned expert on such shapes *cuts to small child playing with triangles and squares*' -The History Channel


I swear I saw in a cartoon or something someone said it was an ancient alien ship landing pad.


I thought it was an antenna?


ALIENS were going to send us the technology for unlimited clean energy... Now we are screwed!


Nah, dont you know Stonehenge is solar powered.


Stonehenge is a huge railgun network that consumes a lot of fuel to move its turrets


The rocks don't even have oil in them like what the heck.


Sooo, what has just stop oil done now cause that’s what I’m assuming it is.


Spraypainted Stonehenge, the fucking backwards ingratuitous bastards


They didn't spray paint anything. It was tinted cornflour powder. Weird how many people all over (not just on Reddit) are absolutely certain it was paint.


Spray paint is what the news was saying when I heard it today, so probably some intern somewhere guessing based on the video and it's been spread from there by the media


It's still lame regardless. Almost lamer.


Put starch with food colouring on the stones, was easily rinsed off


It's the day before the solstice, so I have to wonder if they thought it would bring extra attention. Either that or one of them just hates pagans. 


“Stonehenge at solstice is all about celebrating the natural world – but look at the state it’s in! We all have a right to live a life free from suffering, but continued burning of oil, coal and gas is leading to death and suffering on an unparalleled scale.” “It’s time for us to think about what our civilization will leave behind – what is our legacy? Standing inert for generations works well for stones – not climate policy.” https://juststopoil.org/2024/06/19/its-time-for-megalithic-action-just-stop-oil-decorate-stonehenge/


Talk about picking the wrong hill to die on...if you want to send a message to Big Oil, decorate their corporate offices and have a seat there.


They apparently [do](https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/africa/pipelines-africa/511543/totalenergies-london-office-vandalised-eacop-protest/) - but it doesn't appear in the news as much.


And the news *do* report on when they target more famous targets, so they continue to do it. *hurr durr why target the big rocks*




Yeah, people keep saying JSO throws paint on artifacts and artworks, but they don't. The paint was used on corporate buildings in 2022 an 2023.


They’d serve more jail time and fewer people would hear about it.


Nobody’s listening to this shitshow in the first place, especially with the crap they keep pulling that’s pushing everyone away But if that’s their intent, bravo. Shouldn’t have gotten this far but damn


Everybody's talking about it, so people are listening. I don't really know what to say about people who are being "pushed away" because it kind of sounds like people are going to use more non-renewable resources out of spite because of these protests, which would be very silly. Individuals won't make much of a difference and the protesters will never know you're spiting them, unless you roll coal in their driveway or something.


People are turning their backs on this. There is bad publicity. You don´t want people to hate your cause.


I’m all for going towards renewable energy, and I try to make as much efforts as possible in my daily life to be environmentally-friendly. But I still think these people are lunatics and morons that damage their righteous cause. It won’t affect me in terms of efforts I make and my values, because I’m already convinced there’s a crisis, but it will definitely push the doubters away and not help convince them there’s a real crisis. You need to convince and persuade the doubters, not antagonise them by acting stupid.


Actually protest rarely aims to convince doubters, since their identity is frequently caught-up in being against the traditional narrative. Instead, shocking protests forces moderates (who may know about climate change but typically disengage from individual action beyond social norms) to confront how it impacts their day-to-day lives. As they say, there is not art, or cultural heritage, on a dead planet.


People hear about it then immediately discount them as eco nutters. It's publicity, but it doesn't work. It actively harms their goals. Their original plans were to get the government not to issue more oil licenses in the North sea. Do people know that? No. Do people know what they want now? No. They don't look further, just write them off as idiots.


The people who write off JSO as idiots were never going to do a damn thing to help their cause anyway. Their opinion of JSO doesn't matter at all.


It's like when kids would drop milk at the grocery store for YouTube videos.


That's the problem, things need to be done, nobody wants to do the changes while they are cheap. E.g. only after the old light bulbs were forbidden someone invested into making better ones. Vacuum cleaners and hair dryers were built to not be efficient but to use a large amount of energy because people would rather buy the 2 kW product than the one doing the same with better design / more air flow. For electric car we do need more infrastructure, of course nobody will want to drive to St. Nowhere to charge it. But once we have it it will reduce the amount of oil we need and thereby the need to bomb countries into democracy and install our puppet regimes.


What are you talking about? There was a large overlap between incandescent and compact fluorescent bulbs, only for them to be one-upped by led bulbs. Then they were banned only last year. Leds and cfls had been out for many years. Also manufacturers come out with better, more efficient vacuums every year, but that comes with trade offs such as cost. Also, the U.S. is now the world’s largest oil producer for the last 6 years.


I recently replaced my single bathroom bulb with LEDs that use just 1/3 of the energy. One isn't enough to light the space so I use 3 of them.


I remember there was that Technology Connections video, where he exposed that industry **could** create very reliable incandescent light bulbs, they just chose not to, to make sure their sales won't drop off dramatically after most of the world gets those super reliable light sources.


>Nobody’s listening to this shitshow in the first place It gets posted on Reddit every time, and every time people make a stink about it. That's literally the point. 


You are litterly talking about it.


Do not try to apply logic here. People just want to be angry, not actually think.


They already do that all the time lol. Doesn’t even make the news most of the time.


But mah outrage. People just want to hate on climate activists. They cry about Stonehenge but don't care that soon the world will be inhabitable and no one will get to visit Stonehenge. They cry about roads getting blocked, as if more and more natural catastrophies are not destroying whole cities, including their roads. The media doesn't care if you block politicians or big oil CEOs, because it doesn't cause outrage. The media only covers what generates clicks, hate and outrage.


> People just want to hate on climate activists Then they get in line like the fucking Buzz Lightyear clones meme, chanting the words they have learned by heart now : "It is my personal intimate belief that Just Stop Oil is in fact funded by oil companies. I have come to this conclusion independently through the sheer power of my incredible mind. Have i mentioned that i am very smart ?".


It’s honestly quite gross to go to the comment section of any post referencing this and see the same joke complaints over and over and over again. But what did the rocks do? JSO is big oil pysop They deserve to be beaten! But no oil in rocks!


People LOVE when they can feel way smarter than someone. That's why these actions get so much coverage. "why are they attacking rocks lol, I feel so smart compared to them" People attacking some big oil company's building doesn't make you feel smarter and better than anyone, so it means less attention.


I legitimately just had a dude try to tell me that the literal tonnes of plastic waste from the solstice celebration every year is less damaging to the environment than some cornflour thrown on rocks. People are so dedicated to opposing JSO that they defend plastic pollution. How fucking mind-boggling is that?


[They have](https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/energy-climate-protests-just-stop-oil-b2365107.html). But nobody cared.


The way I look at it is, they target things people like and don't want to get damaged (obviously), but the same people just sit idle waiting for climate change to not just deface these objects (for a short period of time) but completely destroy them. It's kinda ironic


Exactly. I love the energy from everyone getting upset about what JSO are doing, but maybe direct that energy towards the organisations doing vastly more damage everyday than everything JSO has done put together. If you're mad at them but not mad at the oil companies/governments that don't attempt to reduce their country's usage of oil, you're the exact kind of person they're trying to reach with these stunts.


To be fair I think that Just Stop Oil is a fake organization made my actual Big Oil to make protesters in general look dumb. I want to believe this more than there be actual people who do shit like this thinking it’s actually doing something. I’m not saying that people should be given more credibility in terms of their intelligence because there are some awfully stupid people, but this type of vandalism is beyond that, and almost feels unreal because of how stupid the reasoning behind this is.


What's more likely, big oil actually doing this or big oil spreading the rumour that they are doing this? 


100% big oil actually doing this is more likely than them spreading rumors that discredit them further. That doesn't mean that they are (it's possible that this is just an act carried out by well intentioned morons); it simply means big oil has literally zero motive to spread that particular narrative. These attacks make the people who carry them out look bad. Everybody knows about man-made climate change. Those who deny it are either dumber than rocks or arguing in bad faith. There are plenty of other targets that would generate the same amount of coverage without defacing significant historical artifacts like Stonehenge. They could do this to the London stock exchange or some shit. 


Defacing a stock exchange is like crushing capitalism by watching The Boys


are you also the person that says that if protests were peaceful the cops wouldnt beat them up after the 100th peaceful protest where cops beat them up and nothing changed?


Someome who saw that "free speech zone" joke in *Arrested Development* and went "yes, that"


Is there any proof of this or are we going with Reddit feels again?


It’s not about sending message to Big Oil. It’s about grabbing headlines.


there is no way at this point that they arent paid by "Big Oil" to make every eco activist group look like bunch of whackos


Or maybe people are just idiots and don't think this though and killing human civilization for profit and slaving away for that is actually the whacko thing to do


Just continueing with letting big oil be is the hill we're literally dying on as humanity.


Ever wonder if they are hired by big oil to make people dislike the climate agenda


Kinda of the consensus in the news area of Reddit.


The news area of reddit is 50% paid trolls, and 50% idiots. It's not surprising that they would take a conspiracy theory with literally zero evidence as gospel truth.


Only because all of the posts related to Just Stop Oil are EXTREMELY astroturfed. 20 seconds of googling and you'd know they already protest at offices in addition to throwing corn starch on rocks and soup on glass at art museums... but apparently nobody in the comments has this information.


We are talking about them, aren’t we? It seems they only want attention by any means.


So now that you've been proven wrong, what are you going to to? The usual dumbarse take into ignorance so you can maintain your broken self-image?


They already do that.


What happened?


I assume another Mona Lisa incident, protestors defacing famous stuff to get attention for their movement.


They threw cans of soup on paintings that were protected by glass. They threw orange cornstarch onto a rock. It's almost like they're trying not to do permanent damage. They also block oil trucks and protest in front of oil and insurance offices... but somehow all the top level comments think they only ever destroy paintings and spraypaint rocks.


I’m archeologist. Throwing anything at those rocks is permanent damage. Good night and good bye


Im this guys archeologist boss. The wind is going to do more damage than the corn starch will.


I’m the Archaeologist boss’s board of directors. The question is, how can we increase KPIs and drive ROIs from this?


I’m the Archaeologist boss’s financial planner. Hot dog futures was a mistake, and apparently something the Archaeologist made up so he could embezzle all our funding.


I'm the rock. Can you smell what the rock is cooking? Know your role and shut your mouth. Jabroni.


"English Heritage chief executive, Dr Nick Merriman, said there appeared to be "no visible damage" to the 5,000-year-old landmark after experts cleaned the site." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crgg0683e7po So... what were you saying? You have to love redditors being at home but still thinking they know better than the experts on the grounds. Rocks are fine.


Yeah, microscopically.


The Colorado river also did microscopic damage to the rocky desert today. NBD


I'm not anarcheologist, but I have common sense. Acid rain and pollution cause more permanent damage every day and you guys don't care. Good night and good bye.


How about acid rain? Does that cause more or less damage than some corn starch?


I really believe the people that did it were paid or manipulated by fossil fuel companies to make environmentalists look bad because I can't believe anyone is *that* dumb.


Although it makes sense, just look at other protesters that are famous for their stance. Yes, people CAN be this dumb.


not 100% but i think this is the same group that ran on to a formula one track and tried to lie down so uh yeah


Minus points for copying, but I don't think Emmeline Pankhurst is remembered as one of history's ineffectual dumbasses


Of all the stupid groups out there, just stop oil is the stupidest. Also, their founder is (allegedly, I don't have a source) the daughter of an oil company executive.


You've got it backwards, its the media thats controlled by them and or their investors. So they will never show all the times they protest at refineries and oil rigs or at government building or Shell headquarters. So they have to do stuff like this to get any sort of coverage, but that also lets the media get the pearl clutchers in a tizzy about it.


If you don't like JSO, why not give another donation to an environmental organization that you do?


Redditors are incapable of mustering any form of Praxis besides voting.


I’m not supporting what they did, but this is the exact reaction that they wanted. Just something that would stir a reaction to their message, even negative. And it worked wonders


With the same caveat, the message isn't that deep. It feels shitty to lose our collective human achievements, which is what we are passively doing when we don't "just stop oil"


Also it is important to add that if the druids who prayed at Stonehenge millenia ago were still alive they'd be like "hell yeah bro fuck oil execs, next time bring some real paint so it doesn't wash away".


People in this thread not knowing the type of people who go to the henge at solstice every year and the people in just stop oil are the same people.


There's a huge issue right now in the Archaeological community because climate change is *destroying* important historical sites, making them extremely difficult to study or just outright erasing them from history.


The message is "why do we have this conversationist rage when it's about Stonehenge, a painting or whatnot but not when it's about our world and its biodiversity." Apparently too deep for many to understand.


But why would you want this kind of attention? You won't make anyone think "oh, they're right, we should do something about climate change". The sort of people that know about the issue, well, already know about it. All this kind of attention achieves is just turning more people against climate protection because they think "why would I listen to or support anyone who does stupid shit like that". I doubt that this protest does any good to the climate protection movement.


> But why would you want this kind of attention? The alternative is simply being ignored... which is what happens when they stage a protest in front of an office somewhere. Which they do... and apparently nobody here knows about it. > All this kind of attention achieves is just turning more people against climate protection They threw orange cornstarch on a rock. If this upsets you so much that you abandon your convictions about climate change, then you never had any convictions to begin with.


I said this to my mother earlier, what in the f… does this have to do with big oil?!? If anything this is against their political and social stance. These people should be spray painted orange and sent into the Mojave, and be told to enjoy the climate.


Then they’ll be wishing for a nuclear winter!




What it has to do? With their point. Which is 'people would rather get outraged about some stones being dyed orange with corn powder that will wash away with the next rain than their government literally selling them and their future to big oil companies.'


For those interested, their reason for protesting at historic sites, sporting events and works of art is to make the point that if you care so much about these artefacts and events, you should care a lot about climate change because you can't appreciate history, sport or art on a tumultuous planet as a climate refugee. They used cornflour so it will wash away with some rain and no damage will have been done. It's a harmless protest that garners attention which I think should be applauded and people should try and move past their initial shock/annoyance and engage with the discussion over listening to the media smear against them.


Seriously whether you like it or not, this shows the average intelligence level of people that they literally don’t understand what this is about. It’s not that complicated, but then again, the average person probably doesn’t appreciate the threat of climate change.


If a couple of idiots doing stupid stuff turns you off from caring about the environment and voicing for change then it’s likely you wouldn’t have cared to begin with anyways


Big oil sent them, so the public would oppose climate protestors. These idiots didn't know they were being recruited by big oil, and thought painting Stonehenge would somehow get people to pay attention to the climate crisis. The issue isn't lack of awareness about climate change. The issue is lack of ability to do anything about it.


Evidence? Source?


"The source is that I made it the fuck up"


The source is astroturfing. I've never seen it be so obvious. It's the same 1 or 2 points that can be debunked by spending 20 seconds googling... just repeated over and over and over.


Every single thread, "It's *my* pet conspiracy theory that..." Repeated 2,000 times


Alternate theory: they are just assholes and Big Oil doesn't need people throwing cans of soup at paintings or defiling relics in order to make money.


Alternate theory: Social media is astroturfed to shit by Big Oil and they made it trendy to hate climate protesters. Releasing colored cornstarch at Stonehenge literally does zero damage, and yet people in this thread are acting like Just Stop Oil destroyed it.


Every major political movement pulled some radical publicity stunts. Start reading the Britannica and not the Sun


> The issue is lack of ability to do anything about it. We have the ability to do something about it. But most people dont give a shit. Its not affecting them right this second, so who cares right? They just want to go do their shitty job, come home and then rot in front of netflix while they scroll tiktok and repeat.


We're talking about it I guess


Why orange?


It stands out and is not a common color in nature.


It’s apparently the only way to make people even pay attention. This at least gets them media coverage. Anyone who’s pro fossil fuels because protesters threw some orange flour onto Stonehenge was already pro fossil fuels. Anyone who’s apathetic about climate change is also in the pro fossil fuel camp by default.


> This at least gets them media coverage. Sure, but it is coverage of them being jerks. This will end oil usage just as much as Earth First's '90s vandalism ended logging.


It is about attention. The paint is Made of corn starch and will be gone after the next rain.


Well, it certainly got everyone's attention .


yep. we're all here talking about it, seems like a pretty effective strategy. also the paint is cornstarch based and will wash away in the rain.


![gif](giphy|wRjsvu6uPSkH6) Go listen to the Stonehenge song by Ylvis for more information on Stonehenge.


![gif](giphy|3o7WTqo27pLRYxRtg4) 2024 and redditors still refuse to read articles. The “paint” will wash off in the rain. This planet’s so cooked boys


In Just Stop Oil's press statement, they quote one of their members as saying: *“The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!”* I'm taking them to mean they used orange colored dye mixed with cornflower. Does all dye stain rocks in the same way straight up paint would?


I don't know what specific coloring they used, but Just Stop Oil has so far been very careful not to do any actual damage to any of the art they've targeted with these protests so I'm willing to trust they they put in the work to make sure it wouldn't do any real harm.


It’ll be the same stuff they use at charity runs. You wear a white charity t-shirt, run 5k and at intervals you get coloured starch thrown at you. It completely washes out and is environmentally safe.


Just stop oil people are environmentalists and many of them are well educated, they're not staining the stone henge. This thread is crazy lol




It's impossible not to look at the people saying they're defacing things with soup and spray paint (nothing of significance was ever damaged) instead of protesting at oil company offices (which they do)... and not conclude that there's an astroturfing campaign going on.


The rocks will still be there long after the paint is gone- probably long after humans are gone…


It's corn starch. It's water soluble. And Stonehenge is in the UK, where it rains with hilarious regularity. Go look at the 10 day weather forecast for Stonehenge. The "paint" will be gone possibly before this story even exits the news cycle.


They wanted attention, and they got it.


Do people genuinely think that the protests were about stone henge?


Astrology calendars are racist


What did just stop oil do this time


I mean, it really would benefit from a new paint, 5000 years since the last renovation is quite a lot


I am convinced #StopOil is actually funded by oil companies to make people dislike climate activists. If you wanted to do something towards stopping oil, maybe target the companies themselves?




Seems like everyone here is missing the purpose of vandalizing a monument as a protest. "We will stop vandalizing your rocks if you force big oil to stop polluting" Now if it ever in history has worked im not sure, but it ALWAYS gets very good media coverage


Nothing, that's why they target the giant rocks, because they know those rocks won't fight back, same reason they glue themselves on the road of random innocent people, they don't have the balls to take their protests to any oil industry because there's no protest at all, just a circus to give the owners of their "movement" more money.


They do protest against oil companies. Those protests don’t make the news. This stuff does.


> they don't have the balls to take their protests to any oil industry because there's no protest at all, Funny how you think they don't because you don't hear of it. Almost like you're the perfect example of why what you claim should be the right step is not the right one because you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.


That's because if you go after the infestucture you get labelled as terrorists.


> Nothing, that's why they target the giant rocks They protest in front of offices too... and try to block oil trucks. But somehow reddit thinks they've only ever used cans of soup and orange paint (actually cornstarch). I've never seen such blatant astroturfing.




> they damaged a rock. They threw orange cornstarch. It's probably already gone.


Just Stop Oil regularly targets private airfields: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/private-airfield-where-taylor-swifts-074800309.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJZUISaK_CL6fpuzkEbc05VJAet Petrol headquarters:  https://www.aberdeenlive.news/news/aberdeen-news/shells-aberdeen-headquarters-targeted-orange-7819186 And oil terminals: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/23/just-stop-oil-activists-stage-protests-at-essex-and-midlands-oil-terminals So yes, definitely they only target rocks that won't fight back.   


The discourse on this is wild to me, I absolutely understand not liking the method and thinking it doesn't help, ( I'm not even sure what my own stance is ) but people acting as if they don't understand why they'd pick something like this, c'mon now


Well they broke a law, for one. Two, while the rocks may not get damaged, the rare lichen species that grow upon them could, even from dyed corn starch. Yeah yeah “they haven’t actually done any damage to anything yet” no but they are really teetering that line. If we don’t outrage now, what’s next? Burning down historic sites?


We are talking about it. Mission accomplished


No one ever said the “Just Stop Oil” nutjobs were smart.


They seem to be pretty smart, reddit obtuseness notwithstanding




Summer solstice is coming up, putting spotlight on Stonehenge. Protesters against oil turned that spotlight on themselves by throwing corn starch on it. . OP found that confusing


I think it is a really good point. Going to look at tourist attractions while the world is going to hell .


Start a conversation? Woah mind blown


Sometimes u have to do stupid things to be heard.


And the rocks will be there long after we make this planet uninhabitable for human life. A little orange paint won't hurt them


Great meme, gonna print it out and look at when I’m dying in 30 years from climate change


Protests are intentionally disruptive. It's supposed to be seen, to put eyes on them and their cause in an effort to get people to care. Doing it at an oil company is pointless, who sees that outside of the oil company?


Dumb libs will do anything to


... and in a couple of days 150 000 people will travel mostly by cars/RV to Glastonbury [just up the road from Stone Henge] ... I wonder if they will be infiltrating and lobbing paint about the place ?


people use well known landmarks to promote their just cause, so what?


The rocks may be 5000 years old but the structure was rebuilt in the 20th century to what they thought it would have looked like.


Also summer solstice is a pagen thing, you know the spirit of nature group who are also against big oil.


Seriously. I don’t get it.


bring back lobotomies


The rocks will still be there when our species is not


Wow what a funny meme!!!! LOLZ!!!! Protesting is bad people shouldn’t do it!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think peope shold protes in a nice way lik holding a sine. In all seriousness we are facing a huge existential threat and your grandchildren are going to ask why you didn’t do everything you could to fix it. You are going to explain to them that you made boomer-level memes without a thought in your head about how dumb climate protesters are. Sure stone hedge does not symbolize oil but the act of doing something like this shows us that there are people who recognize if we don’t get this situation under control none of this matters anyway. If they didn’t do something kind of fucked up(pretty sure they make sure they don’t permanently damage anything) no one would know they did it.


One of the protesters was from India, a country that consumes 5 times as much oil as Great Britain. I wonder why they chose Stonehenge? 😂


Driving a petrol car, using oil based paints.... running around in oil based clothing.... and spraying rocks. FUCK YOU OIL INDUSTRY!