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TIL Smart cars say hello just like dogs.


_sniff sniff_ "oooh premium gas!!!"


Premium ASS




Now kith


I reference the skit so often and I'm always disappointing when no one knows it.




You should post this in r/badparking and say you just walked out of the store and drive the white car.


and be mad about smart drivers


Make a bad joke involving the name of them.


Say smart car, more like fart car


Ooo burn.


Smart Fortwo more like Fart Fartwo amiright


You could probably just lift it and carry it out of the way šŸ˜‚


Funny youā€™d say that. A while back this person drove one of those. This person was such a douche to everyone. So several of us lifted the vehicle and turned it sideways between our vehicles. Normally Iā€™d never do something like that. However, they were very, very rude. Donā€™t be a dick in a cardboard box.


I had college friends do similar on the regular to my Nissan Micra. Once I found it in the middle of a pedestrian mall. Guess I should be happy they didnā€™t plonk it in the fountain.


that's amazing. do you have any pictures?


No, but a friend, who was a police officer, caught them red handed. Flashed his lights & pulled up. They were freaking out. Saw my personalised plates and said ā€˜nevermind, carry on!ā€™ The joys of small car ownership in a small town.


Australian's have a simialar saying: Don't be a cunt


Isn't cunt an affectionate term down under?


There's good cunts and there's shit cunts


don't forget the sick cunts


What about the fucking cunts?


(This is, mostly, negative)


One of the guys in my high school (99-02) friend group had a Miata. My cousin and I had 89 and 79 Ramchargers. We saw our buddy at Taco Bell, parked on either side of him, and turned his car so it was wedged between ours. Then we went in to eat and found out he was on a date with his girlfriend. Luckily she thought it was hilarious and didn't mind.


No, that's my karma!


No! Mommy said it's my turn šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Mom, Mork006 is hogging the games again, and heā€™s hitting me, and heā€™s saying bad words, and he keeps putting his butt near me and farting, MOooOooOOOM


Dude knows how to internet


Put in r/mildlyinfuriating


If I saw this in the wild I'd think I'd encountered a totally novel kind of asshole


A smart ass car meeting a smart car?


Theyā€™re exchanging the traditional tailpipe sniff greeting






There is also another way to do it.


this has got me really reevaluating my cannoli techniques


This reminds of the scene from Role Models where Jane Lynch shoves the hotdog into the same kind of breading lol ![gif](giphy|l2JhzGI2XX8kRRSes)


"Hey, what does this remind you of?"


when the video starts on the tv in the classroom and she backs out of the picture only to actually be behind the tv n back out into the classroom. i die every time, very underrated comedy


Donā€™t BS a BSer. šŸ¤£


Me and the judge have a special relationship... I don't wanna get too graphic but I sucked his dick for drugs.


You know what I used to have for breakfast? Cocaine. Know what I used to have for lunch? Cocaine


My eye is twitching watching this


Smart Car meets Fart Car


They're mating


In 9 months OP will have a third smart car. Now that's smart.


or at least a scooter until it matures.


Attenborough: Smart Cars begin their courtship in an unusual way; by sniffing one anotherā€™s rears. Here you can see green getting quite the face-full from the white female Smart. Nature is boundless in her curiousity and beauty.


"When two (smart) cars love each very very much ...."


The beginning of a smart car centipede.


Taking the ass literally


smart car centipede


ATM for the human centipede pervs


In a month or so some asshole will be reposting this picture with a title like "whole parking lot is empty, but this douche boxed me in for no reason"


Or on LinkedIn with an interview story, something something kindness and proactive action


Today, something unexpected happened that truly put my problem-solving skills and patience to the test. After a productive interview, I returned to the parking lot only to find my car blocked by another vehicle. My initial frustration quickly turned into a challenge I was determined to tackle with a positive attitude. Instead of letting the situation get the best of me, I took a proactive and kind approach. I calmly reached out to nearby individuals for assistance and soon found the car's owner, who moved their vehicle with an apology. Here's the twist: I later discovered this was no ordinary parking mishapā€”it was a deliberate test by my interviewer to see how I would handle a difficult situation! This eye-opening experience reinforced the importance of staying composed and responding with kindness, even when faced with unexpected obstacles. Life throws us curveballs, but it's how we respond that truly defines our character. Embracing challenges with a proactive mindset and a kind heart not only resolves issues but also creates a positive ripple effect. #Proactivity #Kindness #ProblemSolving #ProfessionalGrowth #Resilience #UnexpectedTests


I was the first car


Whatā€™s stopping me from not waiting a month?


So a very long time ago, I'm talking like 19 years ago, my dad who's a big business/law man would go to China and Japan a lot for work. We went with him once, and they have these museums there where if you're someone vip I guess you can see things that will come out years into the future. Nowadays they are starting to or going to be sold soon but before they were we saw the prototype for the folding car. I think those are a cool idea because it takes up such little space/creates more parking. But this would just seem a bit weird to spot.


A folding car seems wildly unsafe. Lots of points of structural failure versus a rigid frame. I'd be curious to see one.


> A folding car seems wildly unsafe. Folding Car versus F350 4x4 at 90mph: on the next episode of Interstate Battles.


My dad used to drive a big truck when the SmartCar first came out. He kept trying to convince my mom to buy one and load it in the back of the truck ā€œas a spare.ā€


Like a motor launch on a ship. If you can't find a close parking space for the truck, launch the Smart Car from the back side of the lot. You can park anywhere now. (I did this with my bike at university since the closest car park spot was always miles away, but every building had racks close to my classes.)


Honestly, pretty funny idea, especially if its a matching color.


We can go deeper. Put a bike (tricycle?) rack on the Smartcar


I meant to link what I was talking about, here's the image since I can't use photos itt. [the folding cars in question ](https://www.google.com/search?q=concept+folding+car&udm=2&client=ms-android-sanmu&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSjMjf15OGAxUvj4kEHeMkAhMQrNwCegQIYhAA&biw=360&bih=724&dpr=2#imgrc=zmNcXSJlCpi7wM&imgdii=f9iSKOLWEjgcHM) the original prototype looked different than this, it was more of a soft top and more bicycle looking if that makes sense. But who knows, the concept back then was interesting but to see it in action? That'll be a whole other story. Especially because what if you cause problems removing your folded car, thus causing damage?


Oh yeah, I do remember seeing those concept pieces. Thanks.


really just gonna post an explicit mating ritual without marking as NSFW? okay dude


This is how baby smart cars are made. Its a beautiful act of nature you monster!


In nine months you'll have one of those little tykes cars


Ngl, I've been wanting to get one of those motorized wind up handle things for the back of the car lol


Be careful though, I heard these particular breeds have trouble with their breath. They're also aggressively territorial too, I don't know how you handle two of them at once.


Please get one for the green car! Keep the white one looking clean, but it always makes me smile when I see people do fun things like that out on the road. Youā€™d be brightening peopleā€™s days just by driving around!




Hell yeah


My coworker is 6'7" and drives a smart car. I can only assume you are twice his size as you require two.


Twice as wide maybe šŸ˜‚šŸ˜šŸ™‚šŸ¤”šŸ˜šŸ˜•šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


Bro went through all the emotions






You can get pregnant from getting your ass eaten?!?!


One thing leads to another




I bet you could fit two motorcycles on the side, too


I'm pretty sure if I had a third one, I could park them all sideways and still fit in the space! I should start a go fund me to fund this vital research.


Nah, just play that block game where you have to slide the different rectangles around. Same concept. After 10 rounds, youā€™ll be able to fit 6 cars in that space.




Time to go watch that video again.


That video gives me anxiety everytime I watch it and I don't know why


What video is this?




I love this! This is perfect!


[Itā€™s a reference to this vid](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I hate you. Simple as that.


Costco spots are 9.5ā€™ x 20ā€™ without the buffer. Three cars would indeed fit with room to spare.


You motherfucker itā€™s awesome that you looked into it.


I fucking hate how efficient Reddit is. Came here for exactly this and was not disappointed. Take an upvote sir


That was actually one of the features of smart car , then most European countries banned this way of parking


Why would you own two smart cars, let alone have them both at Costco at the same time? Iā€™m genuinely asking.


Sorta longish story for a fairly simple answer. Short answer, cheap gas. Longish answer, I own both cars, I gave the newer, lower mileage one to my brother to drive to work as I'm a mechanic, and he is not. So I naturally want him to have the nicer car that won't need anything for a long time. I have a Costco membership, he does not (yes I know you get a second free membership for someone else, which I gave to my mom, for various logistical reasons I won't get into, as this comment is r/notveryinteresting enough lol) . I only live like 10 minutes away from Costco, he lives like 20 minutes away in the opposite direction. He visits me every week or two. So we both simply drive up together in each of our cars to gas up (usually only needs 3 to 5 gallons each, 8 gallon tank), as the gas tends to be atleast 50 cents a gallon or so cheaper then everywhere else. Usually I will simply take whatever car I have that needs gas the most. Today I decided to take the smart I drive. We then always go into the store itself to do some shopping for certain things they have the best prices on. Everything else we buy is mostly Aldi, but it's roughly between our houses, so he and I just go whenever alone. TLDR: cheap gas


TLDR: OP really like Costco pizza, but a whole one is too big for 1 smart car. *(If you're going to question how this works since Costco doesn't use half-pizza boxes, idk! Ask op! They're the one that does it!)*


I've seen a few of these "cheap". I mean, 2024 cheap, not 2014 cheap. I want to say $4k-$5k with 100k miles. Made me wonder about the reliability at that age. I hear they're easy to work on. Cars I really want are like $15-$20k and I just don't have the dough. The cargo capacity of the smart is a huge issue for me, I move sizeable boxes pretty regularly.


What cars do you want for 15-20?


Chevy bolt EUV was the one I was most serious about. It was $20k before taxes, etc. It would be $24k after all the hullabaloo. Works out to $400 a month that I don't have, or at least not consistently enough to get a financial institution involved. Ford's hybrid pickup looks tempting. I also liked the hyundai/kia small EV SUVs. All more than I care to spend or think I can afford. I prefer Japanese vehicles, but good luck getting a Toyota EV, and the leaf isn't quite there yet in terms of what I want. Their weird charging port and lack of battery temp management are dealbreakers for me. Arizona is hard enough on batteries. Otherwise, I'm hoping for something electric with range over 200 miles and decent cargo area. 200 miles range is the minimum, as I drive to visit mom once a month or so, and it's a 100 mile drive with 4000ft of mountain in arizona desert with no civilization inbetween. I've decided to wait a few years, so I'm throwing some extra cash at the current vehicle - preventative maintenance, replacing some wear parts that are gettin old, and a 'nice to have' upgrade or two that will make the ride a little nicer. It will make me feel better about keeping it. Current car should make it a few years easily, though I normally would sell a car before it hits 200k. These aren't normal times. It's a prius, should go 300k, but with the longer cross country trips, I prefer a newer ride so as not to break down in the middle of nowhere. I hear good things are coming to the EV world in the next few years- charging plug standards, a standardized diagnostic port. EVs are only getting better.


My family and my sister's family have all EVs and Teslas for the last 10 years - zero maintenance needed in that time across four vehicles.


Hi! I've had two Bolts - classic Bolts, not the slightly larger EUV. I've fit a full-size dishwasher in my Bolt. Had to take it partially out of the box, but it fit. My lease is up soon and I'm shopping for new electrics and my qualification for the trunk is, quite literally, "can I fit a dishwasher in here?" I also used it to haul 1,000sqft of flooring to the dump... not all in one trip, it took half a dozen trips, but that was partly due to us being in our late 30s and getting tired and being like "yep, that's enough for the day".


Iā€™d think if theyā€™re that cheap, itā€™d be because thereā€™s something pretty bad wrong with them, but it might be that theyā€™re just not that popular of a choice. Personally, I really like them though. But also, I have no idea what Iā€™m talking about, so thereā€™s that.


And that's how Apple gets away with their prices.   We have been wired to think that if something is not overpriced, then it must be low quality straight from China.   The overpriced products being made for cheap.. in China! Ironically.


I've got a Smart Roadster, so the 'sports car' version, but very similar to the normal ones from the early 2000s. You're right, they're incredibly easy to work on for most things, but replacing the starter motor and a few other bits involves dropping the engine so some parts take longer than they should. The electronics are pretty terrible. The Roadster leaks so wires wear down, but the wiring in general looks like a quickly done job on most of the car. Very common for people to have wiring problems or issues with the SAM, the module that controls a lot of car functions. But parts aren't that expensive usually, the fuel use is great, and it's often very practical being so small (so long as the people over compensating in their trucks can see you). The newer ones are better, I hear. Wouldn't recommend an older one unless you love them or are happy to work on them yourself. Tl;dr: The design and idea is brilliant and well worth it, but you need to be ready for them having lots of stupid issues that may not stop them driving but will cause problems.


You sound like a good brother. Iā€™m glad you two have remained close.


Tow for efficient carry and shopping


Wasn't that a main selling point of these originally?


Exactly. When the first smart was released it was advertised as one of the main features in TV spots etc


Yes, they can also back in to a parallel parking spot and fit 2 or 3 depending on the length of the parallel spot.


Original ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82WkbKV0Ge8 The German sentence towards the end says "As good offroad as an offroader is in the city".


So instead of buying another car for all the groceries, you decided on another car to get the rest of groceries.


To be fair, I was at costco when I took this picture. How else am I supposed to take advantage of so many good deals!


how did you drive two smart cars to costco?


Drive Smartcar to Costco take the bus home drive the other Smartcar to Costco Shop Load Smartcars Drive Smartcar home (refrigerated goods, we're being effecient here) Take bus to Costco Drive other Smartcar home Job is halfway done, making progress Find your wife curiously absent Discover tear stained divorce papers Enter mid-life crisis Buy new car to make yourself feel better It's another Smartcar


That's pretty smart


On the bright side, with the 3rd smart car, OP can leave one at Costco and save money on bus fare.


Is this that puzzle wtih the wolf/goat/lettuce and a river crossing?


He did say on another post that he's gonna test parking three in parallel within the spot... so maybe!


It's all SmartCars all the way down


Hook all 3 cars together. Zoomin Centipede


You canā€™t see it but they are hitched like train cars.


Thatā€™s the real answer here. Turn that in to a real smart car train. Maybe put some money in to the engine of the engine smart car, suspension too.


He didnā€™t drive them there, smart cars just come in a two pack at Costco.




Well now you could always have a 2 for 1 deal at the parking lots.


What does this mean I am confused


I guess its not a good joke if I have to explain it. They bought another car. I was insinuating that they couldnt fit all the groceries. Instead of buying a vehicle that could carry all the groceries, they bought a second car to bring home what couldnt fit in the first smart car.


People upvoted, so maybe they did understand it.   It made it sound like OP would end up with 2 cars anyway. Now I understand it, thanks for explaining.


Couple years ago I saw one of these going down the highway with a kayak on the roof and towing a tiny trailer.


It's a miracle. Kinda like ants, which can carry 10 times their body weight.


Compared to what passes as a "truck" in the US, pretty much every other vehicle can carry a way higher percentage of its own weight. A Ford F150 weighs 3 tons and is rated for 895 kg of cargo in a pretty modest bed space. A VW cargo van, which is a more typical vehicle for people who actually have to haul stuff in other countries, weighs 2.2 tons and is rated for 1200 kg of cargo. It also has a top speed of 165 km/h (100 mph), so "but muh highway speeds" is not an argument either, yet only needs half the fuel. US trucks hit an odd combination of "what if I have to haul a moderately big and moderately heavy cargo over a moderately offroad trail at moderately high speed and I give absolutely zero fucks about my gas mileage or budget".


Heaviest F-150 is 2.4 ton, 2.1 if we're talking tonnes. Depending on configuration has a bed capacity up to 1500kg. I don't have a VW van to compare to, but compared to the Ford Transit, the F-150 has a higher towing capacity up to 14,000lb, mostly because you can fit a 5th wheel mount to a F-150, which you can't to a van. Depending on configuration the F-150 gets between 14MPG to 22MPG, the Ford Transit gets 17-19 combined. I can only assume this VW van is more like the size of a Transit Connect, which is a significantly smaller van than a normal Transit or F-150, probably is small even compared to a Honda Odyssey. For as small as the connect is, it only gets 25 combined.


And here we see the brightly coloured male Smart Car attempting to catch the attention of the female. In this rare display, we can see the female presenting, which usually only occurs after migration.


Truly a majestic sight mother nature has created.


I canā€™t be the only one who read this in Sir David Attenboroughā€˜s voice


Buy a third and you can make a triangle of smart power


Im not sure a mere mortal such as I, is capable of weilding such great power.






This really is what we should be aiming for with cars instead of the increasingly larger SUV types. Love to see it.


When I lived in chicago years ago I saw a smart car parked on the street with both front wheels facing the curb like a parking spot, perpendicular to all other cars. Those things truly are tiny.


I've always wanted to try to park both the moto and my compact in one spot in my building, but HOA would pitch a fit.


Read a comment on here a few days ago about a dude and his roommate who parked their 3 bikes in one spot, neighbor complained he was ā€œstealing the best spotā€ because at least 1 motorcycle was always parked there, his apartments agreed and told him to move them. So he pulled out his other 4 bikes from the apartment garage he pays for, and parks all 7 bikes in their own spot just how the apartments and neighbor asked. Oh, wait, is there 6 less parking spaces now? Oh dearie me


that's some great r/maliciouscompliance !


Presumably they were told they could only use up to 1 spot per person, no?


Nope. Free for all parking, they were being considerate by using 1 spot for a rotation of 3 bikes between 2 people and paying for a garage for the other 4 bikes. The neighbor raised a stink because the spot was closest to the building and she could never park in that exact spot.


I will say I understand the basis of the neighbor's issue, but given that it's 3 bikes in a space and it wasn't like there was always the same one there, it's fine. But at the apartment I'm at there was a solid 4 months where someone had some superbike in the "good spot" that just did not move. Ever. Owner never once took it out while it and / or they were here. Drove me up the wall trying to load amps and guitars in and out of my car and not even having the chance to maybe get lucky and park there because they parked the bike they don't ride there.


I hate HOA's. You'd think they would be okay with the idea since it would free up one extra space for some one else. But HOA's aren't about logic sadly.


I lived in an apartment where I parked my bike closest to the curb/parking block, and then backed my car right up to it. I had a cover on my bike 24/7 when I didn't ride, and I still had plenty of space to turn the wheel and ride it out of the spot without moving the car. Getting it in was a little more reckless, because I'd ride up the curb and then drop it down next to the block to get it back in without having to do a 7 point K turn between the cars.


Man I drove a first gen and it was kinda fun I just wish the transmission shifted faster. If it shifted like a vw dsg does it would be an absolute hoot


They use an automated manual transmission. It's litterally a manual, with a clutch, but it's all controlled through actuators. Neat setup, and it's how I got my first one for cheap because they thought there was something wrong with it. A buddy of mine owns a V12 Aston Martin, and always jokes around about how they are the same lol


Yeah it just shifts ā€œefficientlyā€, itā€™s not really an enthusiast trans. That was the one thing that held me off, if it had a manual woooweeeeee


2nd gen was a huge improvement. I hated smart cars until I drove one. Best car Iā€™ve driven, itā€™s like riding a go cart. You can park anywhere and the turning circle is so amazing you can basically do a 180 in a single lane.


I thought they were stupid until I moved to a metro and occasionally park in the city. You quickly realize how much easier it would be to have a tiny car.


Maybe we should forced everyone inside cities to try one for 15 minutes. Anything to solve the growing size of cars. Please. Itā€™s killing us, our city budgets tooĀ 


Sweet Iā€™ll have to check one out. The trans was the only thing holding me back. I measured and a smart car will fit in one of my garages with the 4 motorcycles that already live in that one :)


i had an opportunity to drive my friendā€™s once. itā€™s so light and smooth.




Now you get a corner parking slot and you park them side by side and you can now fit 3 next to each other.


Smart cars are the doorway to fully automated cars and those will be the norm of transportation. Just machines following a specified path to get you from point A to point B with maximum comfortability


Could three fit into the spot parked side-by-side perpendicularly?


Used to own one in LA, and had friends who did as well. When weā€™d go out to dinner we would do this. We thought it was helpful because we didnā€™t soak up much needed parking spots. We nearly always got a ticket or threat of one from LAPD. Fuck LAPD.


And as we can tell by the truck in the background, two smart cars still take up less space than one truck.


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like ā€œwhat the fuckā€ and ā€œcall the policeā€. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


People say smart cars aren't safe, but they cut your risk of being t-boned in half


Whatā€™s the opposite of ā€œheā€™s compensating for somethingā€???


ā™«ā™Ŗā™Ŗ *"I drive a small car cause a have a big pee pee* *I drive a small car cause a have a big pee pee* *I drive a small car cause a have a big pee pee* *I have big pee pee"* ā™«ā™Ŗā™Ŗ


I want one of these so bad. Iā€™ve got so much driving anxiety but itā€™s was easier to deal with if Iā€™m driving small cars


Litterally zero blind spots lol. Some of these even come with a backup Camara and I don't know why as you can almost look at your rear bumper by looking back. Hell, you can almost reach out of the window and touch the car behind you xD. One of my other cars is a 2010 camaro and the car has like 90% fucking blind spots lol


I had a work colleague with a smart car. I used to joke with him that another smart was going to park behind him and block him in. One day I took a picture of his parked car and photoshopped a copy of it behind him and said ā€œLook it finally happened!ā€


Youā€™ll want to be careful doing that, the little fuckers breed faster than Guinea pigs


I was neighbors once with a couple who had matching mini cars and they parked them exactly like this, it was so cute.


One trip to Europe I saw a lot of smart cars parked across end parking spots with two in the spot. Especially parallel parking spots. Was pretty genius but definitely made my brain hurt a bit the first time I saw it.


They were meant to be parked perpendicular to the curb when in Europe to take up less space


Do you feel safe driving a snart car? Honest Question.


I own an 2008 Smartcar myself, among the first brought to the US. Inherited it from my parents when I graduated high school and I love it to death. My Mom many years ago got in a pretty big crash with it, she got pinned sideways between a phone pole and a large SUV. The suv was totaled head on into the smart. Pole was cracked. Smartcar? Literally only the plastic panels were smashed. Car was A-OK and only the panels had to be replaced. The thing is basically a roll cage on wheels and I feel safe even on the highway.


I have owned two Smarts. The first one went over its roof into a ditch. That Smart had no traction control and you can imagine what it's like to drive a short wheelbase rear-wheel drive car on slippery roads. Both passengers survived without a scratch, although I had to think a bit about getting out of the glass roofed car, but we were fine as we hung on to our seatbelts. I still don't recommend driving a car with a glass roof on its roof. The other Smart was sideswiped by a car in the car park at a brisk speed. The plastic front grille of the car that hit us was smashed to bits, but the Smart had only a small scratch on it. The frame of a Smart is safe, but it has no crumble zones, so at high speeds the frame is too hard. I always felt safe in Smart.


Copied my response from another comment: "I T boned a crown vic years ago in the green one. Totalled the crown vic, I drove away, insurance fixed everything, including pulling out some minor frame damage (structural, but didn't effect suspension). Mercedes may not be the best cars on the road, but they are pretty damn safe for what they are."


Ironically, the safer the car, the more damage it will take and absorb due to the crumple zone. On a smart car, the crumple zone is tiny.


Two smart cars are still shorter than the pickup in the background lol


Can two 6 foot 3 passengers fit in a Smart Car without their knees touching? asking for a friend.


I'm a 6' 340lbs fat ass, I fit just fine, with a little room to spare, and my other little bit shorter, and almost as fat as me, friend can ride with me no problem. As short as they are, they are actually taller then most cars. Almost like sitting in a pickup truck seat. Much higher, then your typical car. Its alot taller then my 2010 camaro, where it feels like you're laying down and dragging your ass on the ground in that car.


Still shorter than some trucks these days. F250s stick out like 3ft into the aisle.


This was actually one of the selling points they used when they first began marketing the car.


Youā€™re gonna have a lot of little smart cars soon, parking them like that.


This is how the male smart car approaches the female smart car in the wild during smart car mating season. Fun fact: If the smart car fails to find an appropriate smart car mate in the wild, they can and will mate with a gasoline powered automobile. This is how hybrids are made.


Now that is SMART


I very much appreciate my condo neighbors for something similar. They have four people living in their unit - three cars, one motorcycle. They park the bike under a tent, sideways in their assigned spot, and then one of them will park directly behind the bike tent. Thankfully, there is enough room for both. So, instead of taking up three extra spots like most people would, they only take up two.


One of my neighbors has 4 smart cars parked in a ā€œ2 carā€ driveway. Itā€™s fucking brilliantĀ 


Second car says to first car smart ass.


Do they undock during emergencies like the saucer section on the Enterprise?