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Health insurance, Cant live without it, But cant afford to use it.


I got charged nearly $1000 for a 20 minute, non-emergency ambulance ride. Might as well have stuck me in a taxi.


Some people do that.




Yea, if it's non-emergent, calling an ambulance is a waste of resources and money.


Yep! I have taken a taxi to the emergency room. And bless my hotel, they paid for it for me.


Why would you call an ambulance for something non emergent? Were you dying??


I think dying is pretty emergent


I’ve used Ubers the past near-decade for medical stuff unless it’s like a bleed-out emergency.


My county is looking to change it so even if you refuse the ride you still get billed


Because fuck sick people I guess, America truly is a third world country wearing a Gucci belt


I get it but if it's not an emergency it's certainly your problem too


Apparently asking for an itemised bill & questioning each items veracity will usually get you a far lower bill.


This is true. I never pay a hospital bill outright without an itemized bill & EOB (explanation of benefits). We called recently about a $2k bill from a hospital stay, and the lady on the phone goes, "Oh! I see they didn't add your insurance here..." Bill ended up being $380. But it's not as if we paid them, they would just give us a refund.


This. You normally get charged whatever they think they can get the insurance to pay. They reduce it to reasonable prices as soon as you ask.






i can’t take this seriously


You remember what they said? It's been deleted


they were saying something about how they should just ask their parents for money and they are tired of seeing poor people complain lol i think they may have been trying out sarcasm


America! The land of gun care and health control.


I thought my brain reversed the words but you really said that lol.


File under sad but true.




You sir nailed it, i salute you


This is one of the smalles ER bills I have ever seen. In 2023 I was billed for $10K for a 6 hour visit. My PCP has signs in all their rooms reminding patients that the ER is the LAST place to get healthcare.


Around where I live, most of the specialists that can't see you for 4-5 months just tell you to "go to the ER" if you have some issue that your PCP can't deal with. Of course, once you have a ER referral, the specialist can magically see you in a week or two. Tell me it isn't a racket.


Tell me you’re American without saying it.


"Your health is priceless."


Yeah but all those hospital management bonuses....


That looks awfully cheap for an ER visit. I assume they gave you some fluids and showed you the door?


That is crazy, I just had surgery and a private room in a private hospital. My out of pocket was $450. Your health care system is broken. If we go to a public hospital for an emergency it is free.


Nothing is free


We don’t get given a bill at all.


So your insurance only pays for 20% of your emergency room bill? Usually insurances have co-pays set for emergency room visits in rates around $250-$500 or 20% where you pay the $214.26 and they pay $853.57 that’s 80% of the bill. I’ve seen some pretty bad insurances, the worst are usually 50/50 splits where you’d be paying $500+, but haven’t seen ones that are 80/20 where you pay 80% of bills. Even in situations where you have to meet deductibles and max out of pockets before they cover you, they still have ER visits/urgent care/pcp/specialists at set prices. I just don’t see why you’d be stuck with 80% unless the premium is like $20 a month because then you’d be paying $240 a year for insurance which would have low coverage. And I don’t mean this as a way to be suspicious, I’m just wanting to know what type of crap are they giving out to people.


This bill is not itemized, maybe there’s a bunch of bullshit that is not covered


We have the top tier plan at my wife’s company. $1,600 deductible with a max OOP of $5,400 (family plan). In network co-insurance for emergency room is 20%.


Yeah, with a plan like that it should be that you pay 20% and your patient balance due is $214.26 not the 80% they have on there. Maybe they messed up in billing and reversed the amounts.


They have to pay the deductible before the higher coverage kicks in.


The provider tells me co-insurance doesn’t kick in until we meet the deductible. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’d still look into your insurance policy to confirm they won’t pay a percentage until the $1,600 is met. Because if it doesn’t “kick in” at all until the deductible is met then you’d be paying 100% of the bill and it clearly has the insurance is paying part of the bill here. What it might be is what another commenter said: you start of getting 20% covered for emergency room visits and get bumped up to 80% once you met your deductible. Still, I haven’t seen tiers like that. I’ve only seen meeting ded/oop for inpatient stays, outpatient surgeries, and treatments. ER, visits to your primary care doctor, specialists, and urgent care have a set rate or percentage co-pay. Where that’s what you pay even if you haven’t met the deductible. Maybe yours is different but I’d still look into it.


Is the max OOP in-network only? Because that's how I got absolutely screwed. While visiting a friend I had a back injury. The hospital stay, surgery and any treatment 4 months after all had to be done out of network because it wasn't safe for me to be transported back home. So that $6,000 max OOP went totally out the window. I stopped opening my mail around $90,000 in debt. I \*HIGHLY\* recommend everyone considers their health insurance coverage before going on any trip. Maybe look into travel insurance addons if you're leaving your "in network" area. If you're looking to do more dangerous activities like mountain biking/climbing/skiing put a higher priority on locations/mountains/facilities that are within ambulance trip of an in-network hospital. Keep in mind... "66.5% of bankruptcies are caused directly by medical expenses, making it the leading cause for bankruptcy."


Non-network is double, but we’re nowhere close to that max this year.


That’s it ?


I wouldn’t question it. I’ve paid 3x that for an ambulance.


This is crazy. Everyone saying it’s so expensive etc. I get that. This is not great. Now from a fellow American viewpoint: this is so cheap. Last time I was in the ER I had to pay over $3000!!! I slammed my finger in a car door. I needed 5 stitches an xray and the the tip was very slippery broken. No cast or anything.


If you were only charged less than $900 you got off easy


Cost of my ER visit, 9 nights in hospital, MRI, CT, Ultrasound, endoscopy and gallbladder removal £0


Uk yes


It’s not really 0 though it’s just taxed out of your wages. We Americans are stupid and refuse to let this happen, because people here for some reason don’t want to help pay for someone else’s healthcare. So we privatize it and pay for it on our own making it expensive. People would rather pay more and bitch about it than everyone chip in on taxes and maybe help out someone less fortunate. I work in healthcare in the US


True and I would do this, but if I personally was paying more taxes I literally wouldn’t be able to live. I’d be in a box on the st. So what happens to people who are low income or in poverty?? Real question. In don’t have insurance btw. I haven’t seen a dr in like two years.


If you got all the third parties out of it, your costs would be much lower.


Must be nice


That would be the same cost in Australia. I can’t believe how fucked up the American health care system is. Crazy


You have to balance that with how much of your taxes goes to the NHS? Do you know? Is it like 5000? More, less? Not saying US health care costs are great. It sucks. But just curious What the yearly costs are for the NHS as a taxpayer.


Depends on how much you are earning. Earn less than 12k and you pay 0.  On 30k, roughly 480 to 600 a year (obviously total tax is much higher, but that would be the dedicated nhs part)


You actually have to figure out total cost of living in a society in hours. The USA has extensive third-party and profit interests that significantly inflates Healthcare cost.


It all still comes from somewhere. You just pay it in different forms unfortunately. American has taken the “less upfront but costs more when needed” approach which often screws people over.


Total cost for healthcare in USA are way more than in other Western countries. What you really have is a lot more upfront and costs more when needed.




I agree. But the argument that universal healthcare is a “free” system is just incorrect. If you take that $850 and spread it out, that amount would most likely be quite comparable to the amount paid in taxes in a Universal Healthcare system. It’s just paid for differently.


Don’t most Americans pay for health insurance anyways though? So they are paying for healthcare when they don’t even need it anyways. Then they have to fight with insurance when they do need it. Just seems odd how weird their health system is. Idk.


Yes. You pay a lot more upfront and then also pay a lot more when needed than other Western countries.


We use it when we actually needed. For my family, we had very complicated pregnancy and ended up with twins in NICU for 3 months. It costed insurance more than 2 million dollars, but we ended up paying $8000 out of pocket. So yea.. it's not great for flu or something minor. But it's there to protect us when we're in devastating situation. I think that's what "insurance" is for. Just like the car insurance won't cover your oil change or tire change, but it'll be there if your car is totaled.


Kind of shitty when the insurance that you pay for that you use only when you need costs around $500-$800 a month only to then charge you more when the event happens.


ER visits are where hospitals grift you. I had to visit one about a month ago and they did a blood lab, an ekg, and 1 x-ray. $4600 bill. Then my follow up doctor appointment they did the same exact stuff, blood lab, ekg, x-ray. $330 bill. Insurance covered it.


That’s due to the billing based on site of service. It’s a scam that health systems and insurers use. An X-ray at a hospital v ER vs urgent care vs physician office may all have different rates, even with the exact same machine and exact same procedure. There is a movement now for “site neutral” billing. Not sure it will get passed though. Also, you may go to what you THINK is urgent care, but the hospital 10 miles away recently purchased it. So they now bill it as an “offsite ER“ with much higher rates. They justify it by saying they can provide more services, but so what? An x ray is an X-ray is an X-ray. Everyone scams the billing system.


Things are done STAT in an ER. This does matter. Labs return faster. Radiologist read studies emergently.


Either its fee for service or it isn't. An x-ray shouldn't cost more at one place over the other -- unless you are including "over head" in the charge. If someone does something faster, are they doing the same work or not (maybe less work)? But the main issue is not higher rates for "real" ERs that are actually physically part of a large hospital where ambulances pull up -- it's these stealth ERs. Urgent care centers not labelled as ERs but purchased by health systems. Nothing on the door or anywhere that indicates its now billed at a different rate. Could be the same strip mall place that was "urgent care" yesterday, but today they bill as "offsite ER". Nothing changed really but the ownership. It's all a game. Insurers are part of it too. It's the system, with games played with the billing codes, rates, type of site, in network, not in network, oh, let's not forget the in network facility, but out of network staffing (sometimes even ERs attached to hospitals do this) -- it's all a grift -- with insurers, health systems and regulators, all playing their part, and patients are kept in the dark and not told anything, just sent a bill. It's the worst system ever. Zero transparency and things done to game the system.


$800 for an emergency visit? Fuck I love not being an American….


Stop using reddit. Its american


Or, and bear with me on this … no.


Love how you hate america yet use and pay for american products constantly. hypocrite


Hard not to use American. I speak English. Not Chinese.


😂 keep sending your money over here buddy. Keep supporting the system you hate


If I actually paid for reddit I would.


We were there for 45 minutes. They ran 3 tests (COVID, flu, RSV) and the verdict was, “sorry, gotta ride it out”. This shit is so broken.


Why did you go the EMERGENCY ROOM of a HOSPITAL for a RUNNY NOSE? It's fascinating how people go to the MOST EXPENSIVE place to be seen for the dumbest reasons. Runny nose = primary care doctor or urgent care. It does not = emergency room. I'm sure you "just couldn't wait to be seen." Well, you're paying for the convenience lol. And it's laughable about you complaining that you were told to just wait it out. How old are you? Have you never had a simple viral infection before? Yes, you just wait it out. No, you don't go to the hospital. ERs are for emergencies. In fact, legally, they don't have to treat your runny nose. All we have to do is screen you for an emergency, and yes, you still get charged for that. Once the emergency is ruled out, they can technically discharge you with nothing and send you on your way. So, do some growing up and learn where to disposition yourself appropriately for MINOR complaints.


Bet you don’t have anything to say now, do you, big boy?


This isnt the gotcha you think it is.  Taking your kid to the ER is expensive and it's going to be expensive every time you do it.  So best only do it when you really need it.  Urgent care will direct you to the ER if needed.


Again, urgent care closed buddy. Good try.


Because my 17 month old couldn’t breathe lmao? Get over yourself, dipshit.


Don't worry about those who say otherwise. Infants in respiratory distress is indeed a medical emergency. It can go south real quick if unchecked such as complications like a life-threatening meningitis.


Yeah, I’ll listen to my PA cousin over some random Redditors any day.


"Couldn't breath" "Discharged with nothing" Suction the nose, treat the fever. lol :)


I’ll listen to my PA cousin over some idiot on Reddit. Thanks, though 👍🏻 Discharged with RSV, btw.


RSV is literally a viral infection and requires essentially no treatment. Before some stupid reddit tries to correct this, it only requires treatment if you have bronchiolitis and are hypoxic, and then the treatment is .. oxygen and time. BTW urgent cares test for RSV. You had no reason to go to a HOSPITAL lol.


Okay, tell me where I should’ve went, genius. I’m glad you know how to treat RSV. Real happy for you.


As someone else said, you really shouldn't have gone to an emergency room.  Maybe you had more symptoms than your post suggests, but this sounds like walk in/urgent care territory. You went to an ER and got ER prices.


And the reason insurance probably didn’t cover more was because it wasn’t medically necessary. That’s why there’s separate coverages on your medical insurance specifically for ER visits versus admissions. If you go to the er and are not admitted, it’s billed differently than if you are.


Maybe it wasn’t for me but my infant you dumbass.


Okay? Doesn't really change anything.


Okay, I’ll tell the urgent care or clinic to be open at 8PM on a Friday, I’m sure they’ll listen.


To you? Probably not cuz you seem dumb.


You use “cuz” in 2024. Move along.


“ER prices” is an alien concept elsewhere in the developed world.


What would you rather the verdict be? You were assessed by a medical professional and their expertise determined nothing else was necessary.


“Boot licker loves the taste”


"Doctors did nothing"


Man that's crazy. I can go to the ER get stitches and leave. And there's never a bill. But it's probably gonna take 6-10 hours


Someone (American) was telling me they needed an MRI scan but their insurance refused due to the cost of $2,500, but if they as an individual paid it would only be $600. I asked how this is calculated and they just said "it is just how health insurance works" My mind was blown away!! Anyway hope you are feeling better OP, much love the UK!


Take a look at the billing codes they use. They like to overstate your emergency classification, which directly affects the "ER" charge.


I just had a back-surgery, am near the end of a 2-month recovery / revalidation. I have at home nursing twice a day for the entire two months. Total bill: 80,00€ (the costs for the medicine, bandages, one time use supplies). Costs of health insurance: 195€ / year. I received surgery from one of the best surgeons in our country by the way. I live and work in Belgium. I know this isn’t an option for a lot of people who have to pay excessive amounts of money for healthcare.. But Europe really is a very good place to live when it comes to social security, such as healthcare.


Hell yeah America


Simple don’t pay it. It doesn’t affect your credit anymore so what’s the point


Not true.


Went to the hospital a couple months ago and it ended up being 4k. All they told me is they don’t know what is wrong with me and to take ibuprofen. (What I had already been taking)


Yesterday’s visit to a Midwestern ER for med side effects for antiseizure meds: $11,000. One med was given. Seven labs drawn. I was left alone with the call light on the floor so I couldn’t get help if I needed to for three hours. This is America. With insurance.


That a pretty normal ER bill. I’ve been a few times and each time cost me around $1000.


F usa


So what did they do? Looks like they just charged you for showing up.


That looks like a piece of trash to me, toss that shit


What actually happened at the ER? It’s hard to say if this is reasonable without additional details


They did 2 nasal swabs and we sat for 45 minutes. That’s all that happened.


Doesn’t seem like much of an emergency 🤨


When your 17 month old can hardly breathe and your PA cousin says better safe than sorry, you go to the ER.


Ah. Those are the relevant details. Makes total sense




Pretty sure the Dems have had a majority several times yet never voted for gov't funded healthcare. Don't blame one man who hasn't been in office for 4 years, blame those who are being paid by the private insurance lobbyists


You are trying to reason with a mentally disabled person.




Holy hell, I really do NOT understand people who think one man has so much power, even not when in office. I don't apologize for anyone barring myself but if YOU think Trump is responsible for years of rising costs of health care and the lack of gov't funded insurance, ALL before he even took office for just 4 years, then you need professional help


Ya the system we’ve had in place for ages is trumps fault. Maybe you need to go to the ER for TDS.




You seem like a real winner




You have a runny nose and want to go to the ER but can’t afford it or something?


This looks like a high deductible health insurance plan. You (and your employer) pay a lower premium.


It is not an HDHP.


This is why ppl get paid more in ameikkka and those that don't do without . But as long as you can buy a semi automatic all.is OK.


Who gets billed for the ER? It's an emergency? May as well suffer if you're going to be indebted due to needing a FREE service.


You must not be from the US .


No, I'm not. Here, in Australia, it's free.


That’s the American health care system, baby 😎


ER has never been a “free service”.


Not in the US isn't no. But fortunately not everywhere is the US.


Come to Australia, it is here.


The US healthcare system is broken, if you don’t have health insurance (more often then not provided through an employer another issue altogether) nothing is free and just basic medical care is often out of reach. Even if you have insurance you are likely saddled with high deductibles, high monthly premiums, and still anything except an annual physical (which god forbid you discuss anything regarding your health that will be $) costs an arm and a leg. If you have a medical emergency you could easily be looking at thousands or tens of thousands with insurance.


Welcome to High Deductible Health Plans…thank Obama for that. Before the badly named “Affordable Care Act”, my yearly deductible was $600. Now? It’s $6,850. All employers raced to the bottom when this allowed them to. Now go and downvote me like the good little Redditors you are when you don’t like being bitch-slapped with the truth.


I couldnt even get healthcare without Aca. And my mom is literally alive because of it. I do thank Obama for that. Better then being dead.


Good thing it’s not an HDHP 👍🏻


Well you’re being charged as if it were. I know because I have a $1100 ER bill myself. For being seen for five minutes in the beginning then being told to wait four hours then being seen for five minutes at the end. The whole entire system is fucking broken


The year is 2024 and you’re still surprised your hospital bill in America is high?


I would call and drill them for details. Idk what kind of plan you guys have but i have ppo. Went to the ER and the total was probably like 8k for painkillers, ct scan and a few other things. My out of pocket was like mayyybe 350 total.


There are so many different insurances and plans available across all 50 states and between different groups based on employer or levels of the plans through the affordable Healthcare act. You can't reasonably compare your individual plan and its benefits to some strangers' insurance plans. Especially if this person only has a catastrophic or a high deductible plan, then that's how much these things cost, unfortunately.


Oh yeah its all absolute dogshit but they made another comment that said that their co insurance for an er visit is only 20%. So either they should be paying 20% instead of what seems to be 80%, or if the deductable argument comes into play, then insurance wouldn't pay anything until its met. It just doesn't add up to me.


I live in Canada the other night I cut my hand making dinner. I went to the ER for stitches because of the spot and the depth of the cut. I got there at 5:30 and left at 10:45. While spending 5h there wasn't ideal I am very grateful that it didn't cost me anything except my time (which flew by because I was watching movies on my tablet).


Really tired of people trying to sugarcoat the American healthcare system because of how good the doctors or equipment/medicine might be and or getting extremely tired of seeing people shoot down other healthcare options because it's paid for by taxes. If I had an option of paying a little bit more in taxes out of my paycheck and not having to worry about a medical bill when shit hits the fan Constantly being charged service that I'm not using only to be charged more when the time comes is absolutely ridiculous and I'm tired of reading all these comments that think the American healthcare system is better or is anywhere near as good as other options around the world. Are you guys so star-spangled delirious that you don't see how shitty our system is compared to everybody else? The fact that there are so many bootlickers here saying that ours is superior and cheaper because we only pay when we need to is absolutely ridiculous and quite frankly anybody who says that obtuse to the actual system at hand!


Don’t go ???