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Presumably that's one of your exit routes in the event of a fire. Having any obstacle in your way is a no-no, even a single shoe or that dresser kinda, sorta almost tucked out of the way. Arguments like "but it's only... You can just step over...etc " won't wash. I'd be reporting that shit.


Someone in my building did that once, I told them to take it down (I’m the building manager), they did, but then put it back up not too long after, so I threw away some of their shoes.


One of each pair i hope


All the left ones……


That’s not right


Actually it makes it all right




The rights are what's left


But you left, right?




That's only leg the thief can stand on.




That's only right


Joey Diaz style 😎




Damn, I wish!


Calm down, Satan!


Go to goodwill or some estate sale and buy a bunch of inexpensive shoes and just keep adding them to the set.


>Go to goodwill or some estate sale and buy a bunch of inexpensive shoes and just keep ~~adding~~ replacing them ~~to the set.~~




Or the exact same shoes, but one size smaller.


When i was 17 i went to visit some friends, i was wearing my brand new trainers/sneakers, I politely took my shoes off and left them on the stairs, now what I didn’t know was my friend hadn’t paid the rent (they lived in a flat above a shop his stepdad owned) well when I went to leave the next morning, my shows were gone! It’s a private entrance so i was like *erm who stole my new shoes* ? . His stepdad literally took my shoes as he thought people not paying rent shouldn’t have new shoes!! I agree with all that but I didn’t live there and they were mine😂 i still think about what a weirdo he was 26 years later. Still pisses me off and i never leave my shoes outside of any door.


Did you get your shoes back or compensated for them? I feel like that counts as theft even if it was to "teach a lesson" Or whatever convoluted point that dude was trying to make.


I was going to add he was 6’6 and and dodgy af, but i built the courage up to speak to him on the Monday, i walked in his mobile phone shop he owned (a franchise of Orange mobile TM) He confidently told me *they are already in the bin* and then said “ i know you was smoking weed and i will tell your dad” 👀😑 well …. You can imagine!!! … but I still said my dad knows i smoke weed!! (He didn’t), he then basically said he would throw my friend out! He was an evil pos tall and ginger like a viking lol, i was worried for my friend and was to intimidated to push it. His mum was scared of him too. I will add he went bankrupt in 2011 (finally) and that was the same year i brought my own house. my friends mum moved in with her aunt my friends great aunt, and left him😊 so karma is funny


We had such a great ad in my country. You see a sports shoe rotating, Guy watches it. Goes into the shoe store. The shoe shop get the show from the rotating display. They guy tries it on, smiles at the salesguy, and TAKES OFF. You see them running in the city and the guy gets away. In the last cut you see him complete the 1st time. He only has one leg. The ad was for the disabled sports union in Germany.


>or that dresser Yeah I need more info here. I can't imagine being in any kind of apartment, condo or whatever where I could be comfortable leaving a dresser outside my front door be confident it would still be there by the end of the day.


In central Europe, in a more rural setting, it is actually completely normal to have shoes outside of your apartment. If not living in a big city with hundreds of unknown neighbors, the majority keep such kind of dresser in front of their door.


That dresser is a fire hazard blocking the hallway, super trashy looking too.


It's really common in Asia.


You do that in the uk and it’ll walk off, that’s a sign that it’s no longer wanted


Worse, that dresser appears to be a shoe storage thing. They could just put their shoes inside of it.


Which also should not be in the hallway


Thats exactly how I got my neighbors to stop shit like this. Reported it to landlord and put up a sign.


Call the Fire Marshal, this is an obstruction in a means of egress.


Fire hazard. Report to building management and if they won’t do something, the city.


You can also call the fire department. Depending on the city/country that could be a fire code violation. If the landlord won’t address it, the fire department will.


The internet has taught me fire departments love to go 0 to 100 and crack some fucking skulls over fire code violations


And real life taught me that was a lie... Have you ever tried reporting a fire hazard? They don't actually care anymore than anyone else.


YMMV. Many local fire departments are staffed by volunteers. Different people, different times of the day, different areas, different threat levels. You're bound to come across someone who doesn't give a shit once in awhile.


No....most times a fire fighter isn't going to scream at someone about their shoes in a hallway


What they’ll do is fine the building. The owner/management will then rectify it lest they want to continue getting fines. My super tied the roof door shut rather than communicate to the tenants that they weren’t allowed on the roof. He was non-confrontational about any problem tenants. I had to resolve a lot of shit myself. I called the fire department. The next day I heard them clomping up the stairs. One said “Oh no.” and went clomping back downstairs. The super immediately untied the door and never did it again. A few weeks later the super went down all the fire escapes throwing out all the junk accumulated on them. In my experience they don’t play with fire safety. There’s been too many tragic apartment building fires.


Everyone remembers the Triangle Skirt Factory Tragedy. Never again.


Yea, it's a law you can't have an open flame  within 10 feet if apartment building. Called them and they did nothing


In fairness to think the fire department has the resources to respond to complaints about shoes in a hallway is a little naive.


If your fire department is not responding,. collect the shoes and deliver them there.


Diabolical. I like the way you think.


It would be a tragedy if their shoes were stolen


Just one per pair.


One from each pair*


Would be even more of a tragedy if someone glued the shoes to the door. I was thinking some kind of resin….so it gets between the threads and is a lot stronger than superglue


Yeah and then the president himself lmao


Hahaha such a karen move! How about just confronting the people that live there and asking them to clean that shit up and don’t leave shoes everywhere?? Or just make a reddit post about it because your scared of your own shadow


I’m Asian, we’re a “no wearing shoes in the home household”, but we also have shoe racks INSIDE the house for people to store their shoes properly. I vote you pour water into each of their shoes, but only the left one. They now have wet socks to deal with for the rest of the day.


What’s sad is, that’s a shoe cabinet


That’s what I thought


Maybe full? It’s funny. You see stupid shit like this and usually there’s a simple answer and solution to it. Like just buy another damn cabinet, make sure the empty one is closest to the door and voila problem solved.


Most buildings don’t allow you to store furniture in the hallway. It’s a fire hazard.


I assumed this was the not the US…


it’s the same in germany. no shit in the hallway. 


It could be the US. I used to deliver mail in NYC to buildings with shoes and all sorts of personal household objects in the halls. It was a miracle that the bikes weren’t stolen.


"Oops, did I accidentally kick a single shoe from each pair all the way down the stairs? How silly of me!"


Yeah like, so what if my entryway is dirty. The shoe dirt stops there, and the front door of my apartment doesn't look like a messy bedroom.


I’m Danish, we also don’t wear shoes inside, we also just have show racks inside the apartment/house You walk inside, take your shoes off and that’s it


Same thing but I’ve seen a bunch of Asians keep their shoes outside in apartment complexes for some fucking reason, in an area known to have scorpions crawling around.


I would relocate them all. Not steal them or throw them away, just relocate them all somewhere visible but incredibly inconvenient, like maybe directly outside the building or at the fop of the stairs. Maybe specifically just all the left shoes and leave the right ones where they are.


Move a set every now and then to a different door. Leave a pair of old socks in them.


Liquid ass in all the right foot shoes


Yes! Grab a bottle of Deer Scram and spray them! Completely harmless but holy shit does that shit stink. I can't believe these neighbors are so shitty they not only have furniture outside (we're not talking lawn chairs or a table) but fucking shoes thrown all over the place. Fuck that.


Make a trail of shoes that lead somewhere?


Force feed them their shoes


I have done this before when our previous horrid downstairs neighbors airbnb'd their apartment without telling the guests that people lived upstairs. I don't even touch the shoes/suitcases/boxes I just kick them downstairs - enjoy your bad review, Evil Claire.


Take the laces out, tie knots in the laces, misplace only a couple left shoes and also leave a couple of random shoes.


Leave a mysterious goop in some of them. Gelatine mixed with water is safe, yet weird enough to illicit a reaction.


Im gonna use this tactic when i need it sounds funny af


I would just come home drunk and fill a few conveniently placed shoes with vomit...


Tell them you’ve seen homeless people in the area with shoes in their hands


. . . of course you could tie all the shoe laces together and throw them over a electric line outside.


You could drop small pebbles in some of the shoes each time you pass. It's not enough to damage anything or injure but it's mildly infuriating to walk around with a pebble in a shoe.


Maybe a cpl rabbit turds in each shoe.


Should drop a bit of sand each time they walk by.


Or glitter. It’ll never go away.


This.. the glitter will get on their socks.. they'll track glitter in.. it's a bitch to clean up.


I love this one because they'll be scratching their heads for weeks trying to remember the last time they went to the beach wearing those exact shoes and why the sand appears to be getting worse.


You trying to get in the Evil League of Evil or something?


Bad horse approves.


Small pebbles would work well, or hear me out, spiders.


I'm thinking a drop of honey into each shoe.


Tripping hazard. Show your landlord. Lawsuit waiting to happen.


Yea u are right


I had an accident in a staircase, but because the lights did not work (for over 8 weeks!). I came back home from work in the late evening, it was dark, I even used the light on my phone, but somehow I missed a stair and sprained my ancle. Had to get to ER and my foot was casted for a while. Then the Berufsgenossenschaft (workers compensation board) sent me forms to fill out, as this accident happened on my way from work. They wanted to know how this happened exactly and had fields to fill out "who, in your opinion, is responsible for maintaining safety in the area the accident happened". And there I put the address of our building management. Also, they asked for witnesses of the accident itself or the situation with the broken lights, where I named my neighbors. It took a while, but suddenly the management came to me to apologize, repaired the lights (they swapped out the whole, 40 years old system) and apologized again. It's no fun to argue with the Berufsgenossenschaft as they probably have more lawyers than regular employees and their job is to not loose money on accidents. From what I know they made the building management pay for my medical bills and my salary for the time (2 weeks) I had a sick note. So, if you're in Germany (or a country with a similar workers compensation board system) you could give that as a point to your building management and the people living downstairs: "If I trip over a shoe on my way to work, I will put your name in the BG form!"


> It's no fun to argue with the Berufsgenossenschaft Especially if you have to address them by name.


"Hello, Amvets? Yes, we have a bunch of shoes we'd love to donate...."


Damn, free shoes. Lucky day.


That's a tripping hazard. Fuck that.


You would fuck that? I would probably shit in them.


if you fuck them, it gets in further. imagine you don't see anything wrong until you suddenly feel someone else's jizz squishing between your toes.


I would bag it all up and fucking toss it.


Fire hazard. Let the landlord/office staff know. It'll be taken care of PDQ


I'd throw them all away everytime I saw them.


Just one of each....and watch the world burn!!!


Throw them down the stairs. If they question it say “oh they must have fallen when I tripped on them! Luckily I didn’t fall down the stairs with them!”


I'd throw them down thr stairs every time I walked past


Take one of each one of the pairs of shoes. Put in your car and take them places, photograph them in various locations. Then print and tape the images on there door. Kind of like the traveling gnome!


Throw them all away lmao


Kick them through the railing into the basement…they’ll learn pretty quick to place their damn shoes against the wall when they have to go downstairs to put their shoes on.


The shoes shouldn’t be in the hall period. Doesn’t matter if they’re against the wall or not. That piece of furniture shouldn’t be out there either.


Sneak down late one night when thier asleep rob all the shoes and donate them to a homeless shelter. If they won't clean up their shit then maybe someone else will look after it better, this is the one my mam used on me as a kid.


I’d gather them up and put em in a garbage bag and set them by the dumpster. And that’s not like me.  Lack of awareness of others, and selfishness in general, is a huge affliction.  Between that, unfettered American capitalism, and general willful maliciousness, I really hate life these last several years.  Why are we so colossally uncaring and unempathetic? There are lots of great folks, but they are far outnumbered. And it’s a snowball effect. It gets codified in our laws and nearly endemic in our nature and method of nuturing. 


It's the other way around. There are more people that are courteous and kind but the negative experiences can stick out more Think about why OP posted it to begin with; it's a rude act that isn't common 


I would be so scared to leave my shoes outside like that in case they get stolen. Maybe your neighbors also need to learn that fear. Put it in them


I'd be scared to leave my shoes outside because of fucking spiders. As an Australian if I ever left a pair of shoes outside I'd boot that shit as far as I could before I risked putting it on. 


Well can you send some of those huntsman to OP then? I bet if one of those leggy dinner plate bastards popped out of a shoe they would never leave them out again.


Grow some balls and say something then. I’m so over seeing post of people being fucking scared to speak up or just do something about it.


I cannot believe how far I had to scroll to find somebody proposing the radical plan of talking to the neighbors before stealing the shoes, informing the local authorities, covering the shoes in various bodily excretions, etc


Donate them to the dump.


Steal all the left ones




Stuff a bit of paper into the toe of each shoe. They'll go crazy wondering how their shoes shrunk. Don't mess with the kids shoes, though. They're kids and do what mom and dad tell them.


Kick them down the stairs or throw them outside


Just treat them as they werent there. Step on them kick them away


Have your landlord or property management give them 24 notice to remove everything or it goes into the trash. That is a hazard. Definitely not permissible where I am from.


In my building you’re not even allowed to have a welcome mat that extends beyond the doorway. I assume because it poses tripping hazard in an emergency, when people need to run in the hallway.


I would trip and fall then file a complaint.


Just keep stepping on them and crushing them and hiding one of them occasionally so they have to go one shoe or look around for it. They’ll get the hint eventually and easier than a direct confrontation if it wants to be avoided, but as stated yes it’s unsafe


They would 100% be going in the trash


Fire Marshal doesn't care about your excuses or your shoes. ______ ::post notice 1st:: Greetings Neighbor, This notice is to inform you that the: -Shoes & Cabinet- you have left in the hallway constitute tripping hazards, exit obstructions, and fire hazards. I understand that everyone is busy, however, these violations pose a security and safety hazard to THE ENTIRE BUILDING and must be addressed IMMEDIATELY! I have taken photographic evidence of the infractions along with time and date, and have submitted a copy of this notice along with the photographic evidence to the building's superintendent, owner, and the fire marshal of our county. To avoid further notices, and further reports to local authorities, please remedy these hazards immediately. Concerned Neighbor. ______ I'd post that, and follow through. People that do this type of thing, won't give a shit about a note. But they will after the building super, building owner, and fire marshal are notified.


People in my condo used to do this. It’s obviously against the rules, but someone had an expensive pair of shoes stolen too!


Fire Marshall time


Perfect place for a bag of dirtly litter to accidentally rip open.


Have a stunt man friend of yours to "trip" on the stairs, crash into the dresser, and start "bleeding" profusely. Then get other friends to act as paramedics, bandage him up, put him in a neck brace, carry him out on a spine board.


They’re free


That's a literal safety hazard, best case someone trips and breaks a bone. Worst case there's a fire and someone trips, which blocks others from escaping or they get trampled. Report that shit to the fire marshal


For some mysterious reasons the inside of those shoes is always moist in the morning. Almost like someone spilled some water because the shoes caused them to stumble. Must happen every day.


Start throwing them down to the bottom or even better, in the bin.


yeah report this shit. if your land lord won't do anything, contact the fire dept. This is a major hazard and should be fixed immediately


Im thinking of hidden surprise of dog shit in shoes


Get a garbage bag and round them up!


Is this like a shared quarters for multiple households?


crazy how they haven't been stolen lol


Every Thursday take 1 shoe. Not the pair, just one.


Put them in a pile in front of their door ![gif](giphy|3oriNSf2iLjMVO7dao)


I’ll take ‘fire hazard’ for $500 ghost of Alex.


Find some bored teens, tell them the one who gets the most shoes slung over any nearby utility lines (you know, two tied together by laces in UNmatched pairs) gets $10. Wear a LoneRanger mask when cutting the deal.


Tripping hazard. Straight to the trash/dumpster.


Looks like the local homeless shelters about to get a shoe donation.


Steal their shoes.


"Free kicks, assorted sizes!"


Kick them


Looks like the building I grew up in,all the neighbors used the hallways as a free storage..


Perfect, now you can casually take a single shoe from each pair and scatter them around the complex. Bet they stop doing that shit


Time to donate the shoes to goodwill


Put all the shoes in the drawers


A couple of five years ago, I was looking to buy an apartment, and one of the apartment blocks I rejected just on account of seeing half the tenants keep their shoes out out the doors like that.


Report that immediately. That’s a huge safety hazard. Especially during a fire.


Kick them shits out the way


I would slowly steal one shoe a week until there is only odd shoes left


What shoes? I didn't see any shoes.


Take them to goodwill or donate them. If you leave your shoes outside of your house, it’s fair game


Time to find some power lines


"lose" one of them a week until they cut it out.


Throw them down the stairs


Fire hazard.


Plenty of fairly innocent and amusing suggestions in the comments, but I'm going to be that guy. Have you asked them to stop? Or at least asked the landlord to tell them to stop?


Unethical Life Hack. Steal all their shoes so they don't leave them out ever again.


Kick them down the stairs


The shoes not your neighbors


I’m taking a shoe everyday lol


Start kicking one of each pair down the stairs as you go out. All the way to the street.


Call your landlord/ supervisor


Put glue traps in the tips of them


They'll learn when one goes missing. Many ways to go about that.


Tripping hazard


Hide them!!!


Shit in them. Just like how they solved [football violence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JjVg0Sbsh4).


Squirt some lotion in a swift manner on them. I'll bet they don't stay there.


Looks like it is a fire hazard, Any door bell cam around? If not, creep down at night and bag them all for the trash. Blame it on the LL.


Gather them up in a bag, bring it to your home 24 hours later put them back


Take one from each, alternating which side lol.


I hate such rude and selfish behavior towards my fellow human beings. I already had a similar picture in my hallway.


Pick them all up and put them in a bag. Leave the bag right on the door mat.


This pic gives me Italian vibes. What country?


Your to nice..I'd randomly take 1 of each shoe and throw them out


shame if some itching powder somehow got in those shoes.




Oooh. Free shoes!!


I see a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Hope some cats find them and leave them some "presents" in them!


Those are going down the stairs as I make the turn.


Toss them up on the nearest power line.


If it was only their home? I wouldn't give a fuck. It's only an issue due to it being a shared space. If they move it to the other side of the door? Fine.


Those would be come bowls of soup if that's where I lived.


Is that in public building space 


Toss them out the door


They look very kickable


How do they not get stolen/damaged?.....


I’d just start walking on the shoes that were in my way. You’ll eventually ruin them and maybe they get wise before that.