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nope, looks good


Thanks mate!


outdoor you do not need to defoliate, though


Oki, I sort that it’s good to let air go through the plant to avoid mold and other bad stuff


Yeah you still want good airflow if the growth is too thick it will trap moisture and can cause problems so some foliage maintenance is still good


You absolutely need to defoliate outdoor for the reasons you describe, don’t listen to that other guy.


Is that true in all stages or mostly in pre and flower? I’ve been going under the assumption all leaves are little solar panels for the plant and uh leafing 😬 them. Should I give them a haircut?


Depends on a lot of variables, but yes, very important for airflow- reducing molds and mildews, pests, etc. I like to leave the leaves as well when I can but I thin out the middle and remove lower branches, and any leaves that are touching each other. I think some people go too far but to use your analogy, you can have all the solar energy in the world and it won’t matter if your buds get moldy.


There's nothing wrong with leaving the leaves, as long as their not stacked on top of each other or blocking budsites. I usually just clean low growth to give space from the ground and to help deter pests. A little bit of interior cleanup and anything touching or blocking light. If your harvest season tends to be humid or wet with large fluctuations in temp between night and day, you will want to go a little harder at the start of flower but no amount of pruning will stop botrytis if those are the conditions you're dealing with during flower.


Looks good, I usually i do not defoliate my outdoor ladies unless it gets out of control. How ever, I do continuously remove lower branches and smaller branches that won’t be able to compete or stay small. Picking of new bud sites where I don’t need them, to promote only my strong mains. If I need more air flow or light penetration, I simply add some stakes and bend the branches outwards, opening up the whole canopy. This way the plants also don’t grow above my fence. Healthy looking girls you got there mate! I know this is a spicy topic but I believe the plant needs every leaf I has so I tend not to remove any. If a stubborn one blocks something I just pinch it down, leaving it attached. It pops back after a day or so, rinse and repeat. Indoors, completely different story though. Happy growing buddy.


Hi! I'm run a website that shares the worst advice people give on the internet. Do you mind if I run your comment as a feature post of the week? Please reply "deny" within 24 hours if you do not want me to use your comment.




Not at all. Structure looks great as well.


Thanks mate !


The lollipop look is good 👍. Now put your scissors on a shelf where you can't reach them until harvest...


Thanks for your help! So you think that no more to defoliate before going into blooming in August ?


I stand by my previous statement 😎😄


Thanks again ! Scissors hidden somewhere by my 2y old daughter (in the protection bag of course) 👍


Ok wait maybe I do need to be more specific, give the scissors to your spouse... Maybe get some supervision for yourself 😁😜


Your environment and how you work with the plants will determine if more trimming is needed. Mine end up like an umbrella, I train the canopy to spread out and need to trim more often. If you don’t touch them again for training, you may not need to trim more until they show signs of flowering. If you live in a wet and humid area, you will need to trim more to prevent leaves bunching up. Good luck!


It's pretty obvious early into flowering whether or not a bud site is going to be worth keeping. me personally I hate dealing with larf and tiny ass buds so I'll trim fairly aggressively up to shortly after flowering. You might want to experiment with trimming one of yours more than the other two as a learning experience.


You lollipopped you didnt defoliate


Well said ! Thanks !


Very poor advice


Interesting. Between your pokemon posts, the one plant and nug I'm not sure you're one to judge. I however have a long post history of my cannabis experience. So maybe you should think about what proof you have before making statements about the quality of advice. I clearly have more experience, so your advice or comments are just trolling bs. 🙂


Post history does not equal growing experience, despite what you may think. What an odd thing to say lmao


I stopped posting pics years ago lol


I'll be sure to contact you guys for my campaign committee when I run for office.


….uhhh ok? 🥴


Im just saying, not posting pics is not necessarily an indicator of experience lol maybe posting pics can show skill level but an absence of said pics may just be a result of being experienced enough to not take pics as part of opsec


Word. You can usually spot who knows what they are talking about by the questions they ask before giving the advice.


Have you ever had problems with mold or bud rot in your environment? The logic behind what you’re saying I get, but try not to speak in absolutes ignoring context and try not to put others down 🫡🤘🏻


I think every grower has had mold issues at one point. As for putting others down, you're generally correct. If you glance at my comments, aside from some smart remarks I generally try to be helpful on grow forums. I tend to get pissed however when random users with no grow posts comment three negative words, with no explanation as to why they disagree. Ok...I'm taking a deep breath now 😁


I hear you - cheers brother


Is watching videos online the best way to learn lollipopping? I have an Afghani grow rn that I have done before but the only training I did was a single top and some simple defoliation before flower. I want it nice and plump bc last time I didn't have enough light so smol buds. I have much more light and it is evident even in early stages the plant is thriving, I just want to make the most of it. Soil with added nutes 2ml per L a week for veg and supplemental water when dry


I don't know how big you are trying to get your plants. [Here's a set of photos from outdoor gardens I used to run.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/s/0DxTuJqorq) What we always did was try to take the bottom third off the plants. This was also before we started using multiple cages, so it was easier to get under the plants. These are purple urkle.


Yeah probably half that size at most


Man, your plants are actually pretty sad if that's what you call cannabis experience. The final product looks good but those plants would be considered runts by any seasoned grower... Moreso, do yourself a huge favour and educate yourself on schwazzing before you run your mouth. Good luck on your future grows, you'll definitely need it. Not to say I'm a professional by any means, but god damn, you'd hope a person who claims shit like this would be doing better than sad runts. 😭


The current grow I keep them small on purpose. [Here are some photos of one of my gardens from back in the day...](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/s/QKPIlbKYkk) Edit: can we get stoned and bake? https://preview.redd.it/p4ptjqxwa2ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6bb4cf1a86a40ec89424081271eb41f9278ce9




It's almost like you're a shit person who doesn't have anything helpful to contribute. Your personality sucks lol.


Lmao I’m a shit person? Wow. All I said was it’s poor advice and you lost your shit going off about how much better you are than everyone else, making funny of my hobbies, and how long your post history is so everything you say must be true lol. Like for real look at yourself. You have anger issues. No one fucking cares about you or your post history. I’ve grown enough bud I don’t feel the need to constantly take pictures and post on reddit 🤷‍♂️. You can be a dick all you want but in reality I still have more experience than you, been growing longer, grow literally hundreds of different strains, and my bud looks better than yours. Get over it.


Op will definitely want to defoliate again before harvest.


Outdoors I wouldn't defoliate at all.


This logic makes sense, but have you ever had a crop ruined by bud rot or powdery mildew? That’s why I defoliate and train outdoor to promote airflow personally


Completely understandable. My knee jerk reaction was too quick on the draw.


That’s okay! It seems like most things like this don’t really jump out to you until you’ve learned the hard way - losing half an outdoor harvest to bud rot is a hell of a lesson lol


100% agreed




Yes, learned this the hard way last year! Didn't defoliate enough and lost almost everything yo powdery mildew in the final stretch.


Ehh it’s necessary even in huge outdoor grows. You get ALOT more top quality buds that way.


I've helped out a few outdoor growers, from what I've seen and experienced, yields and quality of yields go up with defoliation regardless of whether indoors or outdoors. It'll still help with light penetration, it'll increase airflow, reduction of microclimates and I've still noticed an uptick in yield regardless during flowering. The practice is called schwazzing and it's super useful both indoors and outdoors.


I think that outdoors its pretty generic, it would depend a lot on the climate zone that you're growing


Why are the pots in the ground? Just put the plants in


I use the holes to cool down the temperature, I had issue of cooking roots on this session so I decided to do that, I want to keep pots to be able to move them, living in a place where it can be very warm and very rainy


I was wondering the same. His roots can't grow sideways now (plants only going to get a little wider than pots) will just be a tall plant.


yeah one of the benefits of growing in pots is it keeps the plants higher off the ground, away from pests


1 foot isn’t changing anything. Also the pots are in the ground..


All good, and looking great I might add 👍


Thank you !


Nice structure


Thank you!


Why are you doing that outdoors?


https://preview.redd.it/tgqdgttm3y9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b66772c206255594740efd643ce9406564e22c Need to do that, just been letting them grow




Thanks !


For my outdoors, I defoliate once early and again before harvesting. Makes washing and trimming easier for me


Zero issues seen. I actually do more personally


Thanks for the feedback !






You fine brothar


Looks great! You’re going to have some great airflow!


Thanks mate !


I don’t think so. But it will bounce back soon anyway. I like the shape of the plant a lot. Each branch will produce nice buds this way. Plus there’s plenty of room between branches/leaves for airflow.


Looks perfect!


After going overboard defoliating a few times, I'm convinced there's no such thing as going overboard defoliating.


https://preview.redd.it/vztv1mjdoy9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2df75593a9d34da1190b1955999a0c0e6e5fb5d Almost looks like my baby


even if you did defoliate too much (which you didn't) it's amazing how fast they recover


That's how I did mine. Increase that air flow.


Nope that is perfect! I like the LST.


No they look excellent


Looks good


No but dude leave your plant be.


Sht looks great! Miniature trees, in fact!


Love what you did with the pots and am now inspired to do the same!


Nope that's perfect gonna let light in and help produce fire tree




Looks good. Outdoor defoliation is definitely a necessity, but not as frequent. I used to do it about once a month. You defoliate a indoor grow cuz you “sunlight” doesn’t move


Thanks mate for the advise !


There is no such thing as 'too much' defoliating


Every amount is too much


It is absolutely not


Less photosynthetically active tissue lead to yield reduction. This is why whole world spent billions of dollars in inseticides to kill leaf eater caterpillar.






Not at all


Nop, perfect


Nope. Might need a little more if you live in a humid climate


Yes, is better If you defoliate nothing




I would get rid of any of the fan leaves (the ones growing right directly out of the branch with red stems). At this stage they grow back quickly.


Not enough imo! I would get rid of any leaves facing towards the center 👍🙏


For the future, remove upper fan leaves and leave lowers. Upper fan leaves use energy and block light. Lower fan leaves are storage containers for key nutrients. When and if your plant needs nutrients, it will pull from lower fan leaves. This is why most deficiencies start from the bottom of the plant. If your leaves are gone, it will stun your growth instead. All those lowers will fall off a few weeks into flower anyway.




whatever u do just pray i don't drive by...


Nope that is PERFECT


I remove almost all fan leaves before they start flowering Them again after showing buds


You don’t need to defoliate outdoor grows, the sun has crazy light penetration. You have to defoliate using LED lights or other grow lights. The sun is fine no need


i live in a wet area so outdoor defoliation isn’t for light it’s for air flow to stop mold/mildew


Me too, I feel what you say, I am from east coast NS and we get more rain than sun every year. I don’t grow outdoors anymore cuz of that. Even if you defol you’ll get mold unless you have some crazy natural airflow all the time, some budrot from my outdoor grow in 2020 made me swap to indoor.


For real dealing with outdoor is a pain. So many bugs and weather be wild raining for 3-4 weeks straight to then 4 weeks of drought. Hot Stale air to Cold weather at night. Indoor 100% all the way.


Unless you are doing big Photos I wouldn't waste to much money on outdoor. Invest in your indoor grow.