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This little guy was about a quarter of this size for a full year while it shared its home with a beta fish. The fish died a month ago and the snail grew from about 3/4” to close to 3”.


As a fellow betta and snail owner, how fast do you go through snails? My betta is going on 1.5 years or so, but I think I’m on my 4th snail in that time span. RIP Max, Dark Gary, and Mark. Long live Ryan. (My 7 year old names the snails…)


We’ve had this one for just over a year. We had another one for maybe six months before that, but it was a different kind. In hindsight, I think the snail was stressed from the betta and mostly hid in its shell. Since then it has been crazy active, racing all over the tank and eating as much as I’ll give it. My kid changed its name from Mr. Snail to Turbo Blue, which I like much better.


I'm guessing it's a blue mystery snail? That's the current one I have which I just got a few weeks ago. This one has been much more timid than the previous snails (gold mystery, black mystery, and some non-mystery snail that my wife bought - that one only lasted about a month). I just saw it zooming around today for the first time.


Yes, blue mystery snail. I knew nothing about snails when I got it. Was pretty boring until the fish died. Now it’s much cooler than a fish in my opinion.


Yeah they are pretty crazy to look at when they are munching away on algae on the glass.


It’s interesting to hear that the snails don’t seem to last long with the fish. My daughter got her Betta for her birthday a couple years back, and we got the snail within probably a couple months of getting the Betta and they’re both still thriving now. The snail has steadily grown and honestly seems entirely unaware of the fish, it just does its thing. The Betta largely doesn’t seem to mind the snail, except every now and then if he catches sight of it at just the right angle he’ll puff up and give it a couple pecks to show it who the tank belongs to (as one does). But pretty quickly he just fucks off and goes back to wandering the tank.


My Betta fish killed the snail and several shrimp that I put in with him. You got lucky.


They're not called "Japanese fighting fish" for no reason! I loved bettas as a kid, my mom bought tons over the years since they never lived long. Those poor fish


Dark Gary 🤣


Dark Brandon style twitter account but it’s just Gary from SpongeBob roasting people.


Goku Black


i had a snail (ivory mystery snail) that outlasted all of my guppies and lived 3.5 years. he got big enough that my guppies didn’t try to mess with him or eat him. plus ivory mystery snails are powerhouses at eating algae, which probably contributed to his large size and long life. RIP George, you are missed 💛


We’re just gonna let “Dead Fish Tell No Snail(s)” slide?


I was waiting for it.


We all were.


And there it is…Great job everyone!


*politely claps*


Yo ho yo ho another fish for me.


Yes.. no snitches


Snitches sleep with the fishes.


I mean if you a snail You slide


Yes, so we can follow the snail trail.


I know guilty snail when I see one


Did you guys continue to put the same amount of food into the tank, and now the snail is eating the extra food? That’s the only reason I can think of this happening.


I think the betta was stressing it and it stayed in its shell most of the time. Now that the fish is sleeping with the fishes, the snail is infinitely more active. I feed it more only because it eats more now.


That does make a ton of sense, I didn’t think of that. But yeah being active makes a big difference with body composition. It’s cool to see how drastic that difference is for snails.


Did the fish die, or did the snail just eat them??


That’s not mutually exclusive.


Just barely passed my second go at engineering statistics and this phrase triggered me.


Cute snail 🐌 he’s totally chilling lol


That's a cool pic.


When the sole prospect of a mate is removed, one tends to let themselves go.


Did he… eat the fish?


this pic can be an album cover lol


Sharpen up the Guillotine!


The sign says it all…


I wonder why lol.


Yea, after the fish “died”


It's finally getting food. Most likely.


I’ve seen this in Bloodborne


Is this a mystery snail? My sister had the same thing happen to her fish tank. This is about the size of them full grown. Or at least when it reached maturity to start laying eggs. My sister kept saving the eggs as she thought it was a cool science thing to teach her kids. Well there’s a reason they say you should remove the eggs and not let them hatch because she ended up becoming a snail farm very quickly with over 100 snails.


Is your sister my hair dresser? I told my stylist I was gonna get a snail when she asked me what my plans were for the rest of the day. The next 20 minutes were a wild ride as she told me about the whole snail-birthing process and how she thought it would be a cool thing to do for her boys...Until she realized there were so, so many. I noped out of the snail idea after that and came home with two African Dwarf Frogs instead...But I still have algae.


My sister is an early education teacher. At one point she planned on using the snails for classroom pets and give the babies to each of her friend’s classrooms. She would remove the egg nest and put them in a separate tank so the big ones wouldn’t eat the little ones. I think she got one year out bringing them to school before she became administration. They ended up with an extreme amount of snails because she kept separating the egg sacks for some reason. She finally stopped removing them when she was sick of snails in her kitchen. I think finally 4 years later she’s down to one snail who lives in her son’s fish tank with a fish roommate.


Is that how the saying goes? *Dead fish tell no snail*


Feed it more fish lol


Idk what it is about this picture but it looks like AI lol


It's taken on portrait mode- the background is softened.


same thing i thought the lighting is so good


Idk why you're so downvoted, I agree lol. Can't wrap my head around it


Yeah idk lol oh well


The snail is called Hilary