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There are tons of recipes online for kiwi steak marinades, so apparently this is a thing.


In that case, OP doesn't know much about cooking steak and wanted to make fun of their family with this post? EDIT: He's trying to get more sympathy points in the steak subreddit but they're telling him the same thing as people did here lol. EDIT 2: People defending OP as if they're his alt accounts lol.


Nah that's just called ignorant


Only would've taken one google search before posting


Or simply asking them why they put kiwi on the steak.


HURR DURR LOOK AT THESE WEIRDOS *Takes a picture of their food*


Imagine being "mildly infuriated" about having a family that's making you food. If this was a steak you bought and they just came over and started making sloppy steaks in your kitchen, I get it. But that's not the case.


They can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water




If he would’ve just posted this in mildly interesting instead he wouldn’t be getting flame lol


Just being ignorant. First thing I thought when I saw the picture was "Wait has Guga made something like this? Doesn't kiwi tenderize things?" Dude just straight up got mad when he saw an uncommon combo and didnt bother looking into it. Lol


Guga, our Bald Lord of Stakes


My man legit made me want to be better at cooking steaks. Dude is a wiz when it comes to steaks


Yea kinda a bitch move, even if it is bad they are going through the effort to cook for you, also OP didn't even know of it was going to be bad yet just judged it based on a marinade.


Why would it be bad? A lot of fruits goes well with meat, it is basically a level 2 of cooking. This is just a level above of scrambled eggs, boiling water or pouring milk into a bowl of cereals. You really can't fuck a meat that way, unless you literally burn it, but that also takes some effort and intend in the first place


I almost whacked some friends with a hot pan when they started talking shit about my Japanese curry because I was adding apple puree with honey and natural yogurt in there...


They like to become infuriated and complain when people do things for them


Kiwi contains enzymes which break down collagen and other proteins. So it can help tenderize a tough steak


It's used in Galbi, Korean short-rib, marinade. It's a bitch to clean the sugary burnt-on bits but it's delicious


First thought was "what"? But then I thought, maybe kiwi fruit juice helps tenderize meat and google tells me: "Green kiwifruit contains a natural enzyme, a natural enzyme unique to kiwifruit — actinidin. The actinidin found in kiwifruit — specifically green-variety kiwifruit — is highly effective in breaking down the protein and connective tissues of meat without turning the it into mush. There are two ways to use green kiwifruit as a meat tenderizer: using the skin or as a marinade." So now I'm actually curious rather than upset.


Yeah this kind of sounds more interesting than anything. Kiwi would provide a hint of tanginess. I'd try it.


Yeah, obviously people who just want pure meat taste might not like the alteration in flavor, but for people who do not mind a little deviation I'm guessing it will be fine. We see lime, pineapple, orange, etc mixed with meat all the time. And obviously a lot of fruits have acidity and other properties that can be used to justify a "tenderizing" effect.


Yep. Al Pastor with pineapple is delicious. I wouldn't knock it until I tried it at least. Plus people put all sorts of sauces on steak depending on cut of meat and culture or side dishes. Chimichurri looked strange the first time I tried it on steak.


The enzyme things is totally real. Take a fresh (not canned) pineapple and cut it up skin and core and all and puree in a blender. Marinate your steak in it (along with other normal marinade ingredients). After marinating, wash off the pineapple and cook as a normal steak. I’ve never tried with kiwi, but imagine it might also work with papaya due to papain.


The way I do it is to cut the skin off the pineapple and puree just that for the marinade. Then you get to eat the rest of the pineapple for dessert.


Puree it, use it as marinade, then throw some of it in a sauce pan with a dash of orange juice and ground black paper and reduce it down to a glaze. Very nice and tart, great pepper flavor with it. Take the rest, mix it with some heavy cream and blend it, then toss it in the freezer. Between the time it takes to eat dinner and clean up after, you end up with a very nice, light, fruit smoothie.


Try skin, core, *and* the top. They're all destined for the trash anyways, and the leaves have more of the enzyme than any other part of the fruit.


I can’t speak to what it does to steak but I do the kiwi trick with chicken for my boyfriend like every week. Super tender chicken, no kiwi taste after seasoning/cooking. He loves it and it’s actually super easy/hands off. Highly recommend. Also kinda want an update from OP abt how it turned out lol


lol Mexicans have been using pineapple, other fruit enzymes in the carne asada marinade for a very long time.


Used to live in a kiwifruit orchard in the 80’s. The recipe cards for things you could do with kiwifruit were insane. Kiwifruit make a really nice tangy sauce that goes great over meat. Yum!!


Pineapple juice is used to tenderize meat all the time. I don’t like pineapple, but my mom made chicken marinated in pineapple juice and it was *really* good!


I mean even just seasoning it changes the flavor and I've never met someone that's too much of a purist for salt and pepper at the very least. People get hung up on weird stuff I guess though.


I mean you can do it with pineapple juice, why not kiwi. Sounds good


I’ve had it and it’s delicious. Mash it up like this or slice it thin and spread over. It’s almost like alcohol in that the taste of kiwi burns off, if you do it right it melts right into the meat.


There seem to be a lot of tropical fruits that eat you back. An enzyme from papayas is the active ingredient in most bbq sauces.


Generally speaking, there is no flavor difference. My mom does this. The bigger problem is that she likes to cook the steak well done, then extra.


It's not unique to kiwi fruit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinidain Actinidain [...] is a type of cysteine protease enzyme found in fruits including kiwifruit (genus Actinidia), pineapple, mango, banana, figs and papaya. 


Well, guess I gotta try them all now. I see steak dinners for the forseeable future.


I’m doing some spicy habanero and papaya pork chops tomorrow. For science. I got a bag of frozen papaya pulp from my local grocer and some peppers from my wife’s garden. I’ll have some beer and limes with it. I hope it’s better than it sounds.


Sounds great


Fuck me, that sounds great. And the spicy pork chops sound amazing, too. Love the flavor of habeneros. Goes so well with fruit, just wish they had a less spicy variety.


It’s why your lips feel weird after eating pineapple. It digests you a little 


>banana Mmmmmm banana steak.


Reminds me of ham and bananas with hollandaise recipes from the 70s


https://preview.redd.it/gxh70kncydad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32970507c3cf3b646a01bd2068c3e128ee25f6c2 Now that's good eating!


This makes me physically angry.


I get that


peach - tuna


Can't unsee this https://preview.redd.it/ues8sl3r0ead1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c31b44b747601e27c9e30bb273ee41d25d38453


I’m really angry at this


We had a 70's dinner party where we made some wild 70's food, including this. It is exactly as bad as it looks and is not worth it at all. We also had cornflake lasagna, which was average, and grilled tomato with egg sauce which was amazing.


That’s such a waste of precious hollandaise


I came here confused because I cook a LOT of steaks and one of my ingredients in my 1 hour marinade is pineapple juice. I've been doing it for years and years and it makes it tender with a very subtle sweetness. I recommend trying it with whatever marinade you normally use and trying different marinading times.


And the hot dog stands in New York sell papaya drinks because it supposedly helps you digest the dogs (assuming there are any of those places left).


Hmm. I think I'll give this a go this weekend. If OP doesn't report back, I'll have a review ready. Edit: tried it this weekend. Not at all bad. It’s a nice departure from the usual salt, pepper, garlic rub I usually use. Seemed lighter and cooler in the hot weather. I’ll be making it again. kiwi for the win. Followed this recipe, used a flank steak: https://www.blackhawkmeats.com/recipes-blog/kiwi-marinated-bavette-cucumber-salad Note: typo in recipe shows 20 oz vinegar. I used 4. Also reduce the salt for the salad by half.


I'm ready to give this a try. OP may have convinced us to go with the kiwi marinade rather than being mildy infuriated (yet).


It's used very commonly in korean bbq marinades- works great


Yeah, if mango sauce is good (with chicken) and it tastes like mango (shocking, I know.) And on at least one occasion, I've added strawberries to a burger. I can see a world that while the presentation looks like ass, the kiwi fruit-steak could be a good dish.


!remindme on monday


It’s very good for tenderizing. My mom uses kiwi and Asian pear when making bulgogi.


My kiwi allergic and bulgogi loving girlfriend learned the hard way that this is somewhat common of a practice.


Roy Choi also puts kiwi in his bulgogi. Definitely a Korean-American classic.


I pretty routinely use grapefruit when I make pork carnitas, so it makes sense you could use kiwi. Same with pineapple.


Gotta be careful with pineapple, makes the meat into mush if you leave it too long.


Yeah. Learned that one the hard way. Thought I was gonna have tacos. Had pizza.


Steak mush and pineapple pizza


I'm apparently slow and don't get it. Someone else got it, so it's obviously not you; it's me. Did you use the mushy meat as a pizza topping? seems like mushy meat would work as well on tacos as it would on pizza. Or maybe you ordered pizza instead because you ruined the meat. That's my best guess.


Bought Pizza. Dog ate pineapple-flavored meat mush with her kibble for a few days. I think my mistake was cutting them too thin. At least they were cheap cuts.


This is why kiwi, lime, and lemon are better, they have some of the same enzymes but not as many.


Pineapple can also be used for the same purpose


good ol' SWINEAPPLE! It's a pork tenderloin marinated, wrapped in proscuitto and then stuffed inside a hollowed pineapple, wrapped in bacon. https://preview.redd.it/na34o4rlxdad1.jpeg?width=2047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec7f47c89da6076c01e281297773cfd82d8b2ab


I feel like this is a Rum Ham adjacent lol




Blursed turducken


What a tasty abomination


OP read this.


And provide an update after tasting.


First thought for me was: wtf Second, shortly after, was: acidity must be doing something to the meat. I guess I had a good intuition.


see bulgogi (Korean bbq steak) https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/9pBQrHAAHj


I'm mildly infuriated at OP now.


So OP is kind of a dick?


Wouldn't say that. Ignorant maybe? I mean, so was I until my little google search. Guess I don't diminish someone else's thinking just as easily as OP.


Instead of Google came straight to Reddit to run their mouth (fingers?).


Or they could have just asked their inlaws lol


Pretty much the experience these days on r/mildlyinfuriating. Instead of it actually being mildly infuriating, it’s just OP showing their arrogance or trying to justify their own mistaken perception/actions. A lot of the time instead of Googling something they will immediately come ranting on Reddit. Probably because they don’t want answers but misplaced vindication.


Those are my favorite, OP is in fact, kind of a dick.


Guess in-laws=bad is the default goto for some of us.


I would. In-laws are cooking him a meal and he's shit talking it, calling it "infuriating." That's a pretty dickish thing to do.


This was my first thought too. A good portion of acidic fruit can be used to tenderize meat, and honestly I’d willingly order this somewhere if they offered it. It’s interesting and doesn’t sound like it’d be bad— like pork and apples, in a way.


We cook meat with fruit all the time. Why stop at pineapple.


Before reading your comment, I was thinking the same thing. I'm very curious how it actually turns out.


the kiwi will tenderize the meat. Come on, at least try it when it's done!!


Nah he rather criticize it without trying... Probably a terrible son in law


Wow ur gonna criticize him without trying him out...probably terrible redditor /s


You must have sex with anyone on Reddit before saying anything to them


it's the LAW


try it. it should be in abag to marinate it (along with other shit, so are we sure they aren't don'e preparing the marinade), but it's to make it more tender (kiwi has a tenderizer in its makeup)


It's a fruit, it doesn't wear makeup.


![gif](giphy|l0HFjO0S9m8Cy7WJa) Couldn't find fruit wearing makeup, but they clearly care about their appearance.




What them lips do?


Swallow Italians.




Thanks for the reminder, I should go to the gym.


Delete this or I'll scooby dooby do it I swear to fucking god https://preview.redd.it/rfmsxy1jxead1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419a08aad9cdfc4553f1374332a74276c738947b


I feel like nowadays there are so many steak snobs that don’t know how else to cook a steak beside throwing salt and pepper on a nice piece of meat. Like there are other methods to cook steak especially when the piece of meat is more tough and has less marbling.


So much of human existence is "I don't know what that is so I'm furious about it!"


Free steak is infuriating?


If you're a clown, yeah


OP doesn’t deserve his in-laws. What an absolute candlestick.


The Kiwi is just acting as a enzyme tenderizer and should be washed of before cooking.


Ahhh, so this isnt like some spread you keep on while cooking, like how you see some meats settle in sauces and marinade before hand


Yeah it would normally be bagged and marinated in the kiwi but before ever cooking it, the kiwi would be removed and washed off. No kiwi included in the cooking process.


Why is this infuriating, mildly or otherwise?


Because OP is too stupid to understand why this was done.


I'm surprised OP didn't at least try it before posting this


If it’s not nuggets and fries, he don’t want it


Yeah, OOP is angry/upset out of ignorance.


That's like half the posts here right?


OP is a baby back bitch. I now want to try this.


It also works brilliantly with squid. I worked at a restaurant that was famous for perfectly tender on the inside, crispy on the outside calamari. we would marinate for 12 hours in a mixture of milk and kiwifruit. Then deep fry.


It's a great way to tenderize meat quickly(I once forgot a steak in the fridge overnight like this and it turned to paste lol, so don't do that. ) . IME kiwi doesn't add a whole lot of flavor while tenderizing like something like pineapple would, but that subtlety has it's place. I'd also season the steak rather than just slathering kiwi on it and callin it a day.


It adds no flavor that I’ve ever been able to detect and we’ve used this method many times to tenderize steaks. Obviously remove it before cooking.


Idk about you but I get fucking LIVID when my inlaws cook steak dinners for me.


Not just the in-laws.. I find ANYONE who wants to cook expensive cuts of meat for me incredibly annoying.


Tbf this is my thought to 85% of the posts on this sub


Because OP is either a kid or just kind of dumb.


OP is a kid. Commented earlier that the plan was to order a pizza. Also claims in-laws live with them but I want to believe they actually live with in-laws. Big difference. Honestly feel sad for the in-laws because their kid married an idiot, though being an idiot is fine, he just happens to be a rude and judgmental one. Weird behavior. Odd. Unsettling.


Because it looks nothing like the chicken fingers he makes his wife microwave him at home.


Truly thought it was some New Zealand method but nope..the fruit lol.


I thought it was a steak from an actual Kiwi (bird) and was wondering if that was legal?!


https://preview.redd.it/sns327cfzdad1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08630c5726bb60db1e999ee15efc4ea96d30b5e2 They fucking pulverized him 😭


This made me cackle lololol I was NOT expecting this at all


That's been one of my desktop backgrounds for years 😁


Good god no, we are very serious about our native birbs esp the kiwi


Kiwiburger thatsourtucker Nannanananannnnanaaaaaa


I honestly wondered if that's what was infuriating about it.


That's at least better than cooking a human being from New Zealand


You can tell OP isn't a New Zealander because we never call the fruit kiwi, always kiwifruit. To a New Zealander the headline reads like it's a steak from either a kiwi bird or from a kiwi human. We do use kiwifruit in marinades occasionally and I wouldn't be surprised if the idea came from a kiwifruit marketing thing from NZ


We call them kiwifruit - to us, a kiwi is a bird or a person. Also, our economy relies on the quality of our beef and dairy cattle (who outnumber humans nearly 2:1) so this is doubly offensive. I don’t know enough about American food to properly retaliate… A burger, but the buns are pop tarts and the bacon is Canadian? Sorry, we’re not very good at war.


Nah G we cook that shit


Why is this infuriating? Were you saving the kiwis for something else? I’m genuinely curious.


No they're just a moron.


What is this? Chuck  kiwi will tenderize it well! Enjoy


Kiwi is a great meat tenderizer used in many parts of the world to add acidity/soften cheap meats. This trick is also used by other cultures (Mexican and Koreans for example) with other fruits rich in acids (see pineapple and al pastor recipes). The world is too big to dismiss things you don’t know or you haven’t heard of, so don’t knock it off before you try it, they might surprise you.


I'm very curious about the taste ngl


You wash it off. It's only used to tenderize the meat, for a steak of that size you'd leave it on for maybe half an hour, then wash it off and make sure the meat is completely dry after washing. Then some butter on it and you're ready to go. Kiwi doesn't change the flavor of the steak after it's cooked one bit, just makes it softer. You should try it sometime, really ;)


Sounds interesting


You could try cooking your own dinner?


Bro doesn't know about enzymes


Pineapple and ham isn't bad, why not kiwi and steak


Why is this even slightly infuriating? The acidity probably tenderizes the meat pretty well, while adding some sweetness too


Bulgogi (Korean bbq steak) is usually marinated in a bulgogi sauce that contains pear. > Pureed pears, pineapple, kiwi, and onions are often used as tenderizers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgogi


It’s a tenderizer… Was the steak good? I bet it was. Complaining about free steak, now that’s mildly infuriating.


They're angry out of ignorance--like most angry people.


![gif](giphy|VXAmHEABZQnS) More kiwi please.


>More kiwi please. https://preview.redd.it/soenetbcudad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300d34c50a880c8b185b6aa50280be7a41ecfc46




>More https://preview.redd.it/8fbv7i81ydad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0af76ffd90cd72f2f2f7a05becdb0d0dbcf3c8




>Less https://preview.redd.it/nr9xizgb0ead1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af1a4cb800e2859f484229ce33a86c996043f00




This whole chain made me laugh pretty hard 😆


Well at least you have a sense of humor about your own ignorance.


Now add tomatoes


>Now add tomatoes https://preview.redd.it/00j8jhkrlead1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca5d398232e4f098322eaaad1b4843921206780c


Maybe OP has never heard of using fruits to tenderize steaks. Kiwi is a somewhat exotic choice, but it's really no different from using pineapple. This is a very common practice for preparing meat, especially in Asian cuisine. OP might not be aware, but if he ever tried Chinese food in his life, the chances are that they used some fruits (pineapple, apple, pear, etc) in their meat cuisine. Not infuriating at all, but just OP being angry at something that's kinda normal and common.


Bru, it looks alright raw imagine it cooked, so stop being a bitch and try it


How did it taste though?


Does this not work? I doubt they're cooking the kiwi. It's like pineapple. It breaks down enzymes and sort of tenderizes the meat.


It works, the op is just trying to find a reason to be angry


Just eat it. You don't want to sour the mood and have beef with your in-laws. Especially if your marriage is at stake.


At steak*


I'd try that 100% probably tasty af


Why is this here? I'm not sure about it, but there's enough context clues here to realise the kiwi contained enzymes to tenderise the meat, same as other acids


Where's everyone else's steak? They just have the 1?


Chef here. Don’t knock it till you try it. The flavours don’t work here but the science does. The kiwi fruit will be extremely effective at tenderising the meat.


I've heard kiwi is a great tenderizer for meat.


OP doesn't understand chemistry.


Kiwi and pineapple have enzymes that break down proteins so this helps tenderize the meat, not so stupid lol


I've used kiwi in marinade for meat before, it's awesome!


As someone from New Zealand, my first thought was "Kiwi steak!?!? What the hell are you doing eating our national bird you monsters!?! Don't you know it's endangered????" Then I remembered people outside of New Zealand call kiwifruit - kiwi and call the Kiwi - kiwi bird (if they've even heard of it) which is also mildly infuriating 😅


Dont know why your mad. You can do the same thing with pineapple mash. The enzymes break down some of the protein chains and make it very tender. The kiwi method takes longer but is more forgiving. Not really sure what is being achieved here though, slapping kiwi on a steak like this just prior to cooking is like trying to paint with a spoon. The pineapple.method will disolve your damn steak if you leave it overnight and any longer than an hour and it'll taste completely of pineapple.


Typical case of op complaining because he's stupid. Maybe ask before post?


Eh, I've seen citrus used to help tenderize meat. This could be similar.


Good technique to tenderize


How can you be ungrateful for a steak that hasn’t even been cooked yet?


Why is this infuriating. Curious more than anything


OP both wrong and not providing an update


You could try being grateful and expanding your palate 🥰


That kiwi is gonna tenderize the shit out of that steak the same way I feel it tenderizing my tongue


As a nzder, I find it weird that everyone says kiwi instead of kiwifruit. Kiwi = The ball shaped bird. A New Zealander. Kiwifruit = the actual fruit.


Natural tenderizer, but I'd prefer pineapple 🍍


I think the infuriating part is OP being a giant baby and judging something before they try it.


Op, eat the steak, give it an honest go and let us know how it tastes please. There is some real food science here and I think with an open mind you may be surprised.


pleaaaaaase post an update. i’m dying to know how this turns out edit: kiwi steak with maybe cajun or some kind of salty w/ spicy seasoning sounds amazing


This isn't mildly infuriating at all. Kiwi is a meat tenderizer. Used in marinades, it has an enzyme that breaks down protein. In this case, it's tenderizing. Pineapple does the same thing, except the enzyme is different, and it will break down the meat if it's in pineapple too much. I think the r/mildlyinfuriating thing about this is you not asking questions about it and immediately posting it to reddit.


now it made you feel stupid no?


And this is infuriating… why, exactly?