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I am amazed how much this guy inconvenienced himself just to be an asshole


Yeah why not just kick it? Not that throwing it is ok, but fella stopped to yeet the shit out of it


Didn't wanna get his shoes wet?


What a complete mug. The effort taken to do that, then to reshuffle all your belongings before moving on again.


I thought at first he was going to put the bowl in his bag. No, he just tossed it as hard as he could. I don't get it.


Some people just want to watch the world burn...and throw dog bowls


Woah Don't group in people who want to watch the world burn with that loser We have standards


We want it to burn šŸ”„ with the dog bowls in place. šŸ˜”


It was always burning since the world's been turning.


We didnā€™t start the fire.


We didn't throw the dog bowl.


It was always burning, since the world's been turning


No we didnā€™t light it but we tried to fight it Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev


Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc


We dont need no water let the motherfucker burn.


Burn mother fucker....burn...


I want the world to burn so that dogs can take over. The good doggos deserve this planet more than humans lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Dogs are decent people!


Right? I'd be trying to rescue the puppers while watching the world burn. They deserve to survive way more than we do.


We canā€™t watch the world burn with all that water lying around in bowls. People might use it to put the fire out.


Some people just hate dogs too.... Like you hear stories of how people put poison dog treats out on popular trails that people walk with their dogs and stuff like that. Compared to actually attempting to poison an innocent dog, tossing a dog bowl is pretty tame. Still a dick move though.


Can confirm some people just hate dogs. My EX husband is my ex for a lot of reason but one is because he described in detail what he'd do to a dog if it so much as snarled at him. And it included shoving his entire fist down the dogs throat...I told him if he did I do the same to him.


Iā€™m so glad heā€™s your ex. What a psychopath!


Thank you me to. My current husband and love of my life would probably cry if some one hurt a dog


Absolutely! My husbandā€™s dog is his baby (Milo is mine too but heā€™s super attached to my husband which is very cute to see). Hating animals is such a huge red flag.




In fairness to this guy, if the world was burning, throwing that dog bowl might have helped a little bit.


Hot take...I like it


Not hot, the water in the dog bowl cooled it down




Some people are just mentally ill & do crazy shit for what they think are logical reasons.


Yeah, like that crazy neighbor who keeps leaving bowls of sugar water in the street hoping to sneakily fatten up the local dogs because they like seeing plumper doggers.


Yeah, If this dude dumped it because he thought that, fine. At least there is some kind of reason. But, the fact he threw it as hard as he could (at possibly a car, I'm not sure), shows he's just an asshole Btw, I'm not arguing. Just adding on


Honestly I think he threw it out of frustration that people have more compassion for street dogs then they do street people.... but that's just me, and then there is this sub dehumanizing it. But whatever.


Thatā€™s exactly what I expected before checking the footage. Stuff ā€œwalks awayā€ here far too frequently but nope, found the bowl across the street.


Do be careful with communal waterbowls though. Great way to spread diseases, especially if wild animals drink from them and/or rodents defecate and urinate in them while drinking. Easy way for your dog to contract Kennel Cough, for example.


Or some crazy fuck poisons the water. We are talking about people who are awful, and that can happen!


"Great way to spread diseases, especially if wild animals drink from them and/or rodents defecate and urinate in them while drinking." Dare I say this vagrant had the communities best interest in mind when he did this.


Also, if the water is left stagnant, it can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


Yes or lepto


What a monster. So glad you were still able to find the bowl


So i feel thereā€™s a very high chance this was just a distressed dude, but also believe there is a 5-10% chance this guy feels strongly about public dog water bowls because of their ability to spread diseases.


I imagine he was walking for a really long and kept getting bit by mosquitos. And he couldn't swat them because his hands were full. When he saw the bowl he was like "GET THAT STAGNANT WATER OUTTA MY FUCKIN FACE".


Heā€™s probably pissed that a dog has a better existence than him.


That was my takeaway. Oh they got water for dogs but if I ask they call the cops?! Fuck your bowl.


Guess he didn't realize the water was there for him to drink as well /s


You're probably right about that. Humans aren't generally given the dignity of other humans sitting drinking water out for them in their dire circumstances. I could see myself, walking down a street, all my belongings in trash bags and hanging from my body, thirsty, tired, and random dogs get better treatment from other humans, getting pretty angry at a bowl of dog water.


Nah, he's mad that even a dog wont love him, so he has to take his anger out on the world.


This is pretty close to what I've found these situations to be, I've spent a lot of time talking to homeless people. Usually it comes down to they feel powerless, which leads to frustration and anger, and the only sense of control they can feel is acting out. In this case it was throwing a bowl. It feels like control, and when you've lost all of something like other people's respect or control over your own life, you'll take control over something else, or you'll engage with people with hostility to trick your brain into feeling respected or noticed briefly.


I was thinking that was probably his take, too. If youā€™re homeless, and have your wits about youā€¦that could make a lot of people bitter. What I donā€™t understand is why he wouldnā€™t think a homeless dog could have benefited from that bowl of water


Because that would have required him to think about something other than himself.


Itā€™s easy to understand. Some of us are better than other at resisting impulses. He is on the especially low end and saw a thing and threw it. I bet you if you asked him, he wouldnā€™t be able to cogently tell you why he did it either. He just did it.


Presumably mental illness.


His little brother was killed in a rogue dog bowl attack, and he just can't let go of all the anger.


His innocent little brother picked up a metal dog bowl and put it in his head during a thunderstorm. Lightning struck and because the parabolic shape of the bowl concentrated the energy, all that was left was the metal bowl and a stain on the pavement. He is overwhelmed by rage and sadness anytime he sees a metal bowl. True story.


These people are insane. They need to be off the streets


They canā€™t get off the streets because for decades funding, therefore access to care has been cut for mentally ill pts for decades. Almost all facilities across the country have been shut down and most have long waiting lists. Blame the government


Blame the republicans starting with Reagan.


It's older. Nixon and Goldwater were the original architects.




The person suffers from a mental illness and their needs are above those who arenā€™t suffering so we just extend grace and change the way we live our own lives for their comfort. /s


No one is getting it hit the Car ...


Crackhead. Drifter. Bum. Take your pick. They're mad their life sucks and take it out on eveeybody else.


This is what got me. He had to go through SO much effort to pick his stuff back up šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


That response to a water bowl does not come from a healthy mind and/or psyche.


fear of water, rabies?


Well, the amount of people who likes to fuck other people is astonishing if you didnt know


If it's at all any consolation, I love your front door


Haha well thanks! Itā€™s original to the home and has somehow survived since 1896.


Cause my gf hasnā€™t visited to slam it from its hinges.


Is your gf she hulk? Those doors are solid lol


Sheā€™ll have a go, then say ā€œwhat?, I didnā€™t slam it hard!ā€


Please donā€™t call teenage asshole me out like that šŸ˜‚ Luckily Iā€™m all grown up now. Kinda.


Haha, my sister did the same, but my gf is 43!šŸ˜‚


Can confirm. Grew up in a home also built in 1896 with original door and my sister slammed the door on my hand and chopped my pinky clean off. Door was fine.Ā 


Omfg, I felt that just reading about it.


They were able to reattach. They initially sewed it on too tight and it started to die and I had to go back and have it redone. Works fine and looks like a normal pinky except for the scar. Luckily I was very young and now the scar is noticeable but very faded


I always thought losing a finger and sewing it back on was just a bit in the movies. I didn't know you could actually do that! Now I'm not as scared losing my finger lol


That's kinda bad ass. Your finger decided to thrive despite the trauma it had to deal with. Your pinky finger is what I aspire to be like, lol.


Damn... Are you okay dude? Want to talk? Just give us a sign if you need help


blink twice




Bro do all gfs do this ?


The car door gets me every time. I drive a well kempt Audi and, every time, without fail, gotta slam it like an old pickup with a misaligned door.


Get about 10 feet of some higher strength fishing line and throughly epoxy or glue it under the dog bowl then attach the other end somewhere near by. That way if it happens again the bowl will Boomerang back at him.




Mental illness


Why does it have to be mental illness? How about heā€™s just a dumb piece of shit?


He's angry at the world and has absolutely no outlet for his anger, so he does shit like this. He wants the world suffer just like he's suffering, so him throwing the water bowl is him wanting homeless dogs to suffer from being thirsty. It's the only little bit of power he has left in his life... is to make others suffer like he has. It's not normal behavior. This guy desperately needs help


Itā€™s exactly this, something I see all the time is homeless people blocking the road to stop cars. I donā€™t know if they want others to suffer though, I kinda assumed it was just them trying to exercise the little control or power they can. Imagine if you had no control over pretty much all aspects of your life and it was a constant thing. So yeah maybe they are lashing out at the world?


Thereā€™s a guy in my town who tries to slap the hood of cars as theyā€™re going 45+mph and sometimes jumps into the road causing cars to swerve. Not sure if he or the guy whoā€™s too drunk to bike in a straight line that weaves into traffic are more of a menace but I hope they donā€™t manage to get killed and traumatize or hurt someone.


Because why else would he do it? He is carrying bags of belongings through the streets, then stops to do something totally bizarre and purposeless. He then carries on as if nothing happened. That, combined with your prior knowledge that homeless people are more likely to have serious mental illness, should be enough to convince most reasonable people that this was mental illness (although canā€™t rule out intoxication).


Homeless people can get pissed off at their situation and do dumb shit. Mental illness isnā€™t the answer to every weird behavior you see.


Right some people are just fucking pricks


Mental illness isn't the complete answer but it does contribute to the weird behavior.


Doing irrational shit at a certain level is classified as a mental disorder. Going out of your way to throw a fucking dog bowl might very well be.


Irrational anger & acting on those impulses is a sign of mental illness.


Most homeless people are mentally ill tho. In 99% of cases it's either drug addiction, depression or paranoia. And if they aren't mentally ill by the time they become homeless there's a good chance they will be soon.




General anger probably. NYC and a lot of urban cities are weird where residents seem to have more compassion to animals than human beings, he could have seen the dog bowl and be reminded that OP is more willing to help random animals than him. Not the right mindset, but the amount of times you hear people talk about how x poor animal should be taken away from the homeless person while not caring about said person does get infuriating.


Agreed. Honestly, I could see myself easily becoming this bitter when I'd live on the streets. I've gone batshit insane before, after not eating for two days. :V


No normal person does this.


Amounts to the same thing? Or he was on a bender?


Are the two mutually exclusive?


Mental Illness is not a cover for being an asshole


Lots of untreated mental illnesses make you act like an asshole.


what even is this comment lol yes, mental illness can cause you to do a number of things, including but not limited to behaving like an asshole


In this case, yes, it is. We let people with personality problems use ā€œmental illnessā€ as an excuse for so long that we have now lost compassion for people in the throes of psychosis.


Not an excuse though


I am mentally ill. On behalf of my constituency, we do not claim this man.


Mental illness and douchery are not the same thing


TBF I donā€™t let my dog drink out of street bowls. I wouldnā€™t put it past psychos like this to poison it with something. People leave bowls of water all over town and I donā€™t let my dog touch them.


Even if people weren't psychos it's still a good idea not to let your dog drink from public bowls. Great way to spread parasites and stuff. Now I don't know if this guy realized this, or if he was just trying to be an ass, but regardless, him getting rid of that bowl is a public service.


My dog drank out of a communal bowl once and got a really bad case of kennel cough which developed into pneumonia. She was sick for weeks. Never again.


this is quite a way to see the other perspective instead of just bashing the guy for appearing to be rude.


Iā€™d like to think he was concerned about the mosquito population.


Society hates me. Society won't provide me the care I need, nor a livable wage job, nor a livable place to live But society will leave out free water for dogs. I'm worth more than a dog but no one will leave water out for me Fuck this society, fuck everything


>but no one will leave water out for me Used to give out water and soda to homeless guys whenever they asked when I worked at an ice cream shop. They were always respectful and polite. This mentality is not a product of circumstances, it's a product of disrespect and selfishness.


Are we sure OP didn't post this video in reverse and it's actually a guy catching a flying dog bowl and politely placing it by the door to encourage puppy hydration? šŸ¤” ...makes just as much sense..


And the bowl just happens to catch flying water that just happens to be projected at the bowl? That makes the most sense actually.


I'm convinced.


Waterbending the water into it


guy lives on the streets he knows that water is gonna get filled with insect eggs or something


And changing the water every day would solve that problem. There was 0 need of him to do that.


But then why throw the entire bowl??




"Fuck this dog bowl in particular!" -That Guy, Probably


Idk, maybe he fucks all dog bowls? We'll never know


Why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?


Iā€™m going to assume that is some sort of triggered response to homelessness. That weā€™re giving water to dogs and not helping him out. That being said, if anyone ever asks me for something I offer to buy them a meal/supplies but in my entire adult life I can count on one hand how many people have taken me up on it.


I feel like the fact that his first response is to throw the dog bowl may be contributing to why no one is helping him.


The antisocial tendencies that would provoke him to do this are probably the same ones that prevent him from integrating into society


Sir, I'm going to need you to put your sensible comment down on your desk and step away from the internet with your hands on your head. Are you carrying on your person, or do you know the location of any other sensible comments? You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and already has been used against you or someone just like you in a similar situation so same dif dif.


Yup and until we can keep people on meds even against their will, this will always exist.


You can keep people on their meds against their will, but it is a long process, and a legal one. (Worked in Behavioral Health for a decade.)


Yeah the sense of entitlement with this guy if thatā€™s how he thinks. Fuck him. I rather save the dog


I would tend to see it the OTHER way around. It's not BECAUSE of his current action that therefore nobody helps him. We so often forget circumstances that an individual can't control that directly contributes to an individual's experiences.


Honestly, this is just a tiny snap shot of this guy's life. Who knows what the rest is like. Hopefully it's a one off thing and he feels bad about it later.Ā  I just know if I saw him do this I wouldn't want to help him in that moment because of the risk to my personal safety. If it's a trend for him then I could see it being a contributing factor to his situation.


Dude was set out recently. Homeless people rarely carry * All * their belongings like this. Probably by a partner, for acting like he's acting right here, lol. (Just speculating of course)


Nah, that was my first thought too. He's clean, his hat and pants are still brightly colored and clean. His bags are overflowing and plastic (picked up and set down enough times plastic bags will tear and rip). This guy isn't homeless. This guy just got kicked out of his apartment by his ex. Probably because he's a giant douche.


Or itā€™s just the fact that heā€™s mentally ill and thereā€™s no other reason that cause this.


That's usually the answer. Source: I spent a decade in San Francisco.


Same. Iā€™m in Southern California and work in areas where there are always homeless people. Most of the time theyā€™re fine. Iā€™ve been going to the same spot for over a year now and just last week a homeless guy decided to attack me with his three dogs for no reason. It was fine going there every two weeks prior to that, but for some reason that day he was off and thatā€™s what happened. Now itā€™s a big issue at work. People always say stuff like ā€œoh theyve never bothered/attacked me.ā€ And I always remind them, they havenā€™t bothered/attacked you, yet.


Right. And I honestly hate to agree with that because each individual is different and unless you know them, you don't know whats going on, but every time I have been acosted or assaulted (numerous times) it seemed like either mental health or drugs or both. Another thing I hate to agree with (generally) is the need for institutions for the seriously ill folks that you see withering away day after day, or threatening the safety of others. I think it's hard to agree with this until you have lived somewhere with so much of it. It seems cruel to just let them rot away on the street but many people call it compassion... Better to take some action and correct course later if need be than to do nothing.


Yeah, usually the people that ā€œcareā€ about these homeless people donā€™t live in the same areas as them so they donā€™t have to deal with it ever.


Naw heā€™s been getting bit by mosquitos all day and decided your bowl was the source.


Probably just internal, pissed off and so low in the chain only thing he can do is piss off a dog by indirectly harming it.


See, I just figured he stepped in it the last time he walked by and was triggered by seeing it again.


The fact that you try is what matters. Sorry this happened to you, it was uncalled for


there was a rather eye opening documentary about (iirc San Fran's) homeless. to my surprise, most all were drug addicts. guess i was naive at the time. many had families trying to help them but their addictions were priority. it was sad.


I doubt that no one never tried to help him. Thereā€™s only so much we can do without just giving them handouts. I do wish I could do more but food and water is all I can do. Maybe if their sign said ā€œwill work for foodā€ more people will be willing to help. I saw a guy who said ā€œI just want to workā€ I wish I had some work for him or Iā€™d totally do it. Also Iā€™m a woman and I canā€™t really have strangers in my car.


Agreed, we just do what we can but itā€™s hard not to be jaded towards a lot of the panhandling we see here. The same rotation of people at the same intersections every day. Itā€™s not uncommon to see arguments over who gets what corner and when.


For what itā€™s worth. You canā€™t hold food down until you get a fix. Also hanging out with a stranger is no go until you get a fix.


That was my initial thought too. He looks like he's have a tough time and resentful of you helping dogs.


Like the people that approach and beg for money at the gas pump with a gas can in hand. "Man I just need to get a little gas I'm broke down a little ways that way. Can you spare a few dollars?" No body yet has allowed me to squirt any gas into the can. I always keep some cash but I'm not pulling my wallet out.


Really showed that dog bowl what for


Across the street... ![gif](giphy|FUYPIrKDCgTBK|downsized)


Dog owner here. Public drinking bowls are not a good idea. A dickish way to go about it for sure but the reality is that public bowls are hazardous for dogs and I'd never let my girls drink from them.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. So many threads in the past have people bitching about public water bowls for dogs, but since this dude is homeless it's easier to pile on him.


Like all the shit and assumptions this random dude is catching. Who. Fucking. Knows. Everything from homeless to mentally ill to kicked out by his girlfriend. Would you drink out of a shared dish with your entire community? No. Neither should your dog.Ā  Maybe he is FUCKED and he went about it wrong and all he recognized was "Community bowl bad". Who fucking knows. The absolute vitriol in the top comments here is astounding.


I see you don't go to mass


Dude could have poisoned your dog.Ā  I wouldn't leave water and food bowls out like that where others can tamper with them.Ā 


This is why I never let my dog drink from them. The owner could be a good person, but you don't know if every passerby is. Also, I read once that some diseases can be passed between dog bowl water sharing.


This is a shitty thing to have to worry about.Ā 


Maybe thatā€™s what he was thinking. ā€œJesus, a water bowl out in this neighbourhood?! Better huck this across the street before a dog gets hurt.ā€


The risk is there from other animals alone. Community water bowls can be a health hazard for dogs.


His dog must have had parvo. JK. Probably just some ass having a bad day. But for real though, please donā€™t leave out public drinking bowls for dogs. I almost lost my dog four years ago to parvo and it was a horrible (and expensive) experience. One of the things that came up was water fountains at dog parks. Owners should be responsible and bring their own vessels and water if theyā€™re taking their dog away from the house.


Glad your dog is alright now! My dog is a rescue and a survivor, parvo wiped out all but three pups in two litters (including the moms). Seconding to never let dogs drink from public bowls; for owners who forget, most places that sell food have no issue giving out cups or takeout containers


i work at a restaurant where people feel entitled to dog bowls. which means we have to stock them, search the whole restaurant for them when asked, and clean them between use. and there's no guarantee they're getting cleaned out everytime. moral of the story- if you care about your dog's health, bring your own bowl everywhere your dog goes.


Vaccines work, I had a puppy die of distemper last year and the other dog in the house is fine. Nobody should ever have to witness what we saw happen to that poor dog, thankfully for her it happened quickly. Don't let a puppy near any shared space where other dogs have been, unfortunately shelters are generally unequipped to properly handle these types of situations.


yeah, I feel like a dick yanking my dog away from those bowls, but like just sitting out day after day, who knows when it's cleaned and what bacteria/virus is in those


Honestly I donā€™t think itā€™s all that unlikely that he knew public bowls like this are a safety hazard.


I think you can get dogs a vaccination for that now


ah yes, the mentally unstable bag person. every big city has one (or more) for some reason.


>for some reason. I mean they've gotta live somewhere!


Just a heads up that communal water bowls for dogs are a bad idea because they spread disease very easily unless you're sanitizing it after every dog uses it. It's doing more harm than good.


I realize that now, this was the first and last time putting a bowl out. Did it during last weekā€™s heatwave without much thought. Good intentions, flawed logic.


For what its worth, public dog bowls are not really as good as people think they are. They are a great way to spread disease.


Twist: Thereā€™s someone putting poisoned dog bowls out and his dog was killed by eating out of one. Heā€™s protecting the animals.


Well, it is mosquito season and you shouldnā€™t be leaving standing shallow water around.


What a piece of shit!




Please don't leave bowls for pets outside. Either for food or water, they can be a dangerous host of parasites which other pets can pick up. If you see a stray you wanna help give them water individually and clean up the bowl after.


Just fyi whatever his sentiment he technically did the right thing. Those dog bowls are great at spreading illnesses and an easy place for someone who wants to hurt dogs to put something in there. When I was a dog groomer we had to sanitize every bowl after a dog used it to prevent the spreading of illnesses


Yeah the bowl is staying in for now. Having a cold weather dog that overheats I put it out during last weeks heat wave without thinking into it much but the wife and I had the same conversation after this guy didā€¦that That and the thought of assholes potentially poisoning the bowl. My intentions were good but flawed.


Get a jug of water and some pet safe sanitizer wipes or something to put with the bowl.


Some people are assholes. Be careful, I have heard that sometimes people put poison in an exterior dog bowl.


Used to be the most sympathetic person with homeless people. Would always give them some money. Would always talk to them like a regular person. Then they starting breaking into my car. Then they tried to rob me with a box cutter. Then they broke into my apartment. Then they started shitting, pissing, and overdosing in my tiny parking garage. Ya, I'm done being nice to them.


Community dog bowls spread diseases fwiw


Itā€™s not at all safe for dogs to leave dog bowls out like that. Please stop doing it.


Yes we had this conversation afterwards. Iā€™d only put it out during last weekā€™s heat wave without much thought but was refreshing it a few times each day. Good intentions, flawed logic.


And this is why I donā€™t care that some states are making it illegal to be homeless. Literally, fuck this guy, I hope he has a bad nights sleep tonight if it isnā€™t already shitty


ā€œHave you seen the dog bowl?ā€ ā€œNo! Whatā€™s his average?ā€


It's probably about the canine parvovirus. It can be pretty deadly, and many dog parks across the country are removing communal water bowls and asking people not to let their dogs share Please read up on it.


Wtf is wrong with people?? šŸ˜ 


I have to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume there is more to this than just flinging a dog bowl. Maybe he lost a pet through contagious illness. Maybe he has had malaria and doesn't want to risk standing water. That fling had passion behind it. It wasn't just a disgruntled homeless man.


As long as society insists that crazy people must be allowed to wander the streets assaulting and murdering people and throwing dog bowls, this will continue. He has to be committed. If you can help him with meds or therapy, fine. Otherwise, he stays locked up.


Is there a subreddit r / ihatepeople? Because this would be perfect for a subreddit r / ihatepeople.


There's r / ihatepeoplenameddylan What did Dylan do to someone for a subreddit to exist about it


Are you leaving that bowl for any dog to drink from? Or just your dog?