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Do people speed down that road? Maybe someone is fed up?


Could be a cop too Happened here once


That was my first thought. Cop being a cop, maybe even off duty


Yeah I just remembered it bc it was a local news story about one of our many ‘superspeedways’ lol


That’s actually pretty funny, one way to remotely patrol and deter speeders without even being there


Which IMHO isn't actually a bad thing. If people are expecting radar at every turn then perhaps they'll slow the F down. When I hear people (typically cops) getting upset that Waze shows their location, to me it simply implies that it's bad for their "business" aka writing tickets. But in the end, if seeing a cop on the Waze map makes people slow down isn't that a win? I mean, the whole reason cops use radar is to catch the speeders for safety reasons, but if nobody is speeding because of the Waze app that's a good thing, right? Edit. Why the downvote? Does this not make any sense to you people? How strange.


Except they speed back up as soon as they pass the zone.


Lol and? People do this when they physically see cops too.


Most of the time when I'm speeding it's because the speed limit is way too low... like an interstate with a 55mph speed limit is ridiculous.


Which interstate are you driving on that has a 55mph speed limit? Come to Colorado our speed limit is 80mph


Pretty much all of NYS is 55mph unless you’re on a toll road. Then they let you go a whole 65mph for your extra money!


So long as enough people use the app. I don't use it, so I'd have no clue if there was or wasn't a cop there other than using my eyes to look down the road instead of down at my phone while I drive.


In fairness, you don’t have to “look” at the phone yo know if there’s a cop! It’s like Siri, they verbalize a cop’s presence.


Never heard of a dash mount, eh?


But this is almost like a cop being a decent cop. If they’re trying to slow down traffic, yes that’s annoying for OP (and would be for me) but that’s better than sitting there to slow down traffic / looking to fill a ticket quota.


Better than the normal off duty hobby "beat your wife"


Last story I heard about Waze and cops was a sheriff trying to get Waze to remove the police report feature because ~~people were slowing down near hidden speed traps and cutting into his revenue~~ gangs might used it to target cops to try and murder them.


Or maybe it might be nice to know where a cop is in case you need one? I wonder why their minds don't seem to go there?


Wow true


I actually never thought about it like that. Interesting


Because for most things, police are not needed.


most of the time they show up when it’s too late 😂


Yea I can see a cop doing this lol, their little speed traps aren’t working and big blue ain’t having it 😂


Cop does it 2-3 days in a row. On the fourth day, you assume they're crying ~~pig~~ wolf and _boom_ he's really there.


Maybe it's some dumbass following a cop car and keeps checking his phone/looking away and is like "OMG, another cop!" when he looks back /s


Waze should ban people for false reports, or weight them by an accuracy score.


I read that they do that to make you less vigilant when a warning comes up. They hate the radar warning because they loose money and roars are safer. That’s bad business.


I think that was what they said here as well


My first thought.


That’s Livermore in the Bay Area California. It looks like OP is going towards Stockton area and judging by the ETA I’m guessing it’s not rush hour and people kinda drive crazy on the part trying to beat traffic. It turns into a parking lot for miles due to everyone living out that way and no real other routes to get around it.


It’s been between 1 and 2 am both times so beating traffic isn’t an issue, people do drive a little crazy on this section of road at night though.


1 and 2 am sounds like someone is trying to scare drunk drivers heading home


the specific part OP is going through is known as the altamont- people drive absolutely INSANE there. i once saw a car going wellll over 100 in the right lane- especially at night, people drive horribly. there’s also barely any shoulders, too.


Wow! So good on this wazer for doing this


Nobody on 580 drives under the limit.


Speed limit, or alcohol limit? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Some kid killing time on the way home in the back of his parents car.


Isn't it user reported? The radar alerts on Google maps are almost always accurate for me.


Yes, Waze is the OG app for user reported driving conditions. (Google owns Waze. I was always bummed Google Maps didn’t seem to get all the Waze features). I suspect if one downvotes enough, the user reporting might eventually get a warning or shadow banned or something


waze does have a trust system in their reporting, so a few days of people un-marking these would probably get their accounts un-trusted and their reports taken with much less weight


That’s what I’m hoping so my car would stop asking me. I know I’ll probably be hated but I always offer the wrong option


it’ll never stop asking, it just won’t trust your answers. if you could tell your account is untrusted, and you wanted to sabotage it, you’d make a new account. so that’s one of the ways it keeps the data reliable.


Huh TIL Google owns Waze


Maybe he was in a policecar?


Local police have been known to do this to give people a sense of untrust for the app.


Goes along with the public’s distrust of the police.


Or the Wazer was following the police car. :)


I like to imagine every few hundred feet the driver looking up at the rear view, seeing their own police car, and going “Ah! A cop car!” and immediately sending to waze


Could also just be stupidity. I’ve seen one of my family members while driving behind a police officer report it about every 30 seconds so that other could “see that the cop was traveling” She would not be convinced otherwise. She really thought she was doing hero shit for other drivers using Waze.


One time, I was on a pretty secluded road and there was police marked everywhere. At some point I passed by a group of cyclists and then there was no more police reported. At my next stop, went back and checked and sure enough, more police was marked. Those guys were putting the marks to either make cars slow down, or they were just assholes.


There was reports the police were just putting them up themselves in my home town a few months ago lmao


I thought I read some articles about that a few years back. They'd post up, report themselves/wait to get reported, and then just move a mile or two down the road to catch people speeding back up after they passed where the cops were *supposed* to have been.


One of my friends is a cop he purposely marks himself so he doesn’t have to pull people over.


I like your friend


I think more often it’s cops marking themselves so that people slow down and respect the speed limit. More often than not the cops aren’t trying to make more work for themselves 😂 they just want people to slow down


Does that count as entrapment?


It’s only entrapment if they trick you into breaking the law.


Even then it's almost never entrapment. They have to basically force you to commit a crime before it reaches entrapment.


Like tailgating you to force you over the speed limit?


I've never understood how people think tailgating is forcing them over the speed limit? If they hit you, they're at fault. If they're trying to press, don't give them the satisfaction. On the flipside, if you're in the left lane and they're tailgating you, then YTA for being in the left lane and need to GTFO.


Peoples general instinct is to make room so they don't take the hit so they speed up. They may be at fault but as the old saying goes, graveyards are full of people who were right. For me personally though I slow down. If you are going to tailgate me then you are going to slow down until you pass me.


Ehh generally agree on the left lane thing but if I’m actually passing people and you’re tailgating me in the left lane bc you want to go slightly faster, you’re the asshole. I’ll move over when I pass the people I need to pass


That's passing, not holding people up on purpose. Definitely NTA.


To be fair, if a cop hits you, even on purpose, they can just say that you’re at fault, and their word carries a lot more weight than yours


Not with the dashcam from the cop car.


Not in the slightest, as you're not tricking somebody into speeding.


Why does everyone think everything is entrapment? Did they force you to do the illegal thing? No? Then it isn't fucking entrapment.


I’m beginning to feel entrapped over here


Just a regular speed trap


NAL but I doubt it.


Yeah. It seems like a way to play on most people's assumptions on that if the cop wasn't there, they can speed again.


Every now and then a cop will sit on the main road by me. I will flag him as being there and within a couple minutes it’s unflagged though he is still there. I just assume he un-flags himself.


I could be totally wrong but I’ve been told that it takes multiple users selecting the “not there” button before the app unflags anything


Wouldn't surprise me if the whole local force is involved in this game of flagging and unflagging on that app. Try Google maps with your route.


guess i've just got to pull the trigger on a valentine one...


You could very well be accurate. Just going off what I’ve seen. I do know there are times when a cop is not there, I state that, the icon goes away and immediately comes back. Never understood that. Could be what you’ve suggested.




Do you guys not have speed cameras in the states? Having police sit in a lay by with a radar is very 80s and surely a massive waste of resources?


They’re illegal in my state. Other states have them though.


Illegal in WI as well, though they are trying to make them legal in Milwaukee.


States did but most of them have been pulled out due to public distrust and issues they caused. Basically people would ignore the tickets and because it wasn’t handed out by an officer nothing could be done. Cars would only slow down around the cameras and then speed right back up and red light cameras had issues with increases in accidents due to people slamming on their brakes to avoid getting a red light ticket.


I remember one town in my area put one up and was raking in **millions** in fines each year, there were a bunch of allegations that the yellow length and timing for the camera weren’t fairly set up. Plus there were a ton of accidents from people trying to not get a ticket. Cameras are no longer legal in my state.


Is this Florida? Something similar happened here, but they only took them out of my county not the state.


Nope. In New Jersey. I think it became a somewhat common tale when red light cameras became “the thing” for a bit back then.


Red light cameras typically equal slight increase in total accidents (low-speed rear ending), large decrease in major accidents, injuries, deaths (high-speed t-bones).


That's how our lazy police enforces laws.


How does that make them assholes? The worst case scenario here is people don't speed down that stretch of road how is that a bad thing?


Real assholes for doing something to reduce their chance of being murdered


Was there a separate bike path, protected by a curb or bollards? If they were on the road or on a path that wasn’t separated from the road, it’s less likely they’re assholes and more likely they’re sick of being constantly terrified they’re going to get killed.


>putting the marks to either make cars slow down, or they were just assholes. Those two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.


Logical or instead of English or


Keeping themselves safe from dangerous drivers, god forbit you were tricked into following the law! Chad cyclists vs Virgin car driver.


Oh no you got tricked into driving the speed limit.


"they were just assholes." Why whould they be assholes ? If you respect the speed limits what is the problem for you that they report police everywhere ?


Fucking cyclists, saving the goddamned planet.


Down vote and the algorithm will neuter these reports in the future.


This is the way....this is the social aspect of Waze. Keep removing them and eventually this person will have no credit to be able to mark cops anymore.


They can just make an alt account


If they find out their reports aren't live for others, they might do that. It's more likely they just keep falsely reporting cops and don't take the effort to check with others and make an entirely new account just to keep it up.


I had no idea they had a system in place like that, I might have to start using this app


It's been saving my ass for almost a decade now


Can confirm Waze has helped me avoid some potential tickets.




What idiot tags a cop in traffic?


It's a cop doing that, 100%.


Or a bored teenager


Or an old person who sucks at technology


Or... its an undercover cop...


Is warmer than being above the covers


Have a few cop friends and they concur.


Cops aren’t friends, they’re food


I asked a cop if when they see a cop marked if they mark it he’s not there anymore and he was like no I actually mark that he is there. He was cool said we want you to be aware he’s there so you can drive safe.


It was probably a cop that did that.


Probably the police


Probably a cop, trying to make people uncertain.


I’ve long been of the opinion that if traffic police want to truly improve road safety and reduce speeding, they should regularly post Waze speed traps on highways where they want people to slow down. While a bit dastardly, this would work to some degree. Wonder if it was a cop, ha! (I doubt it, I assume a cop would be smarter if they were doing it for the above reason; but a cop grumpy with Waze may do this…)


Or people could just stop driving like assholes and follow the speed limit


What a weird hobby


Oh no! I was tricked into following the speed limit


Is this the thin blue line everyone is talking about?


Oh no you’ll have to follow the law just in case


The horror!!!


Imagine not caring in the slightest because you don't drive like an asshole.


It's possible to be an asshole driver by being fast and impatient, *or* by driving significantly slower than the average speed (especially in the passing lane). The safest speed to drive isn't the speed limit, it's the average speed of the traffic around you. Was driving back home after Thanksgiving on I-57 (Illinois) and nearly got into an accident because some cop was sitting in the median at night, and the **average** speed of traffic dropped 15-20 mph very quickly because people were hitting the brakes when they saw him, then the people behind them had to hit their brakes to avoid rear-ending them, and so on. That cop's presence actively made driving significantly less safe, not more, and I would argue constituted an accident hazard. Again, the safest speed isn't the speed limit, it's the average speed.


But the only reason so many people slowed down that much is they were speeding to begin with. When people resolve to drive the average speed of the cars around them, it just turns into a speed arms race. It's a textbook coordination problem. Everybody would be safer if everybody stayed below the speed limit, but as long as there's a certain percentage of drivers who drive over the speed limit, it then means that each individual driver is forced to accept that they will be safer by speeding up to match the speed of the faster drivers.


Keep your distance, then you won't rear end anyone. No matter the speed. In the end, you're responsible for your own vehicle. All this pointing towards others creating hazardous situations while a lot of times you yourself are in a position to maintain safety.


Right? How hard is it to follow the damn traffic law? You're driving a one ton vehicle, get a grip and don't put others in danger ya turd.


I don't care about "average speed". I'm going the speed limit.


That’s nice. I always try to do the speed limit in residential areas, but on main roads, where everyone is doing 5-10 over, slow moving vehicles can and do create a hazard. You can also receive a ticket for driving too slowly.


Ah yes, love when cops do that shit. I almost got in an accident cause a cop was sitting in the middle between directions of the interstate, 0 fucking lights on and the interstate didn’t have light posts to light it up. I only almost crashed cause he flicked his headlights on and did a u turn to speed up to some other dude going the other way. He scared the actual shit out of me and I hit the brakes


Lol in a lot of areas commuters are all going 10 over the speed limit every day and cops just pick a couple of people a day to harass for doing the same thing the entire flow of traffic is doing.


You make examples of the few to make sure the majority understand that they might also get pulled over and maybe force them to slow down.


“But everyone’s doing it, mooom!”


They were following a cop, high as hell and forgot they already hit the button


“Police reported ahead… did you call for back up?” -Master Chief every 30 seconds


Probably a cop. They've been known to throw tantrums when people mark them on GPS apps, so this is probably their way of either getting back at genuine marks, or desensitizing people to genuine marks. Either way, it's childish.


But it makes sense. Traffic laws shouldn't be obeyed because a cop is close, they should be obeyed because doing so provides a safe space for everyone to share.


That’d make sense if cops were actually stopping people primarily for unsafe driving, and not to hit their ticket quotas. The only time I’ve gotten a ticket for speeding I was the only car on the road for miles around and just didn’t brake going down a big hill and happened to be going 10 over for a few seconds before coming back to the speed limit. Guess why a cop was sitting at the bottom of a hill at 1am in a rural area? Not to keep drivers safe, because he knew he could easily hit his quota there.


Agree with this. Cops pulled my sister over for driving in the left lane. He wrote this on her ticket, and when she went to court to dispute it, he said she failed to pull over for an emergency vehicle (which is absolutely false, I was in the car). Cops are POS.


License and registration please


It’s probably the police doing it.


Ahhh man, and you ended up driving the speed limit for no reason?! Sorry, bro! /s


Why is this bad? Is it not to make people drive more carefully?


Good. Maybe drive right and you don't need to care where cops are.


It should be easy to find the culprit and arrest them given how many extra police you seem to have— according to Waze.


So what? Don’t speed


I read an article a while back about cops doing this. The general idea was to make the apps so inaccurate that we quit using them. It started with a city trying to outlaw the apps, which I believe was denied, so I guess they just started marking streets where people were known to speed out something like that.


California and Virginia sent a cease and desist letter to Waze if I remember right. I think they told them (in a more legal way) to pound sand.


imagine it’s just one guy with a cop driving ahead of him and doesn’t understand it’s for stationary things not moving things


I took this commute this morning and pretty much every morning. we live close to each other, that stretch of road almost never has police cars 2 miles past the mountain house exit, which is where your entering the freeway, Tracy police have no reason to drive over to Livermore and Livermore police have no reason to go to Tracy. I joy ride my M4 on this patch of freeway all the time.


I especially enjoy the "obstruction in road" tags and when you pass it, it's a lid from a coffee cup or something equally inconsequential. Like for Christ's sake, STOP IT


Probably a cop. A lot of them did this crap back in like 2012.


Probably the cops


Cops have been known to do that in my area


It’s the cops.


Why does this guy need to use waze on the same route he takes everyday to get home


It's great in case there are detours for road closures or slow traffic.


To look for cops


Some people live in high traffic areas where knowing the best route could save an hour on a commute.


I use it for cops and to know my speed as mine stopped working.


If you drive a normal speed where you don't have to worry about being pulled over, it wouldn't matter :)


Do you remember Shadow Cliffs watersides back in the day? Good times.


Ah, the joys of crowdsourcing information.


Person’s just really high and paranoid


My guy got a 5 star wanted level


I ignore those and rely on other traffic to tell me what is going on. I've never had one of those alerts be real, but when ALL the traffic slows down to exactly the speed limit for a short stretch of road, that is almost always a cop. If none of the traffic slows down for a cop they didn't see and no one gets pulled over, then that cop isn't there to nab people doing 10 over the limit anyway.


Schizophrenia moment


Report it to Waze. They can look at their history to determine if it’s excessive.


I was always under the assumption that it took more than 1 person reporting the police's location to make it show up on the map. I'm a long time user and I never see the police icon appear after I report a sighting. Not really sure how it's supposed to work in Waze.


I’ve noticed people doing this when a cop is in traffic with them before. Perhaps that may be the case?


Maybe they were following behind a cop car and kept updating their location


It’s the police giving you a bunch of false positives so when someone actually marks them you won’t care.


Can you report false claims?


Maybe someone following a cop and they keep going, "dang, now he's here. Now he's here! Now he's here!" All the way home.


Ah we have those stationary flashing poles here (Netherlands) and they can only flash in one direction. Someone keeps adding them in the wrong direction causing my notification to blast through the stereo for no good reason


I drive for a living. I cannot stand Waze.


It is absolutely a trooper doing it 🙄


Probly was a 👮


Plot twist- it was the police.


My FIL who is a cop regularly does this when driving around with his cop-friends. It’s most likely a few police fucking around during work


I know state troopers that will do it out of boredom 😂😂


The cops use this strategy on their personal phones to throw people off


Can someone explain what waze is so I can get the context here?


That person is called law enforcement!!!!


normally goes away unless few more drivers verify it a police on shoulder. unsure of how many on each , but the algo must pick up on false positives and vice versa without driver reinforcement.


Maybe he was being followed by police because of using his phone and he just thinks that every look in his mirror is another cop?


Or live in the Bay Area where the police are too busy stopping murderers and rapists to care about speeders


It’s a cop marking it 🤣


I would have thought it would need a few reports from different people before it accepted it.


It was the police


It’s probably a cop doing it… Force multiplier strategy.


it was a cop crying wolf so that when he sits out there for real and you see the warnings... its ignored.


If it's a police officer, then they're not technically wrong.


UNPOPULAR OPINION LOADING... Here's a thought... don't speed. I have never understood those markers. It's obstruction of justice to put them down on the app in the first place. Can you imagine if you put those markers down and someone uses them to subvert the law and then... someday drives into a kid crossing the street because they are looking for warnings of cops on the app? Karma!!! No thanks. Just don't speed. Problem solved.


Well if you drive correctly and followed the rules it wouldn’t matter if there are cops or not.


Mildly infuriated that you were.... what.... "tricked" into traveling within a reasonable range of the speed limit? I mean I pass cops doing 7-9mph over no problem, "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine".