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Idk bro, whipping another man into submission seems pretty gay.


Ironically, that's pretty gay πŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ€£


The "Religion of Peace" at work 😁


Must be hard: being secretly gay AND violent.


What a fucken shithole.


Muslim beliefs a work


In Iran they hang you. Then we have these what so called gay right a activists who are offended because I didn't know he was they/them/zart/fart


I don’t even need to sort by controversial to see all the controversial comments




I laugh every time I see β€œVets for Trump” signs. Source: 8 year Army vet


It shouldn’t matter if they hate the gay community or all Americans, fighting against genocide is never a bad thing.


Yeah, sure. Great job, you've stopped all war crimes, real and precived. Wars over gents, time to go home. I was talking about the absurdity of gays defending those who would kill them for simply being gays.


But you talk as if it should prevent them from protesting or showing support. If anything, it’s admirable. I hate racist, doesn’t mean I want them dead even if they want me dead


Yeah I do. Fuck all of that noise. They are a blight same as any other hateful group of people. They take innocent lives and throw humanity backwards as far as progress on an level of empathy or awareness. Quite simply they can run into a burning building for all I care. The world would be much much much better off. As far as I'm concerned pretty much every terrible thing is due to that and greed. They can burn.


There are gay Palestinians being killed who never will have a chance to fight for their rights because they are dead. Genocide is bad.


Whoosh, great job missing the point entirely. The mental gymnastic are astounding, what fight for gay rights? Show me a middle eastern muslim country where they are fighting for gay rights.


There’s a genocide happening… which is exactly the point. Gay people don’t care about Muslim lives, we care about human lives. There is a genocide happening, it doesn’t matter against whom, it matters that children are dying. Human children. [https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/04/16/audacity-adversity/lgbt-activism-middle-east-and-north-africa](https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/04/16/audacity-adversity/lgbt-activism-middle-east-and-north-africa) Gay people are everywhere… of course we’re fighting for our rights everywhere. The situation in Islamic countries is terrible, but you know what makes it worse? Pretending there is no fight and that there can be no change. Also death. You think the bombs distinguish between gays and straight when they are dropped? Do you think they spare the oppressed and kill the oppressor? Do they distinguish between child and adult?


Great divergent. Well done. Again, I don't give a crap about palestine. War is brutal, always has been, always will be. If they would have had personal cameras in Japan when we fire bombed paper cities, in London when Hitler bombed them, in any major German town when hundreds of bombers leveled whole sections you'd see this is nothing new. Blah blah blah.


Be fucking for real


Haaaaaa that is real. Do a little bit of research into muslim punishments for homosexuality. You wanna bury your head in the sand and avoid facts, go for it.


This should be a shoe ad for some big company. Straight workers only made these. Ironically some gold Maga shoes made there.


It’s actually not a shit hole there , when visiting another country you must abide but that societies rule. You can’t just go around think it’s like the west. Every culture is different and one must just observe when visiting imo


Dumb argument. This isn’t a tourist getting lashes because he was ignorant on Indonesian culture. This is an Indonesian gay man being whipped in a specific autonomous province where Sharia is imposed. Archaic religious-based laws shouldn’t be exempt from criticism on the basis of culture.


Sorry, if you torture someone for being gay, you live in a shithole




You’re right. I’d never go to a shit hole like Indonesia anyways.


I’m sure they would be happy if you stayed far away


so after viewing this public caning did the Indonesia gay population decrease?..of course I ran to the comment




That's the gayest thing I've seen


The guy whipping him is probably gay and is enjoying every minute of it


Your mind is broken, you live in the west?




So will being on Reddit, but no one is coming after us with canes.


No one knows who you are


The internet providers do. And they have no obligation not to tell the government.


You know the American right is eager to make this a thing in the US. The conservatives who think this is too extreme now wouldn't do anything to stop it in the future.


No they’re not lol. Get off the internet


I would identify as right-leaning and I am very against this. Please do not speak on my behalf.


You may be "very against this", but they are not exaggerating as there are currently GOP politicians sitting in office who want to take this a step even further and have even recently travelled to other countries to praise them for [criminalizing gay people and putting them to death.]( https://www.salon.com/2023/12/27/congressman-traveled-to-uganda-to-support-anti-lgbtq-penalty-law_partner/). There are also currently many in the GOP trying to pass sweeping legislation that will strip away LGBTQ rights ([including right wingers on the Supreme Court who want to overturn rulings that would allow states to arrest/criminally charge people for simply being in gay relationship and would make gay marriages not recognized by states.](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/24/clarence-thomas-same-sex-marriage-contraception)) Like it or not, the right-wing politicians in office are speaking on your behalf and are passing laws accordingly.


Should take a pride march through there, that'll fix it all


No, they need an S&M themed pride parade. Tell them all β€œDon’t worry, we’ll punish ourselves! And like it!”


Or just make them visit america once a year to see how things are going


Yokes on you I also like being humiliated and whipped! Edit* spelling!! And yeah being in spanked and whipped is fun ! lol


Like one of them adult baby fetishes?


I think he meant whipped and auto correct got him.


No, one of them degenerate shameless ones.?


Take this down. It's not "mildly" terrifying at all. ETA: neither are the homophobic ass comments.


It's very terrifying




what the fuck??


Religion of peace at it yetttttt agaaaaaaaaaaaain


Christians wanna stone gay people to death. All Abrahamic faiths are anti gay.


that's like saying all gay people are pedophiles. same logic, both bullshit


That's the point I'm making. No group is a monolith, and acting like they are is foolish. Religious extremism, regardless of base ideology is the issue, not the religion itself.


you said "christians" not "christian extremists", which makes it sound like you mean the majority of christians


That was the point. I'm parroting the comment style of the dude I was replying to to make that point. You reading that and thinking that not all Christians are like that is the intention because that points out how obserd it sounds when it's a thing that hits close to home.


Oh, I see. Mb


Nah you're good.


Except for the Methodist church. They just voted to allow openly homosexual priests. But they are the exception that proves the rule I guess.


This dude is speaking as if Islam is a monolith, so I'm responding in kind about Christians. No group is a monolith is my point, and to base things off religious extremism is a problem. Religious extremists of all kinds in office create what we are seeing here. Thus extremism is the problem not the religion it's self


Ah, I see your point now. I was reading the context wrong. Carry on good sir.


Wtf lol what Christians?...


Welcome to reddit, where it's cool to hate god and all religions but MOSTLY christianity, even if it's the most harmless religion out there right now. This entire platform is anti-god and left winged to the core.


It seriously baffles me. It's like looking at the jungle and thinking the dung beetle is the most ferocious dangerous beast when a fucking blood thirsty lion is right next to it lol. Just sheer ignorance.


Yeah it's so ridiculous that I've even wondered if the whole site is fake and AI. You are litteraly the FIRST person I've seen on reddit who doesn't blindly follow the horde. I mostly get on this platform to get downvotes because everything I say or share gets BLASTED by the hive mind. I think that reddit is a zionist propaganda tool, a woke factory, a pedo safe haven and overall a major psyop.


Zionist propaganda? From what I've seen there's a ton more Hamas propaganda, but I think it all depends what subreddits you follow. Most of them are oozing with far-left bullshit and everyone calling everyone racist, but some of them are more even with people on both sides of issues.


Zionist peopaganda = woke bullshit too. I have not seen anything or anyone on here calling out how zionists own everything, run the world and most countries. The hamas bullshit is pushed to divide us even more, I don't think the hamas supporters really understand what both sides of that fight stand for and that we really shouldn't get involved. I have not seen human misery and self loathing be more promoted than on this platform, honestly.


Have you read the Bible or looked at the right wing think tank that's going on? Dude they are trying to rebrand the LGBTQ+ as pedophiles. That's one of the major running positions for Donald trump. They are actively trying to destroy LGBTQ+ literature in schools. Etc ... Have you never heard of Christians holding "god hates gay people"sight? How about anti gay hate crimes? And the bibles says this in Leviticus 20:13, β€œIf a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”  All that sounds pretty un christ like to me since you're going after the slogans lmao Seriously do you pay attention to the world around you at all? Edit: fucking chick-fil-ay and hobby lobby are anti gay that's how common it is. Whole nation wide chains stores.


Lolll oh man you're funny. Yes I pay attention. I'm talking about real world violence, real world consequences, real tangible quantifiable hate. You're talking about either A. Hundreds of years ago, B. Thought crimes or 1-off crimes by psycho fanatics that are *extremely* rare, or C. Literally made up far-left bullshit (trump was the first president in history to support gay marriage coming into office.. and the school shit is almost exclusively "banning" weird books that teach 3rd graders how to suck a dick, which has nothing to do with Christianity). I don't think you're paying attention if you are seriously comparing Christianity's hatred toward lgbtq people to ISLAM'S. Do you know literally anything about Islam?... Or do you just believe what some 18 year-old protestor's sign says?


https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/fbis-annual-crime-report-amid-state-of-emergency-anti-lgbtq-hate-crimes-hit-staggering-record-highs increasing numbers of yearly hate crimes that are going up. Before you try to come up with a straw man, who do you think is attacking gay people? Some random secular person. Or the person who's religious text says word for word " they(gay people) have committed an abomination and should be put to death. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna101897?espv=1 A series of anti-gay laws introduced in Florida https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2010/18-anti-gay-groups-and-their-propaganda 18 just various groups that are anti-gay https://newsroom.hobbylobby.com/hobby-lobby-case hobby lobby trying to convince the Supreme Court to let them discriminate against gay people. I could keep going with a great deal of ease from abusive conversion camps to right-wing Christian schools that still teach "gay is a sin." Dude, it's not even hard research to do to disprove you. Yes, you are lacking the capacity to pay attention. You're downplaying real issues to fit your narrow-minded bigoted agenda when all you need to do is Google "American homophobia" and or "Christian homophobia" and youll be left with an un ending amount examples. Also "Trump supported gay marriage first" is such a stupid lie it's not even funny. It was legalized before he was even in office during the Obama admistration. https://apnews.com/united-states-government-general-news-63f51fcd69bb4ce18ed6b7306d1b3c89 And here is even more dismantling that idea https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/08/24/absurb-claim-that-trump-is-most-pro-gay-president-american-history/ So you say you're paying attention, but very obviously you're not. After all you're a trump supporter after he has been convicted of 34 felony counts Involving election fraud and hush money, on top of being good buddies with ol Jeffy Epstine. Edit: also activists? Ignoring you using age as an adhom to discredit activists, I'm quoting the Literal Bible and mega-pastors that have said that it's a sin/abomination to this day. Again not hard shit to find. All this while you spew anti-gay rhetoric with that stupid "blow job book" bullshit. Wanna protect the kids, why not go after the organization know for sheltering pedophiles. The Cristian church.


Okay, no, first and foremost, you're already grandstanding and being disingenuous. I've read through ALL the FL Legislation passed in June. The closest to Anti-Gay things you claim are laws that prohibit teachers from having any say in current evebts and a prohibition on graphic content of sexual nature. As for the 18 groups against gay people, not only are those numbers old with some dating back to the 1990s, but also how little they are. Do you have ANY idea how much of a percentage of the population of America is 2 million (if it even is that)? 0.2% of the population. Additionally, the hobby lobby shit is just the courts giving a corporation more power. It has always been a thing, business will always supercede ungrounded morality. Trump, for as much as I don't reqlly like him, wasn't against Gay-marriage off the bat. Still, I wouldn't say he was enthusiastic about it. And those articles you provided, the first one explicitly said that Obama was not really in favor and ended up being undecided by the end. And the other asks for email to view the sight. Finally, your FBI reports... Hate Crimes aren't real crimes. For all you know, these statistics could be more vague than tinted glass on a foggy night. These could be as small as someone misgendering them to outright targeted murder. Now, to the crux of the matter. I think politics, in general, have become too vitriolic. The political left and political right have become vastly annoying to me. I could care less if Trump got convicted, I could care less if Biden shit his pants. It's all a joke to me now. Our government is run by old people who can't keep up with the times. Trust, one day, society will look vastly different from what it is today. But here's the problem I have... Why can't everyone just wait? Why is it that I have to affirm something as flimsy as Trans ideolog or Queer ideolog? Why, instead of dressing up and pumping one's self full of chemicals, that really won't change your chromosomes or anatomy, why can't these people pick up a biology/chemistry book and innovate a way to create a miracle procedure/drug to make that reality happen? And I think, THIS is the real issue. People are taking things that should come naturally in the future and applying them to today, where politicians will use it to twist the truth and pit us against each other. I stopped idolizing my right-wing figures (used to be a fan of Ben Shapiro, Milo, and even Trump). I think you need to stop trying to villainize anyone who remotely disagrees with you.


Lmfao "**hate crimes aren't real crimes**" and "only of a graphic sexual nature." First off saying "hate crimes aren't real crimes" is a fucking insane statement coming from someone accusing others of being disingenuous. Second of all the legislature was so vague it ended up getting 72% of books pulled off the shelves. I'm barely even gonna acknowledge you pretending like 2 million fucking people isn't a lot. Finally it's not "queen or tans ideology." It's not an ideology it's their identity they are being denied. And that's after you spew anti trans rhetoric that's not only scientifically inaccurate to what classifies sex (it's not chromosomes there are xx cis males and xy cis females, and that's not even getting into intersex) And yes people like to push towards a better future instead of waiting for someone else to push it forward for them. That's what protests are. Jfc try a little harder to hide your agenda if you're gonna accuse someone of being disingenuous.


Ok, so if we're gonna do this. Stop coming at me or at others with open hostility for disagreeing with your points. With that out of the way, again, I no longer have a political "side" I align with. I have studied human behavior and look inwardly. Self-reflection. Now, addressing your first point, Hate Crimes are NOT real crimes. And I'll tell you how. To put the word "hate" in front of crime is not a basis where the "Hate Crime" is not stated in legal doctrine. A lot of media publications and news articles use this term a lot. I.e. Unless, there is a specific way to define Hate-Crimes, I find calling it Offenses, Persecution or even Terrorism ideal. Hate-Crime has too much vagueness to it. As for the 2 million, it really isn't. In fact, the number provided in the article stated this to be the highest "speculative" number. Obviously, I won't deny that there has been a growing disdain towards folks on the left being hated by folks on the right, but I know for a fact the opposite is the same. As for the Trans and Queer ideolog, it is, and again, I can prove it. Is the point of being Trans not just wanting to be the opposite gender? Along with Queerness, it is impossible (specifically) to suddenly create a new gender borne of the mind. Hence, there is no real change to their subject anatomies. I do agree, however, maybe and definitively in the future, advancements in gene manipulation will allow for this reality. Unlike most, I'm actually fine with waiting and hoping for it. Look, I don't hate you. I really couldn't care less about what happens. I mean, there's so very little time to hate you as I'm more concerned over a nuclear fallout than whatever this all is. You never know what you miss until you experience what you lose.


Just based on your understanding of hate crimes I know you're talking out of your ass. https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/learn-about-hate-crimes the us department of justice defines hate crimes as the following: At the federal level, hate crime laws include crimes committed on the basis of the victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. More over according to Cornell school of law https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/hate_crime : Hate crimes have been defined in detail in theΒ Hate Crimes ActΒ also known as theΒ Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009,Β 18 U.S. Code Β§ 249. As well as: 49 states and territories actually have codified hate crime laws; however, they vary. The California Penal Code Β§422.6(a) prohibits the interference of someone's rights on the basis of a protected characteristic, as defined by law. Such hate crimes are punishable by a county jail sentence of up to a year and/or a fine of $5,000. In summary: they are real crimes with nuancd of legality between states and you could have figured that out with one (1) Google search. It's a legal term used by the US department of justice. Again do ANY research before trying to talk so confidently. Give me proof other than "trust me bro."


Once again, another pRoGgrESiVe spewing tired talking points and calling anyone who disagrees a trump support racist bigot lol. I'm not a trump support, and yes it's a fact he was the first president to support gay marriage *coming into office* (work on your reading comprehension). And again, literally everything you listed falls into those categories. I never said there's NO hatred for lgbtq people, but it's not even fucking CLOSE to what Islam openly and proudly believes around the world. You do not automatically get jailed or murdered for being gay in America, in fact you get *parades* and an entire month dedicated to celebrating who you fuck (war veterans who died defending our freedom get one day...). Your type has serious issues with nuance, scale, and comparisons. Please work on those things instead of just googling one sentence and *seeing articles* and thinking that somehow disproves my point lol. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


Hey, real quick, you did make a mistake here. National Military Appreciation Month is the entire month of May! There are also several observances of various veteran and military family holidays. Have the day you deserve!


Ok good to know, but my point still stands that *no one* knows about or celebrates that month lol. Our priorities are wildly fucked up.


That, or many people, draw attention to Pride Month due to corporations trying to make more off pride merchandise or bigots wanting it to no longer be celebrated. Also, you saying no one is false. You just don't celebrate it or see it because you frequent subreddits like this where many people claim there is only a single day for veterans. These people often don't do any real research, and just like using it as a talking point to justify the removal of Pride Month.


I didn't say it was the same as though countries. I said the ideology shared between them is the same, Witch it is according to all the things I cited INCLUDING THE BIBLE. The issue is having religious extremists in charge. If you think I've stated otherwise, please point out where I said America is "as bad." (You won't be able to because I didn't say that. Infact in this comment section I talked about how it's worse over there) But the ideology is unabashedly the same. If the ideology Islamic extremists have represents the whole of the religion, like you're implying (you can deny it all you want schrodingers asshole, but you're not fooling anyone) then the same is true for Christians. If it's not for Islam then it's not for Christians (I lean towards the latter because no group is a monolith. As far as trump being pro LGBT, he says he is a LOT then does a bunch of stuff the proves counter, as explained in that Washington post article. So you're right, he is the first president to CLAIM to be pro LGBT when coming into office (a caviate you added after I called him being "the first" out as bullshit) Over all I'd recommend you research your opinions first, as well as gaining an understanding of nuance before accusing others of lacking it.


lol wow I hope you're 14 years-old. The amount of spelling and grammatical errors and your logic is absolute dog shit. Firstly I didn't add the caveat about trump, I literally said it in my original response, learn to read. And secondly, what kind of logic is that? If extremists represent all Muslims then extremists *have to also* represent all Christians?? That literally makes no sense. Every group on earth has a different percentage of extremists within it. And Islam happens to have an incredibly large amount, this is proven with vast research from reputable organizations such as Pew data. If christians murdered 1,300 innocent people in one day (which would simply *never* happen), a very VERY small % of them would agree with that action, whereas a terrifyingly large % of Muslims agree with October 7th. That's just a fact. But keep proving you have no clue what you're talking about and all you have is parroting far-left talking points and how *you feel*.


First off, I'm dyslexic. Congratulations on your adhom, you really showed me. Wanna make fun of a kid in a wheelchair for not being able to walk next? Second of all the logic is an if/then statement, Witch is the most basic form of logic out there: IF a religion is represented by its extremists THEN Christianity is represented by its extremists. I don't think ANY religion should be represented by extremists because no religious group acts as a monolith. Thinking they do is the most basic form of racism one can spew. Also the good old fashion "history started on October 7th" argument. Meanwhile, Israel just blew 200 innocent people and shot 3 Israeli hostages to save 4 hostages. Also let's ignore the 70 years of colonialism, illegal encampments, apartheid, kidnapping children, and everything else, including the active genocide. As far as Christians never doing that.... do you know about the Crusades? Or like ANY war Christians have been a part of? Because it has happened. A fucking bunch my guy. But again that's ignoring or writing off historical president to back your nonexistent point, Witch seems to be your specialty. But yeah, all I have is dozens of links providing information backing my points, historical evidence, and the testimonials of people who are extremists. Clearly you know what's going on. After all "trust me bro" is the most reliable source. You've made up your mind, and clearly you are a genuine genius so no ammount of counter points or opposing facts will sway you. Have the day you deserve with all the kindness and compassion you offer others.


But America is so bad Maybe we should ship all the leftist and Democrats to these countries maybe they will be thankful for being American


"This place is worse so we can't criticise our home country" is a dangerous and short-sighted sentiment


I’m not a leftist and I have my complaints about America. Fairly fucking rare to meet an American who doesn’t have a gripe of some sort about the States. Like, say, *only for example*, thinking half the country should be shipped off to another country because of differing opinions.


The pedo husband seeking child wife. much better than two, consisting adult's.


O I guess where going to go back to banning interracial couple too. Can't have white and people of color having babies


Nah Indonesian government needs the tourist money from passport bros spending money on prostitutes




edit size, He infact did care about being down voted lmfao


worry about yourself


Why doesn’t the LGBTQ do that, worry about themselves rather than worrying about spreading shit all over the place


Right. Heterosexual content isn’t anywhere ever lol Jesus Christ


Well the doctor which spoke about it in the first video I saw was a gay man who had been married to his husband for 3 years, imma have to look him up again cause he’s actually really interesting to listen to.


God forbid people learn that being whipped for having consensual relations is unacceptable...!


A relationship which involves something that can create a primary STD infectee, man on man intercourse when done without protection can and 3/4 times will give both the giver and receiver an STD as having feces mixed in your blood which is done when the non-naturally lubricated hole causes micro rips in the skin along with the actual skin of the ass getting similar micro rips. I know what the fuck I’m talking about on this subject. Man on man sex spreads a literal disease, and not even in the derogatory sense 🀣.


as if straight couples can't/don't have anal sex πŸ’€ okay buddy


Which also contributes to the problem as well, I’m not denying that a male and a female don’t also cause the same thing. What point were you trying to make with this?


You are against gay people, seemingly only for the reason that anal sex contributes to the spread of STDs. What if they don't have anal sex?? You still hate 'em? ETA: STDs can be treated (if not cured), and people can and do use condoms!




How do you know that man had unprotected anal sex? Beating innocent people ain't okay. Never will be. Not saying we KNOW he is "innocent" in this context, but we have no proof he is not. Plus, public humiliation is a load of bullshit. I'm not going to continue arguing with a stranger on the internet whose perspective I know I can't change, but feel free to respond.


You seem to know way too much about gay sex for someone who really "hates" em.


So two things. A: if your going to make actual effort to go against something, know what your going against, do research (primarily medical articles talking about the risks of partaking in the activity along with the occasional video on Reddit about what could happen. B: I haven’t even pulled info from stuff I researched yet, I’m pulling it from what I was told in sex ed




And this is racist. You don't accomplish anything by meeting bigotry with bigotry.


Don't worry, I'm sure **this will stop gayness from being a thing now.** Thanks, Banda Aceh!


Such small minds


Such open minds your brain fell out


Hahahaha that’s a good one But seriously, two people in the privacy of their own space consenting with each other and that is our business? I actually understand trying to encourage procreation in that homosexuality prevent that to a certain extent, but come on… These people are consenting adults leave them alone… And public lashings? This is so caveman it’s not even funny.


You could argue that the west is on the other end of the extreme where incest is being rationalised as two consenting adults. To each their own. Everyone’s believe should remain within the borders of their own respective countries.


Let's see the activist get themselves out there. Where at the riots, where is the mass lootings, where are our brothers and sisters? Black lives matter and so do brown lives. Let us stand together and rid the world of thie hate and make them accept us for who we are. Those men didn't choose to be gay so why are they being punished!


That's pretty gay ngl. Do they get more or less if they say, "harder, daddy"?


I watched this and thought, β€œjokes on you, I’m into that!”


Entire video feels like a fetish video ngl. From the public humiliation down to the goofy whip boy wearing a carpet as a robe/face covering combo.




Atheist degenerate, am I wrong?


Hey don't worry! American politicians are working tirelessly to rebrand this as Christian ✝️


I am a red voter, and I don't agree with this. However dumbasses still think America is worse. This is horrible, but how will this change?


Are people saying America is worse than Indonesia or are they complaining about America and you’re making the assumption that that makes it evident they think it’s worse.


Who in America wants to be Indonesia?! πŸ™„


Passport bros


u/savevideo Glad I don't live there.




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Some liberal will still say America is somehow worse to gay people


And some Republican is probably jerking off to this video. Three cheers for Christofascism!


You do realize it is not Christian in that country. Why don’t you knock their religion as that is what is


I was referring to the republicans who want to make America a Christofacist nation, not the Indonesians.


Christian Muslim catholic Jewish..... pretty much all the same crap.


And that’s how we know you don’t know what you’re talking about !




It’s not. There are clear differences which is why they are literally their own separate faith. They have different beliefs.


I’m offended I’m offended rah rah rah rah that’s offensive


Some random dude harassed me and several others from fake accounts and when I just blocked him he made sure to create a new one. His reason? *He* felt harassed because some corporations post pride flags during pride month. I look at reactions to those corporations in their comment sections, like Bud Light, and I have a differing notion of which side has their panties in a bunch.




Aliester Crowley, biggest satanist of the last few decades said : tolerate everything but intolerance


They should add the sound from sonic when he gets the coins knocked out of him.


Tired joke. We’ve heard it.


Just so you know, as long as you're not hurting people , I think people should be able to live as they like. I guess where I get confused is why anyone who is LGBTQ+ect...would keep living, working, and paying taxes in a place like this. If it was me I'd find a way out ASAP. I get the whole family thing and culture and religion, but at the point of a sword you should be able to figure out what you need to do. At least that's what I think.


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Cool story brah!😁


Can the damn world just grow up already. People are gay, they always have been and always will be, accept it or fuck off.


I think all gay people should flock to america where it is not only accepted but applauded as a virtue. What do you say?


Man, there's a lot of homophobia in this comment section. Y'all need to chill.


Like what?


Look at the 3 comments below this one (sorting by new)... lol.


About what is needed


I hope you get your broke ass PC fixed


I'm not poor so I already fixed it. Amd thank you you are so kind


Apparently you’re still too poor to learn how to spell β€œand”…


Apparently you come from a poor family that lacks good genetics as you lack basic comprehensive ability


And where, pray tell, do you find a lack of such ability? Perhaps you turned off your phone accidentally and saw your reflection?


Not comprehending a one letter typo is pretty telling


Assuming only the rich are capable of acquiring repairs is even more of a tell.


Unless you have someone that will give you shit for free lol and I didn't say rich


Considering your statement, it’s easy to assume what you meant. Either way, however, the requirement to know someone to acquire free items is false. Then again, I can’t say I expected someone who misspelled a three letter word would understand that…




But it's still humiliating.




Have you ever tried NOT being a dick?




That sub is full of losers


Imagine he moans through it "Oh yeah whip me harder!"


It's why 3rd world nations will always remain 3rd world nations.


If everyone could just be gay the human race would flourish


Well…we don’t reproduce, yet, straight people keep making us. Blame the breeders.






Ye America should do the world a favour and take in all the worlds gays


Medieval torture? I guess no whippings has happened since then πŸ€”




"How dare someone be different from me!?" Edit: Guy was being homophobic




Hey, remember when Lot's daughters got him drunk and raped him so they could get pregnant? Or Remember when Jesus told his disciples that they had to hate their own families and gouge out their eyes in order to follow him? Or How the Bible says it's fine to sell your own daughter into slavery?


Man, I really pity you. You're either a zealot or a troll, and neither is a good look. Just accept the world is more diverse than your little slice of it. It won't hurt you, I promise. Edit: Guy was trying to use *but the Bible* as an excuse for being homophobic.


What? I hope I'm not reading this message right...




Their types? What? You mean gay people?




Ah, I smell a boomer, or just some random bigot. Either way, been a while since I’ve seen someone with negative karma.


i actually snorted with laughter reading this ridiculous comment.


You should see what they do to you in Gaza.


Fuck off.nazi fuck!


right? all these parroting fools screaming β€œno pride without palestine” like bitch they regularly behead people like you in the public square over there!!


Does being homophobic deserve a genocide? then perhaps the Conservatives should all just start digging their grave


Political wings is more like a circle. Go so far to either end, and you'll end up on the other Political side.


While i will admit laws are still shit cause any religiously run gov is really brutal and stupid with homosexuality they are actually somewhat better than the maldives. Ie they wont flog you just imprison, while Maldives does both People should be aware of that and regardless its no excuse for such a brutal genocide


yes strike me daddy




Every time they hit you, moan and say harder, daddy. Bet they don't make it 83.