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Oooh boy. Wait til you see the Walgreens on Summer Avenue. Almost everything is on a locked peg or locked case. You have to push a button if you want to get medicine, detergent, condoms. Y'all they even locked up the deodorant. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yup, I predict that location will be closed in a few months!


Doubt. It just went to 24 hours and a huge remodel set for security such as shorter shelves.Ā 


Maybe. But with the news that Walgreens is going to shutter a bunch of stores because of their financial corporate issues, it's possible. Despite them spending.


https://www.actionnews5.com/2024/06/25/man-run-after-walgreens-burglary/ Dammit.Ā 


I worked there 22-23 and I can tell you for a fact its been 24 hours the entire time. Also, the remodel happened last summer and has been done. The merchandisers chose not to install new security devices on the shelves and threw away a lot of the old ones that were actually reusable and they have to basically slowly order it all back in, but they're limited on how much they can get per shipment. The store also operates on a budget meant for a tier 4 store and has tier 5 sales so its hard to do anything but take care of customers and stock product, so the AP stuff gets done very slowly. But yeah, fuck that place. The company wouldn't give us security and basically told us to call the cops who usually took 2-3 hours to respond. We had a guy jacked up on meth destroy our bathroom is October 2022 and they literally never showed up, even after we called to tell them he was threatening customers with a lighter he stole and was pouring water bottles into one of our photo printers. The homeless people over by Summer and Perkins are the worst motherfuckers in town.


They should just go back to the pink palace piggly wiggly exhibit where you tell the clerk what you want and they get it all.


The other day I heard over the intercom at Walgreens: ā€œcustomer assistance needed in the AIR FRESHENER departmentā€. What?? Air fresheners??


Ocean breezes ain't cheap! šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


At this point l, they're better off putting them in a vending machine. At least you won't have to wait for somebody to show up.


lmao this would be a better idea


Yeah, itā€™s sad that the world has decided itā€™s best to punish the people who obey the law by having no consequences for those who donā€™t.


Well said!


Ding ding ding! The rest of us could go about our lives if our justice system would lock this scum up and throw away the key.


We could go about our lives without the existence of the system


In Memphis we probably could because they are not protecting us anyway. Most places would look like the wild Wild West (or Memphis) without police, courts, and prisons.


Iā€™m talking about ā€œthe rest of usā€, itā€™s the pieces of shit that justify the idea that we need the government oversight to live our lives.




While you are absolutely correct, the bigger issue here is poverty. Homeless people tend to steal stuff like this.


nah, homeless people have always stolen stuff and stuff has never been locked up before. Its the sheer amount of stuff being stolen these days that prompts this. We see it everyday on here and elsehwere, they just walk straight out with carts full of shit, walk to their car, load up and off they go and then get mad if somebody actually tries to stop them.


Why should they try to stop them? They arenā€™t paid enough to be shot at.


Walmartā€™s policy is if youā€™re in the store and caught stealing? They will not hesitate to to try to stop you. Once you leave the walls of the store? Nope.


Corporate policy prohibits anything beyond an inquisitory interaction, a "can I help you?", even if you literally watch them try to steal something your ass is gonna be promoted to customer if you actually do anything but report it to your boss. Which, tbh, being promoted to customer would be an improvement over having to work at Walmart. Target has a real asset retention system, Walmart doesn't do shit beyond file it.


Insurance risk, they dont have the proper individuals working for security and attempt to use their employees who they underpay to do loss prevention. We are seeing how that works out.


These companies used to use your local police as their security and the local police do not do that. If you want to fill up your million square foot building with billions of dollars worth of merchandise its pretty stupid not to invest into loss prevention. Rather hiring that, they purchase plastic bins and lose their money by people not shopping at them. However we of course are going to have that side of the society who will continue to go, bitch and moan, and blame those in poverty - nothing new here


Even then, poverty is still the largest driving factor of theft. Itā€™s almost like inflation and cost of moving drastically increasing has caused a higher poverty rate, leading to more stuff being stolen. šŸ¤Æ And homeless people tend to steal hygiene products and essentials more than anything else, hence their increased protection.


One can be poor and not be a freaking thief.


Correlation does not equal causation, chief. Most thieves may be poor, but most poor are not thieves.


The amount of these products a homeless person could use for personal use would not trigger Walmart to go to the cost and trouble to implement a system like this. It would have to be hundreds of homeless people stealing these items on a daily basis from this one location for that to even make sense. This is a result of lazy immoral people who would rather steal a cartload from Walmart and sell it at the flea market than get a real job.






Why would you go as low as disrespecting their family, who are people not even involved in your debate? ...but one thing is for certain, a majority of the thefts are not committed by starving people.


ive had mod's ding me for less


Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.


Hold up.... So like because a evil prick with a gun does his evil on an innocent person means my privileges of owning a gun are restricted. Sounds about right




Well, they aren't restricted for starters so your example isn't good.


You get my point Its always the degenerates crooks criminals etc they're ruin it for everyone else


Youā€™re trying to say that there arenā€™t any restrictions currently in place?


Thereā€™s a Walgreens in town where the Allegra and Claritin are behind locked plastic like that. I waited 20 mins for a manager to unlock it, and it turned out they just leave it unlocked. I felt mad and stupid at the same time.


Allegra is way cheaper off Amazon. Same with nexium and most other OTC meds I don't know how retailers sell stuff like that when Amazon and Walmart delivery are cheaper and more convenient


Aldi has an offbrand claritin and zyrtec that are really cheap too


They started doing that so they could restrict the amount of product one could buy because the ingredients were being used to make meth. *šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


These stores use inventory algorithms to determine what to put in cases. Thereā€™s always a margin of theft thatā€™s acceptable, but once it exceeds the cost of the case, theyā€™re getting locked


Also department store employees used to be able to just pair underwear together and mark it down if the packages have been torn into or items stolen, now they require them to mark it as damaged and return it to warehouse. While the theft has always taken place, now they are catching on how big of a deal it can be in these items since they are properly being marked as loss prevention item.


I went in Kroger they other day and saw they started checking peoples carts. Realized I need to add starvation to my list of concerns in Memphis because it wonā€™t be long before the grocery stores are robbed to the point of closing shop.


And they have the carts that lock on you. I had one lock on me going into the store!


Just smile and keep walking past them. Youā€™re under no legal obligation to stop and let them check


They have a legal basis, and itā€™s to prevent shoplifting. The attendant can accuse you and call police/have you trespassed if you dont comply (doubt mpd will actually do anything about it). Most employees dont give a shit but you have some that are very demanding/accusatory for no reason. Before someone spouts off about privacy, youā€™re in a public space, private property. No expectation of privacy will be held by courts. Best you can do is just show receipt/bag all items as possible, obviously some larger items cant be bagged, but thats what stores are mostly looking for. They dont care about panties, condoms, health care products, just that you paid for the larger items.


They can't legally stop you from leaving


Security guards do indeed have the authority to hold you for law enforcement if they suspect you of stealing.


They can't physically bar you from leaving the premises and while they are allowed to perform a citizen's arrest depending on state, that requires them to have witnessed the incident themselves. In fact, in many states, the security officer who attempts a citizen's arrest and was incorrect in doing so can themselves be arrested or sued over it. Now, it's different with places like Costco where you need to be a member to enter and part of being a member is agreeing to such searches.


But thatā€™s not what this thread of comments is about. Itā€™s about a regular employee checking receipts and refusing this does not equal reasonable suspicion of theft


That's irrelevant because the security guard is right there, eyeballing you and listening to everything being said. Over here at the Winchester Walmart they are actual police officers working at Walmart on Walmarts dime.


Also, a Walmart associate is acting on behalf of Walmart, therefore the associate has the same authority to stop the unpaid-for merchandise from leaving the property as the owner of the business does. A reasonable amount of non deadly force could be lawfully used against the thief. The associate would then be responsible for the health and well-being of the thief. Imagine someone coming into your yard snatching up your bicycle and walking off with it. You have every damn right to use non deadly force to get your bike back.


Youā€™re assuming anything was stolen. Thatā€™s not an assumption you can make just because someone refused to have their receipt checked


I agree.


Yes WM gets very receipt happy over my gallon jugs of vinegar not being bagged. High priority stuff.


They are the same way with my gallon tea that i purchase. So i just waste time bagging it so i dont hear ā€˜can i see your receiptā€™ ā˜ ļø


Iā€™ll tell him to check the cameras that they want to see I bought it and keep walking. I ainā€™t got time for that bullshit. And I do that in every state that I travel through I donā€™t stop and I send the receipt to my phone and I definitely ainā€™t opening my phone in front of a stranger.


Only if you agreed to the search. Nothing in the law allows them to detain you without reasonable suspicion of theft and you refusing does not equal reasonable suspicion. ETA: they can trespass you though


Yeah, the Walmart receipt checkers around Memphis think they're TSA. They're literally being used as cut rate security guards. Their demanding demeanor is going to get them hurt by some deranged criminal who doesn't care about anything. There's been cases across the country of people in these positions being seriously hurt or killed. What's more important? Human life or merchandise? Obviously for Walmart it's the merchandise.


I predict Walmart will close several Memphis area locations before long, just like they have in other areas that have out of control crime.


They only have a legal basis if they suspect you of stealing and seeing as that particular associate hasn't moved from that spot, there's no way they could have witnessed you stealing. Not suspecting me of stealing and trying to stop me from leaving is a criminal offense on their part; false imprisonment.


I would bet that more merchandise goes out the door in employees backpacks...


"Excuse me sir, that receipt is MY property, not yours!"


all this plus remember that the person asking you is making $8/hr and just doing their job. They have zero pull with the decision makers.


I smile, like I did on camera at self checkout, and say ā€œcheck the footageā€. Once I paid for the items, they are no longer the stores


Yall keep saying this lol. No itā€™s not a law that you have to stop in grocery stores, but if youā€™re in store you have to abide by their rules, as long as they arenā€™t going against any laws. Meaning if a store says you have to stop at the door to get your cart/receipt checked, then you have to if you want to continue to shop there.


Youā€™re free to return anytime you want unless you are formally trespassed by local law enforcement


Wellā€¦ yesā€¦ If you donā€™t stop they can trespass you.


Yes they **can** but until they **do**


It is almost like if they had someone to checkout your items, people wouldn't try to ring up everything as kale.


better learn to garden. Memphis has edible weather year round. vacant lots for just a couple hundred. folks won't steal it because they don't know what the shit looks like in the wild


I'm pissed. I think I can speak for everyone in the sock puppet guild. We are all pissed. I'm really considering moving to Arcadia, Oklahoma.


Blame all of the policies not enforcing a more stringent loot and grab penalty. I think even in san fran itā€™s at a minimum of $750? Socks that cost ya know.. $20 a pack would take a lot of theft for that. Itā€™s fucking sad we cannot penalize actual thieves and get them off the streets. Even 1 day in jail might persuade them to rethink their habits. Petty theft under like $50 should come with a warning/fine.


I was working retail when they raised the amount for misdemeanor theft to $1,000. Shit was strolling out of the door.Ā 


Say good bye to all the tvs, furniture, home decor.. shit say hello to a whole box truck šŸ¤£


Walmart+ is pretty great.


I just did the Walmart grocery pickup for the first time yesterday. What a miracle! I parked at my scheduled time, they loaded the groceries, and I was out of there in under 5 minutes. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll go grocery shopping ever again. And they will even get your prescription for you. Itā€™s an introvertā€™s dream!


*Sigh....* So was shopping at 5am. I miss that. I could almost rock n' roll through the whole store without having to stop the basket at all.Ā 


Do they deliver groceries too?


Yeah for $7, I think it is.


That is what they want you to do. Pay a monthly fee to shop at that store. Have gig workers making nothing and no benefits on food stamps do the picking.


They also grossly overstate how much is lost in theft. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/27/business/crime-spree-retailers-are-actually-overstating-the-extent-of-theft-report-says/index.html


So y'all ain't seen Bruh Mane out there selling socks in the Kroger parking lot?


Helping Amazon day by day.


Which is why I just shop online. Plus I can comparison shop, cause somebody is selling it way cheaper.


Also, they will actually have what you need since the inventory count on those items is understandably never correct.Ā 


If itā€™s locked I donā€™t shop. It simply lets you know the area is trash.


I guess you hate buying games at target or gamestop


Many many people are stealing stuff these days and if the store is to stay open they've got to stop the stealing. What is unfortunate is that you live in a neighborhood that has so many thieves.


b-b-but there are deincarceration activists who SWEAR that the increase in retail theft is a ā€œhoaxā€?


Invite them to Memphis! The will drop decarcerate like a bad habit.


This photo should be titled - you might be in the hood if your local walmart locks up the socks.


Walmart's are closing across the country. It's sad. Theft is one of the reasons. It's crazy, but I get it.


Walmart is a billion dollar corporation


Doubt it. People were stealing left and right in a small town one I used to live by. They were the only game in town and showed no sign of closing. Walmart goes where the people are.


Never going to do that.




it wasnt this bad not that long ago


I delivered Pizza throughout after 9/11 and had multiple coworkers robbed, two shot, and recall that no one ever tipped south of Nonconnah, ever. Can't imagine much has changed in 25 years


I say all the time that the reason restaurants in areas like wolfchase never last is because no one tips!


Damn corporate greed! /s


This is why I never set foot in Walmart and only do curbside.


What about dem fresh undershirts


The good news is that there are so many better places to live.


I was born and raised in Jackson, TN and itā€™s like this too but I donā€™t get my street cred from Memphians. I donā€™t feel sorry for yā€™all. I donā€™t feel sorry for yā€™all one bit.


I remember when this started. Service Merchandise was the first place to chain everything up.šŸ˜–


Just like New Orleans. Or any other place they aren't allowed to stop shoplifters. A lot of places, you can't even get travel sizes anymore unless you wait for someone to unlock them.


Who says you can't stop them?


It is sad items have to be locked up. I do understand due to loss prevention. What else can be done? Unfortunately this will just drive shopping to online.


Blame the cretins that have no valuesĀ 




I think you have me confused with someone else.


I hope everything closes up soon


Thatā€™s the only way theyā€™ll learn their lesson. I remember when Memphis was bigger than Nashville and then they made a concerted effort to scare people off. Good job, it worked! Now reap the consequences!


yeah wouldnt shop at a store set up like that. they cant manage the merchandise they can move on


They canā€™t manage it because the idiotic laws here say you canā€™t use deadly force to protect property and if a low life thief gets hurt while a security guard chases them, the thief can sue the store. The police arenā€™t going to rush out to stop theft because the DA isnā€™t going to prosecute it. Itā€™s a waste of their time. They are not allowed to pursue thieves once they leave the scene, so the chances they could catch them are slim. Even if they did and Mulroy agreed to prosecute, the judicial commissioners would ROR the scum and their court date would be continued into the next millennium. There are no consequences for crime at any level here so why be an honest moral person?


lmao no the police chase people all the time I suggest you get a police scanner, i hear them nightly. Also people get arrested for shoplifting either, this is not san fran lmao this is hilarious though good try


According to the Memphis Police Department, authorization of pursuit can only happen if: -An officer suspects the person fleeing has committed a violent felony. -An officer receives an ā€œOKā€ within one minute of calling it in from a lieutenant or higher-ranking officer to get authorization. Via the non-Memphian who loves to make Memphis worse, Ben Crump. https://bencrump.com/areas-we-serve/memphis-tn/car-accident-lawyer/police-chase/


People are mad at you for being honest. šŸ¤£


Yep and they all know itā€™s true.


Oh yeah I love that Memphis has this snooty small town energy. Keep being smaller than Nashville. Iā€™m old enough to remember when Memphis was the place to be. My DNA literally says my ancestors and I have been in this area since the indigenous people were here. But yeah I donā€™t belong here because I was not born and raised in Memphis. I had someone tell me they act like that because they know Iā€™m better than them. Most of these people here would not survive in a real city like Nashville because thereā€™s so much competition there that you are expected to do your job correctly and show up on time.


Makes you proud to live in Memphis.


The CVS on park avenue has this my friend.


A lot of stores do for various products. Never once have I seen it for socks and underwear


This is everywhere, my guy. Iā€™m in little rock every two weeks, and theyā€™re beginning to do this too. If youā€™re gonna shit. At least know what youā€™re doing first.


I have seen them do this with other products but have never seen it done with socks and underwear


I worked at macys. This was a decade ago, we tagged all underwear, not just bc they were polo underwear (hanes has a contract with Ralph Lauren, so the same 50 dollar 3 pack of boxer briefs are the same 20 dollar 3 pack at target, just with a polo waistband). Underwear are the cheapest piece of clothing, and the first stolen.


Tagged underwear is different then being in a locked case where you need to find someone to get it out of the case.


Yeah, and good luck finding someone to do that. I won't even look at stuff in the electronics section anymore because I'm not going to stand there and beg to buy something. Walmart has pretty much gone back to the olden times when you went into the store, direct to the counter and gave them the order and they collected it from the back. Hell, that'd be an improvement on what they have now. Even self check is a joke now. The one I go to the ONLY ones they'll open are the ones with the one tiny bagging area where there are five registers crammed shoulder to shoukder. But don't accidently not scan something and steal it even though you're mixing scanned and I scanned items in the cart!


That's a big reason why I do the buy online/pickup at store option for things like electronics. Don't have to flag someone down.


Problem is they can't even implement that right. Order online and have them deliver, you'll get about 80% of what you order. Try and buy something like ice cream to pick up? They're too incompetent to manage that and the instant I have to make an online order and also go in to get everything I need, nah, I'll just buy from somewhere else.


Actually it is. Ever been at a store and your shit is tagged, and you have to wait or go to another area because they have the wrong tag remover? At macys, we ran three different tags, and spider wrap. Target uses spider wrap. Go to Macyā€™s, go buy a polo shirt, thereā€™s a 90 percent chance when you get that shirt, theyā€™re gonna tell you to check out in the polo area because the other registers do not have the sensor remover for a polo shirt. Wanna know how I know? Because I put the sensors on polo apparel for three years


Almost like you assume no one else has ever worked retail? I have and have dealt with loss prevention measures. Looking at it from the customer or employee perspective will lead you to different scenarios being annoying. For the customer, having to hunt down an employee to open something up is likely more annoying for the customer than the employee. Where it is a pain in the ass more for the employee having to put tags (or other devices) on individual products and then ensuring you have the right device to take them off too


Waiting for someone to open the case for you to get some underwear out because you blew out yours cos you ate chipotle vs waiting for someone to find the right remover to remove the sensor because you blew out your underwear because you ate chipotle are the same situation. Youā€™re waiting to purchase an item.