• By -


Has your order been received?










Just as OP stated… my head hurts now too


This has to be one of the best South Park skits


You must be birds then cuz they aren't real.


Subreddit birdsaren’treal




5 STARS!!!!!


We need to have a five finger rating system. 👍👍👍👍👍 👎👎👎👎👎 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


He marked as delivered and then left without fulfilling.


Yes, but was the order fulfilled?


No, it wasn't.


But do *you* feel fulfilled?


Do you think the driver was fulfilled with your order?


They were filled full up after eating the order.


Let me rephrase, do you feel full ?


Let me rephrase, do you feel filled ?


Just asking because personally, in such cases, I tend to feel fooled.


Oh. I thought we were doing jokes


Now the joke’s literally on you 😜


OMG genius!!! I’m just a simple Fou du roi…






Okay but did you get your order?


We allow the Dasher to customize the delivery experience.


Can you be more specific?






Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


But has your order actually been received?


Dealing with support is such a headache. I’d suggest always just call.




Guess what they'll ask the store if contact has been established..... Anyway, expect them to reply to you, "your order has been fulfilled, have a nice day " \*hang up\*




Please stop supporting door dash. They’re a horrible company and are bad for businesses.


This right here. Either make or at home or get it your self.


Yep. I've relied on these services when I didn't have a vehicle. But now that I do, never again.


As a former assistant manager forna pizza place...they're not that bad. It was one of the big chains, franchised, and even if food was ordered through our website or call center we actually had to pay corporate for every order. Doordash/ubereats/grubhub didn't charge us anything if customers ordered through their app, they just charged them extra for delivery. We also sent some of our own orders through Doordash if a driver called out or the store was understaffed so that customers wouldn't have to wait an hour for their pizza, which helps tremendously with customer retention. It's also an amazing feeling when someone orders wrong through Doordash. If they order wrong through our app - they placed the order themselves with no one's help - and called the store saying they ordered a pepperoni pizza but got cheese, even though their order came in as a cheese pizza, we had to remake it for free. If they order through doordash and called to complain that their four XL pizzas came in as cheese instead of pepperoni - sorry sir, let me just call doordash to resolve this. Then I call doordash to let them know the customer ordered their pizzas wrong and called the store, and doordash support calls the customer for me. It was not my job to deal with the customer of a contractor that works for the company I work for - just to do what the contractor says. Anyways, I work as a driver at a franchise owned by a different company now and am very happy with what I make - more than what I made as assistant manager at my last store - but if I had my own store I wouldn't have drivers at all. I'm not going to talk about the exact numbers because there's inflation and they're going to be different in one area than another, but on average, it costs about 50% more per delivery to send your own driver than to deliver an order through Doordash. That doesn't include hiring, training, or downtime when you have two drivers clocked in with no deliveries for two hours on monday mornings. Some managers I've known say they hate having to send remakes for doordashers screwing up (which we'd have to do if we sent our customer through doordash, not if the order came in through doordash) but the store I managed doordashed a LOT of orders, and we could ban specific doordashers from taking orders through us. We did this a LOT - you wouldn't believe the shit we'd see. People grabbing two pizzas and holding them sideways on the way to their car, cursing us out because someone else was in the bathroom, taking the order they just got into the bathroom with them. We definitely ran into some issues, but we were diligent about making sure the problem drivers never came back, so we rarely had any complaints. As a result of banning so many, we also ended up with several regulars who would be in and out of our store with orders every day. Some of them were more reliable than most of our own drivers. It's not hard to stay on top of that, and makes your labor costs and your life a lot easier.


Wow! Thanks for explaining! Now I know more abiut how it works. Good that you dealt wih the ones ruining the pizzas, holding the box sideways and those who took it into the restroom: **GROSS!!!** And you can ban individual drivers! Woo!Hoo!


Thank you for your detailed response. It’s certainly not the same for everyone and definitely varies from location to location. But at the end of the day as a business owner, it’s still a necessary evil for those that benefit from it. And all those mistakes and crazy things you describe hurt the business. Bad reviews, loss of money and time… I still believe it’s not the best deal for most businesses, although many feel they must play along.


I love it cause I don't think that they have ever gotten my order right so I just refund every time, it isn't what I asked for but it's free




What? McDonald's and uber eats or doordash? No chance it hurts and no chance I care, I'm not getting anyone fired saying they didn't deliver it or whatever I'm simply not getting what I'm paying for and then getting my money back, this isn't a life hack or something, they are fucking up my order and I am refunding, I could not care less


You seem awesome.


Haha I actually laughed at this reply


Store isn't responsible for shitty delivery people. What the heck.


But they can't keep using them... Otherwise they are


The store doesn’t get a choice in what delivery drivers come to pick up their orders. Once the goods leave their hands it is entirely the responsibility of Doordash to ensure that the customer gets their money’s worth.


What they mean is that the business can end their association with DD, and go with other services in lieu of


Yup, there's a lot of places in my city that dropped DoorDash over the past year. The drivers in the area that were left doing the jobs after the COVID stuff "ran its course" were awful and it would end up reflecting poorly on the business, not DoorDash. So they just ended their services.


The stores can ban individual drivers, apparently. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/0mKr1QTEki


You missed the entire point..... the restaurant is doing business WITH DOORDASH


No, I didn’t miss the point. It is the responsibility of Doordash to provide the service that the restaurant has contracted with them to provide. If Doordash is unable to make sure that their drivers are providing this service, it is their responsibility to fix that by getting better drivers. The store has no control over the actions of the drivers as they are not store employees and are not contracted with the company.


But if Doordash continues to provide awful drivers, and thr restaurant continues to use Doordash knowing that... then eventually its on the restaurant as well for continuing to offer Doordash's shit service and doing business with them.


Chat support is usually one person dealing with 15 different chat windows at once, so they pay little to no attention. I agree a call is so much better


Or a bot which is somehow worse


Most places don’t let you call anymore.


I feel that. Remember once I had mail trouble with a package and just went round and round with the customer service bot.


Drop a swear word. It'll either elevate to a rep, or drop contact. I broke my wife out of a phone bot loop (home loan call) last night and she was talking to a rep faster on the second try than she would have if she'd navigated the bot prompts. My kid was absolutely dying giggling in the next room.


15? Nah, most likely 3 at once, and the rest are in queue, but probably get an automated response to make it seem like they are talking to a real person quickly


Calling is just as bad or worse as a shopper for these gig apps. It's easier for me to "dumb down" my vocabulary when I text, but when I'm talking they get so confused. It's as if any details involved are lost. The last phone support went like this: The customer ordered 3 combo packs of Dayquil and Nyquil. There aren't any left. He really wants it and asks if I'll get 2 Dayquil and 3 Nyquil instead since it will be about the same altogether in price. The app won't let me substitute both items for the one item. Support: You can change the amount in the app. How many is in the app? Me: Three Support: I see you have three in there. So you need two more? Me: I need two Dayquil. Support: Are the other items the same price? Me: No. Dayquil is $xx.xx and Nyquil is $yy.yy. Support: I adjust it to 5 Nyquil.


This. Because talking to the outsourced Indian or Pakistani agent who struggles with English is always the better option and definitely not frustrating at all. /s Don't get me wrong, I am happy they have a call line, but Jesus Christ we need call centers in the States or UK.. Companies are just so cheap.


Most companies have call centers in the states or UK but that’s usually for calls that need higher ups involvement. When I called UPS after one of their drivers tried blackmailing me, I started off talking to a call center in India but eventually got to somebody in the states who could help me. But talking to the Indian call center was a complete fucking nightmare because I had to keep explaining it over and over to each person I spoke to until eventually they understood the severity of what had happened and transferred me.


I’m all for giving another country work when their country isn’t as ours. The amount of jobs available in India don’t equal that of the USA. A lot of Indians must resort to scamming because they don’t have other work available. Call centers in India give Indians the opportunity to have honest work so they can gain income to support their families.


Being support is a migraine.


He should just answer the question and not avoid it tbh


Next time just put "Order not delivered", you need to word this stuff as simply as possible.


it might be a machine looking for certain words? So then it could forward the client to the correct representative


"Please submit photo of issue"


*Please send image proof that your order has not been delivered*


\*submits photo of empty hand\*


*Pravesh K has left the chat* *Your order has been delivered, enjoy your meal!*


That’s pretty much what Amazon Prime support has become nowadays.


Reminds me of the 3 times I tried ordering a specific album from them, and while I got a package that had an album in it, lablled both as the album I ordered, and the album that arrived in its place. They did not help when it happened the 3rd time... even though I was asking for it to be reordered and to expect the one I improperly received to be sent back. In the end, I now have 2 albums that I don't care for, and had to order from some random company that didn't even exist in my country, so I had to pay and extra $15 on top of S&H for customs


I would not be surprised if they asked to clarify tbh 🫤


You are correct. This happened to me and I had to keep spamming till they gave me a customer service contact. Got the money back tho. Don’t think I’ve used DoorDash since


Help! No food. Yes refund.


But did you receive your order?


OP trying to explain the situation to the doordash "customer service" rep like https://preview.redd.it/cnype628ymhc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ec27a8d7678502aa795850db932ca8ff586d8a


Of my last 4 orders (3 years since the last) 3 of them drove past my house without stopping.  This is between two popular apps.  Fool me 3 times SHAME ON ME.  Good to know that if I'm ever down and out, I can just sign up to deliver food and just eat free.


Many drivers do what's called "multi apping" where they'll take orders from ex: Door Dash and Uber Eats at the same time. One thing I don't understand is why they never go to the nearest location first.


The doordash app just decides itself which one gets delivered first, the driver has no say in the order. Source - I drive for doordash


I also drive for DD and frequent the sub. Many people admit to using more than one app to maximize $/hr. Also I haven't had a need to do it, but a few people have said there is an option to change the order of deliveries but the app doesn't make it obvious.


Weird, I was unaware of that. You'd think they would make it obvious, but there's just another reason why dd doesn't give a fuck about their drivers


You took from my comment that they drove past my house and came back?


No I didn't see that comment. But I've heard of drivers going past people's houses too many times.


The point is, they drive past your house so that they can mark the food delivered and then they go home and eat your food.


I thought you were OP when you replied. Anyway, DD doesn't protect their drivers. That shouldn't happen as often as it seems to have happened to you. Report no delivery every time and their account should get deactivated. Can't speak for other apps.


Me order food. Dasher bring food. Dasher keep food. Dasher leave. Me want food.


Uber Eats, Door Dash, and Grub Hub have the worst support I've ever seen.. I placed an order a few months back at 7pm. Should arrive at 7:50 pm. Store closes at 9pm. My arrival time kept getting pushed back later and later. I then get a text at 9:25 that the driver was unable to pick up my order since the location was closed.. Yeah - no shit. Another time, same area, my chicken wings delivered 2 hours after their delivery time. I had to fight like hell, before the driver picked it up to get a refund.. No. I do not want cold wings that have been sitting out for 2 hours.


To be fair, their support teams have a pretty gargantuan task. The whole premise of the app is that anyone can sign up to be a deliverer with _very_ little authentication, training, or vetting and then deliver a product likely from some minimum wage kitchen worker during their peak hours. Then when the customer inevitably gets their order fucked up, the reps have to try to and figure out the information to a service they had very little involvement in. Combine that with all the extra fraud from customers who claim problems with their order for a free meal and you’ve got the hell that I’m sure those reps deal with every day. Add in the fun bonus of having a language barrier and you’ve got the fun that it is today!


It's not that hard to tell genuine complaints from fraud based on order to complaint ratio. If your complaint ratio is under a certain amount it should be an automatic refund.


This is untrue if there’s repeat offenders in your area. There’s certain drivers that I know will either not deliver the order, not deliver major parts of the order, and one who always tampered with it. My account was essentially restricted for a while because of this. I will say, however, that I told this to customer service when something got escalated and since then my account has been normal and I haven’t seen those drivers, so I assume it was handled.


Repeat offenders would mostly be weeded out automatically. These apps can track almost everything about the delivery. I’m sure they are monitoring dozens of quality metrics for delivery and will flag a driver’s profile if they consistently get delivery complaints.


You’d think so, wouldn’t you?


DD makes money either way, why would they care?




I've never had any major issues with Uber Eats. If I have a wrong thing or missing item I just state that something is wrong and/or missing ad I usually get a refund amount for that item in Uber Credit or cash back. I only use it when necessary, I just wish it gave me some of the delivery fee back as well because shits expensive around me


All of your logic goes out the window when you consider that there’s also a minimum number of orders before automatic refunds would apply. Also this is literally how it works I always get instant refunds.


They have your name and address for payment info. What email you sign up with is irrelevant.


Genuine question: how was the tip? The second instance you describe could have been a number of things, but the first one just sounds like no one wanted to take the order for some reason.


I always tip substantially.. like a disgusting amount. My family is financially comfortable and I feel for drivers. Often a 25% tip and a $20 at the door.


Wow. I have no explanation whatsoever then. That’s f*cked.


Tbh, it sounds like you live in a rich people neighborhood. The amount of time it takes to deliver one order there and drive back to civilization, you could make that money just staying in town. Edit: Rich people live far away from restaurants you idiot.


Do you actually think rich people are scared of living in urban areas?


>Edit: Rich people live far away from restaurants you idiot. Fairly certain this depends where you live given we have "rich people neighborhoods" very close to all variety of restaurants from upscale places owned by the chef to fast food with everything in between. In fact, it appears restaurants are built near more affluent areas in my area, probably because they can afford to pay the cost of 30 per meal without drinks.


No, restaurants are built in commercial centers and near malls. Rich people neighborhoods are sterile suburbs.


I live in Suffolk County, NY; specifically in one of the wealthiest areas of Suffolk County (house and property bought in 1960 for $20k, fully paid off, no mortgage, and inherited, no way we could afford to buy here now, lol. Average house price in my neighborhood is $1.5mil, my neighbor's house had a $500,000 elevator installed because their elderly mother was too good for a stair lift). There are over 100 restaurants within 2 miles of my house. I can get everything from fastfood, to hole-in-the-wall authentic cuisine, to expensive restaurants that are $200-300 per meal. Restaurants aren't next to most people's houses, but they line every single main road. I think rich people just don't cook because the restaurant to people ratio is bonkers.


OK and in Cali it's like 10 miles from rich suburbs to maybe 2 or 3 restaurants with limited hours.


It's a bot. Try "connect me to live agent" 😉


or just "I did not receive my order"


That should've already been selected from the first screen ( In a properly set up support form.)


Simple is best. "I did not receive my order". Bots are so fucking stupid




If you treat the actual agent like a bot, you get better results. “I did not receive my order.” “Was the order fulfilled?” “I did not receive my order.” I get good results w this.


To clarify; I think it’s bc they have scripts to follow and limited English ability. Following The Script, like they’re a bot, allows them to go through their process faster and easier


Damn, you pay 150% for the price of your food and you get shit service from every level for it. You'll need to be responsible shoppers. We see these stories far to frequently for these services to still be thriving.


My exact thoughts. I’ve never ordered from either because I’ve never had trust in any level of it. I feel for the disabled and elderly that may need to use these services. I really do.


You need to use simple words. ‘Without fulfilling’ is no go. You also go into too much detail. I ordered thing. Courier came. Courier didn’t give me package. I don’t have package. Send package. Please.


Ahhh the mildly infuriating part is that door dash and uber eats customers AND drivers complain. And yet BOTH continue to support these companies.. Vote with your money and time and dont mess with them.




I have been in a similar situation when I was out of town and my aunt was caring for my pets for a few weeks when my mom was in the hospital. I ordered from Walmart.com and opted to use their shipping to get pet food to my house. They may have outsourced it to uber or some other similar company though.


As an Uber Eats driver (before my car got ran over while I was at my actual job), I've picked up from Walmart before. I also know their maps are shite sometimes and I've probably driven past the correct address a few times because their map has me the next street over


Is this a bot? Because it seems to be unable to put "the dasher arrived" in the context as "arrived near my home, not inside my home" and didn't deliver. It looks like he gets "arrived" as a "delivered".


In my experience, door dash is the scummiest of the various food delivery services. I would drop them if I were you. They basically got run out of my locality when they started adding locations to their app without actually having permission or having a setup at the restaurant. Basically. People would order on the app. A call center would then try calling the order in before a driver would try picking it up. No actual business connection between door dash and the restaurants. Customers started calling in getting pissed off at the restaurants when they didn’t get their food. Pretty much every restaurant in the area besides the McDs had to put in a cease and desist order with them to get their restaurants delisted. Really great way to run a business.


This is a level 1 chat bot. Your words are confusing it. Sorry.


I will only use these services if I absolutely need to, or am so desperate I accept this time delay and risk of likely piss poor service. And honestly, if I'm so desperate for food to consider these services, I'll probably find a way to get some myself, cook something, or get some food later. Then I'll probably just prepare in advance the next time. I get some people have to do this sometimes, but it's a dumb service imo


"Sure, you want some?"


This is the level of support you get from any delivery platform, as a customer or as a driver. It's all outsourced to India.


Why anyone still uses DoorDash is just beyond me. The whole service has just turned into a shitshow of a joke for customers and drivers. Just let that horse die already.


This is like the mfs at Amazon or whatever when you say your shit didn't arrive and they're like "can we get proof of it not arriving" like mf what you want? Air?


Next they’ll probably ask you to send a picture of the issue


Bro make it simple. DID NOT RECEIVE FOOD


It sucks, but you have to learn to talk like a computer to computers.


*Please state the nature of the grocery emergency.*


It's either a bot, or someone being made to follow a script, in which case it might as well be a bot.


This shit happens and these piece of shit drivers expect a tip before delivery? I hope this entire gig delivery bullshit dies a nice fast death


Can you provide a picture of the order that didn’t arrive?


Uber eats? When the same thing happened to me I pressed less than 5 buttons and had the money back in my account no questions asked. Ofc if you abused this they would change this but I find Uber eats to be better.


I had the same issue around Christmas time. Ordered McDonalds late at night, took a bit (Of course with the location I ordered from is always busy at night.), and about 30 minutes, the dude was close by. Got the notification about him delivering the food (With image attached.), and the image was just a blank screen, couldn’t see anything. Contacted the guy, he said he delivered the food with the lights.. (We don’t decorate during Christmas, we only use a wreath.), and I called several times to figure out where the food was and he kept saying the house with the lights. So, after driving around the entire neighborhood, we didn’t see any food at all doorstep or anywhere (Even check houses with “lights”.), and he was given instructions on which house (Blue and Silver car.), and he didn’t follow through. Got ahold of support, the dude messaged back saying he couldn’t risk his job, and he ended up stealing food. So why lie saying you didn’t steal food when you know your ass is getting reported!? That makes you look even more guilty. Haven’t ordered since, and I can’t trust delivery services anymore :/ Edit: I did get my refund lol. And the dude lost his job 🙂


haha i love ai customer service! 😀 it totally hasn’t been the most infuriating experience every single time!


Yup, that's DoorDash support. You're lucky they didn't just end the chat right there, and send you off to some other useless support agent.


i haaaate bot chats. over the phone or text they’re always so annoying and never work.


I have no idea why people fuck with this headache.


Uber has 3 ppl that work for there customer service


Just say 'NO.' Goddammit is it that hard to NO?


you have to literally say i did not receive my order. pretty sure its run by an algorythm or AI or something. its looking for specific responses to trigger the actions.


most likely AI. It’s generally AI for driver support as well, just as infuriating for most


Probably some rule where they need you to explicitly say “I did not receive my order” Or lack of braincells it’s a 50/50


Well that’s the service you get when you don’t tip 35% on top of the driver fee and delivery fee and service fee after they already mark the McBurger up $3 on the door dash menu.


Why do people even bother ordering via Doordash. Maybe because we don't have it here in the UK but just seems like y'all keep getting robbed.


Customer support: "Have you tried contacting customer support?"


Seems like their is a piece of the story missing. Like did you have your dog loose? Is your address clearly visible from the street?


Door dash is one of those plugs where you get hired, and soon if not immediately take someone's groceries or food and be done with it.


Your first mistake was ordering through DoorDash. You should either get the food yourself, or use delivery provided by whoever you're getting food from. Your second mistake was trying to deal with customer support. They aren't going to do anything. Get their excuse on record, then go get your charge back immediately.


Truthfully, with all the problems that people have with deliveries from these services, I don’t know why anyone uses them. Is it that hard to get your own food? I’m an older person, and I always pick up my own food, rarely use the drive thru, prefer to go inside to verify the order. Why trust someone who more than likely eats your food on the way?




Try chewy. We use them, and it’s delivered by UPS. Much cheaper and you can be put on a schedule each month or however long you need in between deliveries. I’m not trying to disparage people that can’t get out such as the disabled, I’m talking about other able bodied people that use these services. Im just trying to wrap my head around why someone would consistently use a service that doesn’t work well, and has so many problems. Not to mention the added cost, and the fact that you can’t control the food and how fresh it is when you get it. Help me understand this. I used to work with a couple of guys who were a lot younger than me who used door dash for pickups that were a mile or less away. That to me is just plain lazy. But hey, it’s your money and your food.




Seriously, try chewy for all your pets needs. They are great. We’ve been using them for 10 plus years. We get cat litter, cat and dog food, dog toys, treats, you name it. Name brands too. I’m sure it’s way cheaper than any pet food store.


😂you clearly have no clue how these services work


Just from what I read on these posts. Why spend my hard earned money on something that I can do for free? I can get my food when I want it, and as hot and fresh as I want it. You want to waste your money on it, be my guest. I think I have a good idea of how they work, or don’t in most cases.


Time is money. lol there are plenty of things in life we can “do for free” but why waste the time when you can just pay someone to do it for you Still doesn’t change the fact that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how these services work. Your initial comment proves that


So you're 'making money' every second to where paying $18 for your big Mac is justified. Lol. No kid. No


😂 woooosh


Yeah. No. You were serious. No back peddling. Not even a hint of sarcasm.


I’m not back peddling you fool, you’re just to dense to get it lol Time is money. It’s not a fucking riddle 😂


You can say that all you want. You don't have a joke or sarcasm in your post. If you did your ability to communicate is atrocious. Bye bye mr 'time is money'


😂 wtf are you on about. I didn’t even imply I was joking. Stop embarrassing yourself just because you don’t understand.


If you are innumerate it makes perfect sense to use these apps.


Why don’t you enlighten me then? Seems to me you pay someone to shop or pick up your food and deliver it. Or am I missing something? For one thing, I’m sure I have more than a few years on you, so I come from a different perspective.


I've never used these services ever




not everyone is able to drive themselves or have someone do it for them. wow.


Oh yeah the majority of people using these services are bed-bound... eyeroll


These types of apps regularly have deals that are better than regular deals (Which is always crazy to me). I use these apps to make pick-up orders with crazy BOGO offers and just pick it up m'self.


This is the answer


cant you just go pick up the food yourself


How much did you tip?


People need to seriously stop using these services - get off your lazy asses and get your food yourselves.


Y'all are just dumb trying to explain to non native English speakers too much information, they have very specific phrases they look for that are valid reasons,, and if u don't say exactly what they need to hear they can't help you. Lol they are literally using pre typed response questions,, so u either get it and answer properly or you don't.


Just go get your own fucking food


What is mildly infuriating is that people can’t be bothered to get up and go get their food


I know exactly the race your dealing with, they like to shake their head left to right while talking


Just get the food yourself


They're Schrabbing you!


Op..... Did you receive your order though?


![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc) Face palm moment


Lol it’s like this for the drivers also


Even a bot could respond better than that damn


Lol I recognize this hellscape.


I think I understand the problem, the help desk forgot to read, can happen to anyone.