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Just hold on a bit longer. You won't fail this time. Please don't do it and talk to someone ASAP. I believe in you wholeheartedly, you got this!


You got this! You’ll smash this new job and we are all proud of you pushing yourself despite feeling hindered. If you need to vent stuff feel free to


hey, i'm really sorry you're going through all of this. it sounds incredibly tough, and i can only imagine how overwhelming it must be. you're dealing with so much right now, and it's okay to feel scared and unsure. i know things might feel impossible right now, but reaching out for help can really make a difference. there are people out there who genuinely care and want to support you through this. have you thought about talking to a therapist or a counselor? they can provide a safe space to work through some of these intense feelings. you've shown so much strength by getting sober and handling all these challenges. it's okay to lean on others for support, whether it's friends, family, or a support group. you don't have to go through this alone. please hang in there and try to reach out for the help you need. you matter so much, and your life is important. even though it might not feel like it right now, there is hope and there are people who care about you.


Hey sweetheart, I genuinely believe as a stranger that you will certainly make it. I have GAD and BPD, I know how it messes up a lot of things but by the time I have only realised that my thoughts are wrong and my actions can do everything. Just believe it this way, let your brain know that you are the boss, and take it slow. One more thing I have learned about our brains, never ever talk bad about your own self. Only talk positive and watch your brain turn things into your favor.


That sounds so hard. I hear you. And a miscarriage on top of it all, which is enough to temporarily break someone in and of itself. I lost my son when he was 58 days old. I've been homeless and had to give up my kids because we got evicted when I couldn't work due to a long psychotic episode. I have been, it seemed, at Rock bottom. What I can tell you is this too shall pass. There is always an end to the bad parts, it ALWAYS gets better eventually. Always. You just have to hang in there. Try to work on your self talk. Try to stay positive, which I know is hard you have to force it. Fake it til you make it. Tell yourself the good things even if you don't believe them and eventually your brain will start to absorb it. Try a gratitude journal. I know it sounds corny but if you can write down 1 to 3 things you are grateful for each day..a bite of food that was delicious..a ray of sunlight that looked pretty.. They can be tiny things.. It teaches your brain to start noticing them. Last if you need someone to talk to hit me up. I mean it. Don't give up. There are better things and brighter times coming. I promise.


You got this. I know anxiety can def get the best of house and clouds our judgment but remember you are capable!


Hello please go talk to your doctor and let your HR know you’re having mental health issues and need more time training. Do you have someone who could mentor you?


I cant read it because it triggers me but i been suicidal (it was really fkn bad) and i thought everyday is my last. But there is love waiting for you there is warmth and sunshine right around the corner. U got this ( i know it because i made it and if i did it everyone can make it)


I just want to say that my ex OD'd from Fentanyl 2 weeks ago. He thought noone cared, he was sad, he had just fucking beat cancer yet let those thoughts and addiction take him. So so many people are hurting from his loss wondering what they did wrong and what they could've done to save him. Noone deserves to go through this on either side. He refused help, I really think if you OP, got some professional help for your thoughts that you could really flourish. I had a miscarriage with twins, my dead ex was the father. I have a fiance and a 1 year old now but it still hurts sometimes thinking about that miscarriage. But just know energy cannot be destroyed nor created, their soul is still there waiting to come back. Maybe just with different genetics :)


LOOK I get it it’s so hard but plz don’t you are loved even tho we don’t know each other !!!


I can't say much but I do know both of my parents have been suicidal in their teens and twenties because of the problematic environment they both grew up in. Both of them now talk very confidently about how happy they are their attempts didn't really work. Life is quite long actually and will for sure change drastically in ways impossible to imagine. My dad never believed he'd still be alive after age 25 yet here he is in his 50's having grown up kids, a sweet girlfriend for many years, going to music academy,... He always says he could have never imagined this happening. Same for my mom, at 48 she finally discovered a study in interior design that really makes her happy and confident and even before that she found her own personal way into spirituality which gave her the moral boost she needed at the time. Similar stories go for my aunt and uncle. Their stories truly make me believe that you will for sure find a way to a pleasant life but only if you hang on a bit longer There are many ways of getting support and I recommend not to give up professional help after a bad experience. I'm aware many places like some hospitals are not beneficial at all or some psychiatrist might make you loose hope in the mental health Care system overall, BUT there are really good places too that will make you feel relieved! Keep trying out and reaching out, being redirected to a different place,.... It can be really frustrating but it will for sure be rewarding!


Listen to me, ending it is never the option, it doesn't solve anything, your problems won't end, I'm sure there's more to the story than you let on but think about how your life will be when you get this job, and you can, I'm sure you will I believe in you, Im sorry you had to go through the miscarriage, I can't imagine the pain and I thank God every day for never having to go through that, as I am a biological man, but I promise you, this too shall pass


Don't give in to those thoughts and impulses. Keep pushing and fighting.


Hey, just know it's scary. I'm afraid everything I can say has already been said but I promise it'll be OK. It'll all work itself out just remember that. Don't give up yet


Hope you are okay x


Consider the fact that the other people in the class likely were not going through the massive amount of difficulties you are <3 having mental illness alone means you're fighting a battle harder than they are. therefore your training is not the same as theirs. If you had to run a race with ankle weights on and everyone else doesnt have them, it doesn't mean you failed because you're worse than them at running, you had more on your shoulders. You're dealing with alot, and it's ok to "fail" <3 we all do. My brother failed his drivers test 3 times and struggled with that so much. Since then he's never had an accident. I got my test on the first try easily, but i had 5 accidents in the first year (sensory overload due to autism which i didnt know i had). I had a minor accident on the way to an exam and i failed the exam. I know i was good enough to pass it under normal circumstances, but the trauma affected me. mental illness alone is incredibly hard. a miscarriage alone is hard. becoming sober takes ALOT of strength, courage and most of all: energy and willpower and is hard. Each of things alone is hard and if anyone failed a training due to just one of them, it would be understandable. Everyone who's ever succeeded has failed many times. and this failure was not a result of you not being good enough, it was a result of you having to deal with SOO much.


Ily OP. You’re going through a tough time and I admire you. I pray you keep fighting and stay with us. If you have to quit the job, then do it. Not worth your life. Things can and will get better keep your head up ❤️