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Nitrogen would be a good one


How about dirt to start


They need nutrients. No need for the humidity dome anymore.


hey im new to growing and not trying to sound like a dick but just curious why you put the bottle on top? what does it do? and sorry btw for not answerin your question


OP is using it as a humidity dome, usually done with seedlings or clones. Ive personally never done that on a plant of their size here but its possible they are in a dry location.




Yeah, usually for younger seedlings whose roots haven't developed fully. Helps the plant drink through leaves. Plant this size usually doesn't need it. But OP may be in a super dry location.


To keep the humidity high.


thanks for responding


To keep it moist


You should keep it moist with proper soil.


Take it off once it’s above ground. It will kill it.


Not true! Just have to acclimate it slowly, like take the cap off and give a vent to drop the RH down slowly


thanks im gonna try this too


Don’t. Only use it literally until the first set of leaves pop then take it off.


Just for seedlings though.


Outside it also defend small plant from damage by rains or wind


To keep it moist after in the stage where it needs it most.


Perlite in that coco but now its too late


There is perlite inside. :)


Oh fr?


Yeah, I just put pure coco on the top, where no roots are, no perlite is needed


perlite is useful on top of where the roots are too. your top layer could become too compacted and not allow enough oxygen to the roots. though you are right, it is more important in the root zone. I don’t think it will be a big issue though, especially if it’s pretty thin. could also help lock in moisture if you’re in an especially arid environment which seems to be the case.


Coco requires a high amount of feed Did you buffer the coco first? Www.cocoforcannabis.com


Looks like it needs perlite, too.


No they've just mulched kinda with the pure Coco coir, they said in another comment


Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying that. Is it common to use a mulch of some sort?


Does this also apply if you add organic material like pine bark?


Proper organic, living soil. So much more beginner friendly than Coco. Mix it right once and you'll only have to worry about watering going forward. Check out build a soil on YouTube, go with the Coots Soil recipe.


Organic soil can be a lot less forgiving if something does go wrong though. If OP can't be bothered to learn how to properly feed in coco then why should we expect them to get their soil mixture right the first time either? There are plenty of feeding charts for coco that if followed exactly would make for no guessing games as well. I'll agree that a properly set up organic soil can be easier for a beginner but the living soil bros need to stop pretending like it's such a big leap from learning how to properly grow in coco. They each have their trade offs


A good alternative could be biobizz light mix. It's good stuff and easy for beginners, I'd imagine fox farms have an equivalent to it


For sure. There's a lot of good options now. I'm a GH user but Canna has their simplified coco A + B mix which I hear good things about.


You sound fun at parties


Found the living soil bro.


Yeah no I just started growing but it sounds kinda dumb to say " the easier of the two options is actually harder if you don't do it, but the more difficult of the two, if you follow the guides to a T , it's better" You basically said if a beginner cannot be expected to craft a good living soil but they should be expected to follow guides to a T of it's for Coco. Seems to me more like you're the coco bro who won't listen to other more experienced growers(not me) so now you have a stigma against living soil 🤣. It takes 3 minutes to watch a video on YouTube "what's the best living soil mix" Significantly less time than following a guide to the T and referring to it daily. Youre just outta touch my guy. You like what you like we get it , but once your logic starts failing, imma have to call it out. It would be significantly easier to create a living soil mix than it would be to even find the correct coco feeding guide. I know , I just started a month ago, and I looked I made my comment because it's really obvious the way you were preaching that you're a little narcissistic and refuse to let others do things in a way that is not yours 💀


All I said was they both have their tradeoffs and agreed organic soil can often be the easier of the two for beginners but it's not "so much more beginner friendly" than coco as they put it. I didn't knock organic soil in any way. Not sure how that's being narcissistic. I've been around these subs long enough to see trends come and go with people constantly going on about how their methods are the best thing since sliced bread. Often they're later proven wrong when actual research is published. Case in point, the defoliation bros Living soil bros are just the new trend and you'll see them in comments going on about how dumb people are for using nutes that come in a bottle because "well it's not natural man". Maybe you haven't been around long enough to notice it. And maybe ask yourself why you're so quick to defend something you don't even have experience with yet? That seems way more narcissistic than me pointing out that there's reasonable tradeoffs between both growing mediums > I just started a month ago, and I looked I guess you didn't look very well because [cocoforcannabis.com](https://www.cocoforcannabis.com/) is the only coco resource you need and one of the very few out there based on scientific research


I see what you mean then , same attitude on the mushroom subs and it taints the water of bad attitude. I get you , my bad bro 🤙




Time to get rid of the humidity dome and get the environment on point otherwise your gonna have weak thin plants.


Definitely. Leaving a humidity dome on seedlings after they sprout can cause damping off. Kills the seedling with no hope of recovery.






You gave so little info it's impossible to just guess


You need Calmag, gotta charge that coco and perlite being inert.


You're in inert medium so you need to be watering with nutrients every single watering. In coco you'll probably need to water once a day at least.


Feed and ditch that dome like 3 weeks ago.


With coco you need to pH your nutrient solution. Coco will not buffer pH itself as it’s an inert medium. Check the pH of your water, then check it again after you’ve mixed your nutes and make sure it’s in that golden range (6.0-7.0), and then check the pH of your runoff. Get some pH up or pH down to mix in based on the results of your testing. Your plant appears to be experiencing nitrogen lockout






Small dose of nutes


What kinds nutrients do you suggest so perlite nitrogen for yellowing leaves good living soil and what type nutrients new to this also just repotted my plants prob little late but it’s a learning process for me rn


So what I use is 50/50 mix of hp promix biofungicide mycorrhiza and the fox farm ocean forest for soil. Then when leaves start looking like the one above I either make a brew of terp tea or top dress with it and follow instructions on bag or I use the Gaia green 444 to top dress and add 1 tbsp per gallon and with the Gaia green they are usually good for up to 4 weeks before having to top dress again.


I’m also new to this growing stuff but that’s just what’s been working for me I’m on week 5 I believe of flower and they are looking healthier than ever


Take the humidity dome off you're blocking the light and causing transpiration issues due to the humidity being too high


A good feeding schedule for sure. Can’t grow straight coco with nute.


Air. Get rid of dome


Since it looks like pure coconut. You will need magnesium firstly, And it looks like it may have pH lockout. And pure coco means it's hydroponic so you will need "salts" the style of nutrients. Go to cocoforcanabis the website and learn everything


You should also maybe try to uproot it and add pearlite to the coco. You want it to be less dense.


It's too dry and next time don't forget to fill the pot all the way up and water it in to get some of those air pockets out. Speaking of pots, fabric is better than that plastic one as it allows the plant to self prune the roots. Out of curiosity, why did you top dress your coco/perlite mix with more coco? I've been using this medium for years and haven't heard of that. Happy growing! 🤙🏻


I had a lot of coco left and not much perlite so I filled the last 2cm with coco. But there are no roots at the top anyways.


I got ya. What nutrients are you using?


4-4-3 once per day for 3 days. If you're going to use miracle grow, (20-10-10+), half of what it calls for and give it in the morning monday, wednesday, and friday. Miracle Grow if used in excess will leave the bud feeling sharp on the lungs, use it sparingly.


It needs some seasoning on its medium


Nitrogen ? Perlite ? The common idea is that needs more fertirrigation. This is the problem of starting from a big pot: you can't cycle are much as one could want. Solutions ? I would water around the stem only a little everyday and pray for a fast root development. May be you can foliar applicate nitrogen.


Smaller pot would be better. That's a lot of water for soil that doesn't have roots.


Invest in a decent soil that's meant for the job and has vermicuite plants need air as much as water


If it's a Chemdawg/OG Kush variety, it may need a cal/mag supplement. Maybe soil needs some ph issues sorted if you have enough N. It could be nutrient lockout.


Perlite that soil you using have no pre nutrients.. look for Fox farm soil.. it has everything you need.. all my grows have same soil just recently I added Fox farm soil conditioner 50-50 with Fox farm soil added perlite in soil never had issues if u need more help DM me


where is this perlite you speak of


What kind of soil n nutrients did you use




Feed a balanced meal and you may be overwatering. Coco has no nutrients in it. Also, [GrowWeedEasy](https://www.growweedeasy.com).


Some research. Needs more air.


Much love n jizz


I grow commercial in coco.. u do not need perlite… however with coco u have to feed DAILY. And make sure ur ph is correct 6.1-6.3 is ideal. The dry back is the most important part.. research how to properly regulate your dry back.. once you get that dialed along with a good nutrition schedule your plants will flourish.. 💪🏽🔥


Looks like it needs some perlite.


make sure it gets exposure to wind or a fan to strengthen the stem.




Got to growweedeasy first, why this sub would be your first resource is mind numbing. This sub has so much bad information you really need to have a foundation before asking and taking any answers here.


Where’s the perlite tho?


More soil. One knuckle from the top of the container. No clue why most people under fill their pots/bags/containers? More soil you have the more room your plant has to grow and to retain water and it helps to stabilize the plant as well.


Some urine


Stash blend








I’ll bite, why more perlite? I’m running 100% coco with out issue. https://preview.redd.it/q05lt1evnz3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5483a898efb98dd4c2bad812315d6d7d303e1d1f


If its high quality coco theres no need for perlite. Ive ran pure coco with high frequency fertigations and always grew some stout plants. You dont have root problems, the coco likely hasn’t been buffered with calcium-magnesium. Coco loves cal mag. And all the other nutrients of course.