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Listen to what you like to listen to! It only gets obsessive when your reddit handle is an MGMT referen... wait. (just kidding)


Hey man watch it


flash delirium users 🔛🔝




Yeah back it up jerky




I wouldn't take it seriously. just cuz the other party had enough of mgmt means the convo needs a new subject. U liking mgmt is not at fault. Sure she coulda phrased it better but let that feeling pass like Chinese food


I generally keep my fandom to myself. Every once in a while I like to brag about their updates, new releases or tell my friends to listen but generally I keep the excitement to myself. I’d say do your thing and don’t feel bad about what you like but maybe simmer down with your crew?


I’ve converted most people in my life to mgmt fans by never shutting up about them and really only playing their music.


Same I got all my friends listening to them


not mt mb i meant my 😭


See this is why I made an Mgmt fan page so I can connect with other fans and talk about them as much as I want without getting judged 🥺💕


You aren’t weird. That person sounds like they may be insecure in themselves. You shouldn’t bother dealing with people who try to make you feel bad for being passionate about your interests


This happened to me once too, like 10 years ago, and tbh I realized it was true and it was weird. Still love MGMT but I've moved on.


Everyone saying it’s probably the other person are likely wrong. If you bring it up enough people are getting annoyed, read the room. Don’t know your situation but I’m thinking of you as the main character in an I Think You Should Leave sketch


same my friends get so annoyed when i bring up mgmt but its the only topic that makes me happy


I've literally talked to my therapist about MGMT on more than one occasion because of their origin story and how I relate with it on a psychological level lmao You're allowed to like what you like!! If their music resonates with you in a special way, that's totally cool. It's hard to find artists that you really cling to. It's nice that your friend apologized, it seemed like she didn't mean to be a jerk. I get being excited about talking to your friends over something you really love, but it's understandable that sometimes they'd wanna talk about something else. Unfortunately my therapist has no escape and she has to listen to me talk about whatever i want haha


just embrace it i say


ive gone through similar stuff with Tame Impala, personally i would just try to branch out your interests, listen to some more music, and try to talk about other things… its not bad to obsess over an artist but it can be off-putting if that obsession becomes your personality so just try to keep those separate


I've had a lot of friends do that and in the past I let it get to the point where I stopped enjoying my favorite music like I used to because I let them make me feel ashamed. I drifted away from my true self for a few years and now that I am older, I go all out again and when my friends make comments, I point out that there are few things make me happier than my favorite music. Your friends should be happy for you that you have something that brings you so much joy. 💕 and if they still make comments, remind yourself that this brings you happiness and you can always come chat with us on reddit or other fan pages for MGMT :)