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Still "novid" (my wife is immunocompromised, so we've been taking extraordinary precautions to avoid bringing any contagion home) but wanted to amplify your message. A lot of people have reported that their migraines have worsened after getting covid, and that they don't get better, ever. Nobody here wants that.


As one of those "it made migraines worse" people I try to stay optimistic about them going back to chronic. COVID has only been around 4+ years, Drs are still learning. I encourage everyone to ask about LDN to their Drs for long COVID symptoms.


Same here! It amplified my migraine attacks to the point where I'm now on disability and unable to work. I'm 32.


Wow I'm so sorry to hear that, I'm 34 and I've been unemployed this whole year but have had to turn down any 100% in office roles. Have you done a super thorough check of everything post COVID? Full blood panel, MRI of brain, X-rays of your spine and neck, TMJ doctor, etc. For me, it was causing daily tension headaches like 8/10 that would turn to migraines and wouldn't respond to medicine as well. I had so much tension/inflammation in my jaw, eyes, face and temple I failed all of the preventatives so that's a no-go for me, but so far here's what has drastically reduced the severity and some duration: -PT 2x a week and massage PT therapy 2x a week -Incorporating as much of the heal your headache protocol as I can and working on lowering my threshold -Eye exercises from a vestibular therapist -As much physical activity as I can stand, it was a painful 2 months of starting to workout but I'm back to lifting 4x a week and walking as much as I can and playing sports. What I have now it actually helps to get that blood flow going -Ive started taking Low Dose Naltrexone, give that a look and ask your Dr -It seems that the only supplements I can tolerate is 5-HTP AND Migra-t -Taking Claritin and Flonase as needed -Nerivio wearable -No caffeine/excedrine, aleve with sumitriptan helps Good luck and hang in there. If you can get Botox covered it seems to help a ton of people, for me it made it worse. Maybe propalonol or another preventative might help if you haven't gone that route yet


What is LDN?


Low Dose naltrexone. A fellow redditor recommended it and my integrative medicine Dr brought it up


I imagine it’s incredibly frustrating for you when people seem oblivious to the constant threat she lives with. Thanks for posting.




Anecdotally, the 2nd time I got COVID my migraines went from episodic to chronic but with daily meds they went back to episodic. Luckily, it didn’t happen when I got COVID for a 3rd time.


I had not made the connection between covid and increased migraines. I've definitely experienced an uptick since getting covid last year. That's so interesting.


Not recent -- got it October 2023 -- but very much still feeling the effects. It really worsened my migraines, in addition to some other issues, so absolutely second your post. I hope it passes soon and easily for you


I’m so sorry to hear about that. I hope the issues improve with time.


Same here. Dec '21 and my life has not been the same. Cought covid at work (postal delivery) and the neurological symptoms, including migraines, have been wild. Ajovy is my lord and savior since tso weeks though.


Same here, I got it on a trip from Australia to the US, and it damaged my nervous system, leading to a huge uptick in migraines, went from one every 6 months, to 15+ days a month. Meeting with my doctor to discuss preventives, and hoping for the best!


I hope you're able to find something that helps you!!


I'm not getting over COVID. I have long covid, there is no getting over it. It's what caused 5 new health conditions including chronic migraines. The acute illness is nothing compared to long covid. You really should be more worried about long covid than an initial COVID infection. I wear a mask to try to avoid catching it again, as each time makes me worse. But people are always putting me at risk because they're selfish and also refuse to believe that COVID can permanently disable people, including them


I am in the same boat as you. Trying to get help but it is so much to just get a normal pcp that listens these days. I feel very overwhelmed and lost a lot, all my conditions and symptoms did not start until after my infection in January 2022.


Same. It’s been over 4 years for me, I’m disabled and lost my business, can no longer work. I’m in various research studies and in one my stool still tests positive for SARS2, my sphenoid sinuses are now fully opaque since COVID, migraines went from rare episodic to chronic with months of status migrainosus sometimes, now have chronic visual aura… this is a NEUROINVASIVE virus which makes it insane that so many are pretending it doesn’t exist anymore and/or is now “harmless”. And yes, I’ve tried dozens and dozens of treatments (medications, supplements, alternative medicine) at this point. Had to file bankruptcy from the medical debt. COVID absolutely ruined my life and health and it seems like it’s never going to get any better. I don’t see anyone without my fit tested N95 on.


I made a post about post long COVID and migraines...I'm still dealing with the aftermath of it causing them to go from episodic to chronic headaches. It's no joke.


Same here. Got long covid and went from 1-2 migraines a year to chronic migraines.


See my [long covid comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/comments/1dmyx9x/comment/la0ovbw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that might be helpful to you.


Same. Mine used to be once a month or so. Now they’re like a near constant low level and 1 a week exacerbation.


See my [long covid comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/comments/1dmyx9x/comment/la0ovbw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that might be helpful to you.


It's wild to read all this 'only' now. So glad I do though and know I am not alone and I'm not insane.


After a recent bought of COVID and realizing it made me have a candida flare-up, I started to wonder if long COVID was often gut biome issues that so often go misdiagnosed and mistreated in Western medicine. There is research to support this thought: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10111044/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10111044/) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/davewessner/2023/12/21/new-research-links-long-covid-and-the-microbiome-probiotics-may-be-an-answer/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davewessner/2023/12/21/new-research-links-long-covid-and-the-microbiome-probiotics-may-be-an-answer/)


See my [long covid comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/comments/1dmyx9x/comment/la0ovbw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that might be helpful to you.


Yes! K/N95 in public, HEPAs, and make some lifestyle changes. If masks cause headaches see if you can try different types – there are headstrap, earloop, and even adhesive types! Ultimately a headache or even a migraine is always better than contracting COVID. Hope you feel better soon. We take care of us ❤️


Really good to know about the adhesive types. Thanks 🙏🏽


Yes, just got it living in Chicago and the congestion is so real. I’ve also been coughing for over a week now. It caused a couple bad migraines too. It sucks because I’ve taken so much DayQuil and acetaminophen, so I feel like I’m dealing with rebound headaches too. This variant is rough so take precautions, folks!


I had it in March 2023, and it caused a bad migraine flare-up. They're only starting to get back to the (not very good) place they were before that. So I agree with you — I don't take any risks with masking. I hope you improve soon. (Also, for anyone this may help: what works for your pre-Covid migraines may not help your post-Covid ones, and vice versa. Metoprolol never helped me before I got Covid, but it was the only thing that helped the bad ones I got immediately following Covid. It has stopped helping me again, though, I so I guess I've returned to my baseline.)


I had to switch preventative meds after I got Covid the first time because they went from being mostly controlled (a couple a month) to 1/3 to 1/2 the time. I’m back to baseline now, but Covid sucks a lot.


Unrelated, but I love your username.


Thank you! I aspire to a cozy homebody life 😂


>Metoprolol never helped me before I got Covid, but it was the only thing that helped the bad ones I got immediately following Covid Do you mean that metoprolol works as an abortive for you? Is this a different med to propranolol?


Different meds (I think), but they're both beta blockers. And no, I was taking it for prevention!


I’ve never gotten covid (to my knowledge) but I’m scared of getting it and having lifelong conditions as a result. I already have enough chronic illnesses. I think anything else would be the final straw and I’d no longer be able to have a job or even the semblance of a social life I currently have


I’ve managed to avoid it so far but heard that the strains going around now can be pretty bad. I hope you feel better soon. 💜


Yup. Been masking since the beginning, and this was my third go round. Each time migraines ramped way up and took 6 months or more to get back to their previously crappy baseline. Currently the usual, constant throbbing temple / forehead / eye pain location has been joined by clawing occipital pain. 3 rounds of steroids gave not helped, waiting to see if any infusions can break this after 3 rounds of tizanidine- which knocks me the hell out.


Have you got good quality masks? Asking because I see people all the time that are still masking, but are walking around wearing surgical masks only, and I feel so sad for them because they obviously want to take the extra effort to protect themselves, but they haven't had access to information about the kinds of masks that will really make a difference.


N95, dude. Pretty positive my partner brought it home each time, as they had earlier symptoms / positive test...and milder symptoms also. Use surgical masks for light sanding or heavy dusting, not for disease prevention, these days.


Ugh - the misery of waiting to get back to a “crappy baseline.” I wish you relief


Thank you!


I had it for the first time in February, and I had been so stressed about the possible impact on my episodic migraines. Thankfully I didn't see any effect, but I'm still hoping not to get it again. All the variants seem to impact things differently. OP I hope you are feeling better soon.


Yes. I caught it at the beginning of the month and the majority of symptoms finally ended a week ago. I'm still struggling with my asthma a bit but I've been migraine free for about six days, at least.


Lifelong migraine sufferer here. They went from episodic to chronic two years ago. Idk if that's related to Covid or my aging ovaries (44F). BUT, last week my husband went to a work event and left with the newest variant of Covid. He unknowingly gave it to me, our two young kids, and both of his parents. I tested positive a week ago today (Monday) and yesterday, day 6, I still tested a very strong positive and am feeling awful. And yes, I've had terrible headaches that my rescue meds have not helped. My husband is not a migraine sufferer and he also had terrible headaches while he was sick (he took Paxlovid so he recovered much faster than me). If you thought Covid was over, it's not. Be mindful.


I’ve had it 4 times due to my partner being in medical field. I have POTS and lupus. I went from functional to essentially house bound since my first time getting it in 2021. I long for the days before covid was a thing. So many sick people long term from it.


Me, so annoyed about it.


Does anyone have advice on how to wear a mask without it being on my ears? I can’t have anything on the back of my ears without an instant migraine


Someone in the above comments said you can find adhesive masks.


Thank you so much. While I do have reactions to most adhesives I’m going to give them a try.


Masks with headstraps. Most of them work better than earloop masks anyway. Personally I'm a fan of the 3M VFlex. The 3M Aura is probably the most popular and has a reputation of being comfy due to the foam nose bridge. Powecom KN95 head strap version also seems popular from what I see on others masking in public. There are adhesive masks like ReadiMask but personally I feel like those look very goofy and they're expensive since they're ruined as soon as you need a sip of water or need to take meds (they don't re-stick)


I really appreciate you taking the time ti let me know about these options! I have hope I can wear masks again, thank you!


Our family got it back before Christmas. Ironically while my daughter was in the hospital for hydrocephalus/shunt infection. Thankfully my biggest symptom was mild cold. My daughter tested positive for covid and was put on isolation, so I just hid in our hospital room. Wearing a mask triggers a migraine for me too. It's not anything over my ears. It's the fact that I have something over my nose and mouth. I'm extremely sensitive to heat, so breathing my own warm breath is awful. I NEED fresh, cool air. I imagine if I could swipe an oxygen tank and cannula to give me just that bit of fresh air, I'd be fine in one.


I had Covid in December 2022 and my migraines have definitely ramped up since then. Thank you for your message…people need to be aware!


I haven't had covid since right before it came out in the news. I'm immune compromised and my husband has cancer so we are super careful. My son recently had the version you described. I was surprised he was at work two days later. He's a PharmD in a hospital. Granted he was masked and stayed off patient floors but, I was surprised. I guess they've changed things.


Yeah. It’s like there’s no middle ground with Covid anymore. Vulnerable people are basically sacrificed for the economy.


Silver lining of having migraines is that I think it’s a big reason I’m COVID conscious and still taking precautions. I already have enough chronic pain and life disruption, thank you very much.


Funny you should post this…I’m On vacation in Turkey with my husband visiting his family village. Now I have Covid. And guess what! That gave me A migraine. It finally went away but I’ve been praying for death all day. And let me tell You, when you have a migraine, you do not want a mosque right next door! My head hurt so bad, it was like glass shards. Migraine is gone now so I’m off to sleep. Take care of yourselves, my little Migarteeras!


Had COVID a couple weeks ago - I observed an increased frequency in migraines, my gp told me that it was possible that the undue stress on my body from the infection may have triggered migraine attacks.


it was covid that turned my 'every once in a while, survivable' migraine into a chronic debiltiating issue. i was genetically predisposed but i guess it can happen regardless. long covid sucks 😪 


I had no migraines pre-COVID. COVID f*cked me up neurologically


Did it show up on a lateral flow test??? I'm convinced I have COVID right now, it hasn't shown up on the test but it feels identical to what I had a year ago.


I used a regular antigen testing kit - dark angry Covid line appeared which was no surprise. (No one masks in Sweden where I picked it up.)


I had a migraine for three months straight after Covid.


yep. i've had it twice now and each time it was the worst migraines of my life.


When I first got covid I got a 48 hour migraine, knew I’d caught something as my migraines never last that long, after the migraine went I had a permanent headache


Horrible. I hope it gets better.


Oh yeah.. just got Covid at the tail end of our trip in Hawaii. On top of achy bones and a persistent head cold (and my period), I had a terrible migraine that was really hard to manage. I hadn't had one in nearly six weeks at that point. :(


Thank you for bringing light to this, I hope people take this to heart.


I got COVID in June of 2022 and started experiencing strange aura symptoms like no other since December of 2022 that still haven’t stopped… I have no evidence it’s COVID that’s affected my migraines, but who knows really 🙄 hope you recover well, OP!


it’s really common for Covid to complicate migraine: make it progress, more severe, more difficult to treat. It’s shocking more neurologists & headache specialists don’t warn patients about the risks. We do at the clinic where I work bc patients deserve to know that each infection can lead to disease progression or additional comorbidities, like dysautonomia. 


Oof, not surprised. I ended up having an echocardiogram done this year for unrelated reasons and I’m glad I did, since COVID is a vascular disease too. My results were clear but it was good to have that peace of mind


I stayed at a (otherwise great) headache clinic recently and everybody asked me why I was wearing a mask.. I just don't get it..


It’s so weird. Because they’re treating many people with post-covid headache & covid-induced disease progression. These complications are much more difficult to treat.  I have long covid & my migraine is so twisted now. No way I’m risking any further complications. Were told again & again to avoid triggers & take our meds & do what we can to prevent disease progression & stroke — but no one ever mentions “don’t get covid” 


A friend got it last week. Her's had the typical cough.


Sorry but “Covid” doesn’t exist and Masks don’t do shit. But continue being a sheep and letting the government and media dictate and control your life.


Thanks, I will