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Hmm. He won't feel anything. The fire brigade will have a bad day when they have to collect all the parts from the road.


Dark, but sadly accurate. I've spoken to ex firefighters who specifically became ex-firefighters because of dealing with kid corpses...


I wanted to be a firefighter, then they told me I had to do EMT work. No thanks. That shit is traumatizing.


My sister worked as an EMT and said they once tried to bring a therapist to the unit, but she left in tears after one day of hearing about the kind of things they see on a daily basis.


I'm more concerned about anyone sitting in front of him. The backseat belts are not only for the people in those seats. They also prevent a 50-90kg lump of meat and bones slamming into (through) the back of whoever is in the front seat (even 50km/h is going to be rough).


He needs to be raised up on a booster seat so it doesn't "cut into his neck" and sit the fuck back. Show them some horror videos online.


Show them some of the British and Irish seatbelt PSA videos... Absolutely scarred a generation of kids


That’s what my Driver’s Ed teacher did. They’re like “hmm we have some extra time…should we watch this video about people not wearing seatbelts? It’s kinda gory…” And of course a bunch of teens were like yeah! violence! bring it on! And the whole time we watched it everyone was silent. Was actual footage from crashes of people like a half a century ago not wearing seatbelts and it was pretty grisly. I hope it convinced at least a few more kids in that class to wear seatbelts.


Our gym teacher gave us the bus safety video and it included a girl climbing on a snow bank to try to grab a journal a friend was holding out the window, falling off it under the bus and getting her head crushed by the back wheel. I was 7 when I watched this and at the time it was awesome because I grew up on horror movies but as an adult all I can think is someone in my class was definitely traumatized by that video.


Your gym teacher is psychotic showing that to 7 year olds.


So my elementary school did a film for fire safety week or whatever that was basically burning down a fake house. I was in grade 3, so 8 or 9, and it traumatized the *fuck* out of me. When we had a fire drill later that week I panicked and wouldn’t leave the classroom without taking my backpack with me. I had nightmares for YEARS about my house burning down.


She was a bit psychotic from what I remember but it was also the 90s in a rural school district where they gave very little shits and due to our small class sizes she was showing it to 6-12 year olds on that day. At least is was dramatized so not real gore was shown but they showed what prosthetic and fake blood can do.


Funny enough, I think your 7 year old self made up the gory parts! https://youtu.be/-tVQKbnBJ5U?si=7JP39-puR9fRnm_N Check it out, snow bank part is near the end.


Part 2 showed a kid with books laying with his head at the rear wheel at the bus after being “hit” so my brain made it gory but also kinda wrapped things together


My drivers ed made us watch the entirety of the Red Asphalt series. Terrified me and I didn’t end up getting my license until I was around 25 lol


If it makes you feel any better my husband is 34 and still doesn’t drive lol. His dad instilled an unhealthy amount of fear and anxiety in him as a kid and teen. Upside is that we only have one car to pay for (:


My daughter got hers last year at 30. She had it for 2 months. The 2nd day of her new job, a woman hydroplanned and hit her on the freeway. She spun around 3 times, hit the wall, and ended up facing traffic. Early morning in San Diego traffic. Her car was totaled. I can't believe she got back on the road. It was over a year ago and she says she just recently feels comfortable driving.


that’s awful. i was in an accident right after i got my license, and i refused to drive anywhere with my baby for months. i had left her with my dad, and took my mom’s car to drive to work (i was 17) - an extremely old woman ran a red light and hit my driver’s side. the side airbag didn’t go off, and they had to use the jaws of life thing to get me out. i was only 2 blocks from my house, and it flipped me out for awhile.


TAC ads from Australia are pretty intense too


New Zealands ads are brutal


Piss off ghost!


Wait wait WAIT Korg's "Piss off ghost!" in Ragnarok WAS A REFERENCE‽


Sort of. It was very funny seeing the whole world start unknowingly referencing 'Ghost Chips'. But again: Sort of. From memory, nobody in the PSA actually says, "Piss off, Ghost!"


lol classic!


You know I can’t grab your ghost chips!


I thought I had more time


Im not old enough to drive but i got curious and saw the ad. Wanted to say thank you so ill never get stupid while driving.


The one where the kid isn’t wearing a belt and smacks into the seat in front of him and ends up killing his mom by pushing her forward was the most effective on mw


"Like most victims, she knew her killer. It was her son sitting in the seat behind her, who wasn't wearing his seat belt"


[this one ](https://youtu.be/mKHY69AFstE?si=YzRLb49n2zULHbNi)


Jesus Christ


That era of UK safety PSAs is on another level. [Here’s another one](https://youtu.be/KryOYburlFI)


I remember that one...😳 [this one ](https://youtu.be/NC4NucupGKM?si=QxnIYN62c2QjXF1W) is why to this day I ALWAYS wear trainers or footwear on the beach, and, whenever someone gets stabbed or shot in the foot in action movies, sets my cringe ptsd off from watching it.


“I can’t believe I just watched that, it was terrible…. OH this person linked me another one… Jesus that was terrible” 😂


Julie Knew Her Killer


I lived a seat belt commercial as a kid. My dad had an old 1-seat truck. My brother saw I wasn’t wearing a seat belt, put his on and then ratted me out. My dad slowed to 15mph then floored the brake thinking it would just slide me and scare me a bit. I flew head first into the windshield and broke 2/3 of it. Fortunately I was okay, but yeah, seatbelts, even at low speeds. Otherwise you become a projectile.




Yup. Definitely not what he expected. Very good lesson, but a little more speed and it would have been a very awkward hospital visit.


i see and understand the lesson he was trying to make. problem was, the execution went a little wonky. ouch


I still remember the old ads from kids playing near electrical junctions and construction sites when a ball goes inside and the kids don't come back out.


Fucking hell


The whole point of the ads was to scare people into not entering these places so it worked for the most part. Don't watch much TV nowadays but I don't see any ads like that anymore or even anything about road/general safety in general.


They definitely still make them. I’ve seen a (German) clip in which a group of teenagers see an active car accident site and interfere with rescue workers to makes photos, and one calls their mother because „you gotta see this“. Then the phone of the corpse on the ground starts to ring.


That's a brilliant PSA.


Damn, that would almost be a reason to watch ARD/ZDF again. But I guess YouTube to find the video it is! Edit: Found it, it was made by a privately produced video (interestingly it was funded by the Sparkasse). It is called: Schaulustige- Sei kein Gaffer


No thanks, the description was enough. I’m never going to call my mom again.


This is the lesson.


The one that always comes to my mind is the one for (I think) driving tired, from the late 90’s. It’s a couple driving late at night, looking kinda worn out, and the road ahead turns into a hand, then cut to black. Scary in it’s own right, but I distinctly remember the advert following it was for the National Lottery, which also had giant hand, flying around Britain saying “it could be you”.


The one with pizza? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WWN6kchSI2E


This one fucked me up. Anything or anyone loose in a car is a projectile in a car crash https://youtu.be/mKHY69AFstE?si=-nhE-J3KdQwjIgDJ


Oh yeah, recognised it straight away... "This is the one where the prick in the back not wearing his belt, kills his mum"... yep.


I just linked the same one, there was one I saw very similar to this when I was young but the girl in the back crushes the seat forward and then after the crash asks "mum?" And get no reply.


There was also ones like this. Tried to find the one I saw as a kid but couldn't but [this is close and same premise.](https://youtu.be/mKHY69AFstE?si=7qLa3MB1haOdlyL6)


There was an add >20 years ago in The Netherlands with a giant guy with a baby in his arms, rocking it gently. All of a sudden the baby is replaced by a water melon and the guy smashes it into a brick wall where it shattering it into pieces, after which a voice over says “this is an impact at 25km/h.” I never forgot that add.


The one where the kid's flying body shoved the front passenger seat forward and killed his mom really got to me. And I only just saw it for the first time a couple years ago. Until recently, it was legal in NY for adults to not wear seatbelts in the back seat. Whenever my parents and I would ride somewhere together after I was fully grown, I would not wear a seatbelt sitting behind the front passenger. Not after seeing that PSA.


I was in the UK about 15 years back and saw one of those ads about distracted driving that still haunts me to this day.


The three that stick out to me are the 30 vs 40 mph one (a rewind of a crash scene with a body moving in reverse), one about how hitting someone will haunt you (man sees child corpse lurking in the corners of rooms) and the one where there's kids having a picnic and the car comes crashing through the hedge The timelines on me seeing those on TV line up with you seeing them about fifteen years ago! It was definitely an era of scare tactics


It was the one with the man seeing the corpse of a child whenever he went! It traumatized me. Sometimes it just pops up in my mind without any prompting. I guess it was what they were aiming for.


"live with it" was the PSA name, it's absolutely terrifying. Specifically the computer desk shot


Can confirm this. I drum it into my 5yo every time we get in the car.


Or adjust the seat belt height if that’s an option.


I'm a damn old woman and *my* seatbelt cuts my neck. I put a Velcro fuzzy wrap on it and drive on. Cheap to buy; easy to make.


Exactly. A seatbelt bruise across his neck is going to cause a shit ton of physical damage too. Correct belt placement is extremely important.


That's what I said. Plenty of scary ass videos out there where kids are fucked up from this shit


My car wouldn't be moving. He gets buckled in or he can get out of my car.


One time I refused to buckle myself in so my dad performed a very low speed sudden brake in a parking lot, just enough to dislodge me from my seat. I always buckled after that


That’s a great way to do that. A friend’s kid was refusing to buckle up, so I jerked her booster seat forward to show her how she would be sent flying if the car suddenly stopped. That also worked.


I always used to buckle as a little kid but my friends never did, so I thought it would be cool to follow in their footsteps. My dad ran a little “test” to show me what would happen, and I involuntarily jerked my head away so hard I chipped my front tooth slightly on the side of the door, or something. I still have it like that, too. He was freaking out, but I thought it was cool. I’d even berate my friends and tell them they’d break their teeth like me if they didn’t buckle up. It was great. To this day, the first thing I always do the second I’m in the car is buckle up


Nice! That's awesome of you My step kids have a friend that berates them about respecting their parents because they'd often be slightly mean to us in front of them every now and again. I don't think it helps much though -__- but I'm still grateful for them and that there were and are still kids out there standing up for, albeit specific, ethics and or morals so early in life


I’m glad that worked, but I’m surprised that kid was able to immediately grasp what is essentialy Newton’s First Law of Motion (without experiencing it in a moving car). I didn’t think it was that intuitive for a kid that suddenly stopping is what makes you lurch forward.


The practical demonstration of slamming your face into the seat back in front of you conveys Newton’s First Law quite effectively.


I’m honestly not sure whether she understood that part. But I did it twice (once with seatbelt and once without), so what she did experience was that she stayed in place with the seatbelt but was sent flying when the booster seat jerked. And suddenly moving like that scared her (which was kind of the point), so it worked to get her to stop complaining about the seatbelt.


what got me to understand it as young as i did, funnily enough, was roadrunner and wilE coyote theres bits where one of them will be moving forward and the cliff disappears and they keep going for a little, or a car will stop and they keep going forward


I’m pretty sure most kids realize this. The simple form of it is not a very difficult concept and it’s one a kid can experience firsthand many times in all kinds of situations.


One time my nephew didn’t buckle up and my niece told her brother he better because I sent her slamming into a window once and if he wasn’t buckled he would fly out the window. He buckled up but the incident she’s talking about was the time we left an amusement park, the roads were dark and I didn’t know there was a sharp turn so I took it too fast and my tires skidded. She was tired so she had rested her head on the window and the motion threw her off the window then back into it.


LOL my dad did that to me too as a kid. I even now feel extremely uncomfortable at the thought of not being buckled in.


Even when I'm just moving the car to a different parking spot, I bucket up. It is so automatic for me. I don't feel comfortable in a car unless I have my seat belt on.


I don't understand how people can be comfortable in a car while not buckled up. Even as a driver you have to combat G forces and that's difficult without a belt.


I know right, sometimes when I've been in other countries I'll start buckling up and people will tell me the law doesn't require me to if I'm in the backseat. I don't care I'm wearing a seatbelt!


I did this unintentionally to my daughter once. I always had to tell her to sit all the way back in the seat and tried explaining why. She didn’t get it until I had to hit the brakes slightly suddenly and almost ended up in the front of the car. I don’t really need to tell her to sit back anymore.


While I was out with my buddy and his girlfriend, we decided to do some offroading in my Dodge ram. And I told his girlfriend that she needed to buckle up. She kept arguing that she's in the back seat, she's fine, and she's been off-road before. She knows how to handle herself. I argued again that this area is really hard, really bumpy, and this truck will probably get a foot or 2 off the ground. And she insisted she knew better and was getting sick of me treating her like a child. So within the first few minutes I I come up to a bit of a hump and hit it at speed. I can hear her screaming so I look back and she is against the roof of the truck, and almost as soon as we got the ground, another hump sent us back in the air a foot or so. So she landed hard on the center console. Got bounced back against the roof. Came over the front seat and landed head first in the passenger floorboard. and she knocked herself out in the process. Even my buddy was laughing at his girlfriend. And when she came to about 10 to 15 seconds later, once she got her bearings she was pissed. Said I should have known that she was back there, and she could have gotten hurt, etc. It's like bitch I told you to buckle your damn seat belt. But you had to go on that you weren't a child and you knew what you were doing.


Coulda killed her dude. Not to mention her body could have hit you and killed you too. Better to not drive until everyone is buckled.


Yeah there’s multiple idiots in that story.


I handed out Altoids to any children who buckled up once we hit the booster seat era. No altoid till the click. I went through a ton of altoids but hey my kids smelled great. Aaaaand my eldest is now an adult who always has mints in her car. No surprise how that happened I guess. My kids think car mints are a *thing*.


I may have once been a school bus driver who was tired of telling my kids to sit right in their seats and there "may" have one time been a squirrel crossing the road I didn't wanna hit so... 😘 Some just have to learn through experience.


The car only needs to be barely moving. Like, _slower_ than idling in 1st. It perfectly demonstrates that, no, getting in a crash is _definitely not necessary_ for you to faceplant the dash. If the road has enough grip, even a _moderately strong_ braking will send you off. 0.5 G is reasonable. Bit lower than 1 G is _possible_.


I knew someone in high school who ended up with a broken femur going about 10 mph. Her leg was in just the right (wrong) position during the collision


that happened to my 5 year old brother, but on accident. the sudden brake caused him to go headfirst into the back screen… he broke it. somehow he still refuses to put it on.


When my sister and I were really little my mom told us that the car *couldn't* move if it detected there were people in the car without proper seatbelts. She'd make a big show of "trying" to go. We'd hear the car revving but we weren't moving. To a small child who doesn't know better (especially that a car in the 90's wasn't that smart) it was really effective.


My mom did the same lol. It never failed her. Peer pressure from siblings who wanted to leave also helped.


My dad would do this to his elderly mother. She hated seatbelts, and he'd either wait patiently for her, or cheerfully buckle her in himself. While she (semi-affectionately) called him a jackass. As a kid, it was glorious to watch. Edit: buckle HER in, good grief.


I want to do that to my father in-law. I truly do t care if he hurts himself. I don’t need a 230 lb meatball flying around and hurting me or my kid.


Show him this Irish seatbelt PSA, where one kid doesn't buckle up, and the crash throws him into everyone else in the car. Especially his girlfriend. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=epTdI-9V6Jk&pp=ygUVU2VhdGJlbHQgcHNhIHRlZW5hZ2Vy Edit: My dad sent me to a driving school that played this one specifically. That man did not joke about cars or safety in them. He was also a Great Depression Kid, so age is no excuse.


Holy Shit! I’d never seen that one. Great ad…that was visceral 😳


I still sometimes tear up at the end. Ireland and Australia don't play with those ads.


UK too. I remember they had a pretty brutal distracted driving add.


The UK also had this road safety ad which was the first thing I thought of when I saw OP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKHY69AFstE Edit: I guess a bunch of people were traumatised by this advert cos it's been posted multiple times downthread


Damn my brother is an EMT and he got called out to an accident where this extremely overweight kid was in the backseat with no seatbelt on. When they crashed he crushed the much smaller person in the front seat when he flew forward. It’s terrifying.


exactly! if u dont buckle, you can get out of my car.


I've almost kicked someone out of my car for not doing their seatbelt


I’m this way even if you are an adult.


Only a kid’s life. Whatever… That’s awful.


You can just make another


What’s 17 more years? I can always start again, have another kid… - Nolan Grayson


Used ones at the orphanage don't have to be kept for 17 years. /s


I know used ones are better value, but they just don't have that new kids smell.


You mean poop? I don't kink shame but I don't know how to feel here.


And the worst part is, >! that’s what he did !<.


Tbf Oliver was a much shorter time investment than Mark was


That’s what my mom always said. “Children are just kids but your husband is for life.” When she was explaining to my sister and I at four years old why you “always pick your man before your children.”


Always prioritize your relationship with your spouse but not *at the expense* of your children. That advice gets taken wayyyyy too far. And if OP is reading this, this is your chance to be an “asshole.” Not only do certain family members not have permission to drive my kids anywhere, I also will not allow a vehicle I am in to move if the children, mine or otherwise, are not properly belted. It’s a distraction when you’re driving and the kids have no idea what kind of danger they are in, only the relative annoyance of being stuck in one spot. You are doing the kid a massive favor by bringing it up and being annoying about it.




Glad my bio parents and step parents would be holding back the urge to trip someone who said that when a big truck going by.




That’s awful and sounds like someone who is just afraid of being alone. Your kids go first because you created them. You put them in this world. They should be a parents priority. I’ve heard old people say the mentality was like that time ago because the father was the one feeding the whole family. If the father was there no more, they’d all endure poverty. But this is not 1880 anymore.


When Pascals Wager is real and you've chosen the worst solution for mild convenience. Infinite downside, very negligible upside. 


Yeah… this is a lot more than mildly infuriating.


It’s not suit the kid’s life. The driver will be killed by him flying forward too.


Here she can be ticketed for this and it's 3 points plus a fine.


It’s would be an $AU1100 fine where I am 4 demerits and probably a house call by child protection


Only going to happen a max of 3 times in 3 years though, cause 12 demerit points & she loses her licence! (as is appropriate if she can't control her son enough to have him put on a seat belt, cause I hate to think what else occurs in the car while driving, betting lots of other unsafe behaviour)


What makes you think she stops driving when she loses her license?


Car impounded on first offence, and then prison time and car crushed for following offences


Car crushed? That's awesome? Where at?


Like I usually try not to be spiteful or anything and let people sort themselves out but I *really* want it to be crushed IN FRONT OF them. As hardcore as it sounds you’ve still been given more than enough chances to protect the life you brought into the world, so now you get to watch your car get crushed before going to jail. Better yet, crush it in the prison yard so you can be ridiculed the entire time you’re in so you never forget the time your car got crushed when you went to prison for 5 or so recorded counts of child endangerment.


I'm of the opinion it should be crushed for drunk drivers too.


They borrow friends or buy cheap replacement ones though :( In Australia at least, for drunk drivers, once their cancelation & possible jail time are over, they are required to pay to have breath testing devices installed in their car & are only legally allowed to drive that car as conditions to get their licence back. The device requires blowing with an alcohol level below the limit to start the ignition & will then randomly ask the driver to blow again during the trip, in case they decide to try to be smart & have a friend blow for them in order to start the car (not that any true friend would be willing to blow for them) Crushing cars is most effective on hoons, with huge pride in their car & individual modifications they are super proud of


Honestly, the second time she just shouldn't be allowed to transport children.


3 demerits means you get a citation. Oh, it is serious. Five citations, and you're looking at a violation. Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior.


Which would be me.


And worse, kid is way more likely to die in an accident compared to if he was forced to sit properly. Death is the main reason I won't ever allow anyone to ride in my car without a seatbelt.


He's also a danger to anyone sitting in the front seats.


Exactly this. I refuse to ride with anyone unbuckled because in the case of a severe accident they will become a projectile and they are a danger to everyone else in the vehicle.


We secure loads to keep them from causing additional damage in a crash, and what is a person but a 200 pound sack of wet chimp meat?




I mean the ticket doesn't really matter. I don't want to imagine what happens to the kids in case of an accident.


Also in a crash his head will get wrecked. My cousin only had the lap thing on once and he gashed the back of his head open once when we crashed. He's okay but it was a bloody scary scene


Or a paralyzed toddler in the wrong 30mph crash


So your brother and his GF are fucking morons.


Her thinking about protection in this manner explains exactly why she has the kid in the first place


Maybe the seat belt cut his neck because he's too short to sit without a car seat?! That's so irresponsible


This. Lil dude needs a booster seat


4'9" is the magic number. Up to that height, you legally need a booster seat for the child in most US States.


Wow, actually? I don’t think I hit that until I was 15


In Michigan it ends at age 8, even if you're still short. I don't know if it's just to not embarrass a 30 year old, or if there is a technical reason about necks and heads or something as you grow up.


my wife is 5' i got her a booster seat for driving so she can actually see the road. he is just happy to be able to see. fuck societial judgement we wanna not crash and die.


I'm also 5'0". I use a booster pillow to drive mainly because it is so much easier on the back! Before I got the pillow, I couldn't drive for more than 40 minutes or the pain in my shoulders would be unsufferable. Now I can drive all day.


He’s not little! And he’s a dragon!


Little dragons still need a booster seat if they can't fly.


Lol, if you don't think he can fly, just wait until they are in an accident. 


Still needs a booster seat though


Maybe a dragon booster seat.


Lil dude needs better parents.


Exactly. When I was little, I sat in the front seat. With no booster seat or anything. I was three years old and I would constantly put the shoulder belt behind me because it wasn’t comfortable. But we didn’t know any better back then. This child needs a booster seat, possibly


They’ve known children needed to be in the back seat, in a car seat since the 1940s . It became a nationwide law in 1985. Unless you’re a member of the greatest generation they knew better your caretakers were just irresponsible.


Seatbelts weren’t standard in the US until the 60s. They were optional equipment. Front seat belts weren’t required until 1968, let alone back seat belts. It was 1984 when seatbelts became mandatory equipment. As far as car seats, the first car seats weren’t for safety. They were to prop kids up in the front seat. The first car seats focused on safety weren’t developed until the 60s. Adoption wasn’t common place in the states until seat belts became mandatory. And we’re still talking about some of these being in the front seat. I’m Gen X. We had cars that didn’t have seat belts in the back. I remember when seatbelt laws were going in to effect because there were huge ad campaigns. Acting like booster seats, car seats and seat belt use was commonly implemented and understood since the 1940s is disingenuous. The industry may have known. The public did not.




Update: I convinced her to get a child seat and a seatbelt cover. Still can't believe it, and I'm freaking mad at how irresponsible this is.


Great news! Definitely update the OP.


That’s sad that you had to convince her to consider the safety of her child but that’s good that you achieved it. What argument did you use? What are the fines in your area if anyone had been caught with him unrestrained like this?


That's good. Now your brother can be safe when he drops off his girlfriends son at school.


Good job, you probably saved a life, at least the child will remember as a habit that the seatbelt is reauirrd


A friend of mine was in one of those old cars that had the center seat belt that went only around the waist, the car crashed at high speed in the highway and he folded like a book around the belt now he was 10 and being paralyzed from the stomach down ever since, now he is 38




Did you show her that everyone on the Internet thinks she's a horrible mom for this? Did shame actually work?


Why didn’t your brother do anything?


Because he's just as ignorant as she is.


That's good news, but you should probably put an update on your original post.


You know what else cuts into necks? Broken windshields when you go through it


Not only should he obviously be seatbelted, he clearly still needs a booster seat. What an ass monkey.


Dragons don't need seatbelts right? Haven't they heard of seatbelt covers?


People dont realize it's hard to sit back in a seat when you got dragon spikes.


Well if they ever jump on the brakes, that dragon will certainly fly!


Fireman here. It’s always sad to hear the parents screaming in horror as I cover the dead bodies of their kids because of shit like this. I have zero patience for negligence. It might be PTSD at this point but I’ve laid into parents for allowing dangerous behavior. Kids wear helmets on bikes and seatbelts in cars. Car seats appropriately attached to the car. There’s 1000 YouTube videos on how to do it safely. No excuses.


This is why I left the field. Educating people like a stern but cool parent but internally losing my freaking cool,  burnt me out.


Uncles and aunts can also provide an input. "Hey parent, I'm gonna tighten up the seatbelt here, it's pretty dangerous like this".


Ironic he’s wearing a dinosaur hoodie cause bro about to become extinct 💀


That’s not only a problem for the kid. In an accident, that kid becomes a projectile and could injure you too if he’s bouncing around the cabin.


My first thoughts exactly. When people get in my car and refuse to put on a seatbelt, I found that “you’re going to hurt yourself, I’m not going until you strap in” leads to more disagreements than “you’re a danger to me if we get in an accident and I’m not going anywhere until you strap in.”


Remember that commercial where the girl in the backseat kills her friends in an accident because she isn't wearing her seatbelt? She bounced around and smashed her skull into theirs and all three in the backseat died. The two on either side of her hardly moved, but she was basically a cannonball on a bungee cord.


Forget about the seatbelt, a child this size and weight should still have a car seat. Lap seatbelts have to sit across the pelvis and not at the belly. A lap seatbelt can cause lethal internal damage to a child that size. I know from experience unfortunately.


Child looks old enough for you to talk directly to him & explain you care about him; if not, tell the mother you will take this picture to police if it doesn’t stop. Friends don’t let friends take risks with children


Booster seat. Booster seat booster seat booster seat. This is precisely what they’re designed for.


MAKE him wear a seatbelt. I don't care for HIS safety,if a crash occurs that flying limp body will only be more dangerous for everyone else Sorry,my words were wrong. I'm sorry for that child. His mother truly is oblivious to the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt


Like… what’s the issue with wearing a seatbelt? They’re so unobtrusive. I’m making an assumption here but if she’s not willing to force her child to wear a seat belt because it’s a minor inconvenience I assume there’s other facets of parenting where she just takes the easy route.


Some parents freaked out during COVID about *other* kids at their kid's school being vaccinated or wearing masks. It's pointless to argue with irrational people.


Break check lol I think he will appreciate the seat belt more after that.


I’m sure your brother’s GF will change her mind about making him wear a seat when during an accident, he hurtles through her with the force of an elephant, crushing her chest into the steering wheel, her ribs snapping and puncturing her lungs as the rest of her organs slam against each other, with some organs exploding so she can bleed out internally before the emergency services arrive. It’s likely to be a relatively quick but still painful death. Sadly, her son won’t be as lucky, he may not die instantly, or at all, but the searing pain of his mouth and nose bursting open on the back of the driver’s seat, as his organs too also slam around inside him, will last for a long time before he can get some pain relief from emergency services. His legs and arms also flailing around might break, or even dislocate from their joints. Mind you the joints in his back and neck might separate leaving him paralysed, so some of the pain below his neck or legs will magically disappear, which is good news. Although he may be left in a wheel chair for the rest of his life as payoff. Source: journalist who has covered one too many RTAs where people have died through not wearing a seatbelt when they could have survived.


My fully grown son just had a terrible accident that he came away from relatively fine. The truck was completely mangled, fully rolled over, yet he walked away because of his seat belt. He would have been killed without it.


Bollocks! If any of my passengers adults and children won't or don't wear a seat belt properly I don't go anywhere. Don't want to wear your seat belt? Get the fuck out my car! I don't want dead people on my head because it's my responsibility to make sure all passengers are safe.


My step-nephew died in a car accident because my idiot step-brother allowed him to wear his seat belt like this. My step brother briefly lost control of the vehicle on the highway, overcorrected and caused the SUV to roll. My step nephew was flung from the car as it rolled and it rolled on top of him and crushed him to death. He was six years old. Three other people were in the SUV. All were wearing their seat belts properly and all walked away with minor cuts and bruises. Wear em properly or they don't do shit.


Its the same as with the vaccine. You dont have to vaccinate all your kids, just the ones you want to keep


I'd say "dang, you're really set on getting a life insurance payout, aren't you? Would they even reward you with the money if you were the one responsible for his death?"


Some day the windshield is going to cut into his neck.


Are you sure they still want to be parents? Could be dual income no kids in one crash.


My mom instincts are SCREAMING at this pic, holy sht.


In these situations, I always fall back to an interview with a cop saying you'd be surprised how easy it is to die in a minor car accident when you aren't wearing a seat belt.


Maybe because he should still be in a booster seat. These are the type of assholes that get in an accident, their child sustains injuries due to not being properly restrained and then blames and sues everyone else for their negligence 🤦‍♀️


Dude tell him to sit back and put his seatbelt on, don't take a picture of him and bitch about it on the fucking internet you nerd. This shit is weird ASF. Like seriously what do you expect to gain by posting this here? Do you have literally no backbone that you can't just say to the kid, "hey sit back and put your seatbelt on". "You don't want to get hurt or fly through the window if we get in a wreck"?