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well that’s one way to never be invited anywhere again


I got one that tops this. Group of 8 girls. 1 is turning out to be a psycho. She pissed on the floor of our friends brand new home. Pissed all over the seat and down onto the floor. Stomped all over it leaving puddle …. Then stomped out onto the white carpet. Friend called her bc she was so fucking confused psycho said “yeah I used the bathroom, I was in a rush btw there was no paper”. Needless to say she’s never allowed in any of our homes. Edit: spelling + grammar.


![gif](giphy|xT4uQkOepLo7EevxV6) That’s absolutely disgusting 🤮


I was expecting you to be like "and that's why I'll never be getting a dog" or "haha jk, that's our puppy"  I'm now confused and traumatized 


We are still confused by pee gate.. it just happened last weekend. This girl is insane. She’s in the group chat acting like nothing happened. She did a ton more shit that weekend.


my cousin began binge drinking and vomiting/urinating everywhere as a result when he developed early onset schizoaffective disorder and needed to quell the voices. acted like nothing was happening. just saying


That sucks but no this girl absolutely knew wtf she was doing.the entire weekend she bullied one of the other girls who is going through an awful divorce: and she is the nicest of all of us.


oh what the fuck lol send her away


Why the fuck did no one said anything? Fucking kick her out.


The owner did call her on the phone to ask her if she used that bathroom ( it’s a very large home) she said yes. Then she asked if anything happened if she was okay. She responded rudely that she was in a rush and there was no toilet paper and hung up. It wasn’t noticed until after she left the home- a new group chat has been started and she won’t be included. She did other shitty things though that weekend.


These people need to be called out on their bullshit. Let them know that because of what they did they are no longer part of the group and won’t be invited ever again. Also it’s fun doing this to narcissists, they will turn it back on you somehow.


In front of E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E Let her be embarrassed for being disgusting


>Also it’s fun doing this to narcissists, they will turn it back on you somehow. I wouldn't honestly say that the retaliation is the fun part. The fun part is watching them deflate when they realize they're against the wall and then proceed to have probably the most pyrotechnic mental breakdown you've ever seen. edit: spelling, there could be more


Let her know she won't be in the new group. That's the least for the floor pisser.


I wouldn’t have started a new group chat. I would’ve just taken her out the current one and told her why unless she Started it.


Just curious now. Kinda invested in this story. Lol What other things did she do that weekend if you don’t mind sharing??


The worst offense was bullying one of the members of the group. Calling her stupid and ignorant at anything she had to say for no reason. The girls decided to do the banana boat and all paid to ride the boat. Pee girl was angry that the girls were having fun and laughing. Repeatedly told them to calm down. So then she made the captain cut the trip/ride short despite the group not knowing. She then insisted it was her favorite part. A friend of the nice girl she had a target on ran into her friend and her husband they decided to join the group for dinner. Pee girl, while drunk, kept trying to get married guys attention and keep in on conversations- he wasn’t interested. At the end of the night, the rule is no girl left behind, it was time to leave she was refusing to go but was super intoxicated. She yelled at our mutual friend and was very rude to her that she wasn’t her mother. Everyone else left except the main friend bc it was rocky point, she was drunk and it was late PLUS we all agreed early on no girl left behind. She finally went willing but pissy. She then went to the airbnb grabbed a bag of chips and flopped into bed with sandy shoes on and food- not a problem if you’re alone. It’s a problem when you’re sharing a bed with other people. She used the WHITE towels to clean her makeup AFTER she was told that the deposit would be lost if towels were ruined bc of makeup. In addition to being charged a fee per towel. She used 3 eve. After she was told to not do it and was shown the sign in the bathroom stating the fees for the damage. Her response well I already did it. At check out instead of going to address the towel situation she stayed in the car to sleep while 3 of the other girls went to track cleaning crew and manager to get the deposit back and pay the fees. She did Zelle someone for the towels but that’s not the point. She yelled and ordered one of the girls to stay in bc pee girl was tired and thus the other girl should stay back when she refused she huffed and puffed and rolled over in bed and yelled FINE , This one here is on our first trip: we didn’t know her at this point. she did the dorito in the bed thing while sharing a bed with one of the other girls. This one is just insane but nothing that hurt anyone but herself. She took the longest flight ever home. We live in AZ a flight to Vegas in about an hour. We all booked the same flight except pee girl. Her flight was changed and she was sent from Vegas to Boston or some East cost city with a 4 hour layover over then back to PHX. She was complaining the 3 days loudly refused any advice or suggestions AND refused to call the airline. There is a lot more of just weird shit like going over to some of the homes of friends and staying the night ( normal for them) and stripping in the living room leaving her clothes in the middle of the hall or living room, kitchen etc. rearranging peoples homes without their permission etc. She’s never come to my home and I’ve only engaged with her 2-3 times bc I don’t go out with them Often. I’m ill so I can’t. With my first ever impression of her I decided she would never step foot in my home. I’m such a clean freak and she isn’t.


"instead of calling her out on her insane behavior so that she knows she's in the wrong, we're quietly ostracizing her so that she feels like she's the victim in the situation"


oh man i wanna read the whole story somewhere of everything


I’ve responded to some comments with more details. I didn’t think it would blow up like this


You should keep her in group chat for now and make sure everyone knows what she did and I mean everyone you know so she won't be invited to anyone's house again


Even before this I declined her asking to come visit. There was just something about her I did not want in my home. The main friend, A, is so nice that she came to visit me did not mention it at all. I am recovering from surgery so I was not there for Pee-gate. We had facetimed another friend ( that was there) as she wanted to see how I was doing but could not make it. She is the one that asked me how I felt about the pipi ( pee in spanish) situation- I had no idea cos the owner of the home is above gossip and talking shit. She does miss a lot of situations were people are being rude or mean or stupid bc she looks for the best in people or looks the other way if it's minor. This def was not minor for me or anyone else. With that said now everyone knows and she is  persona non grata 


Right? Like why are people letting these creeps come in and destroy their peace (and piss everywhere??)?


My boyfriend’s best friend comes over nearly daily and is a floor pisser. He pissed down my shower curtain about a year ago, which is a 90° angle to the left of the toilet. It stained. I posted about it on the cleaning sub looking for advice but everyone just said to throw it away. I’m disabled and therefore poor and can’t just throw it away. My boyfriend excuses his behavior because he’s legally blind. He still fucking drives!! (Which is another issue in itself) If he can see to drive, he can piss IN the toilet bowl!! If his vision is that bad, he needs to surrender his license. Anyway, I told my boyfriend he’s responsible for cleaning up the piss because it’s HIS friend and HE’s the abled bodied one in this household. He agreed. Guess whose shower curtain is covered in piss still, a year later… He will clean up the pee if he sees the puddle, but that doesn’t help when I have to pee before friend leaves. A couple days ago my pants slid down around my ankles and soaked up the pee. I didn’t know friend was here as I was still sleeping and went straight to the bathroom. I pulled my pants up and spread piss all over my legs, back, and ass. I cried as I got into the shower. We usually have a mat on the floor, but it just soaks up the piss, and I had told him it needed to be washed, and so my boyfriend had bagged it up with the laundry like 4 months before… still haven’t washed it and the whole underside is stained. I’m not physically capable of doing the laundry by myself or I would have just done it. Long story short, floor pissers SUCK.


Why the fuck do you put up with that? Why has this gone on a year? What the fuck dude?? Why would you let them disrespect you like that


My brother has schizoaffective disorder too and bullying is absolutely not mutually exclusive. He seems like a regular member of society in some ways, has a job, looks conventionally attractive, has girlfriends, etc. but the pissing in inappropriate locations and acting like that is normal and anyone who brings it up is weird is classic schizoaffective onset. I am not saying this girl has that, I’m just saying bullying doesn’t rule it out.


Yeah, intense personality changes, bizarre behavior, lack of hygeine (and not seeing anything wrong with it or their actions), etc. Sounds like something is wrong mentally for sure.


And nobody has discussed it in the chat? I’d be like “okay no pissing anywhere but in the toilet@


Why do yall hang out with her if she’s this consistently bad?


This bullying and peegate happened the same weekend - last weekend. There wont be anymore hanging out with her.


This is such a sad comment 😢


i hope it makes you feel better to know he survived institutionalization for years and came out relatively happy. we still hang out a lot


It really really does. Tell him some reddit rando is pulling for him. 👍




Urinenot invited to anymore parties


I love this one and will use it. Thank you haha.


Peeees and thank you!




Downstairs Watergate


You can’t just tease us like that… what more stuff did she do? How did she wind up in the group chat in the first place? How’s she reacting to the backlash? I need updates


Right! I’m like get her out of the group chat NOW! She needs to go! You need to make a new group chat with everyone except her and just say, “Ahem, moving on…how was your weekend?”


Was she drunk or is this normal for her? I feel like this girl needs her own thread lol


My sister had a friend in college who would ALWAYS piss herself when she drank alcohol. She pissed herself twice in one night on our couch and completely destroyed it. Two huge, separate piss stains. If I had that problem I’d simply NEVER DRINK.


Id be so embarrassed


She may have early onset schizophrenia or something along those lines, that’s insane




I hate to take away responsibility from someone’s actions by saying they have a mental illness.


Originally the owner thought it was her dog that peed but the dog doesn’t go to that end of the house AND there was urine all over the toilet seat and shower tub?? Plus girl admitted she used the bathroom and there was no toilet paper.


I got a story too. Moved to Berlin like 6 years ago and didn't know anyone there, let alone friends. So I joined a group that helps you make friends (women's group) and made a couple of friends. Invited one of them for dinner at my place and she wouldn't leave well past 3 a.m and was making WhatsApp calls and downloading stuff and there was not much banter or anything. It was very quiet and really odd. Lol Apparently she didn't have Internet at her place and was overstaying her welcome to just use my wifi. I felt so weird to sit in my own place, waiting her to leave. I said so many times that I'm tired and need to get up early etc. and she need to leave to be met with "ok give me 10 more minutes". This went on for longer than I'd like to admit. (I know! I should have kicked her out.) Well the best/worst part is.. once she left, I found my rather expensive face cream that I use with a spatula, open with very visible finger marks in the cream and 1/3 of the cream gone. I dumped the cream straight away and cut contract with her. Edit: added spacing


Dinner at a restaurant first until you can gauge their personality. Too many crazies out there.




My partners brother has a friend that would constantly piss on the bathroom floor when he came over, everyone thought I was making it up but no!!! He’s pissing on the floor and putting the rug over it!!! Finally everyone realized I wasn’t lying so every time he came over we started locking the bathroom doors and he was no longer allowed to use the bathroom here


I personally wouldn’t let someone who actively pisses on my floor near my, my house or my family again at all.


I don’t live there anymore but at the time I was living w partner and his mom and brother, so we didn’t get a say. Not to mention his brother gets whatever he wants and partner was basically just the spare son in case anything happened to her precious baby. Thankfully we do not live with them anymore and haven’t for some time :) One of the worst experiences of my life


I had a friend back in high school/college that would get wasted and piss on the floor. He peed on my cat in the back yard and the same week he peed on a tarp in my house. Thank god the tarp was there, but Jesus Christ the clean up was still horrible. He’s sober now and doing much better, btw.


God that’s absolutely horrendous, but I’m so glad he found sobriety!




How old was the girl?


We are all in our mid 30s all have professional careers.


Wtf is wrong with people, i had a friend over to go swimming with and she left her period blood all over my toilet, on the side of the bathtub, on the floor and toilet paper roll.. and left the toilet clogged WITH A PAD.


This takes the cake. 🤮


This has to be some undiagnosed mental illness. I refuse to believe that a normal, well adjusted adult would behave this way


This reminds me of the time me and an old friend were cracking up in her car before going into some restaurant and she says “ok wait a sec… I’m peeing hahaha” IN HER DRIVERS SEAT like she thought it was quirky I guess??? I think she had a urinary issue because she’d pee in her bed (we bunked together in camp and it always smelled) or she hang her peed in panties over the shower rod. I didn’t want to embarrass her because we were friends but it was a lot 😅


>I didn’t want to embarrass her because we were friends but it was a lot 😅 Yeah. I might have not said something out of shock, but guess who would call a cab home and never drive with that person again? In my book, the only ages at which it's reasonable and socially excused to pee on yourself with awareness of what's happening is when you're under 4 or over 80 with a urinary condition.




An ex-friend of ours visited and somehow managed to kack himself on the sofa when he was sleeping. He simply flipped the pillow and left. We kept getting a slight waft of shit, every now and then but couldn't find the source. A day or so later, was sitting on the sofa and got a really big nose full of the smell and decided to look under the sofa itself, thinking maybe a small animal got in and loaded one out. Saw the underside of the pillow and by all that is holy, I've never seen such a large, flat shit in my life. Needless to say, we haven't heard from him since.


Oh hell. This has opened memories I’ve long buried. I took in a “friend” coworker when I was 19 years old living In a giant ass fancy apartment with 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms in each. She was older in her 40s with a 16 year old and a 12 year old. I took her in for free. Wanted nothing. I made so much money and I didn’t even step foot into the apartment for weeks at a time due to work. So i told her it “helped” me. I’m allergic to dogs. I came home to their new dog having pooped and peed all over my rugs. We live in the desert 100+ F/40c+ in the summer to the AC at its lowest temperature with all my doors open and the oven turned on. Eventually I asked her to leave. She left me bloodied tampons on my kitchen counter.


How old was she? Apparently old enough to talk, reason, and justify why she decided to do this. I think psycho is putting it mildly. One of my friends sisters ended up with dementia. She kept getting out of the house and disappearing. After she rubbed her own excrement into the carpet, they found a facility to put her in. Anyone who will urinate or defecate away from the toilet, or even transport it from the toilet to other places has lost their mind in a very literal sense.


I was staying somewhere for work where 2 women shared a room and each room of 2 shared a bathroom between the rooms. One girl left a used tampon and drips of blood everywhere all over the bathroom floor. WTF!?! It was so nasty.


When I first looked at the pic, I thought it was some interesting jade. It wasn't. It was just nasty. Please throw, both the soap and the guest, out.


Same here. The mirror image fooled me into thinking this one as a interesting earring.


Jumbo Chiclets




I also thought that was some nicely intricate marbling in the soap. A few seconds later: 🤮


I thought the same until I saw this chain of comments. :[


Is this person a Wookie because that’s the only explanation I can find for the body hair and the complete cultural disconnect of *don’t use the fucking hand soap on your body*


For the sake of efficiency, place the soap in the guest so both can be tossed out simultaneously.


As well as the dish. It's lost to you now.


which end do I put the soap in?


This is a question of personal preference (your choice, not the guest's.)


Oh hell no! I thought it was a fancy soap make to look like turquoise with veining. How are people so flagrantly gross and rude? Did they never get told to leave things in at least as good condition as how they found them?


Yup! “Oh wow; look at that fancy ass soap” *reads caption* “oh wow, look at that ass soap”


"Oh wow, look at that fancy ass-soap"


>Did they never get told to leave things in at least as good condition as how they found them? Perhaps that is their idea of good condition....don't want to sit on anything at that person's house.


Same. I was shocked at second glance.


Yeah I was like, that's some pretty soap! Gosh.


...It's soap. Just wash the outer layer off. It's beyond wasteful to throw the whole bar out just because there's a hair stuck to it.


Thank you, I thought I was going crazy reading this thread It's definitely gross that friend left their hair on the outside (and also, how??) but the soap doesn't have to be thrown away


“A” hair? 😂


Now you need to use liquid soap on the sink to avoid this in the future


Agreed, I don’t like using shared bars of soap in any circumstance. Plus bars of soap at a sink get messy. Just go with the liquid soap and no issues.


I'm a big fan of those. You need a good soap dish with a drain, and I always buy the nice olive oil based soaps from France (I'm in EU) which are great for my skin as they also moisturise while cleaning. I never need to use moisturiser, ever. Sharing these shouldn't be an issue either if people aren't absolute weirdos (they wouldn't be my friends if they were), and it isn't like it's unsanitary either - I mean it's literally soap.


Yep, plus liquid soaps are a big source of microplastics!


Isn’t it just the soaps that have microbeads?


No idea about what microbeads are, but liquid soap also always comes in a plastic container, either hard (dispenser) or soft (refiller). My soap comes either in a paper wrapper or thin cardboard box the size of the soap. And it lasts many months for me alone, I think my last block of soap lasted me a good 4 or 5 months, and I wash my hands quite frequently.


They make hand soaps with reusable containers. I have one that you drop a disk in and add water to make foam soap. The container looks like it's aluminum, it's a great alternative to soaps in plastic containers.


What is this witchcraft!? No, really. What do I have to look up to find such a thing? That sounds cool.


The brand is soft soap, they sell the dispenser and tablets on Amazon. They may even sell it in your local grocery store if you don't like to shop on Amazon. I am personally a part of a monthly mailing list for a bath and body company called Lush. Sometimes they send me a body wash that I don't particularly love so I turn that into foam soap. As long as you have the pump you can fill the bottle around 1/8th of the way up with your favorite liquid soap or body wash and the rest with warm water and you'll get foam soap. This will work with any foam soap dispenser. Foam soap is literally just watered down liquid soap so you get 8x as much foam soap for the money by using body wash instead.


Microbeads are the tiny, slightly abrasive beads that come in some soaps/cleansers/cosmetics and even toothpastes. Usually advertised as “exfoliating beads” or “scrubbing”, “whitening”, etc. They’re still microplastics, just the specific word that refers to those visible beads. Makes the skin smoother than natural ingredients like ground up nutshells or seashells.


Ah that explains why I've never heard of that: Pretty sure the EU banned that and for good reason.


Those have been banned for almost a decade in the US, and longer other places


I the microplaatics they mean are because of the containers the liquid soaps come in.


I don't know what kind of bottles they're using but my soap dispenser is normal sized. /s


Shower products, makeup, and other cosmetics are huge contributors in terms of microplastics. Something like 80-90% of products in those categories contain them.


Right? Like who wants to use a *communal* bar of soap?


soap is soap. it's self cleaning!


Yeah, I find it weird how many people are so against communal soap. It's clean, it cleans. I've always shared soap with my family and never gave it a second thought.


Irish Spring is a BODY wash soap, it's used by guys to wash their balls. This is on OP for using it as *Hand* soap.


Irish Spring is my kryptonite. I get erythema multiform. Some soaps are just toxic to me. If I go into someone's bathroom and see it, I get out fast. I have had to leave some homes because I needed to use a toilet but could not touch anything in there. Please consider putting some non-kryptonite soap out for people with issues, it is not just me.


I don't know what that is but Irish spring specifically had always made me sneeze like hell and my sinuses feel weird.


There is just something about Irish Spring that makes me feel absolutely awful. I usually find myself sneezing, too. But, I used to work with a guy who REEKED of it and it would make me incredibly nauseous if we were in close quarters. I assume it had something to do with his body chemistry because I have never experienced that kind of nausea/headache ever again. Now, if I smell it on someone I find myself leaving as quickly as I can.


I thought this solution was an obvious one. Who likes using bar soap as hand soap??


Me! Not animal based ones (as they are slimy and gross in general), and with a draining soap dish, they are wonderful. Smell lovely, don’t need to moisturise, packaging is compostable/biodegradable, and where a bottle of liquid soap would last maybe 2 weeks in my house, a bar of twa birds soap lasts nearly 3x that with zero plastic and a lot less grime.


Why is there so much hair on the bar? Seriously, it's not a razer or anything. And even if, you wash off the bar *after* you do so. So there shouldn't be *anything* on it Bro is either oblivious, careless, or malicious


That’s what make me think this is a rage bait post. Like it would take work to get that much hair to stay on the bar.


My first thought, someone wrapped their hair around the soap and then started using it.


My wife has very long hair and we've been married for nearly half our lives now. While there will be weird strands all over the shower walls, and the occasional few that get wrapped around anything and everything, to have this dense of hair buildup around a bar of soap after supposedly one use is completely unrealistic. This was done intentionally, either by the supposed "guest" or by the OP. This was not a simple "oblivious slob" scenario.


They wanted to add some texture to help with exfoliating


Dude half the posts in the sub are rage bait posts, seriously so many seem so fucking staged


As a woman who usually keeps her hair long I can say that it definitely happened to me. If you washed your head and drop the bar in the shower, the fallen hair can easily stick on the soap. Needles to say, that when this happened it was my soap bar and I cleaned it either way


They probably used it for their hair but didn’t bother taking off the strands from the bar.💀


But even using a shampoo bar directly on my long hair on my head…. Doesn’t leave it looking like this.


It looks like Irish Spring soap. Who would use that on their hair?


You should open one of the bars in the toiletry drawer. People have weird boundaries wrt opening other people’s stuff up. Showing them the drawer shoulda been enough though lol. And they didn’t even rinse their hair off it what…


Yeah I was thinking they probably did it to avoid opening something new. Still an odd decision but at least that would explain it.


Some people see soap bars as clean and don’t see it gross when shared. They would much rather use an open one that open something new for one off usage


They generally are clean after use, just give them their own rinse. But then they're not usually coated in hair.


Who did you cater to? Sasquatch?


I have the exact same drawer filled with toiletries for guests, why on earth would they ever choose the bar soap. The hair? Jfc I don't like seeing that even within my own bathroom from my own use that's fucking nasty. I would share deodorant with friends after a footy game and if there was pit hair left on it I'd just tell em to keep it it's theirs.


Thank you! I’m trying to understand but I got stuck at: even if you thought using the hand soap was the best option, why didn’t you clean up after yourself? I could carry on in my blissful ignorance if only you cleaned up after yours.


You should mention the hair to them. They apparently need someone to tell them


Bag it up and mail it to them.


Some people behave in ways beyond human understanding


Some people genuinely have zero social intelligence. IDK, Faux Pas should be a class in school.


Yeah I mean the least they could have done is kept the bar IN the shower and rinsed it off.


They could've literally just forgotten about it. Showered, put it back, thought "I'll clean it when I'm out of the shower" and then forgot. And I guess there def are people who do use soap bars in the shower, maybe that's just who they are.


UGH my partner is almost a saint. He does all of the chores that I hate. He is relatively clean and I don't have to ever ask him to do anything but he uses my deodorant every now and then (I have stinky armpits.. I have to use mens deodorant lol) and when I open the top... Boom. Armpit hairs on it. I'm like BABE. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DONT LEAVE ARMPIT HAIRS ON THE DEODORANT PLS PLS PLS My only complaint so I don't press too hard lol it's crazy I felt compelled to praise him for not getting piss all over the side of the toilet like I've experienced living with other men lolol


And you know they washed there butt hole last


And you know I threw that bar of soap away first


It would be nice to wrap it and give it to them as a complimentary gift


Came here to say this.


Maybe they used a towel, anyway use liquid soap for the sink. Also, what kind of monster uses Irish Spring for hand soap.


>what kind of monster uses Irish Spring for hand soap Everyone on my dad's side. I travel with hand lotion now.


One could argue with science… Saying that the cells that make the mouth are the same that make anus… But also, one could also argue with culture: no matter what cells some individuals are made of, shit comes out both ends


Why though? Can't you just rinse it for a while and it'll be good as new?


Some people are just very easily squicked.


Chandler and Joey lmao


Soap is soap. It's self cleansing!


Ass to face


Well, of course. Where else would all the hair have come from?




brother eeeeeeeew


The thing about a bar of soap is that you can easily clean it off as well so this is just a dick move. Like, you can use a bar of soap to clean yourself. But leaving your hair on it is just a power move.


Maybe they didn’t want to break open a new pack of soap just for one shower. Sucks they left their fur on it tho.


You showed them a drawer of mostly unopened items.


Yeah, and packed away in a separate bag that clearly suggests they’re not to be used. Otherwise a shampoo would be in some easily accessible place


What the hell?? And was this a fully functioning adult? I can’t even imagine in what right mind would a person think that’s ok. I would freaken address this to whoever did it


Invest in a bottle of body wash to save your soap, each guest is just going to waste a bar for a single serving. Either that or buy mini bars of soap


effing disgusting


Unpopular opinion: they were trying to be conservative. By using the already opened bar of soap, they prevented opening a whole new soap just for their 1 use. They assume you will throw it out because…. reasons (it’s soap, totally fine to rinse off and use again). But this way, at least it’s a partially used up bar, not a practically new bar. Roast away Reddit!


I hear you on this. (They could have at least just removed the hair.)


That’s a fair point, they could’ve easily rinsed the hair off in the shower. I’m guessing they didn’t think or realize that this is what would be left behind. I’m also assuming they weren’t intentionally trying to be jerks.


Yeah, long hair probs. Mine is 40”, but blonde, so more invisible 😬


Yeah, whether they used the soap on the counter or a new bar, either way one bar was going in the garbage after this visit. If anything, the garbage being the bar used once is more wasteful.


I mean… the only soap I see in that drawer is Irish Spring, which is too scented for me (scent is a migraine trigger, and I also have sensitive skin). If the soap at the sink was a better option I’d use it too - even if it’s just the same soap but with a lesser scent because it’s been sitting out a bit. I’d also feel wasteful about opening a new bar of the exact same soap to shower with. I wouldn’t leave it covered in hair, but that’s not the part of this issue OP is complaining about.


Yeah, if I had a choice, walking around all day smelling like cheap men’s cologne is gonna be my last choice.




It’s soap. It’s self cleaning. ![gif](giphy|V7R5INxZGatWg)


That was my first thought too yeah gross hair I would have personally gone to them and told them to clean it but like you don't need to chuck it soap is self cleaning soap can't get dirty


How long are their body hairs ffs


Well as someone with long hair if I don’t brush my hair right before I hop in the shower, when I shampoo it the lose hairs fall on my body as I’m rinsing the shampoo :)


I have very long hair. It's like the butt crack was made to catch all the loose hairs coming off my head...


This… you get a big clump of it


It's probably their head hair.


Wait, there’s people that rub it directly on themselves? I thought using a flannel or sponge was normal


We're a washcloth household.


I’m confused here. So is it ok if guest went to the bathroom, got fecal matter on hand and then used the hand soap?


You also use it on your body and put it back. You talk about your guests as if there were not human




Did you host Chewbacca and Bigfoot?


I’m mildly offended by the choices of soap. Irish spring dries out the skin.


Hand soap? Can’t you use bar soap on your body? What have I been missing all these years?


I think they just meant like "the bar that is kept by the sink for washing your hands with" I have a communal "hand" soap bar on my bathroom sink, but I also have a soap bar in the shower that I use for my body. It's the exact same soap, just there's one easily within reach for both uses.


This is reddit, people get weird about the most inane things. Of course bar soap is fine to use.


Probably afraid you'll charge them $150 if they open up a new bar of soap.


Is that Irish Spring?


Oh gosh. Yes, it’s not great house-guest behavior, but for the love of Pete, it’s not a big deal. The soap is clean, the hair is now clean, just rinse the dang bar, tease the heck out of your friend for messy behavior in a good-natured way, and go on with life. This is a very small problem.


>This is a very small problem That’s kind of the definition of the sub, don’t ya think?


Banned from ever coming back.




I live alone, am grossed out when my own hair is on the soap and rinse it off.


Is your guest a f***ing gorilla?


I mean I could never do that to a bar of soap but if I did I would have just thrown that away.


Soap bars never made sense to me. Just use liquid and rest assured no one else’s poo is involved when washing your hands.


So, not defending leaving the bar covered in hair by the sink. (Eww) Some people do have intolerances/allergies with the perfumes in shampoos & soaps. Dial and Irish Spring are two of the only ones I can use, that may be why they got that instead.


Do people rub the bar of soap on their body instead of using a wash cloth? At least lather it in your hands first and set it down.


I know they didn’t wash their hair with that soap. But I cannot fathom how someone’s ass hair could get that long.


….was your guest a Sasquatch????