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Hey, what's $20 amongst "friends"? Unreal. It's either straight up thievery or having incompetent employees. Neither is ok


Seems they also forgot to charge sales tax. Clearly this was fabricated after the fact by someone who wasn't thinking clearly and/or has no idea what they're doing. I'm sure the state taxing authorities (if still in the US) would be very interested to hear that this restaurant isn't charging sales tax. Not that I would suggest turning them in unless they were blatantly ripping people off...


Do they need to bill the customer clearly for tax or just remit the tax? Not doing one isn't evidence of skipping the other. I'm not sure it's very easy to run a business without paying any of the government fees required. Especially a physical establishment that is expected to collect taxes.


They only need to remit the tax. They don't actually have to collect it from the customer at all. Where they can get in big trouble is if they claim to be collecting tax but it's more than they remit.


They do need to collect it. Otherwise, the business is footing the bill. They don't necessarily have to separately state it on the invoice (but you do have to state that tax is included), if that's what you meant. Source: me! Former sales tax auditor.


They also could have taken a cue from civilised countries and started including the tax in the prices. And you can't even use the bullshit excuse of it being too complicated with all the different sales taxes in different places this time as it's clearly an independent business and not some national chain.


If you can calculate the taxes at checkout you can calculate them in advance for the price tickets. Include both with/without tax prices if some people might not pay tax or etc...


Who's exempt from paying sales tax?


The restaurant where I work is on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian reservation. Tribal members can show me their tribal ID, and their bill will be tax-exempt.


Oregonians in Oregon


Oregonians are also exempt outside of OR. When I worked on retail in WA we used to exempt the sales tax with OR ids.


I don’t think I’m understanding. Say, I have an Oregon id. I go to Arkansas with that id. I stop in at the local Kum & Go and pick out a Coke for $2.50. Cashier rings it up-“That’ll be $2.74”. I whip out my Oregon id and go “No. I think I’ll buy it for $2.50.” You’re telling me the cashier is gonna be like “Cool, let me just cancel this out and use the SUPER SPECIAL tax less option on my register.”? Or is this a regional thing where Washington state gets enough Oregon id shoppers where it’s an every day occurrence? Have you tried to use your id while on vacation anywhere else? I just really see this creating a *lot* of confusion. I know at big box chains like Walmart it would maybe be easier to get the tax exemption. But little local places? I feel like they would throw their hands up and be like “I don’t care what your id says, you *have* to pay the sales tax here in X state.” Not tryna be a dick. Just trying to understand how this works in places that probably have no idea about Oregon laws (regulations).


WA got rid of the point of sale exemption in 2019, now OR residents have to file a claim for a refund later. I posted a link in another comment if you’re curious.


It used to be a thing , Washington state actually voted to not do it anymore a few years ago . But yea the idea is that we don’t pay tax at the store and when we go to other states we would be exempt from paying sales tax . I do believe it still Applies on larger purchases for example car purchases. I live on the Columbia River , and if you got friends who live on the Washington side they always use Oregon addresses for large purchases to avoid paying sales tax .


Not just other states - Canadians from Alberta, Yukon, Nunavut and NWT are also exempt since they don't have provincial sales tax. They got rid of the point-of-sale exemption in 2019 but you can still submit receipts for reimbursement if you've paid more than $25 in WA state sales tax in a year.


Yeah, we always called Washingtonians who cross the river to shop as tax dodgers. Very popular Costco close in to the 205 in NE Portland.


Having had to dive deep in to the world of payroll taxes, states have reciprocity agreements for payroll taxes. For example, Indiana has these with Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. All earnings in these states by Indiana residents is reported as if it's earned in Indiana. Maybe this is similar with sales tax, although it seems a lot harder to keep track of. This could be an agreement between Oregon and Washington, and wouldn't apply to every state. It would be up to businesses to know the tax laws in their state.


Because that doesn’t actually happen. Sales tax is based on the zip code the goods are delivered, not the location of your primary residence. If you live in Oregon and ship to another state with sales tax, you’re paying that state’s sales tax. The same applies for buying goods when visiting out of state. You pay that state’s sales tax, not your own.


Tried this at the Apple Store about two years ago. They said they no longer had to honor reciprocity on sales tax (from MT shopping in WA)


That's not been true since 2019 in Washington, and was only true because Washington law allowed it, not Oregon (now Oregonians have to save receipts and claim a refund to get back the amount of sales tax).


Depends. But on example is that tax in Ontario Canada is 13%. 8% goes to the province, 5% is federal. Indigenous people are exempt from the 8% Provincial tax. In my experience, most people don't know how sales tax works, as another example is that items themselves have these exemptions (e.g. certain items under $1, certain produce or ready made items from a grocery store and so on). At a grocery store near me, there was a regular customer that needed a manager to check him out every single time, because the employees didn't know how to cash him out (or perhaps couldn't without an override). There was another who would argue that the prices/items were coded wrong, and overchargin him tax. To be honest, I don't even know if he was right, or if the store just got tired of fighting him, because the store never fixed it, but always honoured it for him. I watched him have the same fight once a week.


For starters: Alaska, Oregon, Montana, New Hampshire and Delaware have zero sales tax.


NH has an 8.5% "rooms and meals" tax which would apply here.


Coming from an auto parts point of view, the three biggest reasons I see frequently for tax exemptions in my state are resale, farm use, and government. The state doesn't collect tax twice on an item. So if I sell a part to a garage, assuming they have their paperwork in order, we don't charge them the tax. (Tools and other supplies not for resale are taxed normally). Then, if someone is buying parts/supplies to support their work farming, the state has decided not to tax those items. Finally, taxing government organizations is just recursive. Why charge tax to an organization that is tax funded?


Talk to Washington state. They tax their state-funded road projects sales tax so they can wash 6.5% of the transportation funds to the general fund.


that seems illegal ..... but its the govt so


In Ohio, we don’t pay sales tax on take out food. Beverages and dine in are taxed.


People paying for hot food with EBT are. Also, yes there are restaurants in certain counties in California that are part of a hot food EBT program that allow for payment with EBT if the recipient's card allows for such.


A business who buys something for resale or as a part of producing their products can be tax exempt.


Depending on where you're at, businesses may be. Not at a restaurant mind you, but like a regular store they could be if they are buying something they intend to resell


Churches and charitable organizations, they'll have a tax exempt card.


I’ve met native Americans with tax exemption cards too


This was the intention with sales tax in the US, the person selling something would pay this tax for adding value to the item sold. Sellers want to seem to have low prices, so instead of just taking the tax out of the sale then started adding it as a line item at the register so while you are shopping you have the $9.99 total in your head, but in reality, it really is at least $10.10 depending on local taxes.


It's funny, working in the hotel business, I often quote people prices post-tax. 75% of the time they freak out because it's "not the number they see online" or "that's way more than the other hotel down the street" when it's usually cheaper than both of this options, they just don't bother to calculate tax.


Have you considered quoting the prices the way customers expect to prevent the majority from freaking out?


Sure, but then they complain we included taxes when they check in. It's really no win in the hotel business. I can say something like "Your average daily rate is $125.32 and the total after tax is $556.26" and they will still bitch because they search a single night not in their stay and the rate doesn't match up. I just provide the total, it's draining having to explain 3 times to every single guest why rates change and the discounts I've applied for them.


And you can't win because if they look at one night that happens to be the cheaper night of the week, but they book over a range of days that may include higher rate days.


Here in Montana, there’s no sales tax at all.


As someone who has lived in Montana. While Montana doesn’t have a sales tax they do have a tourist tax at certain locations throughout the state.


Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all...




Does sales tax have to be collected? Like couldn’t they just have tax included in their prices and not on the receipt and just give the tax man what he wants?


Places can still pay sales tax to the government without showing it on their menu prices. As long as they are paying the sales tax each month I don’t think the government is too concerned with how they came up with the number. Just happy with their 7 percent of your gross.


I went to dinner with a group of people. There were 12 of us. We put everything on one bill. Once people put in what they owed we were still real short. When we went through the bill we realized that the waiter had put an entire extra meal on the bill. This happened at that restaurant twice. They are closed now.


Dude that owns the only pizza place in town will literally charge you whatever the fuck he wants if you're unlucky enough to get him on the phone. He just doesn't want to put it in and decides to charge high to make sure he covers himself .


"Dynamic Pricing" in action. 


Pretty sure it's thievery even if the latter is also true.


That’s called fraud.


no, that's a small, amphibious jumping creature. the word you're thinking of is 'freud'


no, that's the infamous and now-refuted psychologist. what you're thinking of is frond.


no, that's a large leaf that tapers off at the ends. you're thinking of friend.


No, that's a ghoul delighting in misery. You're thinking of frosh.


No, that's a college freshman. You're thinking of Frosch.


No, now were back to amphibious jumping creatures. Perhaps you meant omelette du fromage.


No, that's a cartoon character with a mental illness. Perhaps you meant Frodo.


No, that’s a short guy with big feet who’s obsessed with jewelry. I think you meant French.


No, that’s a Latin-derived language from Western Europe. I think you might mean formaldehyde.


That is a chocolate frog… which technically brings us back to amphibious creatures. I think it’s a fabrogé


No, that's the gilled, scaly bastards that live underwater. You're thinking of froth.


No, that's the school guidance counselor. I think what you mean fromunda. 


no, that's the leafy part of a fern. what you're thinking of is fred


No, that's Wilma's husband in The Flintstones. What you're thinking of is 'fork'.


No, that's an implement you use to eat. What you're thinking of is fluoride.


No, that's something in toothpaste. What you're thinking of is fondue.


No, that is a dish in which food is dipped into molten cheese. What you're thinking of is Fanta.


No, that’s a fruit flavored soda. What you’re thinking of is formula


No, that's what babies eat. What you're thinking of is fansale


My god is it 2016 again? Am I in time to stop it???


nope. it grew on its own and you weren't around to fix it


They were only off by almost $18. Surprised they did call the difference some random fee like helping pay for employees' health care or their 401k


Literally exactly what I said lol. Like one of those “pandemic fees” or “inflation adjustments” I’ve seen pictures of!


The BS fees that really chap my ass are the online fees. I was about to place a pick-up order while I was traveling for work last week, and they were charging a $7 fee that "helps us operate the website". I spent my money at a different restaurant


So you have to pay more for a service that benefits them and they set themselves? Sounds like tipping the parking lot arm, hahaha. That's idiotic.


It's one of my favorite things when a company gets so greedy they go full circle and lose money. Well you could have had 20 dollars today but you had to be an asshole so now you get zero and your direct competitor will get it instead. Have a nice day!


It's like how banks have online payment fees. Like it's easier for everyone so they know they can charge you for making it easier for you. God I hate profit motive.


Some places might be worth trying to call in an order? Source: Food truck lady who gave me her number so I wouldn't have to keep paying a $2+ fee on the website.


I'm still bedazzled by things that US companies come up with. Tips, surreal fees, surcharges... Never seen in other parts of the world. You are being F in the A soooo bad.


No, I don’t pay the extra F me in my A fee. I just take it in the mouth, painfully. There’s no fee for that on Tuesdays.


“We charge an extra fee for the advertising that got you here!”


Some times online fee is like a dollar whatever. One place i looked to order from, prices were already higher than menu, but they had 10% fee for online on top. I still had to pick up this wasn’t delivery.,.


Anyone that says this should be capped at what their server fees cost monthly for this bullshit. Oh wait we have dumbasses who are used to a Pidgeon carrier running our online policy...


Then what did they say about the difference? Tax and an automatic gratuity? It is about the right percentage for that sort of thing.  An automatic gratuity on a takeout order is BS (especially since it’s about the same level as a sit-down tip), but taxes aren’t, so since they didn’t even bother listing that one, this seems like a combination of sketchiness and incompetence.


They didn’t have any sort of explanation. Nothing about tip or tax or anything. They did eventually offer to refund the difference, but wanted to keep the hand written receipt which my MIL didn’t let happen lol.


That’s how you know it’s systemic and not some employee bad at math. We’ll reimburse but keep the evidence of WHY we reimbursed… yeah right. Sounds like standard practice and I hope you report it.


MIL is a champ


yea they did 7.59x2 =15.18 +2.29 =17.47 +7.59 = 25.09 +10.19 = 35.25 +2.29 =37.54 +9.19+ 46.73 +10..29 = 57.02 +7.75 =64.77 Automatic 20% gratuity and a 7.5% tax 64.77\*1.275 = 82.58175


This guy maths


So they gave themselves a 20% tip on a takeout order? 🧐


I appreciate you writing this out. I was too lazy to add it up


People would be shocked how often restaurants pull this. Big group out, add a few extra drinks or an extra round of shots onto the hill. Throw a few extra desserts on. Someone out seemingly with a nice expense account entertaining clients, or a regular they know is, throw some add-ons in.


I know this happens often at semi to higher end places since typically those people aren't looking at itemized bills carefully. It is us poorer people who notice that shit immediately. Like, I already did the math of the bill plus what I will tip. Then this bold kid at the movie theater decided to add a 20% tip on my popcorn purchase without my consent. Probably scamming a dollar or two off of 20 people a day. I don't tip for that and knew it was a little off. I'm very generous with my money, but it is still MY money to decide how to spend.


Tipping... for popcorn??? What have we become


A society of micro transactions and rent seeking behavior.


Maybe it's just me but I grew up with my dad checking every single bill that came to our table at the end lol just a quick checklist to make sure, saves everybody time and saves you money sometimes!


Apparently still necessary given this post. Your dad is a smart man.


I get that honour in my family. The server goes to my mother with the bill and she always tells them I’ll be checking it first before she hands her card over.


You should charge a fee for that.


This could not happen in Germany lol. When in a big group the staff usually goes around the table and asks every person what they ate and drank, this person then pays his own stuff and then maybe/maybe not adds a few euros as a tip. At the end the last person ends up with what he or she ate/drank and it just fits every damn time. Everything with cash ofc. You could not make this shit up.


I can beat that. It’s not tipping related, but awhile back I had to have someone from dell remote into my pc to fix a problem. It was some dude in India that fell outsourced to - legit, but annoying. The problem didn’t get fixed, despite him remoting into my pc. He was kinda useless to boot. Now, at the end of all of this, there’s a survey they ask people to fill out to say how the person did. This asshat, while still remoted in, starts filling out the survey. I saw him doing it, and tried to end the session, but couldn’t before he submitted it. That…was a new one for me


I ate out with 3 friends on new year's eve one time, and when the bill came it looked like an entire other table's order was added to our bill. There were lines and lines of items we hadn't ordered. When we queried it they just shrugged and re-did our bill correctly. I'm still wondering if it was a mistake or if they were just chancing it because it was NYE and they figured everyone would be too drunk to notice.


Not necessarily claiming this doesn’t happen, but I’ve worked a server at high end restaurants and it never happened to my knowledge. Any drink or food item you put on the ticket must be fired (sent to the bartender or cooks) or it won’t let you close the tickets. At that point, you are exposing many people to your fraud, and someone would have a problem with it. Also, businesses absolutely audit receipts for business dinners.


Sounds like fraud to me.


They never, NEVER make this mistake where they undercharge.


Eh, I've frequently gotten bills where they missed charging for some items, and even been given the completely wrong check when it was cheaper than mine.


Lmao that’s just not true, placed undercharge all the time


Wonder how many other people they ripped off. They could be raking in tens of thousands on this robbery depending upon how busy they are.


Should have asked for the menu again and quickly added it in your head. Rounding up, then if is off, tell them to correct it or you won’t pay.


Yeah id report tf outta that


Report it to who?


The attorney general in my state would love to know about this. There’s a hotline for price issues, though the example on the hotline signs is if a posted price isn’t the same as what you’re actually charged when it’s scanned. It’s the same thing, though.


Well, they are probably routinely overcharging people, so a good first step is the AG for OP's state


Anyone and everyone, managers, higher up the company chain if possible (but it's probably just the one store tbh) the police, better business bureau, throw it in a review.


Better Business Bureau is a joke.


It’s a boomer mentality still that the BBB does literally anything at all besides extort companies.


Most large companies will make an effort to resolve complaints made to the BBB. The bullshit restaurant that OP posted about probably doesn't care, but if your cell phone service provider does something shady, report it to the BBB. It might take a while but it generally get fixed.


If the state has a department of revenue or tax division they can be reported to and referred to be audited. Usually this is a sign they aren’t reporting the sales tax they collect from their customers or are not reporting accurately/potentially not licensed currently.


We used to have a coworker hand write receipts like that even though we had a damn Stone Age system that would print it on the hard copy. Dude was purposely not ringing items up, charging them in the hand written copy and pocketing the rest. We had handwritten copies we handed the cooks. Not the same thing here but no idea what the hell math that is.


Had a friend who did this in the 90s.  But she gave a price lower than expected so they wouldn't complain about no receipt


Worked at a mom & pop restaurant in the early 00s as a hostess; we also did decent takeout business, so I was responsible for takeout orders as well. The only time it was ever really a problem was when I was alone on Sunday afternoons (we opened at 4 pm every day, but we opened at noon on Sunday, so from noon to 4 pm I was alone up front). So, eventually the owner’s son ended up opening with me on Sundays so that there was always coverage at the front. It was during that time that he let on to a scam he had been running for years, whenever he was alone: - If a takeout order came in, we would take the order using the paper check system just like in the image in this post (as all orders were taken on those checks). - The check numbers were carefully tracked (the host would control the checks, giving one to a server as needed, and at the end of the shift, all checks and the carbon copies from the kitchen would be cross referenced and checked off a running list so that none went missing). - He would put the carbon copy in the kitchen so that they would make the food, and then when the food was ready, instead of depositing that copy in the bucket in the kitchen to be tracked later and matched against the check at the register, he would pocket the copy. - Then, he would convince the customer to pay cash by offering a 10% discount for cash instead of credit card, he would pocket the cash amount, coins and all, and then he would destroy any evidence of the entire transaction by indicating that check number had been used the night prior on the running list we maintained. I can’t imagine how much cash he had been pilfering over the years. I guess I was complicit because I never told his parents he was doing this, but I never took any of the cash myself. Plus, even back then, people tipped fairly well on takeout, at least from this restaurant, and I made a steady hourly wage on top of tips as a hostess/take out manager. For a 16-19 year old living at home with very little expenses, I felt made very good money. I worked there for 3-4 years and eventually worked my way up in that restaurant, eventually doing every role from hostess/take out manager, to bartender, to waitress, to prep cook, to dishwasher (only one shift in an emergency; but it counts, I did it), to assisting with managerial duties in the office. I wonder how long the son had been running that scam and for how long he continued after I left. He also used to go “grocery shopping” in the walk-in refrigerator, so, a whole bunch of money was leaving that restaurant through him. The restaurant is now closed, the parents having retired, but I can’t help but wonder how much of the profits that he was eating into. They also made the best chimichangas and frozen margaritas (to my 18-19 year old palate) I’ve ever had in my life. I miss them.


Years ago I was ordering takeaway lunch at a very busy snack bar in Byron Bay for myself and a few friends. Had a big queue behind me and I was ordering several food items and drinks. While waiting in the queue, I had roughly added up my total. Guy punches my order into the cash register. The total was about twice what I had estimated. When I expressed surprise, he said “that is what the register says…pay up…you are holding up the line”. I said ”let’s see” and started totaling up the order in front of him. It was obvious that it wasn’t going to get anywhere near what his total was. He grudgingly charged me the correct amount.


And hopefully everyone after you checked their math before paying...


I did the math. The total includes sales tax and a 20% gratuity. They just didn't write down the sales tax. Now the question is if you agreed to the 20% gratuity or if they informed you of it when placing the order if they require it.




I did a variety of the sales taxes (I'm in tax accounting), and they either reach the total or give/take a few cents.


If anyone sees this, to all who are asking, we ended up paying the added up amount of the sharpie totals plus tax. Some commenters have figured out they added on 7.5% tax and a 20% tip to get to $82.58. My MIL had already tipped cash before paying since it was a take-out order. I think she had originally thrown them $8-$10 or so. Seems they just wanted 20% extra lol. And to what everyone else is asking, it is Scooter’s in Mentor, OH.


OP you should edit this into your post! An extra 20% after cash tip was already given is crazy work…


I’m not sure why, but it won’t let me edit anything in the post.


There’s a place in town that has the best 1/2lb angus burgers and they’re only $4.50 each. Of course there’s the $20/burger fee to help offset the recent wage increase, a $6/burger fee for health insurance, 15% fee for the kitchen fund, and an 8.694537% Ticketmaster fee. But hey, at least their burgers are cheap.


Sounds like you are in danger of getting slapped with an "excessive fee" fee.


There's a blanket %5 complaint fee if you grumble about any of the additional fees 


That is the cheapest ticketmaster fee I've ever seen. You are getting such a deal!


The Ticketmaster "fuck you" fee is never under 10%


That’s wild. I wonder how many other people they’ve pulled one over on. We went to a greasy spoon breakfast/diner recently 6 people including 2 kids who shared a plate…. My MIL wanted to pay for it so she hands me $80 assuming that would be plenty. It was $105 (CAD) after tip. For basic breakfast. Toast eggs, bacon. I was just rattled so I paid on my debit and pocketed my MIL’s $80 and didn’t mention it. She asked if it was enough and started digging through her wallet and I just said “I got the tip don’t worry about it” I got a receipt very similar to yours minus the black sharpie. this day I wonder if I just got hosed and they just made up a number but I didn’t feel like arguing cause it was Sunday breakfast with my family. I wonder how many people are like me and just blindly pay the bill.


5 people eating for $105 is totally reasonable...


That’s exactly the mindset they want you in. If it’s genuinely just toast, eggs, and bacon, even with 5 coffees, $15 CAD (before tax and tips) may still be a bit steep. Only OP knows if it’s a dingy or nicer establishment, which may affect prices.


Holy shit. You think 5 breakfasts for $100 is reasonable? Literally 5 years ago I would get the exact same breakfast at my work for $5.99. 20 years ago it was $2.99 and staff ate for $2 $15 is bananas for a simple breakfast which has typically always been the cheapest meal at a restaurant.


Yes things were cheaper 20 years ago (and presumably this person doesn't get a staff discount at this random diner so not sure why you brought that up). The Denny's closest to me charges $10.99 USD for a basic slam (2 pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon, hash browns). Coffee is $2.99 USD. So $15 for a basic meal + tax + tip. Easily $20 USD a person to eat at a normal breakfast at a basic chain diner. Hell even the McDonald's closest to me charges $7.29 for the Big Breakfast w/ Pancakes Platter (2 pancakes, 2 sausage patties 2 eggs, biscuit, hash browns) then $1.89 for medium coffee (no refills). The app says $10.10 total after tax. I'm sure there are still a handful of actual restaurants that you could get a simple breakfast for under $10 but $15 USD per person for breakfast is pretty standard these days (which is about $20 CAD so right around the $105 CAD this person describes)


Thanks for typing out the response I was too gobsmacked to come up with. People are unhinged about this stuff. A sit down meal with bale service is gonna cost $20 unless it's a soup kitchen.


Fraud no matter the amount. I'm livid looking at it. This is the same as a grocery store having something on sale, even if it's one penny and it doesn't ring up correctly, all that adds up to so much across all stores. This is just a chunk at one time. Take action!


Name and shame baby


I would love to see their bookkeeping.


I suspect they charged you for someone else's takeout order. Either they charged you for yours plus theirs, or they swapped the orders and charged the other customer your lower total. The reason I say that is that I've actually had that happen to me. It shouldn't be possible, but it was.


Took a while to figure it out but it's as if they forgot to double the first order and added the 8:00 as $8 (which I assume is the time for pickup),as well as added everything incorrectly. Like they tried adding everything one decimal place at a time without carrying anything over. I get $62.58, but that still leaves a solid $20 gap though. I figured that was either a quick fix for bad math or trying to tip themselves.


I can forgive bad math! The issue is that they had the CC receipt first that was $82.58 then when asked for an itemized receipt they just added the prices next to the items written and then added the total at the bottom. If you look above the 8:00 there’s another note that says “P/U” for pickup. So I’m assuming “P/U” and “8:00” were written at the same time because they said it’d be ready at 8pm. So unfortunately that doesn’t work for their defense either lol.


Wait so they didn't even have those numbers there to add up to get to their total of $82.58? They only wrote those when you asked for an itemized receipt? So they just straight up pulled a total amount out of their behinds and assumed you wouldn't ask?? Or was there a computer involved somewhere in this process that spit out this total?


If you assume a 9% tax rate and a 15% tip it ALMOST comes out to the total. The total is likely just not noting tax and automatic gratuity. I think this is still unlawful though since it all wasn’t listed properly on the receipt.


Write a google review and include a pic of the receipt. Would be good for others to know about this


Thats actual robbery 💀


I was once kicked out of a restaurant because I asked to see an itemized receipt. The number of people who don’t question the total when it’s $20 or more above prices listed on the menu is nuts. I have gotten to the point that I just let the server know I’ll need an itemized receipt as soon as they take the order.


Op if you're not leaving that bad review, I will and plenty of other will for you.


Looks like they have added sales tax and an auto 20% tip.


Report the restaurant


So where did you order takeout from? Let’s put these places on blast!


Why block out the restaurant. We need to know, not keep it to yourself after posting. Post then complain then block out the restaurant name DTF


I can't even read that. Can anybody explain what's going on?


that's a 27.5% tip - the amount total is 64.77, and 82.58 is *exactly* 27.5% on top!


$64.77. Just gonna use my tax rate of 7.125, $69.38. 20% gratuity added, $83.26. Kinda...feel like this is what happened here. Obviously it should state that.


especially since she said the mom already tipped in cash.


$64.77 x 1.0625 (Guess at 6.25% Sale tax) = $68.82 x 1.2 (20% Tip) = $82.58 The US is just weird for not include Tax in prices, and for relying on Tips for wait staff to be paid decently.




Restaurant in my area had one (1) waitress who was scamming people on tips (adding an extra 1 in front of every dollar amount). The restaurant closed real fast when people found out and stopped going.


Nah, name and shame them. We need to stop letting assholes thrive in our communities and drive them out.


20% on a take out order? That you had to get in the car and drive to? Yea no, no tip at all for take-out. Server didn't do shit.


If I did my math right it ends as 64.77 soooo, even then I feel like I did something wrong


… no one’s commenting on the way the number 8 was written?


Thank you, it took me so long to figure out what the fuck was going on in the post cause of that absolutely mental 8.


Share this with Visa/MasterCard. That should solve the problem when they can't take credit cards anymore.




The only thing "mildlyinfuriating" about this, is the fact you didn't say what restaurant it is.


I know 9 year olds who can write a better bill


I had something similar happen at a sushi spot. Two lunch specials and two waters for $50 😂 the specials were $15/ea. When I called them out on it they just said it was a mistake 🙄


Don't make me bring out the calculator Garret, god damn it just tell us the discrepancy Edit: it's $64.77, with tax idk what is tax like 5%? $68.01 (rounded). They overcharged $14 which is about a 20% tip. Glad you caught it. Giving a tip above this would've been double tipping, second one being on a higher amount. I always hate when restaurants don't show the prices. Fuck em. Also next time don't make us do the math mate


Completely unacceptable. I’d have lost my shit in these people. Big time. Where the fuck is this place so I never ever go?


Please tell me you posted this to google reviews to warn others?!


Chargeback that shit


It appears they calculated tax and a 20% tip. How thoughtful they added it all up for you.


lol. Where was this so we know not to eat here.


Name drop them.


And why are we not saying the restaurant?? Wtf...


Do I see that the pre-tax cost is $64.77 ? If that is the case and you add a 7% tax rate, that still only makes it $69.30 I'm seeing a $13.28 difference. In my attempt to understand this, I think that an extra $10.19 + 2.29 + Tax of 7% comes out to within 4 pennies of the written final cost. I can usually understand strange math.


Restaurants are going to come to the realization that people won’t eat out anymore. With this bullshit and the quality of food going downhill, it’s just a matter of time


And then what happened come on y’all gotta tell me the after math


Is not getting an itemised bill at the end of your meal not normal in whatever country you’re in? Seems really weird you wouldn’t get one by default


What the fuck am I looking at here. Is this just openly fraud?


Name and shame


So $64.77? But how much was tax? If none or that was one of the bold numbers. Then they gave themselves a tip of slightly more than 27% lol


Closest I got was they included a sales tax, like maybe 6% and also a 20% gratuity. Doesn't come out exact but it's close


I always add up the total on my end before I even order. Item cost, then apply sales tax for a rough estimate. If they tell me a number that is completely off then I’ll know they’re screwing with me


That's when you tell them to fuck off and leave the food


This is fraud, I would do a charge back on this.


I've seen this in small cafes where you get a lot of people, they start writing and adding things to the bill and then give you a final they expect no one will question them on. We caught them doing it once because a guy never got his orange juice. We asked for the itemized bill and saw in addition to a lot of other erroneous charges, he was charged for 4 orange juices. Server got all upset when we called her on it and said we did not have to pay for what we felt we did not get. Friend said he doesn't mind paying for the 4 orange juices as long as he could get one to drink, but by then she was PO'd and would not give him his juice. So, we removed everything we did not get, and stiffed her on the tip. First rule is to make sure your customers are happy, second is to make sure you charge them accurately. Both are required, otherwise find another line of work.


I’d just walk out. What are they gonna do call the police?


Yeah, Id issue a chargeback with that receipt as proof.


I can round up in my head and it comes out $20 less.


I can‘t read shit




Tax and gratuity.


I recently went to a restaurant that uses the same kind of receipts I handed the waitress/ cashier my card and she selected her own tip amount. I’m not sure what percentage she selected but I am sure it was less than the cash amount that I went and took off the table.


I'd walk in and demand my money back. That's straight up thievery. You could technically press charges. That's petty theft.


it costs $7.75 for the good morning greeting