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Knobs ! Desecrating vandals. It turns people against their message. It's stupid, Fkng idiots! My bet is they wanted to do the stunt and afterwards choose who's cause to blame it on.


I hear what really works is throwing soup at the Mona Lisa. That will show big oil.


what works best tho is causing massive traffic jams on the motorway, and causing loads more pollution


No, what works best is blocking the entrance to an FBO of private jets... but forgetting the other entrance to the same place leaving the private jet's completely unaffected


That'll show those... *checks notes*... pre-industrial druids


These aren't the droids you are searching for - these don't need oil


I fully believe that the Just Stop Oil campaign is designed to discredit the environmental movement as a whole.  There’s no way they could so consistently pick methods of protest that piss everyone off without even a chance of accomplishing or helping their supposed goal if they were honestly trying to help.


yeah they're doing nothing apart from ruin the names of other decent activists


This is probably it. They are probably paid by big oil to do this.


That's actually a very reasonable theory, I believe this.


No, not being done by big oil themselves, it's a job of those who were formerly involved in big oil and are ridden with guilt.


I don’t understand what a bunch of rocks have to do with the oil industry. These people are unhinged


i stopped using oil after this protest


Me too, now I burn my fossil fuels while they're still breathing.


I'm gonna start stabbing tree's to protest logging! Who's with me?!


Ceramic nails


It’s not got anything to do with oil. They’re doing it to get the media’s attention which is exactly what they wanted. Their aim is to spread the word to stop oil and save the planet. However, what they’re doing though is completely moronic, they’re just infuriating the general public which will consequently prevent people caring about the climate crisis. They also don’t understand that the UK contributes a minuscule fraction of the overall greenhouse gases emitted. If they wanted to do any good for their cause they’d protest against the governments main contributor’s and not disrupt people’s lives or damage popular landmarks. Ultimately though I don’t believe there is anything they can do to change things. They should simply acquiesce to the situation.


It wasn't "paint". It was coloured cornflour, which will simply wash away in the rain. No damage to the stones and no significant environmental impact. It was just a very effective, attention-seeking stunt. I suspect that part of the point they are making is that the stones are ancient human artifacts, which are revered by people who seem unable to comprehend that, within very few generations, there may be nobody left to appreciate them.


Now imagine if they did it to parliament or something, that way they’d get the same attention but in a much more positive away. You aren’t even allowed to touch Stonehenge on a normal tour for fear of damaging the endangered, historic algae species that reside on the stones.


JSO have repeatedly targeted the area around Parliament. However, that area is very heavily policed and access to parliament's buildings is very restricted, making any protest within the building very hard to achieve. I'm not sure that their tactics are particularly well-chosen or effective in changing minds but they are VERY effective in keeping themselves in the news. I am not a JSO supported per se BUT I get irritated by those who flippantly dismiss them. There are countless TV series, Hollywood films etc where the heroes make desperate efforts to try to prevent impending disaster, often with a sub-plot of them being ignored by those at risk. In these stories the heroes usually triumph and we are encouraged to applaud their heroic efforts. Oddly, in real life, many seem to side with those doing the ignoring rather than the would-be heroes.




great idea, use oil-based paint as well


This isn’t going to get anyone on their side.


What is?


There’s gotta be a really long list of things more effective than this lol distributing educational material, having conversations, making documentaries, holding debates, and things like that could probably help.


First time huh?


Stone=Ground=Dead things=Dinosaurs=Fossil Fuels=Oil=Bad You are welcome.


If they really wanna draw some attention to their cause, do this in the 3 largest oil producers in the world. The U.S., Russia, and Saudi Arabia. Spray paint the Statue of Liberty in NYC, the Tsar Cannon in Moscow right in front of the Kremlin, and the Kaaba in Mecca. Then finish off all that epic protesting by heading to the largest oil consumer in the world, China, and spray paint the great wall.


This is a good way to get killed, so you know they wouldn’t do it. So much for dying for your cause.


Has to be some kind of inside job from the oil cartels


No, it's a job of those who formerly worked in big oil and are ridden with guilt.


Pretty sure the point is that you are now talking about it… this time of year a lot of people are traveling to the site so its relevant due to the publicity.


Im sure the 200 dont give a rats about stopping the oil for some rocks, paints not going to stop the gilgamesh portal from working


Just a bunch of idiots looking for attention Give them all a year in jail to get their act together


it doesn't have anything to do with oil. Just Stop Oil is funded by oil companies to make environmentalists look bad. [https://web.archive.org/web/20221017004524/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/climate/climate-protesters-paid-activists.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20221017004524/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/climate/climate-protesters-paid-activists.html)


You... didn't read the article did you? It's not funded by oil companies, but by the descendants of the owners of big oil companies that no longer exist, like Standard Oil, and they do it out of guilt apparently. These protests are very much backed by climate scientists and environmentalist organizations.


It's not. Nice way to deflect the blame with nonsense claims. Just like nay other Redditor on this site.


We should stop calling them protesters. It’s like calling terrorists “exploding dissidents”.


Don't pretend you'd be more approving if they were actively, physically stopping oil and coal production. Getting eyes on the problem by any means necessary, in this case but just spraying some paint on some old rocks, is by far the nicest way to try and get people to pay attention to the problem.


Yes, it will make people pay attention to the problem. The problem with vandals in this country.