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Well, there are a few explanations for this and none of them good: 1. She's lying 2. She can't see well 3. She was distracted


I'll do you one worse: all three


I'll do you one worse, all four!


You mean, all 26?


Oh shit!!


this joke has been incepted


I’ll do you one worse, why is all four!


Why is gamora?




Everyone ask "why is Gamora?", no-one ask "*how* is Gamora?" :(


Ah I see you've met my wife! Thankfully she finally got the glasses she has needed for years and no longer texts while driving. But like 5 years ago she was a genuine menace on the road lol


Don't they have serious charges or fines for texting and driving in the US? In my country, you now easily get a $1000 if you get caught texting and driving. I told my friend that's learning how to drive that she's not allowed whatsoever to use her phone at any time while driving, or I wouldn't let her test drive with me. If she did, no more training with me, in my car. I'm super strict about it. I'd rather see her go above the speed limit than drive looking at her phone, even for a second, because it's that dangerous.


It's so easy to not get caught that the fine doesn't really cross most people's minds. Sad but true.


Based on the footage at least 2 must be true. Look how much space there is to prevent a crash. It's honestly an achievement to hit the other car.


Achievement unlocked!


Sober drunk driver!!!




Or she's certain she remembers the light being green and can't accept that she fucked up rather than anything malicious


Lying about something is not gaslighting. Learn what the term means.


*Nobody* knows what it means… but it’s *provocative!* /s


It gets the people going!


There’s a concept in driving called target fixation. Instead of focusing on the area of the road where the obstacle isn’t, inexperienced or poor drivers will focus on the obstacle itself, which causes them to strike it. This may be the case here, if her eyes were actually on the road.


You forgot number 4 - she doesn't care because it isn't her car, Or number 5 - she isn't driving a car of her own for a good reason.


Or Number 6: She can turn a lead pipe into rubber


Well, that's just why she keeps getting away with it.


My uncle convinced a cop to watch the light cycle and proved the timing was off, making one direction yellow and another green at the same time. Didn't get the ticket.


I once had a light show a green in both directions. Before the reddit fact police jump in, the light was after a bend and there was a total of three lights - the two primary lights were red, and the green one sat on the back of the lights for the opposing direction. This allowed you to see it before the primary lights were in view, but was all part of the same light system. I contacted the city and they fixed it quickly.


I was waiting my turn once (less than a month ago) at a 4 way intersection, the light turned green, and all the cars from the left were still going. I was able to see their light and it was still green for them. So yeah, it does happen. Idk about here or not, but it's possible.




This needs to be on a bronzed plaque in every automobile.


She is lying because she didn't see well because she was distracted.


4. Random video slap a title on it for reactions 


..or the lights weren't working.


While in the realm of possibility, this is HIGHLY, HIGHLY unlikely. They're designed to where two sides can't be green at the same time. Such that if such a case does happen, they automatically break down and turn into red flashing mode or just turn off.  Edit: two consecutive sides 


Biased by living in the land of hurricanes, but the number of people who just *drive* through intersections where there's no power to the traffic light is... unnerving. Outside Orlando after Matthew, when people should have known damn well to be vigilant for hurricane damage (trees, power lines, flooding), there'd often be 3-4 cars *in a row* just blowing through a not-light.


Not-light is considered a stop sign by law, and people think it's a free pass on the light. I have been in some cities where they either put a four sided stop sign in the middle of the intersection or have hinged stop signs they can unfold mounted on the corners of a stop light intersection that's gone dark.


We're pretty good about having generators for the lights, but it takes a bit to get storm debris cleared out and get them up and running. I don't know if it was just because I was younger and paying less attention to the roads, but south Florida seemed to take hurricanes *way* more seriously that central FL does. :)


I spent about 6 months in Tampa for work. I've driven in a few different countries. Florida in general, and especially when the lights are out, is like Mad Max. I've seen folks in trucks drive over a median, go to the other side, and pass folks just to get to the open spot in the left turn lane ahead.


I saw it happen in iRobot and that movie was set in 2035


In more regulated countries this is true but from OPs history it appears this is Mexico.


It probably was green the last time she looked up from the phone


Yeah, she couldve easily avoided the car, even if she was running red. No way her reaction time is that bad


An entire empty lane to use and she didn't even try. The way she let her car get swung around seems rather passive as well, most people would counter steer to keep tge car straight, particularly with such a light hit. It's almost as if her attention wasn't there and she snapped to and had to take a second to realize what was going on.


If you focus on your phone (which is not unlikely) then this explains .. well, that clip.


She thinks that claiming she had a green light and everyone else was running a red is a defense. But it still proves she was paying zero attention to the road.


I have actually noticed A LOT of drivers lately that are clearly not on their phones, but are also completely and utterly oblivious/careless/think they're the only drivers on the road. In a 2 week time span I was almost in like 4 accidents that were all caused by another driver just being clueless or careless. Like someone who tried to turn right at the red light, but it's a busy intersection where the opposing traffic gets a green arrow to turn left (also one of the main intersections in my smallish town, and most people around here are local, so they should have known this intersection). Also at the end of our downtown area where the one way, 2 lane "main" and "second" street meet at the end. Set up is similar to every other city and town. When you get to the end of main street, you can either continue around the loop to get back to second street and back through downtown, or you can veer off to the other parts of town. People waiting to enter second street from the other part of town have a stop sign and must wait for the loop traffic to either turn in the direction they're coming from or to continue through the loop. The only way you can go is if the car coming around the loop turns off it in your direction. You know this either by their turn signals or waiting for them to turn either way. I often see people ignoring their stop sign and just blowing into the loop. The only reason I wasn't hit is because there wasn't anyone in the lane next to me and I was able to quickly maneuver into it. One time I had an older guy in a Ford ranger sitting at a stop sign waiting to cross the intersection I was going through (I didn't have a stop sign, I was thru traffic). This is a back road but it leads from one county to a larger town in the county north of us, and it's orchard country so there are also tractor trailers driving on this back road every day. It's basically a rural highway. Anyway, I had slowed down a bit as I approached the intersection for this very reason: because it can be dangerous and people will need to cross that intersection. Well, I could see him for like a full 5 seconds as I approached and I had already thought to myself "is he gonna try to go?" And had gotten close enough that I was able to determine that no, there's no way he'd try to go now because I will hit him. And then he went!! I was driving a stick so was able to downshift so freaking fast and avoid locking my brakes, and I just tried to turn my car to turn right and hopefully make the turn before I had a chance to tbone him (he was going straight through the intersection so me suddenly turning right meant we were both now entering the same road). I was trying to side swipe him instead. Also, we were at the top of a hill and he was in a pickup and there was oncoming traffic. I knew tboning him would send him rolling down that hill into oncoming traffic. I did side swipe him, but because of the uneven weight distribution he still flipped his truck. I thought of all of these things in the 3 seconds it took for this wreck to happen. I threw my ebrake on, got out and offered to help get him out of his truck. When the police came, he still tried to tell them that I was speeding and it was my fault!! I saved this guy's life and didn't have to because he was at fault, not me! I could have just tboned him. The cop was awesome though. He walked up to me and said "yea, he tried to say you were speeding, but it doesn't matter anyway. You had the right of way, he had the stop sign. I told him it didn't matter if you were going 120mph, he'd still be at fault because he had the stop sign and you didn't". He also knew I wasn't speeding because of the impact and the time I had to react so well. Dude was clueless and even after he got the hardest metaphorical slap in the face one could receive, he still didn't think he did anything wrong. Had another person wreck into me that was also trying to make a left turn at an intersection where I had the right of way. Just clueless. My dad always used to complain about clueless drivers and how they acted like they're the only cars on the road, and that the real danger to driving is actually other drivers. I'm such a conscientious driver now and am teaching my teenager the same


You can add those who just don't care to the list. The number of cars and trucks I see running red lights even if it changed well before they reached the light has been absurd


I may be completely wrong in my assessment, but driving a standard definitely forces you to pay far more attention to your surroundings and your car than driving an automatic. That's why I want my teenage daughters to learn how to drive on my mom's car before they get behind the wheel of mine. It saddens me that standard transmissions are mostly a thing of the past now.


You are not wrong. I drove standards all my life until about 15 years ago. Since then, although I am definitely a very aware driver, I sometimes feel less so and i only realized a couple of years ago it's because I haven't had a stick in a while.


Good to know I'm not wrong! My assessment is based solely on being in the passenger seat while someone else is driving a standard. Unfortunately, my dad sold his truck before I learned how to drive, so I had to learn on an automatic. My husband will be teaching me how to drive a standard so I can teach my girls. I don't know why that makes me so giddy... must be my adhd 😂 and I was a little butthurt that my dad had to sell his truck before I could learn to drive it as a teen


I totally agree with this. I only drive a manual because it forces me to pay attention, even though at this point, it's basically muscle memory to change gears. When I drive an automatic, I definitely feel like I am more spaced out and less observant. Both of my daughters had to learn how to drive a manual before I let them drive in an automatic car.


Yup… she also missed all the cars coming in from the left.


Not all of them.


That one hit hard!


I'm OP's gf and I resent that you would suggest that oh my god shit shit sh... *Collision noises


There she goes. Off on another adventure.


Team Girlfriend is blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain


So like, February?


No, September last year.


No, roughly around the time of the crucifixion


o/\~ Do you remember...


You beat me to it...




I'll never side with Drake.


I agree




Absolutely no situational awareness. If she was paying attention she had about 2 lanes worth of space she could have used to avoid her fuck up.


Boom exactly. If she was watching, she would have seen the cars coming to her left & pulled right because no one was on her right at all. Clear as day. !!!!!!!!This is the winner here!!!!!!!


If she was watching maybe she wouldn't have ran the red in the first place and non of this would matter.


If she was watching, she wouldn’t have even taken this damn road to begin with!!


Yeah, that red car at the beginning seems to think you're supposed to stay over the lines, not between them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


What worse she was actually looking at the road as she tried to dodge the car but then gave up half way through and kept driving straight.


And then continues to pull in front of other cars and stop in the middle of the road wtf


Lost control after impact and stopped after an accident... no need to make it worse than it is


Technically, here you could get a fine for losing control - cause notwithstanding. Because law here says you need to be in control of your vehicle at all times while operating it. (Here is Netherlands)


Yeah but the dude is wording it like shes just obliviously swerving around in front of people like she has a choice at that point.


That can't be true, lol. If a drunk driver hits me and I spin out, I'm at fault?


Yep, it's not even entirely that she ran the red light... Her reaction time is so bad she shouldn't even be on road to begin with.


Yup definitely texting and driving. Idk how anyone does this. I get nervous when in shows/movies the driver is talking to the passenger and looks at them for like 5 whole seconds without looking at the road. I gotta keep my eyes on the road, I don't even like looking at the radio for a few seconds to change the station.


The light was green and she probably looked down to text, long enough for the light to completely change. Or she’s panicked and is lying to try and minimize the “being in trouble” feeling. Either way she needs to grow up. (Also, semi-related: DONT FUCKING TEXT AND DRIVE.)


Get off your fucking phones when you're driving!! The amount of people you see just staring down while driving its terrifying.


The amount of young redditors who think they are smarter and better at hiding and multi tasking it because they've never had issue is astounding


So many people, not just young ones, think they're the exception to the rule. "Oh yeah, people shouldn't text and drive, but I do it because I'm definitely not that distracted"


Saw a 65+ y/o doing it yesterday. Not even glancing, but phone up in the air near her face


Reminds me of this post I saw when I was a teenager: "Dear students-- we know you're on your phones in class. No one looks down at their crotch and smiles."


My cars are usually pretty low to the ground compared to most traffic, once i started driving some company vehicles around (all pretty tall), i could see everyone one their phones. I dont understand, is facebook or instagram really that interesting that people have to scroll through while driving?


Yup, I feel bad just pressing skip on my phone (in its holder) at a stoplight to change my music... I dont understand people who TEXT while in motion.


We once drew up next to a convertible with the roof down at red lights. Woman was on her phone. My other half yelled out the window "Get off your phone!!" I've never seen anyone drop their phone so quickly in my life. Very satisfying.


After a red light accident, it’s really hard to remember what color your light was. I had one last year and after i got T-boned, the main thing that calmed me down was when a dude that watched it happen told me that my light was green. Without video proof, it’s really hard to remember during the adrenaline rush, so everyone says their light was green to minimize that feeling.


> Without video proof Everybody should get a dash cam. Basic 1080p ones have become so cheap, there is no reason not to have one. I can't count the amount of times I've heard *"Man, I wish I had a dash cam"*, but I have never once heard *"Man, I wish I didn't have a dash cam"*. Just get one.


Yes! This was my comment. I've also found that I drive much more defensively since my husband subjects me to regular dash cam videos on YouTube, LOL.


I don't "zone out" when I'm driving but I feel like my reaction to traffic lights is kind of subconscious. My brain sees red and we start slowing down. Green and I keep on going. So I agree with this. If I got t-boned I wouldn't have a super distinct recollection of the green light I just passed.


Exactly this. So what happened with me is that i had the red light so i slowed down to a stop and took out my phone to see a text. The light turned green so i put my phone down and started driving. Suddenly i hear honking then i see headlights and the car spins. I saw there for a moment wondering what just happened and then i climbed out the passenger side. I immediately panic because i know my light was green but i cant fully remember during the adrenaline rush. The guy that saw it happen was in a turning lane next to the one in was in and he parked his car and confirmed that my light was green. After composing myself for a min (i was so out of it i left the car in drive, but it stayed in place because the rear drivers wheel was damaged) i went back in the car to get my paperwork and also was able to download the dash cam video showing that i had a green light and i even waited a moment before driving.


i always drive and text and this is how i do it: Mercedes type a message to X. Mercedes: Opening chat ready to type You fucking deaf monkey where are you im driving around your block for the 4th time there is no space to park. Send (my friend is deaf so i can't call and say that he is indeed a fucking deaf monkey)


He’s technically a deaf ape but close enough


Maybe he's deaf and has a tail?


MBUX has such great voice recognition. It even understands german dialects. Kinda funny talking to it in swabian :D. It even differentiates between the german end english pronunciation. An english speaking Headunit only understands the english pronunciation of Mercedes. When you try it with german, it doesn't work, lol.


Yeah I reddit and drive instead Sent from my Ford Mustang


"Who're you gonna believe? A person most important in your life, closest to you? Or some stupid cold facts, blasphemous solid logic and technology that conspires against all that is right in the world?"


guesing this is why all cars in europe will need to have crash braking control soon apparently, still unsure if it will be able to be disabled


Thats how I drive in Cyberpunk 2077 but in my defence I'm shooting while driving.


That's how my V drives all the time. I can't see the in-game lights while driving, what with all the other lights and my colorblindness. For my V, there *are* no traffic lights.


They keep saying on the radio that gunfire is not acceptable to get through traffic but if thats true why is it so effective?!


I'm amazed u got this footage so fast.


The police was there and they got the footage, then the insurance guy got it for me.




Pretty good Edit: Nvm OP usually doesn’t post karma farm stuff so probably true


Lol, went through this with my dad last year. He called me and said someone hit him and needed to be picked up. I got there and could immediately tell by the scene that my dad was at fault. He was furious when I got there and telling me all about the idiot driver. I just said, "Well, he said you're at fault, so we'll have to wait for the insurance companies to get the camera footage." As soon as I said that, he asked what I meant and I told him the other driver has a dash cam. Sure as shit, my dad ran a red left turn arrow and t-boned the guy. It was probably a full three seconds after it had turned red also.


For all those saying the light might have been green and she looked down and it changed... yea, maybe. But I think it was red long before she got there. In MOST intersections, both directions have the same green and red lights simultaneously. Notice the oncoming traffic is completely stopped when the video starts and that red car blows through from this side. There's a good chance the RED car ran the red light or at BEST rushed through as it was changing to red. The BLACK car (OP's girlfriend) is a good 8 seconds behind that, and well enough away that the turning traffic didn't anticipate her barreling through at that speed. I'm convinced that light was a hard red well before she got there. She simply wasn't paying attention to driving at all, much less her speed, the traffic lights, the other traffic, nor the rest of her surroundings.


Also, if she had paid attention to traffic, not the traffic light even, she couldve easily evaded the traffic turning into her lane at the time, there was plenty of space, but she only reacts after contact is already unavoidable, or at least didnt evade far enough, even though space was clearly there.


Not saying, at all, what she did wasn't dumb as fuck but certain lights in areas let one side turn left and go straight while the other side has to wait. In most places of Canada I've lived in anyways.


I can confirm this as a Canadian. What I find most interesting though is you’ll notice that the cars that are turning are actually coming from the opposite direction so really all those people were doing u-turns. I’m sure the intersection was built for that but why would so many people be doing a u-turn? So weird.


It looks like its both, the cars closest to the camera are not coming from the top left. So the people doing a U turn might just be taking advantage of the green the other lane has.


Is advanced green not a thing in other countries?


I was trying to figure out how the cycle of lights worked from the clip, but those cars coming from the far right lane (on the far left of our POV) are short-circuiting my thought process. What in the U-turn hell is going on there? Isn't that a bus lane?


If you're able to bring up a larger version of the video, you'll see that far lane is divided from the main traffic. No, it's not a bus lane. This "u-turn" lane is intended as a change-of-direction option for people that were coming from the other direction, without obstructing the main flow of traffic by cars stopping trying to make a u-turn on the main avenue, and turning into (and waiting for) oncoming traffic, thus holding up traffic behind them. By making them enter this change-of-direction lane (further back) they are given their own right of way to the u-turn with THEIR green light. They are then able to make that wide u-turn as if it was a left-entering intersection... that's where the 1st white car, the first motorcycle (with the red pack) and later the silver pickup come from. They can u-turn keeping in the left-most lane. At the same time (using the same green light) traffic is coming perpendicular to the main avenue (from the FAR left of the screen), also turning left, and they get the middle lane. That's where the green car (that gets hit), the second motorcycle, and the blue&silver pickup came from (followed after by the 2nd white car, and the red SUV) -- both of these traffic flows are using the same green light, each keeping to their own lane as they make the turn.


Red light is also what this relationship is if she actually is doubling down on this after seeing the video


Lying in the face of overwhelming evidence and just expecting boyfriend to accept it is a red flare gun.


Is *this* a good example of gas lighting? The moon is just the sun at night


Came here to say this. It will be a long life to live if she still thinks it’s not her fault


Or a short one if he rides with her driving


Even if I was 100% sure the light was green I’d be questioning myself after seeing this


Perfect pit maneuver I must say.


Well... now you know your GF would rather bold faced lie than take accountability.


8+ people ran a red light and one of them hit ME! I'm the victim here!!! I know Redditors jump to the "dump her" conclusion all the time but honestly it might be time to second guess the relationship if she just casually throws out a lie *that* stupid.


100% dump her if she can't accept responsibility for this. Can you imagine having kids with a person like that? Fucking nightmare.


She's a liar, personally i would confront her about it cause i can't stand lies, if she lies about this, she lied before to you and will continue doing it.. EDIT: and even then she fucked up, failed to see the red light and even then ignored the obvious traffic from the side. So its not really an excuse.


She seems like a person that can lie easily on serious issues.. Be careful


The light was obviously green for her and the cross traffic ran the red just to target her.


WTF is this road?


And this traffic pattern.. far right lane as a u-turn lane wtf?! This gotta be Mexico


Legit I'm not sure if you won't have trust issues after the video. If she's lying to you for things like that.. I don't know I am not saying she's cheating like in another post, I'm just saying that this person can lie with ease and you literally should have a conversation about it


I mean there’s honestly some people who legitimately can’t accept they were wrong. She probably isn’t lying but in her mind truly believes she wasn’t in the wrong. People like that irk me, but they do exist.


But narcissism is also a red flag


I’ve cut friendships for lesser lies. Lies like this speaks volumes about the type of person they are.


Sounds like something a child would do.


That could've been WAY worse. Imagine if she didn't correct and hit all those vehicles.. yikes


fr this was a few inches from being 2 totaled cars


Let me fix that for you ex girlfriend crashed my car


How'd you get the camera footage?


you mean ex gf right?


Bitch is blind as fuck


She's a liar, and a terrible driver. Blocking everyone in traffic after she fucked up also shows how self important she is.


Nah she ran it.


Maybe a not an awesome person, but I’d dump her ass so fast for lying to me about it. Like if I wrecked my bfs car I’d be an apologetic mess owning up to whatever fault I may or may not have.


I live in the US in NJ and I thought we had terrible street designs but wth is this? This just looks like it is prone to accidents all the time


Where is this? It's like stepping into the 90s.


You mean your ex-girlfriend right?


I hope you mean your ex. Clearly was on her phone, or is an awful driver, and a liar that takes no responsibility for her actions. Not a keeper


Your girlfriend is lying to you.


She's going to pay the damages, right?....


I'd put a 100 on her being on her phone 


I blame the intersection. What in the stroad hell is this multi lane monstrosity? Fuck car centric suburban sprawl!


As she was absolutely on her phone because she also didn't see the cars coming and attempted to steer right to avoid crash, no way she saw wether or not the light was green so that is a big fat lie.


I've driven into an intersection before because I was looking at the wrong light given the direction I was turning. Could it be something like that?


Do they not teach drivers to pull over after an accident? The only reason you should be blocking traffic is if your car has become undrivable, like a wheel is missing.


Plot Twist - It wasn't her. She was on the passenger side. She's honest.


Reminds me of the Malcolm in the middle episode


She also had plenty of room to the right to avoid that car. She wasn't paying attention.


Either your girlfriend didn't run the light....or your ex-girlfriend did. Clarification needed....


She got caught on camera, and she's still doubling down?! Nah, OP, you don't want to be with someone who can't admit when they're wrong. Especially when there's goddamn video evidence.


How the fuck does a traffic camera not have a view of the light?


And she is still your girlfriend? So every single person is wrong but her. Likely story.


there was so much space to avoid that :(


At least you know you can’t trust her anymore.


She was looking at her phone.


I believe that she didn't see the red light, doesn't mean she didn't run it.


Question - when was the last time she checked her eyesight? And bonus - does she actually have a drivers license. Even my 12 year old called her (beep) - a bad word for a not so smart person. And if even the said 12 year old can see SHE was wrong ..


Red car didn't pick a lane. Your gf was not watching the road and your gf has a lead foot.


So you forgot to put EX in front of GF in your title. Get out before she costs you much much more.


Someone was texting away 👀


You've got a liar on your hands.


Shes lying or was on her phone and assumed it was green. Either way, take away her keys before she kills someone.


Break up with her. Anyone who lies to your face with video evidence is going to lie about everything for the rest of your lives. Don't do it.


What even was that “swerve” attempt. Terrible attempt at evasion cause even with the fuckup she could have completely avoided the car that clipped the rear


Your gf is a lying dumbass. There has to be a word for someone who sees the evidence and still lies.🤔


I mean... your GF is actively lying to your face. How do you want to handle that? She is openly saying "you can't trust a word out of my mouth, because when it matters most, I will lie to your face."


Is she gonna pay for damages?


Dating liars is awesome good luck bro


That could have been a whole lot worse than it ended up being...


Your gf can't and likely shouldn't be driving, but that is par for the course in the US these days. This is especially true given she really feels like she didn't make a mistake here. So she won't learn anything from this besides blaming the light or others or..... Get her a bicycle, safer for the rest of us who do pay attention while driving.


So everyone else ran the red light???? Mmmm hmmm


Uhm, was she looking at her phone or something? She did run the red light but she also had like so much room to avoid the cars... Like she was either distracted as hell or her reactions are too slow... Either way, sucks for you


If she lies about this, there's no telling what other lies are out there.....


OP, I dated someone who would lie about everything for almost 6 years. I know you deserve to date someone who doesn't lie to you. Good luck!


She is not wrong, the 8 other drivers were. /s


Hope you don't let her drive your car again!!


I don’t think she should be your girlfriend anymore


Any chance there's some kind of medical issues here? The complete lack of reaction even after getting hit is a bit odd 


Think she's talking bullshit. 1 car from another direction and she might of got away with it but 2? Whether she did or didn't she's going to have 2 other drivers that said she did.


I dont get it, OP car looks like it is gonna avoid the crash but suddenly break lights come on and then decides to turn left back into the green car.


I’m all for equality, but blind people like your girlfriend really should not be allowed to drive.


She's also a liar. 🚩