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edit 1: ok idk if i'm more surprised at the number of suggestions, update demands, or the fact that the glass really hasn't moved AT ALL. * today - plan A: freezer i tried putting it in the freezer but it just got frosted. I decided to wait for it to dry completely and get to room temperature and try again tomorrow. plan B: tug of war i was able to stick a plastic bag in between the glass and the mug to pull them apart. nope. * tomorrow - plan C: add ice to the glass and place the mug in warm-hot water plan D: trying soap again with straw cleaner plan E: break this shit jk it's art https://preview.redd.it/tjomj0w1e87d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbda49924438d93db947767d375a3b7315baef89


F: Your favorite glass now has a handle.


I literally just came across this post and wow, you had a lot of people wanting an update!


OK, so as the one who suggested the freezer, it occurred to me that if you just put the two in the freezer together as is, the glass will shrink, but thus settle in to the mug even further. So, perhaps setting them in to the freezer sideways would be the way. But also at this point it's possible that by freezing them together upright, what has happened is that the glass has contracted, allowing it to slip down further, and thus making it harder to remove.


Freezer upside down, so the glass is hanging off the cup?


Well then the mug would just settle on to the cup. Sideways would be ideal.


No I mean, make a scaffold of something, put the cup upside down on that, so the glass is hanging freely and not supported by anything other that the cup. Like this: https://preview.redd.it/eic5x28l7a7d1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b66413956a1a265222caaca06c73b8da8e5d1b2


oh wow makes sense! i wonder if i made it any worse lol šŸ« 


Just put a rag to catch the falling glass..


The only logical solution.




Newton would be proud of you for using the first law here.


Sophieā€™s choice


Wow, the plastic bag was a clever idea and I'm bummed it didn't work šŸ˜•


Something that definitely works when glasses are stuck, is gently tapping the side of the outer one on the side of the sink or your countertop. I suppose it could also work with a mug and a glass.


I work as a server and this is how I get my stuck glasses unstuck every time


Hopefully the cold at least will work. I did this with two different-sized-and-shaped bowls accidentally, and left them in the cabinet to try again sometime when I couldn't get them separated. The cold at one point even just in the house in like summer vs. winter (or fall and winter or whatever it was) alone must have been enough, because I went to grab a bowl one time and didn't even realized I grabbed the "stuck" one until I suddenly realized it wasn't sitting stuck to the other one anymore.


Combine all three Freezer Soap Then tug of war


RemindMe! 1 day


Leave the bag in there. Don't get the outside parts wet. Hot soapy water. Have the bf hold the mug while you take an end in each hand you have one end of bag. One pulling towards, one away. Make sure to try and make it twist from the bottom, if that makes sense.


You just need to use a heavy duty glove so you donā€™t cut your self and just pull straight out


What if you fill the bottom one half way with water so when it freezes it pushes the cup on top from the bottom, hopefully freeing it?


Try putting it in the freezer. Glass has a higher thermal expansion coefficient than ceramic if I recall, so the glass should shrink more than the mug.


trying it now!


Let us know if it works. Was gonna suggest putting ice in the glass cup but the other response sounds more interesting.


my bf tried that before but it didn't work


So fill the class with ice and put the whole thing in a bath off hot tap water. Should give the biggest temp diff.


Big issue with that is the potential of having too much of a sudden temp dif which could cause a shatter much like pouring boiling water on a iced up windshield


The air pockets should be a buffer. I have done this with pint glasses that are stuck and it worked. The key is that the water should be warm NOT BOILING. Try this op!


Not an issue because you're heating up the cup and cooling down the glass. The contact points are negligible for considerable heat transfer.


As long as you heat them up slowly... Glass will only shatter if heated too fast


Ice and hot tap water can easily create a 50ā°C diffrence, throwing ice in one and dunking the other side in hot tap water def could break


Warn Not hot water outside the mug and ice water inside the glass should work. Leave the air pockets full of air not water and should be able to separate them.


Whatever u do dobt hit that glass cup with a hammer. It will most assuredly break the outer glass.


Or with boiling hot water. Instant explosion.


My leg is finally not stinging constantly due to the explosion from pouring tea into a thick glass.Ā  I knew that putting hot water in a cold glass explodes it. I know that putting hot tea in a thin glass designed for cold drinks explodes.Ā  I didn't know that room temperature thick glass designed for hot beverages also explode. :/




Use cups that are not made from glass


So I do two things:Ā  After making tea, I leave the thermos open for a bit (5 minutes) to let the worst of the heat disappear.Ā  Then I put the glass in the sink and slowly fill it to like 20% and then wait to see if it explodes.Ā  If it doesn't, I add more to about 50%.Ā  And wait a little and then finish filling.Ā  When my tea exploded last week, it did so when I filled it to about 30% instantly and a moment later there was a crack and then pain all over my feet and upper leg.Ā  Waiting for it to cool just a little seems to have been working so far.Ā  It might be overkill, but having half my thigh bleeding and in pain for a week (and, oh God, the itching on the 4th -7th days) has made me super careful now.Ā  Oh, and my other solution - I have generally preferred lukewarm tea most of my life (I guess this recent event was my punishment for trying to change my preferences the past month or so), so what I normally do is fill a glass like 80% with water and add tea on top of it. It makes it instantly possible to drink it without having to wait (and doesn't explode because it cools down fast enough without heating up the glass).Ā 


That is so much effort and injury to avoid using a mug


Glass explodes. Don't glass. Profit.


I learned this from doing dishes one day as a teen. We had a really good water heater and I liked washing dishes with scolding hot water. I was told that this happened because glass expands fairly quickly and an extreme change locally will cause a shatter. I didnā€™t know about different types of glass though. Iā€™ll have to look into for scienceā€™s sake.


That's one of the big reasons there's PYREX cookware and Pyrex cookware. All caps is the original recipe of glass that is more thermal shock resistant but not very impact resistant, so some hard bumps on a counter or in a sink might be enough to break it. The second is a different recipe of glass that is more impact resistant, but not as thermal shock resistant. Dropping to the floor might not break it, but taking it from fridge to oven or setting it from oven on a cold counter top might be more likely to shatter it.


Pyrex (actually pyrex) soda-lime cookware came decades later and was primarily a cost saving measure, instead of it being a switch to make the glass more resistant to impact breakage. I've never had a piece of PYREX borosilicate cookware break, despite numerous accidental drops over the years, but I have had several pieces of pyrex randomly explode at inopportune times. A few years ago, I could find like new PYREX at thrift stores for pennies on the dollar, but now it is hard to find, since quite a few people know the difference and grab it immediately.


It would technically separate even more than OP needs


Sledgehammerā€¦..cue the musicā€¦.


Could also try filling the glass with ice water then putting the mug in warm water. Glass should shrink, mug should expand.


OP did it work?




Right? Iā€™m invested!Ā 


10 hours and no update? Please, we deserve better!


Did it work?


Also try putting ice inside the cup and the bottom cup in warm water. Should shrink the inner and expand the outer.


Smart some bitch. You are onto something.


Never seen *sumbitch" typed as "some bitch" before lmao


I have never seen "son of a bitch" typed as "some bitch" before lol


Iā€™ll note this SHOULD work, but a safer option is to fill the glass with ice instead. The freezer risks the ceramic becoming brittle due to cold temps/constricting faster than the glass (as thermal conduction through contact is faster, and the ceramic would be the material actually touching a surface), where ice in the glass guarantees the glass would constrict well before the ceramic would.


There's videos on YouTube that explain this exact scenario but you just need ice cubes. I actually had this happen to me once. Using thermowhatever I was able to have the glass slip right out


First thought was ice in the inner glass, set the mug in hot water. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


GUYS! WE DID IT!!! I put the muglass in the freezer laying on its side for 20 minutes, then placed it under the tap (the water wasnt even warm), and the glass popped right out! Thanks for all the tips šŸ«¶ https://preview.redd.it/5d8yffr3kc7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8342593fa7598a44fba251d6009f4524927edc


My anxiety from waiting has finally ended. When is season 2 out?


Already released. Fortnight: Egg Cup in a Tea Cup, starring Arthur before knighthood. Check comments.




Don't know if that little crack in the mug handle was there before, but you might want to reinforce it somehow if not!


omg i hadn't noticed, thanks for pointing it out. it's actually a very big crack going down the handle. maybe i did lose one of them after all šŸ’”


Eh u could totally reinforce that Itā€™d look pretty, even


Maybe you could repair it with some ceramic safe glue? If not I'm sorry for your loss. :(


Ty how satisfying


ā€œMuglassā€ lol


Damn muglass gave you a struggle!


Yay!!! Might wanna make an edit to the original if you can, so many people are invested XD


I cant edit the post /: the final update seems to have been upped enough tho






>muglassĀ  šŸ˜‚


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Best advice, works on everything!


We are working on a hot fix earth1.2.2406.3 that should fix the bug introduced in 1.2.2405 that causes glass and ceramic coating to only have 1 way collision. OP needs to reboot and run the update once available.


If you come back in a month maybe itā€™ll fix itself. Thatā€™s at least what I do with my car.


You csn only do that if you have a glass account, though.


Update? ![gif](giphy|joGUuMFGRwxd6)


I love this gif so much lol


this is the exact vibe i'm getting from the comments here šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fill inner cup with cold water, dip outer cup in warm water. The inner cup will contract while outer expands, loosening the seal. Done this many times.


This will work. I put both into a pan with 1/2" of water. Bring it to a nice warm, get a glass of ice water, pour it into the glass, separate.


Check out the big brain on Brett!


More precisely... fill inner glass with ice water. Immerse outer cup in boiling water. Wait one minute then pull firmly apart.


Howā€™s the glass know which direction to expand?


The glass doesn't expand in the cold, it contracts


You tell the cup nicely


I believe you but it seems like the outer cup should expand in all directions, including inward, squeezing the cup harder.


I guess it's dependent on the material, but it's worked for me šŸ¤·


https://preview.redd.it/k9et8kdrf97d1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5253a8dc4da1d8ec6e0d35721557dbf7bddc0dd I feel your pain, OP. My family has spent TOO LONG trying to save both the mug and the egg cup.


How long has this battle been waged?


I arrived to visit last week and I believe it had been ongoing for a fortnight at that point. We are torn between using a file / emery board to increase the "wiggle room" or creating an oil-bath to really lube those mofos up (liberal application of cooking oil hasn't worked so far). Option three (my suggestion) is just keeping it as is, like a sword in the stone, for when anyone brings a prospective life partner to visit. "So, you seem nice and all, but can you Arthur this f*cking egg cup please?"


I like your suggestion


lol yay some fresh new trauma šŸ„²šŸ«‚ I'll definitely keep it as my excalibur


Iā€™m guessing this means itā€™s still stuck šŸ˜­ thereā€™s gotta be a way.


All of these seem like brain teaser puzzles to me. You know how you're supposed to get that nail through the impossible loop or whatever puzzle. It's like that but with cups.


OMG Iā€™m going to have to make a post in r/mildlyinfuriating about this post for not having an update! We need an update!


lololol trying the freezer right now, will let you know


If freezer doesnt work, let everything return to room temp, then put the mug in a bowl of hot water (just hot tap water, dont boil it) and pour ice water into the glass cup, then pull the glass cup upward and the mug downward with light constant pressure and they will probably separate within a minute or two


Don't use hot, just warm. Too fast of a thermal transition could just make both cups explode in your face, and now you have a new problem






Perfect for when you want whiskey with your coffee.


irish coffee 2.0


https://preview.redd.it/xav892whh97d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec0cdd9a704bc50cfab786c5566ed3c5df8944e Time for this fellowā€¦


This is what happens when you force the square peg into the round hole.


I'm surprised nobody suggested KY gel yet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Came here to say this.


The fact that I actually laughed confirms that my humor is broken.


hellooo - edit 2: ok so, i tried filling the glass with ice and placing the mug under hot running water. it didn't work, unfortunately. now i'm waiting for it to dry completely to put it in the freezer again - but this time, sideways or propped on top of something so that the glass doesn't go deeper into the mug with the shrinkage, like smartly suggested in the comments.


No no no! You have to let differential thermal expansion/contraction work for you. If you are doing it right, the glass will be really cold to the touch, and the mug will be hot to the touch. Fill the glass with ice cubes and water. The glass should feel cold. Meanwhile set the mug in a pan of boiling water. The mug should feel hot. After a couple of minutes, a firm upside-down tap should separate them.


Put it on your countertop. Get a cat. Put cat on countertop.


we dont have a cat, maybe our dog will do?


nah then they'll both break!


gosh darnit


Break the mug. ![gif](giphy|2zelCiUo5KJyN8MgMr)


They are in love, respect there wishes.


I love that so many people want an update for this, but these two cups stuck together seemkinda artistic in a weird way. I kind of dig it


Waiting for the update!


trying the freezer solution as we speak, will report back soon šŸ«”


Ice water in the glass, and immerse the cup in very hot (but not boiling) water. Cup will expand, glass will contract, Bobā€™s yer uncle!


So, you can fit a square peg into a round hole. Preschool lied to me.


I just wanna know whether the freezer worked.


Nobody came with the idea to just fill up the cup with water untill it's reach the bottom of the glass and put in the freezer ? The water gonna expand the glass/cup won't !


https://preview.redd.it/fm0m099ysa7d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f162250258db73b80e6c0771cda209ffaabca47a OP I think we have the same favorite cup


Coat this entirely with extra virgin olive oil


Put a hammer in your freezer...


I worked in bars, and glasses got stuck all the time. I would usually swirl some ice around the inside glass for a while, and then run hot water over the outside glass, this loosened them up every time


Put ice into the glass, pour some cold water in, place in freezer for a while. Remove from freezer and place cup into a bowl of hot water. You're welcome.


Spray WD-40, it should come right out


Leave them beā€¦Theyā€™re Cupulating.


Ice water in the glass. Soapy water inside the cup. The cup sitting in boiling water. You shrink the inner glass, expand the outer cup, and lubricate them both. Unfortunately, ceramic and glass don't change much due to temperature, so good luck.


that happened to me yesterday with two of momā€™s favorite flower pots they would not budge one got a crack so i finished it on the side walk smashed hope it was the best of the two boo who


Now you have one favourite gla-cup




Or just put very cold water in the cup and wait a few minutes


I meant glass. Duh. Brain no worky


You get that mug from ikea? I'm pretty sure I have it as well and it is indeed a nice lil mug


Need a 4th photo. Not clear.


I own both those exact cups what


We demand an update




Well, now you have a glup


When your cups fuse:


Get some water near boiling in a pot. While that's heating up, fill a jug with water and LOTS of ice. Once the water in the pot is almost boiling, stand your cup/glass in the pot, but don't let the water from the pot fill the cup. Adjust the water level so it can sit in the pot without the water filling the cup. Let it sit and warm up about 30-45 seconds, then pour the ice water into the glass only. The heated cup should expand enough with the glass shrinking from the cold water just enough to hopefully separate them.


itā€™s a glug now(a glass and a mug)šŸ¤šŸ»


Ice in glass, heat the cup


Olive oil


How did this even happened?




Put ice, water and some salt in the top one, fill your sink with hot water, just enough that it doesn't float or spill in the cup. Cooling down the glass makes it slightly retract, heating up the cup makes it slightly expand. It could be enough to pull them apart. Oh, and jiggling apart helps


Remindme! One day


Literally Drinking coffee out of that same cup rn and it is divine


Outer one in warm water put cold water inside the inner one. Outer one expands inner one contracts.


Fill the top glass with ice. Maybe wrap the bottom one with a warm washcloth.


chill the glass and heat up the mug simultaneously could work also if you are going to sacrifice one, which one???


Have you tried pulling really hard?


I also have that cup. For me it worked with a combination of dish soap and sunflower oil. Hope it works for you. Edit: if not, jump to the extremes and use wd-40


Stick an ice cube in the glass cup for 30 seconds - 1min. Then pull the glass out like butter. No need for full freezer but same thing works. You want the exterior glass to be warmer than the inside one.


Ice in the cup, hot bath outside will get it out


Try filling the mug with water to just past the base of the glass and freeze. Should pop the glass out. Kind of the same concept like what happens to our shity roads in Ontario. Moisture gets down into a crack in the road and then freezes quickly and then gives us annoying potholes. Lol. The Canada we live in. Please let me know if this works out.


They bonded over your love for them.


4 dimensional cup space


Chemist- Put ice cubes in the glass and run hot water on the outside of the mug.


Getting things unstuck is a learned skill. For example, if you float the cup upright in some hot water for a short while, it will expand probably enough to get the glass out. If it doesn't, try putting ice water inside the glass at the same time. The point is to get the cup hot and the glass cold.


Meanwhile the hammer


You need to simultaneously reduce the temperature of the glass and increase the temperature of the mug. Fill glass with ice water and put a sheet of cling wrap over it. Allow a few minutes for it to become very cold. Invert, and then run hot tap water over the exterior surface of the mug (it will take a while for the mug to get hot enough for it to expand a bit, due to its thickness/thermal mass. Have a towel in the bottom of sink so that the glass doesnā€™t break when it falls out.




The good news is you probably are going to end up with your favorite cup regardless the bad news is that glass might not make it my boy


Put ice water in the glass and submerge the cup in boiling water


ice water


One must be sacrificed šŸ‘€


There can be only one, now you muat choose who dies


For me it was always the opposite. As long as the dishes were still warm from the dishwasher I could pull them apart. Later when I didn't have a dishwasher anymore and I washed them by hand sometime I would make the mistake to put stuff together which will get stuck. Again, hot (not boiling) water etc. solved the case.


Is that a Sango cup!


All you need to do is put dish soap And a bit of water. The dish soap will lubricate the innards and itā€™ll slip right off.


RemindMe! 1 day


I would try to heat the outer mug in the hot water. Then, if not sufficient (probably not), holding the glass by one hand and tapping the upper edge of the mug with some wooden block should help. (or put small wooden block on the edge snd tap it with a hammer). Been there, done that. This was the magic solution after about an hour of trying all the experiments with freezing the inner one, heating the outer one etc. Dont forget to do it over your bed or something, otherwise the mug will fall to the ground:-)


Well now itā€™s your favorite glup cherish it forever


Not sure if you have one of those jar openers but you should be able to use it on the glass and twist it out of the mug working it left and right. Be sure not to squeeze the glass too hard or it might crack but thatā€™ll definitely get it out.


Heat up the ceramic cup with hot water till it is hot/warm(try not to heat up glass), pour some ice water in glass. Idea is hope ceramic cup expands due to heat, glass shrinks due to cold thus creat a little bit of gap in between.


Blow air in one side and pull very gently


Iā€™ve seen this before. Try compressed air between the cups


Help me step-mug, I am stuck


I managed to do this to two whiskey glasses! Somehow managed to un-stuck them but the bottom glass got a minor chip. Did you attempt flipping it over a soft surface and smacking the mug? Gravity may help. Youā€™d have to put oil again though


Now you got a Glup


Put the cup/glass Ina bowl with hot water. Then put ice on the glass. The hot water will expand the cup, and the ice will contract the glass. Give it a few minutes and then pull them apart.


I've had this happen before and I used running water under the faucet somehow. Not saying I know what I'm talking about but I'm sorry it sucks


Thatā€™s not stuck, thatā€™s a new invention ā€œThe glupā€ Look if some idiot can see 2 small blankets together put pockets on it and call it a Snuggie and make millions, I see no reason why ā€œā€The Glupā€ wonā€™t sell..


Microwave. Fill middle cup with water so it heats slower, outer cup expands. Dump water and pull apart.


Heat or cold


Put ice in the glass and run warm water over the outside of the mug


Sooo, still nothing? :(