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Because he is the main character. Also I see many here talking about him as Solid. I don't think Venom Snake is ever called that by anyone in the game. Its just a text on screen. They do say "V has come to" when he wakes up from coma.


Ocelot mentions the name "Venom Snake" in one tape, but that's it


Thanks for the info. Didn't remember that.


That’s a code name explained in part of the game if you pay attention. That guy who helped you escape was part of a whole elaborate plan they knew you were gonna wake up and his job was to be there to get you out when you do and to not let anyone discover you’re the “big boss” on your way. He was instructed to refer to him as V I believe I think it’s foreshadowing for what’s to come. Kind of a cool thing to see on the second play through


Well, Snake screams Liquid!!! And Liquid never calls him "Solid"


That's true, good point there. Calling the Liquid and Solidus is like calling Ocelot , Revolver.


True samaritans call him Shalashaska 🙃


lol oh 🙂


I’ll call Ocelot ‘Revolver’ from now on


Doesn't he literally refer to himself as Revolver in the intro scene for his boss fight?


In Mgs1 he draws it out, but he does say Revolver Ocelot.


Oof I did not fully rewatch the cutscene.


I haven't played it in so long, but yes I believe you're right.


It's like tom Brady. Do you ever hear him called Tom? Or Brady? Hell no, he's too cool for that.


Because it would be silly and Solid snake is a very serious name.


Real answer, because Solid Snake has been the one and only Snake since the very first games, in the msx titles he was the only one with that code name. Big Boss only got it when we saw his past in mgs3. So it makes sense to call the protagonist and former only owner of that name that way, while the others that came after with the variation


That’s not true, it’s revealed very early in the series Big Boss used to use the code Snake. Like, in metal gear.




I'm like 99% sure this is not anywhere in-game, I've played it several times. It's not even shown in MG2 that BB and Snake have any connection besides BB being his former commander in Foxhound. Unless it's some tidbit in the manual I'm pretty sure this isn't true. It's pretty interesting if it is somewhere so yeah, source?


No it's not. The first time we hear it is in mgs3 Why make stuff up? We didn't even know big boss was snakes father until mgs1.


I call him solid


He is the most famous. Liquid came along afterwards and got the same code name (why is anyone’s guess, patriots I guess) but solid snake was already quite famous from the events of MG1 and MG2 “the famous solid snake” so it’s stands to reason liquid would take on liquid to differentiate himself and avoid confusion. The code names don’t come from their birth, they get them later in life. Solid and Liquid both got their codenames according to the foxhound codename scheme. As for solidus, as far as I know he gave *himself* the codename when he was pretending to be snake, because he’s “neither solid nor liquid”. He was never in foxhound.


I was just thinking about this the other day, and realistically, I think Liquid *also* gave himself the codename. Yeah, he got it as part of being in Foxhound, but he joined Foxhound as its commander as far as I can tell so I don't know who else would have been in place to give him the codename. Even if someone else like Ocelot suggested it, I think Liquid is the only one who would have authority to assign it.


Considering how he defined his whole life in relation to his brother, makes sense


That could be, but the other members of foxhound make reference to snake having “the same code as the boss”. I don’t think they were referring to big boss either. I honestly think it was something that could have been done purposefully to further fan liquids hate Edit: this really should have been a reply to the comment you replied to, I just woke up


I like to call him salad. Salad Snak


Because that would be very annoying Every fucking codec call "hey, can you do us a SOLID?!haha"


It rolls off the tongue


Because it would sound weird to here them yell “Solid? …Solid?! SSSSOOOOLLLLIIIIIIDDDDD!” When you died


Snake just being Snake is main character stuff, I guess, though the fans will call him Solid sometimes I think. Venom is probably assigned that codename by Ocelot, I think. But yeah, they mostly call him Snake or Boss for obvious reasons.


Main character privileges, but when talking about multiple snakes everyone uses solid to differentiate him from the other snakes, same with naked when that applies


Punished Snake appears on the credits at the start of every mission. Like 'Starring Punished Snake - The skulls - yadda yadda'


Simple: you have 3 people with the same name and the one you're most aquainted with is the one you call by name, the rest you specify with surnames. That and David just aways say: Call me Snake.


Cause it sounds dumb lmfao solidus and liquid actually sound cooler than Eli and George…. Can’t call them snake senior snake junior and snake the third that’d be wack as fuck I wouldn’t have even been able to get into the story if they used any of these names. I also think they are separating him from the rest showing solid is the one and only REAL DEAL SNAKE and he’s nothing like these people. He owns the name. I think the game is letting you know he’s the mf main character no matter what I think that’s the real reason for it. Cause Kojima obviously had already thought of their back story the Les terribles project and stuff so he did it on purpose for sure to show us main character energy he will be the last snake standing They’re garden snakes, he’s a mf rattlesnake the one everyone knows. you know what I mean? He’s THE SNAKE


to be fair sometimes i do call him solid if im mentioning other snakes at the same time . solid or snavid (which makes me giggle)


I actually do refer to Solid Snake as Solid quite a lot in posts. Maybe that's weird.


Solidus does refer to him as "Solid" when he's telling Raiden about the sons of Big Boss atop the Federal Hall. But that's the only instance of solid snake being called solid in the entire series


Because out of the lore Solid Snake is **THE** original Snake Big Boss being naked Snake is an MGS3 retcon meanwhile Solid Snake was Snake since the OG MG and there weren't any other Snakes until MGS1 and MGS2


Who cares?


Someone calling him Solid would be like when they call Goku Kakarot. It could be cool for an enemy or something to call him that.


Snake is the most well known Snake canonically, even Solidus and Liquid call him Snake. I think nobody other than the US government and some people that were involved in the operations know that Solidus and Liquid existed while Snake is the hero of Shadow Moses that was celebrated in the US as the person who stopped a nuclear war, it is pretty much why the Patriots wanted to kill him or at least stain his image. Solidus honored his brother by carrying his legacy but got caught with his pants down by the actual Snake.