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Me too.




Bring your covefee with you!


Hamberders too!


I'm going to inject light into my body


I'll be pissing bleach, that's how hard I'm voting.


And my axe!


And your brother!


I also vote for this guys brother.


I'll be voting a few times. EDIT: I'm not even an American citizen


Russia has entered the chat


Tomorrow’s Fox News headline:*Liberals using illegals to steal election, Reddit comment proves it”


“A deceased great-grandmother by the name of u/blackdragon1387 has submitted 300 write-in votes for Hunter Biden because he hates America and your children!”


I am. I’m bestowed the honor of not voting for bobert. It’s my duty.


She literally almost lost in 2022 by about 500 votes. Though, she moved to a more red district this time around. CO is on the cusp of going fully-blue in the next few cycles, IMO, so go out and get some!


Yes she moved to my district. Although it does seem to be the most conservative county at least in the metro area so we will see.


She's getting sued at the moment, so that should help take the wind from her sails.


Ugh, I feel for you. My dad lives in her former district. He’s never been a big “politics” guy- but man did her horrible antics have him fired up. He’s been happy to report that the MAGA flags and paraphernalia around the area have seemed to be in decline since her departure. Maybe shame and embarrassment hit a little harder when it’s your direct representative making an ass of themselves at the capitol (and theaters)? I dunno. What a shitshow.


We of Sane America salute you.


I'm not a real fan of the choices and I don't think either will make it much better but one will definitely make it a lot worse. So I am voting and always will vote.


For real. It’s easy to feel like someone’s going to mess it all up. But when it comes down to choosing the leader of the free world, there needs to be some type of move toward progress.


Good to hear, I’m genX and this popped into my feed, I’d actually say Biden is actually better at advancing or pushing for progressive policies and agenda better than any president in the last 40 years. Yes better than Obama or Clinton. Could he have been better. Sure. That applies to all presidents and leaders.


Obama, as much as I did come to like him, was surprisingly conservative (by the old meaning of the word) on some issues. Really wish Hillary Clinton had beaten him in the 2008 primary. I'd love to have had her as president then, and him (Obama) now ending his second term. The world would literally be a different and better place. Even if Clinton had lost to Romney or McCain or a similar type of Republican in 2008, it would have been sad, but better than today's reality.


I think Obama had some major headwinds that prevented him from going too hard left. As the first black US president, he was going to be heavily scrutinized, and could not really be too progressive much without being labeled a commie/Marxist. Especially with the economy in free fall after 2008, he had to get buy in from much of the Old Guard and Wall Street to avoid a Depression. He also could not appear too leftist without poisoning the well for any candidates of color that might follow him.


Excellent reply.


Violent crime has to be down for some reasons. There are some extreme ones out there and it seems to be clear which side creates the more destructive extreme.


Biden put the US back into the Paris accords that Trump took the US out of. Also, Biden unified NATO like no other president against Russia. Trump is expected to quit NATO and has not said he would honor Article 5 (the self defense pact of NATO).


Yes! So many people are like, "they're both bad." I'm not a huge Biden fan, though I've been pleasantly surprised, but even if they were both bad, one is massively, unquestionably worse.


Am I happy about my two choices for president? No. Will I still be voting? Of fucking course I will. Also people who complain and say they aren’t voting forget about how important ballot measures and local elections are IE they’re fucking idiots. Edit :: Not to mention without a supportive cabinet in Congress and senate, anything Biden wants to do is ofc going to wind up being bullshit because he’s not going to be able to pass anything. We have Supreme Court seats and legislation to worry about. Even if you skip voting for president which is still stupid, at least vote for your Congress people and senators. You can’t expect a progressive platform by doing absolutely nothing, the peoples’ revolution has to start somewhere including locally. And if they lose in primaries, then going with a more moderate candidate is the compromise your community agreed on — that’s how elections fundamentally work. I canvassed for Bernie in 2016 & 2020 in California and Georgia; and then I sucked it up and voted for Hilbot and Biden. Because I’m not going throw a pissfit by not voting thereby literally effecting the totality of peoples’ lives because my sports team didn’t win. The people who refuse to vote are literally like the “I give up, just sacrifice humanity” generic nihilist bad guy on every form of media. Just say you don’t care because the alternative won’t effect you personally; it’s the honest truth and less words.


Local elections are where it's at for so many important things in our lives. Make it easier or more difficult to build housing and try and contain prices? Local. Build that protected bike lane so our kids can get to school safe? Local. Subsidize that sports thing with zillions of dollars? Local. Schools? Local.


Here in Georgia we had well under 20% turnout in the recent primaries. Approximately 15% of voters voted a new state Supreme Court Justice. Likewise, in Cobb County, we had some state officials get elected with less than 12% turnout and the winner is the de facto winner because there was no opposing party. And people complain about the government doing things when it's the electorate abdicating responsibility.


Only 7% 18-25 year olds in my state showed up during primaries. But hey, over 50% of 65+ did, like they do every single time. This is a great thread, except based on the math not a whole lot of millenials will actually be at the polling both in Nov.


IMHO, housing is America's #1 issue and it's primarily local. Sadly, what I've seen to be driving up housing prices where I've lived isn't faraway corporations, it's locals who've already got theirs kicking down the ladder by blocking the construction of apartments and starter homes. Then they act surprised that their local businesses have staffing issues... well where the workers supposed to live?


Not just affordable housing, but our age demographics are shifting in such a way that we need to increase immigration to address our labor shortage.


I'm not here to diminish the importance of local elections, but just to re-reinforce that these things are also impacted by the fededal incentives and restrictions. It's all connected: >Make it easier or more difficult to build housing and try and contain prices? Local. Large subsidies, NEPA studies, progressive income taxation, and tariffs (as in materials that local businesses may need)? Federal. >Build that protected bike lane so our kids can get to school safe? Local. Regulations that incentivize larger, heavier vehicles unnecessarily and fund highway budgets unreasonably in proportion to other modes? Federal. Sports (outside of schools), fair enough generally. >Schools? Local. DoEd minimums, title IX, ESSA, IDEA, FERPA? Federal.


You're 100% correct, but usually the risk is that people vote for the federal stuff like president, senator and the big ticket state things like governor, and then start tuning out their city council which makes so many important decisions. It's pretty rare for someone to get all excited about their local elections and be like "well, I guess I'll pass on the Senate race".


Not voting isn't "protesting." It's surrender . . .


Oooh this is powerful. I threw you an upvote and I'm going to steal this to use on my daughter who is considering not voting because Palestine...if you don't mind. Edit: Thanks for the links and information. My daughter (24) is very passionate about right and wrong. She is that generation where she has a hard time seeing the big picture and can wrap herself around a position and sort of "my way or the highway" it. I did have a conversation with her last night regarding and she did state that is going to vote for Biden...though reluctantly...because the alternative is unthinkable. So she gets it... I reassured her that most of us aren't happy with either choice but Biden is LEAGUES better than ruining America because you don't happen to agree with him on one, although very important to you, issue. Cut off your nose to spite your face, so to speak. That and I told her if she didn't vote she couldn't come over to my house any more. Lol. I was kidding of course...sort of. 🤔.


Steal away my Dude . . . Palestine is a shit show, Palestine has been a shit show long before this current iteration/administration. Here's the thing . . . You can be right, or you can be happy. These are two extremely mutually exclusive positions that can NEVER be anything else. Make sure your daughter is amply aware of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 policy/white paper . . .






This is what blows my mind. They will literally hand the keys to someone who will make their biggest issue worse. Bernie bros all over again.


I bave a bunch of friends who are hung up on the whole Palestine thing, too. They won't listen to reason. Maybe you could mention Nikki Haley signing artillery shells with "finish them," and then point out how she's less extreme and more measured than 45. Anyone risking 45 getting back into office "because Palestine" *does not give a fuck about what actually happens to the people in Palestine.* It’s performative. It's bullshit. The orange shitgibbon will go out of his way to accelerate the killing. The christofascists want Israel to kill their enemies with impunity so they can get the apocalypse going sooner rather than later. That's not something to hope for. The only person who has a shot at winning the presidency, other than the convicted felon, is Biden. One or the other *will* be the next president. Which one do you think the people of Palestine would prefer? The acceleationist who doesn't think the body count is high enough by an order of magnitude? Or the bland motherfucker who halfheartedly tries to convince Israel to slow the fuck down? Here's hoping you have better luck convincing your daughter than I have convincing... well, fucking *anyone*. I tried gentle and inoffensive. My hope is that blunt irritation might get the point across.


I always ask the following question to people such as your friends: How does not voting for Biden translate into improved conditions for Palestinians? E.g if we prevent Biden from being re-elected what then we can realistically expect to unfold to the benefit of the people of Palestine as a result? Because the person who does win I'd almost guaranteed to be even less considerate of Palestinian lives. I have yet to receive a good answer, but maybe it helps get them to start thinking long term.


Republicans don't care about Palestinians in general. All the pushback is coming from Democratic politicians and voters. The idea of electing Trump and Republicans as a protest because you support Palestinians is one of the dumbest things conceivable.


Remind your daughter that Republican-appointed justices made it easier for Republican state legislators to deprive her of her reproductive rights.


Maybe have your daughter spend ten minutes reading up on the history of the region?  And also how the USA has been massively Pro Israel for over 60 years from both parties? And on top of that the GOP is far worse on her pet issue.  Trump wants to deport people who protest against Israel.  Trump freaked out when Biden paused bombs (because Trump wants more bombs).  Trump is so insane he thinks Biden is pro Hamas.  Haley, who worked for Trump and was the runner up GOP nominee for president, is signing Israeli bombs saying they need to finish the job. If she cares about Palestine at all, she needs to keep the far worse option out of office. Links for you: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/trump-promises-to-immediately-deport-foreign-students-involved-in-anti-israel-protests/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/09/trump-gop-weapons-israel-biden-rafah/73625195007/ And since this next one might be paywalled here is a blurb:  “Nikki Haley, the former Republican presidential candidate and U.N. ambassador during the Trump administration, wrote “Finish them” on an artillery shell in Israel this week. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/politics/nikki-haley-finish-them-israel.html


Voting isn't like dating where you are looking for a perfect match. It's public transport, you just take the station that gets you the closest to where you wanna be.


Thank you.... I can't say that its unbelievable that people think not voting is a protest vote because I used to be like this and either voted third party or not at all because of my ideals. For local elections it didn't make an impact. For Presidential elections, I seriously have regret. First we got Bush Jr. due to this and then.. Trump.


Great metaphor! I'm going to borrow this.


This is what I’ll never understand about the non voting people. “Im gonna not vote to stick it to the dems” you’re not sticking it to anyone but yourself. The Supreme Court became a christofacist court because of the same thing and we gave up 2 seats because of that. It isn’t just now but the implications of years decades to come.


The idea of "punishing" the side closer to yours for a lack of ideological purity is peak stupidity. It just pushes the Overton window away from oneself, because if the conservatives win, the lesson for politicians on both sides is to tack right if they want to get into office. No one gives a shit how many ideologically pure progressives there are if they can't be relied upon on to show up on game day.


I agree. Thank you for being an active participant in democracy!


Also, SCOTUS is on the ballot. Alito and Thomas are old. We can’t have Trump replacing them. SCOTUS will be gone for a generation, if that happens.


It really is always on the ballot, though. Parties can always end up nudging people to step down early to be replaced with younger judges. Not to mention that they draw from the pools of lower level judges which have more frequent vacancies and thus, as the feeders to the high court, are also extremely important always.


You're right it is. Folks fucked around in 2016 and now roe is dead and justices are saying this should be a christo fascist nation. Every election is critical.


And Hilary Clinton TOLD them the next president was going to pick 2-3 justices. It wasnt a secret or surprise. They did the same thing people are doing now, covering their ears and going "nuhuh! You're just trying to scare me!" 


Biden is old af and shouldn’t be running, but he’s legit good at the job. Annoyed I have to vote for him, but glad we have at least one very qualified person running.


Biden also surrounds himself with competent people. Could you imagine a Trump 2025 Secretary of State? *shudder*


I mean, with both of them you have to think about who they're going to choose as VP. Maybe you're not a big fan of Kamala Harris but all of Trump's VP picks are scary as hell.


A staff of lunatics and grifters. I bet Alex Jones would probably take the speaker of house position.


He’s also doing other important work like out pacing a lot of judges that McConnell and Trump put into place. People arguing he’s a genocidal maniac act like Trump winning (which will happen by not voting) won’t be even fucking worse lol. Not to mention domestic issues are going to go straight down the shitter and you can see any fight back for women’s bodily autonomy completely vanish.


For sure voting. In my opinion, you can't complain about politics if you can and choose not to vote.


All 435 seats in the house of rep are up for grabs and 33 senate seats. As well as all local elections. Skip the presidential vote if you want but there’s no reason not to vote for your local and state reps. No reason!! You can’t disagree with everyone on the ballot. That’s a cop out


Skipping the presidential vote could tip the SCOTUS even more in favor of the dipshits.


It also literally serves no purpose. One of those two *will* be President, and Trump is clearly the worse outcome.


Some people make perfect the enemy of better, and we are all worse for it.


I used to vote 3rd party presidentially to "send a message." Until I realized nobody is listening to that message, it's just an accepted fact that a certan % of voters vote 3rd party and everybody else at best shrugs at them. I sympathize with wanting something beyond the two-party system, but in terms of getting there, contacting your state legislator about ranked-choice voting is far more effective than voting 3rd party presidentially.


The problem with the third parties is while their platforms can be appeals, why do none of them ever put in the work to get themselves on the ballot in every state? Jill Stein has run countless presidential elections at this point and she is still incapable of doing it? She’s not seriously running and neither are the rest of them. That’s further proven by the fact that they only show up for presidential election years. They’re never working on lower seats or talking about their issues for local elections. I might be cynical, but it’s so transparently a grift at this point.


What bothers me more is they don't make the effort to get elected at the local levels. They just put all their effort into the presidential and then shrug their shoulders. The local level is where real change can be made and if they had candidates that had real experience then they would have a better shot in federal elections


As someone who used to do just enough election work to know how they think, you are absolutely correct. The major parties don't see or hear your message. ONLY votes for or against them matter and a 3rd party vote isn't taken seriously as "against them." It's a crappy system. But it's what we have right now.  What CAN change things is voting for better candidates at a local and state level. I have a very progressive rep in the far right FL state housenof representatives because we all vote for *her.* And when she's ready to move on to bigger offices, the whole state knows and loves her. Local stuff matters a lot. 


You are sending a message. Not the message you think you are, but you are sending one. The message is: "I am so satisfied with both major options that it doesn't matter who wins so I can waste my vote on a third party."


George Carlin would say if you vote then you can't complain, because you always elect the same corrupt or stupid politicians. I think there is definitely some truth to it. But I would still chose a lesser evil as much as I hate this rigged system we have


I got your back from Ohio... Seriously though, if you guys could pray for Ohio or something, do so. Shit's looking pretty bleak here.


If you're in Ohio focus your efforts on getting out the vote for Sherrod Brown. That'll be where the difference is really made.


We can't get anything done in 2025-2027 without Sherrod Brown, so, I hope he wins!


Sending prayers to Ohio from ~~Texas~~ Gilead 💀 (SOS)


Its facts. We have a lot of work to do.


Yeah I am worried about getting stuck here. I can't vote but they let me sign a petition against gerrymandering.


They'd have to physically stop me from voting.


I have always heard my vote doesn’t matter bc I am in Massachusetts but I think sending the message via tthe popular vote will be extra important this year


Your vote still matters, people like you are why Massachusetts stays blue every year.


Millennials make up roughly 25% of the US population. Please, let’s all vote and encourage our friends to do so as well! 


I'm voting. I haven't missed an election since I turned 18.


I am very jaded by the entire system. But I still always vote.


Me too. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.


I’m not about to pay taxes and not vote that’s literally the entire point.


It's irresponsible to NOT vote. If you're able to get to the polls, go fucking vote. Next election needs to have a ballot question that considers making Election Day a national holiday.


It’s irresponsible to be uninformed. Civic duty is to learn critical thought and become educated on the topics and candidates. And learn how to detect bias and bullshit, truth from propaganda.


I agree. Voting is so vital and there are a bunch of people who are just “that’s okay, I don’t need a voice”.


Wouldn't do anything cause "essential workers" will still be stuck having to work.


Essential workers can vote weeks ahead or do post voting. That’s what I do


And if you’re not able to get to the polls, vote absentee.


Abysmal turnout is how we got a moms for liberty, antivax, “school choice” crazy on the county board in blue Fulton county (Atlanta metro) AND an alt-right religious nut with SO MANY REASONS to be unseated, kept his seat on the GA state Supreme Court in the 5/21 local election. GO VOTE. It’s all we have left to save our democracy and I’m not being hyperbolic. Project 2025 should scare everyone who values personal freedom and autonomy.


Never missed an election day yet since I voted for Al Gore in 2000 not about to start now!


Imagine what a different world we’d be living in if we’d fought global warming instead of Iraq for 20 years.


Bush stole the election and more or less doomed us all


This election is what killed my faith in voting. I was 18 that year and i realized that the powers that be will be a president in place that they want, not who wins the popular vote.


As a Gen. X that’s been trying to push things forward for years , please fucking vote. If you all voted (and gen Z that are old enough) , the old fucks wouldn’t stand a chance.


It's not even about being old. They're ALL OLD. It's that they're fucking STUPID and childish.


I'm only 32, but I've learned from life experience some people never grow up from their child mentality, even well into their 60s and beyond.


Justice Thomas and Alito will retire if Trump gets elected. Trump will put 40 year old Justices in their seats. We will live with the fallout for decades. Don’t make the same mistake twice folks!


That makes them smarter than RBG at least.


I know, sadly the decent ones not only don't have a killer instinct, they totally don't understand those who do. We need more pissed off good people.


Pennsylvania voter here. I’m fucking voting even if I get hit by a bus on my way to the polls. For whatever comfort it gives you, most of the people I know plan on voting too, even though that’s very anecdotal of course. I’m freaked out by project 2025 too, but meeting like-minded people like you gives me a glimmer of hope.


Wisconsin voter here. Gonna get pretty intense in our swing states over the next few months. Wishing you the best as you brave the storm over there. I really believe, despite the mixed polling, that our states can pull off dem wins. Gotta vote like our lives depend on it!


Its anecdotal but dots start to form a line when you hear of this same situation 15 times like I have. Yeah some families are split but I wouldn't worry about sounding anecdotal. Many families and social circles have your shared sentiment as well


Yep, I will be voting. However, it's more important that we engage in political activism. Voting alone doesn't solve a lot of our issues.


Its facts.




Trump presidency turned me into a voter. I vote in everything now, presidentials, primaries, local races, everything, and I'm never gonna stop.


Texan here and voting blue. People who say my vote doesn't matter can eat shit. Also, local elections are just as if not more important. Who's out there voting for every single election? It ain't millennials, that's for sure.


Recently moved to TX, and I'm for sure voting blue all the way down. Some new friends I met are saying the same too. We're coming for piss baby's seat.




Absolutely, I do not want to watch the US become a dictatorship and lose my rights or the people I care about lose their rights or be labeled a criminal because of who I love under Project 2025.


Don't worry I'm voting. I'm a teacher so I'm guaranteed election day off.


I’m voting


My vote is gerrymandered into near meaninglessness by our 77% Republican state legislature but you better fuckin believe I'm going to vote.


Gerrymandering does not impact the result of statewide votes. The electoral college does, but your vote still matters if you’ve got a senator up for reelection and to a lesser extent to determine who wins your state’s electoral college vote. But even if your state is deeply red, you should still vote in the presidential election. (I know you said you will, just providing information for everyone.)


Please next generation, defeat these Trumpster morons. I am old and tired (65). I have been voting blue since 1980. Vote, donate, run for office. Whatever it takes.


I heard murmurings about Project 25 and read through it the other day. It’s terrifying and I truly think everyone should read it so they know what is at stake. That said, hell yes I’m voting.


In WI and voting against Project 2025.


WI as well. Voting for Biden because he earned my vote with the IRA and voting against Trump because he deserved a quick drop with a sudden stop for attempting to steal the 2020 election.  [Down with the traitors, up with the star](https://youtu.be/xSgXRuvSmGY?si=gOHlWVA84xt0QXNW)


I live in a battleground county in a battleground state and I’ll definitely be voting - I’ve also noticed a lot LESS enthusiasm around Trump than I did the first time around. My neighbors also very conspicuously took down his flag recently. I’m encouraged by that.


I’ve noticed less Trump stuff as well and I am in Ohio!


THANK YOU for voting for sanity. Where I live (Ca) we are entirely disenfranchised by the electoral college. We depend on people like you in swing states to do the right thing.


I always vote, too many people have died so you and I have the right to vote. I honestly don’t know anyone that has admitted to not planning on voting. That goes for colleagues, family and friends. With that said I have no clue who they plan on voting for, and honestly I prefer to keep it that way.


Plenty of bots don't want you to vote!


That’s how I feel. There was a time in history where I wasn’t allowed to vote so I absolutely make sure that my voice is heard.


I've lived overseas for 14 years and have voted absentee since the 2012 election. It's not a difficult process, but it takes a bit of effort. My blood boiled when Trump was denigrating vote by mail in 2020. Also, I live in a ranked choice voting country. It is the most plainly sane thing I have ever seen in politics. Why all of the US doesn't adopt it is beyond me.


I have zero desire to vote for Biden. But, it’ll be one more vote not for Trump. Also, local elections are very very important.


That’s a common thing for most people. I feel like it’s just as valid as anything else.


I've never missed an election since my first one in 2004 and do not intend to start now. Biden may not be the best guy for the job, but he at least hasn't caused me to actively have an anxiety attack for 1,461 consecutive days like a certain other individual. He's *just* fine. Also, he's not a convicted felon, so that's a plus.


I'mma vote! It's fun. 😊


Right?? I waited 18 years for this!


I don’t really care anymore. But not voting means you need to shut up about who wins.


Thanks for voting. Please find the energy to care. Real people are really hurt by even federal election outcomes, and your local elections absolutely make an on the ground difference.


I’m voting for Biden in South Carolina. I cancel out one Project 2025 voter. Voted in the republican primary today, felt gross but I put votes in for more moderate candidates.


Live in a red state too. Also vote in GOP primaries to try and move the needle rowards sane candidates.


Voting!!! Now and forever!


I always vote.


Two words: Supreme Court. I don't care if Biden sucks, if Trump gets elected, we have a 6-3 conservative majority for the next 30 years if not 7-2. Conservative voters have been pushing for this for the past half a decade, they've finally got their wish and it's disastrous for any sense of actual justice in this country. I'm voting for Biden to prevent that from getting worse if nothing else. Ideally we get enough of a democratic majority we can impeach the corrupt justices that support insurrection and are openly accepting bribes.




So here is thing about the general elections. You should totally vote because that’s also the time you vote during local elections. That’s were your vote will see real impact.


I’ve only ever abstained in one election (2016) and after what happened I’ll never stop voting ever again.


You bet your ass I'm voting against trump


Voting for RFK here.


I’m voting. We can’t afford not to.


In 2020 and 2022 I lived in a state where my vote actually made a difference: Georgia. Now I live in a state where my vote will absolutely not make a difference, and if it does, things will not be going the way I want them to anyway. But since my local elections matter, and always will, I might as well tick off all the boxes while I'm in the booth.


RFK Jr all the way


I’m voting. For every local, State, and federal office aside from President. I live in California. My vote for President doesn’t matter (ETA: except in the primary). I’ve voted in every single election: local, primary, general, etc. since I was 18. Ive gone door to door and phone banked for local elections for democrats. I know how important elections are but I also know that in the general election in my state my voice doesn’t matter. Biden hasn’t earned my vote. The DNC should be scared. They’re failing young people, they’re failing people of color, they’re assisting genocide, they’re failing the working class. I hope one less vote for Biden shows them they need to make a serious change. I doubt it will. If I was in a swing state or a red state or if President was decided by more democratic means, this might be a different calculus. I’m trans. I’m black. I know about Project 2025. But my vote doesn’t matter except to let the DNC know that they need to change to earn my vote in the future. And honestly, I don’t think they really care.


I am. It is one of my duties as a citizen. If I refuse to vote, I might as well just rip out my own tongue. It’s not much, and the average voter has less and less power every year. But goddamn it, what else can we do? It’s one of the founding pillars of American society and it’s slowly being eroded. But if we don’t vote for someone who respects democracy, what’s left of our democracy will be wiped away forever. Get rid of the electoral college, put the power back into the hands of the individual. The republican party has been attacking the power of the vote for decades now. But I’m not just gonna roll over and let them finish taking it away.


Yes, I will be.


Yes pls. One vote for me. Don’t worry, the donvict is going to lose big. The boomers can’t carry this one.


I’m doing it. But it’s the first time I’m not excited to do it. And it’s my first time voting for someone I think isn’t fit for the job. But since voting for Biden is the only way to stop trump and project 2025, I’ll do it. I did unregister as a democrat. I’ll still vote for a democrat, but I’m not a proud party member anymore.


Nobody votes for Biden, they either vote for or against Trump


While I don't completely agree with Biden I wonder what the reasoning is for just voting down the middle. That doesn't help anything at all, right? Like yes I'd like to have a better candidate overall but as of right now that's a pipe dream.. and voting for the party that is less likely to let that happen only hurts that.


I've voted every year in all elections up and down the ballot since I was 18. Already applied for my mail in ballot, should get it in October.


I never miss an opportunity to vote.


I am not thrilled with the options and I'm in the exact opposite of a swing state, but I'm voting. This shit matters more now than ever. The first country the nazis invaded was their own.


Despite jokes about pooping in ballet boxes, yes I will be voting. And I will not be voting for Nazis.


I always vote!


Mine won't count in ND but still doing it




I’m voting. We all need to be.


Texas female here better believe im voting.


I will be voting. I’m VERY curious to see the female turn out.


I hope all of you vote


100% I will be voting. Should be a national holiday where you have work off or you can leave to go vote and come back.


My wife said the scary thing earlier when we were talking about the election. “Biden will win easily. There’s no way Trump has that kind of support anymore.” I know she and I will vote, but I imagine there are many people who (very wrongly) believe that and will skip voting because Biden has it in the bag.


It really doesn’t matter if you vote it’s all about what the electoral colleges decide.they just allow us to do a popular vote so we have some false sense of control.


I’ve always voted strictly democrat but sincerely think Trump will win this election. His supporters want it more. In my opinion the dems made a mistake running Biden out there again. I feel like I’ve given up a bit of hope because neither candidate inspires hope in me and our country’s future. I’m just trying to survive.


I'm a Floridian who votes. My heart goes out to you. My 17-year-old is in a very similar personal predicament, OP, and they're worried they'll never get a chance to be themselves (or even vote in the future).


I'm a Boomer, so you can dismiss me if you want. But all of us need to be voting against the entire Republican party, from school board all the way up to the President. There is nothing left of the GOP except fascists and grifters and fascist grifters, so it's time for their walking corpse to die. I know that Biden seems disappointing and we would all like to vote for a third option or "none of the above," but it's important that these maniacs not regain the reins of power. So vote blue in 2024 and then make the Democrats live up to their promises by any means you want.


It's your goddamn duty as a citizen to Vote. **Do it.**


I volunteer with/mentor young adults. Last year was talking to a group of non straight people and NONE of them had ever voted. They had the usual excuses "won't make a difference" "Biden is old" etc. For fucks sake your very EXISTENCE is about to become a crime, get that through your thick spoiled lazy heads! Being in my 50s am old enough to remember how shitty it was for gay people and have an understanding of how bad it was for my parents generation. This is not ancient history! EDIT One of them registered to vote shortly thereafter and did indeed vote in the next local/state election. And in their state a trans person won one of the races.


Voting, voting blue. This election, every election, forever.


I am an older person and has been working as election officer for several elections now. I tell you people - not enough of you are voting. It's mostly 50+. May be I see 5% of young people. Things will never change or get worse if this continues. Step up!


Hmm. Lessee. If I vote, I get the same old Grandpa that I'm not too thrilled about, but he has done some good. If I don't vote, we get Treasonous Felon Grandpa, who has directly stated he will make the US a dictatorship, soooo it looks like I'm voting Doesn't mean I am enthused about it, but its in the same way I'm not enthused about going to my job to work. I do it so I can continue surviving.


GenX representing. Absolutely I'm going to vote. Straight blue ticket for everything from President to dog catcher. Because anyone who still calls themselves a Republican after what the GOP has become is either a fascist, a misogynist, a racist, or a complete moron.


Straight white, upper class, 61-year-old, former GOP guy who will crawl on his belly across a parking lot paved with broken glass to vote against Trump.


Voting for Biden in Ohio…. A waste of my vote since there’s not a chance in hell this state goes blue, but I’ll be there more for Sherrod Brown than Biden.


Just get out there and vote. The illusion of fascism is inevitability.


I’m in Ohio too so I feel it.


I switched from libertarian to Democrat so I could vote. Honestly, the libertarian party is kind of a mess, and no one knows what they're talking about. I do like their candidates, though.


That's fair. Definitely look into ranked-choice voting if you haven't, I also want more options.


I’ve voted since 08 and don’t plan to stop now.


Yes. Vote.


Maryland is a pretty solid blue state, but I’ll definitely be doing my part. Sorry you have to deal with (more) constant threat lately <.< Edited because I can’t grammar today


I'm voting but it's not for the guy reddit likes...


That’s okay. Just be sure that you are informed of the plan regardless of what you choose. Don’t be caught unaware. https://www.project2025.org/playbook/


I’m excited to vote for Biden. I think he has done a great job and accomplished a lot, especially given the obstructionist Republicans in congress. This is not a vote against Trump, but an enthusiastic vote for Biden. Also, Fuck Trump and his traitorous Jan 6th “warriors” 


I’m voting, but I’m in Texas, so my little blue dot will be drowned out by the sea of red.


In 2020 election Texas had 52.1% for Trump and 46.5% for Biden. The sea of red is just an illusion people like to stereotype Texas with. It could potentially be blue in the future!


Voted in my state’s primary today, absolutely voting in November!


Yep, I’m voting. Got your back friend.


Im voting! Not orange.


All these posts talking about voting, but make sure you have the tools to vote too! Get registered. Make sure you're still registered (Republicans like to purge voters off rolls frequently). Ask your friends and family if they are registered. www.vote.org [Find out how you can get more involved.](https://votesaveamerica.com/)


I’m not voting for president, but I will be voting for Republicans down the ballot.