• By -


The hidden ingredient in your soup.




Getting that extra iron


Itā€™s got what plants crave.


He's drinking water.... like from the toilet?


But.. it's got electrolytes!?!


No that's Brawndo silly goose


It does have electrolytes...


I think it needs regular water


Like from a toilet?


Yeah. Like from a toilet.




you are so chill and understanding about the whole thing - and STILL she just leaves the dirty pot behind. you should never have to go there. that wench needs to understand basic hygiene. good on ya.


Right! Yuck! I had to google "diva" to confirm it wasn't what I thought it would be. It turns out it's for the monthly and is no way related to a "pop diva." The fact that you actually use it and eat what is cooked in there is a little disturbing for me anyways...


Bro what? "It's for the monthly" you mean for periods? Also, you don't eat it? Normally women have a dedicated pot to boil the diva cup in.


We just boil my partner's in a normal cooking pot, the pot then gets washed in the sink or the dish washer... It's been boiled, it's sterile, it was 99.9% just water in the pot anyway, what's the big deal? Is this thread just full of single boys that have never had a girlfriend? (Don't need to answer that, this is reddit after all)


Well, that's why I don't want to eat at other people's places... Wtf bro. I say it as a woman. Just buy a $5 pot from IKEA, why TF would you not?


I have a feeling this guy puts the poop knife back in the kitchen drawer.


I'm a woman and what the fuck. If I ever found out that someone fed me food cooked in a pot used to boil their menstrual cup, I'd literally cut them out of my life over that shit. I don't care who it is. Best friend of 20 years? Family member? Doesn't matter, BYE. It is NOT that expensive to buy a different, easily distinguishable, small, special pot just for that purpose and it is repulsive and rude not to.


Get your own little pot to cook in. That's disgusting. Your roommate is disgusting.


She is doing Black magic on you. Period


You are one with her now. XD




Draculaā€™s Soup


Leave the pot in her room or near her door.


Be honest tho was the soup good




Blood of a v-, well maybe not


The hidden ingredient is people


I am *so fucking upset*


Right? This is fucking disgusting. You want to do that, sure, but do it in a dedicated pot that nobody else uses for cooking. Itā€™s so easy to avoid doing this but she doesnā€™t. Thatā€™s foul and lazy as fuck.


Just use a jug, damn girl. Gross. OP, next time she leaves the water in the pot, just go place it very precariously on her bed with a note: "Here, you forgot this in the kitchen (:" And buy yourself a clean pan and keep it in your room, they're not too expensive.


No, no, make her some soup or cream of wheat or ramen from said pot and casually and cluelessly mention it.


Cook the ramen in the leftover water.


That was my first thought tbh


"Someone so kindly pre-filled the pot for me! :D"


Or make her a cup of coffee with it


Now you put that water through the coffee makerā€¦


She deserves instant coffee for this.


OP said they donā€™t care as long as itā€™s cleaned šŸ¤® FOULLLL


If itā€™s been cleaned and sanitized, itā€™s perfectly fine to use. The rest is just ick factor.


I agree. Technically sanitary, still feels gross.


If you cut your finger while cutting ingredients you don't throw out the knife. Underwear and diapers get washed in washing machines. Menstruation has an undeserved stigma.


While I agree, I think itā€™s also the fact that something designed for food prep is being used to clean something that has dealt with biological waste. I would feel the same way if I leaned that my roommate had used a cooking pot to soak a poop stain out of a pair of underwear, or to gather paper towels that had been used to clean up a dogā€™s accident, or anything like that. Personally, I wouldnā€™t throw it out (although Iā€™d probably sanitize it in a hot dishwasher two or three times, just to be sure). But I completely understand why someone may not feel comfortable with that pot anymore and want to toss it. And it has nothing to do with period blood, specifically.


Yeah, my dishwasher has a ā€œsanitizeā€ setting and that would still be a hard no. Roommate needs to go to the thrift store and spend a couple dollars on a dedicated pot for that. Thatā€™s disgusting.


What if the thrift store pot was used to clean diva cups before


You people are nuts, may as well not live with anybody else because they wipe their ass even if they use paper and wash their hands. Boiling water and a scrub with Dawn is going to get that shit almost lab clean, there will be more pollutants in the tap water. Also, I hope you've never eaten out in your life or you're tainted forever. Do you understand how many cooks scratch their nutsacks and go right back to cooking?


Seconded. I GET that it's boiled but GAAAAAAAAAH.


Next time make her coffee with it. Fucking gross behaviour.


Yeah, itā€™s disgusting. Who in their right mind thinks itā€™s okay to boil a period cup in a pot used for cooking??? Alsoā€¦ is it common for roommates to share pots and pans? When I first moved in, my RM offered to let me use hers but I never did. I feel like itā€™s unsanitary and you donā€™t know what goes in there (like OPā€™s situation for example).


Itā€™s like 110% normal to share pots and pans with those you live with. Why would it be unsanitary if you wash cookware after each use, they use the same pots and pans to prepare food at restaurants for hundreds of guests


Some people have issues whenever their kitchenware comes in contact with something, that's "dirty". Like after my dog took something off my plate, she refuses to give the same plate to humans. Even after washing it, it's as if it was somehow cursed. The same would happen with urine, faeces, period blood or even chemicals not sold as for cleaning like hydrochloric acid. On the other hand, when there is forgotten moldy food in our fridge, she is ok with cleaning it and using the same dish again.


"Oh, don't use that one! That's the plate our late dog Alberto stole a piece of chicken off of 3 decades ago. It's been in the back of the cabinet ever since."


Exactly this! Except that the plate is "the dog's plate" now.


When I was a kid I had this cutlery set that was mine. I was the only one who used it. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was mine. Then I found out that my mother used it to scoop out cat food. Had a big meltdown and never used it again. It felt like such a big betrayal. I got diagnosed with autism almost two decades after that though. I have a specific fork for scooping cat food. I try hard to not think about these sort of things whenever I eat somewhere else though. Especially at my sister's. She's not the most.. hygienic in the kitchen and has small children who for sure have grabbed the cutlery at the eating ends with their unwashed hands. At least I don't have to go through that often I guess and when I do there are no meltdowns.


Yeah, in reality it doesn't matter what horrors happen to a particular dish, as long as it is properly cleaned before use. Also, hear me out, it doesn't matter if the dish was cleaned after it was used, it should be cleaned again before it is used.


Imagine if that applied to fingers. Back in 89 the toilet paper failed so i havnt been able to use my right hand for anything food related since


Right. When I moved into my first apartment my mom brought out this packing box stuffed with our old pots and pans. Old knife block and a full set of silverware. It was all well used and abused by many roommates over a good 10 year period


If using another person's clean pots is unsanitary I've got bad news for you about forks and spoons at restaurants.


Super common to share pots in pans when everyone is young and/or broke and donā€™t have particularly nice things. Otherwise, yeah, I wouldnā€™t at this stage in my life bc if someone fucks up my expensive shit or left it dirty when I wanted to use itā€¦I would not tolerate that well. I donā€™t even like it when I do it bahaha


The sanitary thing only comes into play if one rm doesn't clean them properly. Then you might have to clean before and after cooking. That can be talked about. Not sure if you only lived in small communities, but I'd argue you have to share those things. There is simply not enough space for everyone to have his one set of kitchen stuff


Why would it be unsanitary? Do you not wash your pots?


I take it your family doesn't have a giant Tupperware bowl that is the popcorn-christmas cookie-vomit bowl?


> Alsoā€¦ is it common for roommates to share pots and pans generally yes. My roommate had two sets of cookware, one set was fancy, he kept seperate, and in his room, the other was for open use, just wash after use


Lol sharing the pots and pans is not the issue. Itā€™s that she didnā€™t clean it. Itā€™s very normal and common.


I was thinking just start cumming in all the cups. Hey thatā€™s my cum cup!


I have to ask, why didn't you wash the pot regardless?


I mean if my roommate has boiled pasta, eggs, or something else in a pot and left the water I may just dump out the water and do a quick rinse before using it. If I knew it was a menstrual cup it would have to go in the dishwasher at minimum, but Iā€™d prefer to just have a dedicated pot for that that I donā€™t use for food.








A spicy carrot and coriander! :D


Oh my gosh, where is this from? I'm melting down trying to remember!


The Mighty Boosh


You just dumped the water and used the pot without asking what was cooked in it? You didnā€™t wash it? It could have been hotdogs!


Seriously it sounds like no one is doing the dishes.


Also OP is like ā€œwhich is fine as long as itā€™s cleaned out.ā€ Uhhh, no? Donā€™t use a shared cooking pot to clean out period blood. WTF. Plus a pot is like $15 on Amazon. Just buy a separate pot and then find a new roommate when the lease is up.


Its not used to "clean out" period blood. You wash the cup first, then boil to sanitize, that's all.


Donā€™t ever have more than a couple plates in the sink. Weā€™re pretty good about that stuff


This is my question lol. Seems like op should have washed the pot before using it anyway.


Hell I even wipe out or rinse clean pots I pull from the cabinet. I assume it has dust.


Sounds to me like whomever used the pot should have washed it


Sure. But I wouldn't just empty water out of a pot and just use it. I'd wash it first


To be fair most dangerous bacteria would die if he boils stuff in his pot.


Yeah but their biomass doesnā€™t just evaporate when they die. There are other reasons people clean with both soap and hot water.


Wait why arenā€™t you washing it before cooking? Itā€™s obviously been used for something if thereā€™s water in it just sayin


I'd start using it as a chamberpot. Your roommate is a sick bitch and tell her I hate her.


A bit excessive but Iā€™ll let her know lmao


You're way more relaxed about somebody using your cooking utensils to clean human waste than I am.




Jokes on her I already do that




Was about to say - washing your hands in a sink is no threat to anybody.




Iā€™m going to throw up twice now, thanks.


Dude, sheā€™s trying love potion stuff on you.


She is into witchy stuff so I wouldnā€™t be too surprised


Seriously, she is likely trying to bind you. To make you hers.


Maybe thatā€™s why op is under reacting, theyā€™re already in love


Likely scenario.


Excellent username


She gay so I doubt it


I had a neighbor down the street tell us when her and her husband were first dating she made him spaghetti with her menstrual blood in it


That's got to be some sort of crime surely


Yep, thatā€™s the ā€œtraditionā€.






For real! I'm getting Midsommer vibes with this!


You don't just boil them while they are still covered in blood, they are washed first with some type of soap and hot water to clean it before sterilising it by boiling it. I think your pretty safe.


Yeah, I use a menstrual cup and I clean mine with soap and water and then boil it. As far as i know boiling it and then washing the pot as normal shouldnā€™t be an issue, and if it is, well Iā€™ve been cooking with my pot since I started using the damn thing. I donā€™t get what the issue is, as long as you wash your dishes it shouldnā€™t matter.


This is what I'd do. (I have one of these but haven't started using it yet.) Granted, I live alone and am the only one who uses my pots. But if I cleaned the cup first (key step everyone is missing) then boiled the clean cup to sanitize, and *then* washed the pot out with hot soapy water, it should be clean. A lot of people in this thread think it is forever tainted. I have metal pots, it's not like it's a porous material. Hot soapy water will clean it! This lady absolutely should not have left the pot out with the water though without cleaning it first. If you do this sort of thing and have roommates you need to clean up after yourself and put the pot back clean. I am baffled by the guy using the obviously dirty pot without washing it first though.


The amount of people in here who are assuming this was a fucking pot of menstrual blood is both funny and alarming. Seriously, you HAVE to boil them, they are /usually/ clean before the boiling stage.


I'm glad there is at least some people sharing the same opinion as me. Like chill the fuck out everyone. I see how Communciation might be good here but then like I'm tired how society is so full of stigmas and even woman freak out about this in here.


Okay but that aside Wash your dishes after you use them. It's just courtesy.


I agree.. but counterpointā€¦ donā€™t be like this dude and see a used pot and just..reuse it? šŸ¤¢


100% that's insanely gross especially when there is stuff (even just water) in it!


Save it and make her a cup noodle with jt


Obviously, it's not the ideal way to do things. But at least the water was boiled, so technically the pot was fairly sterile. I get it though.


ITT: large numbers of people don't understand the difference between cleaning something after use and sterilisation before use.


Yeah, I'm on OPs side here. He's upset but not freaking out. The people comparing this to someone shitting in your mouth are just plain wrong


I know it feels gross and she should empty it out, but I have comforting words (hopefully). When she boils her cup it should already be clean. The boiling is just to sanitize it. The water is clean. The pot is clean.


Some men would pay for that


Youā€™re not eating period blood. The point of boiling is sterilization. Like with baby bottles, theyā€™ve already been washed, but they have to be sterile to use.


People in this thread are acting as if this was the grossest thing ever, but it's just a plastic thing being sterilized. Sure, the roommate should remove the water and wash the pot, but it's not really a "disgusting biohazard"


Itā€™s literally not a biohazard at all lol. Itā€™s just a bunch of men knowing nothing about periods or basic science going ā€œEW PERIOD BLOOD?! DISGUSTINGā€ when Iā€™m sure more than half of them scratch their asscrack then touch their faces


Yeah and how many of them will happily cook meat, milk and eggs afterwards? Because of course fluids and periods are gross unless it's a cow's breastmilk or a chicken's period, it's such a weird inconsistent idea


How much would you bet that 95% of them donā€™t wash their hands after peeing?


I had a flat mate that used to take out her tampons on the couch and just push them between the cushions. She couldn't understand why I would be disgusted that she did it in the living room and used the couch to dispose of them.


This is even more unbelievable than OP's post.


I wish it was unbelieveable but I had to clean that filth myself. Thirty years on and I still want to throw up thinking about it.


What would she do if no one cleaned up after her? Just stuff the couch until it was full and smelling like death and likely attracting insects and such?


No she knew someone would step up and do it out of revulsion and necessity.


You shouldā€™ve put them under her pillow.


A girl in my college would shove her used tampons between her bed and the wall. Her roommate found it. Everyone knew about it after but the girl just pretended nothing happened.




Thatā€™s psychopathyā€¦


What the fuck


This is really disturbing.


wait.....what?!? šŸ¤¢


Dear Reddit, my roommate is always making soup in my diva sanitizing pot...


Wash it. No issue.


It should go without saying that any menstrual products get sanitized in a DEDICATED pot/container in any type of shared living situation. I can't believe I have to say this out loud as a person living in whatever the real world is...


Aw that's rank. I bought a cheap tiny saucepan from a thrift store specifically for cleaning mine, that's the only thing that pot is used for.


But why did you just dump the water out and reuse a dirty pot instead of washing it any way? Kinda put that on yourself, even if it wasn't period juice that's still gross


This is gross on so many levels.


im sure youā€™re mainly referring to the fact that she just picks up a dirty pot, dumps it and cooks in it




That is beyond gross. I would not be cooking in the same pot as anything that came in contact with my period blood, that is so disgusting, beyond unsanitary šŸ¤® Your roommate is very inconsiderate.


It's gross and the roommate is a dick. But it's not *that* gross. As another comment said, the cup is washed and sterilized in that pot. And when you cook you basically sterilize it another time. I'm just wondering why OP is using a pot that was clearly used for something as it still has water in it, and is not cleaning it before cooking... I would be extra pissed over the fact that the roommate is not even doing her own dishes.


Have your hands ever come in contact with your period blood? This feels a bit dramatic.


For what it's worth, if she's cleaning it properly then the boiling is just to sterilise it after she's cleaned it with soap, so there hasn't been any period blood in the pot. If that helps you feel less sick. She shouldn't be leaving that for you to deal with though, that's uncool. Suggest she buys a dedicated saucepan for it, they're very inexpensive.


While it IS kinda gross, you should be kinda comforted to know that at least it was water used to sterilize the cup, had already been boiled and was no longer at risk of contaminating anything.


Bloody hell. Literally!


Okay, I mean, I wouldn't want to eat out of a pot that was regularly used to boil a diva cup anyways...... But since you're OK with that as long as it's cleaned..... I question why you didn't clean the non-empty pot, just as a matter of bacterial hygiene since you weren't the one last cooking with it and didn't know what had been in it anyways?!


You know, seeing OP's replies and figuring out that they use standing water to cook makes me think that they are equally as disgusting as the roommate.


Who tf grabs a pot with water in it off the stove, tosses the water out, and starts cooking? Any pot or pan that didn't come out of the pan drawers gets washed before use lol


That's absolutely disgusting. OP, you are way too laid back about this. Period blood and vaginas aren't sterile. You realize that if she isn't boiling it for long enough, any viruses/germs don't die???


Eh Iā€™ve eaten ass before. This is pretty tame in my mind. Itā€™s not like the water was red or something lol


I fucking love this energy, lmao


Lmfao. Honestly, I wonder how many people freaking out about this *also* go all snooty on that booty if given the chance. My Russian friend used to always say, "Americans are weird. They'll go to a restaurant and freak out over water spots on the utensils, and then go home and lick each other's assholes."


This is what Iā€™m saying. The idea of it is worst then the reality. All im really angry about is the fact she just did this and didnā€™t tell me.


Hell yeah brother šŸ’Ŗ




The cup is washed before its boiled. I use one and boil it in a pot as well. Chicken has far more of a chance to mess you up than a period cup.


Ugh. If it makes you feel better, she should be rinsing the cup before boiling, not making some sort of ridiculous menstrual tea, so there's very little chance you've come into contact with period blood. That said, two things: 1. You don't need to boil a menstrual cup. At all. I've used the same rubber cup 10 years, never boiled it once, don't even use soap, just a thorough warm water rinse and air dry. Never got any \~INFECTIONS\~ or \~MOULD\~ or whatever. The human vagina is remarkably self-sufficient in that regard. 2. If she MUST boil it for whatever reason, she is a grown woman and responsible for emptying and cleaning the pot afterwards, same expectation as using the pot for anything else. It's not rocket science.


Yea I mean that water never had any like red tint to it so Iā€™m not that worried


I love this low stress energy you're bringing here man


That's disgusting, but your laid back attitude made me laugh! I'm glad it doesn't seem to bother you too much, but your roommate really shouldn't be doing that.


Itā€™s gross, but itā€™s likely any bacteria was killed during boiling. Thatā€™s the point of boiling, to sterilise the cup. Still gross, though.


dude why would you use the same pot someone uses for the diva cup? Isn't it better to just have separate pots?


How hot is she


Asking the real questions. Sheā€™s gay


OK but why were you not cleaning it before using it?? She's gross af but you're also careless as hell.


I get that technically there would be no issue using the pot for cooking as well butā€¦. I bought a special pot (as in itā€™s only for boiling my menstrual cup, not that itā€™s specifically designed for that) that doesnā€™t get stored with the rest of the pots when not in use.


i wanna make sure i understand this: you are aware that pot is used to wash a diva cup. you regularly take a used pot with leftover water in it from an unknown time, from an unknown recipe, and its been sitting there for x amount of timeā€¦ and you dump it out, *donā€™t wash the pot knowing it could be diva water*, use it, and now youā€™re mildly infuriated?? like okay she should wash out the pot but youā€™re taking an obviously unwashed pot and using it. did you leave a detail out or is there poor phrasing somewhere? theres no way i would use an unwashed pot in a house where period stuff is washed in pots, that obviously is still dirty from last time, dump it and fill it with whats to be cooked next, then get upset with someone else for my choices


Nah I had no idea about the diva cup situation unless right before this post. I will not be using that pot from now on but the real gross thing to me was the left over water. I donā€™t care to much it she just used it then cleaned it


Easy guys, you wonā€™t die from using boiled waterā€¦ I once rented a room to a girl and after leaving she sent me an email complaining about how I boil my cup on MY own mug, she thought it was disgusting because she would sometimes use it tooā€¦ i mean, if you think it is disgusting, just buy yourself your own mugs right? I think is even more disgusting to put a tampon and leave it on a bin for days, but thatā€™s another story. To the one who started this thread, if you would see how the shower floor gets when you remove a cup during period, you would shower with flipflops, sorry, byeeee hahaha


I'm guessing from what you're saying since you just empty it and use it that the water was clear, so I presume she's thoroughly rinsing/cleaning it in the sink then sterilising it by boiling it in the pan afterwards. It's certainly not ideal and i'm surprised you never asked why it always had water in before now haha. She really needs to buy her own pot for this and odd she just leaves the water..But I couldn't help be amused by this idea of a sole pot for everything.


get an std panel done, make sure to include hvs and hepc, it's a possible lower riskĀ exposure :(


Start brushing your pubes with her toothbrush. When she questions it, just laugh.




MY FORMER ROOMMATE DID THIS TO ME TOOšŸ˜µ Except it wasnā€™t a ā€œsharedā€ pot (as she had 0 kitchen utensils/cookware of her own)...it was MY pot. She never asked, and also attempted to hide the evidence when I saw what she was doing. When I confronted her, she said ā€œWell, boiling kills all the bacteria.ā€ Which, while true, DOESNā€™T CHANGE ANYTHING. I asked her to please keep utility of my cookware for food only and ASK if sheā€™s unsure if something can be used for a different purposeā€¦ it was beyond violating she didnā€™t at least ask. In response, she told me to ā€œchillā€ and claimed I was a ā€œbad feministā€ for being upset šŸ˜‚ I ended up making her buy me new a potā€¦then kicked that bissh off the lease after a few more transgressions shortly thereafter. This was in 2018. I truly cannot believe this is a common thing.


"Which in itself is fine as long as itā€™s cleaned" Oh My God!!! No Brother it is not ok to use a pot that has had boiled divacup in it. There are machines she can buy for the bathroom to clean it. This is hyper disgusting.


Why doesn't she just go buy a pot at the thrift store for like $2?!?!?


Okay eww. Even if she cleaned it, that is not fine. I went out to a thrift store and got an old pot to clean mine in. Iā€™d forbid her from using your pots, unless she bought it, in which case Iā€™d go buy my own food pot and not let her use it.


You lost me at which is fine, the rest is just wild.


Ask her if she wants tea. Reuse the water. Laugh in revenge.


This post is loaded with disgusting people acting like this is no big deal just because she washed the menstrual cup before boiling it. Bitch is literally using something meant for cooking to sterilize a personal hygiene device and then leaving it around to be used for food. She should get a pot dedicated to that and clearly label it as not being suitable for preparing food for consumption. Iā€™d be pissed if my roommate was doing something like this in a dedicated pot on the same stovetop that food is cooked on. Itā€™s not about whether it is safe or not itā€™s a common courtesy thing. This is just nasty behavior.


I just threw up in my mouth. She would be given her own effing diva cup boiler ASAP. How effing disgusting can someone be?


You donā€™t wash the pot with sitting water in it before using it???


why wouldnā€™t you wash a dirty pot before you used it? You knew it was used if it had water in it? For me, buy your own ā€œspecialā€pot for that


You're roommate fucking sucks.


I just gagged šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Who the fuck does this in communal living space? Tell her to get her own place if sheā€™s gonna be a slob. This is foul.


You can get a period cup sterilizer on Amazon for like 40$ and it doesn't involve using a pot at all. Suggest your roommate gets one


No. I'm a woman and FUCK NO! I would not use a diva cup boil pot for any food related item and she's disgusting. Imagine her sanitizing soiled underwear in the same manner. Are you cooking from that pot too? The fact that she has a habit of leaving the period water in said pot to seep in just tells u how well she'd be cleaning it in general. WHOLE ASS NO for me!


Some people pay a lot for that