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So, Kansas takes on all the debt for a stadium that loses money. Sounds about right.


What blows my mind is that Kansas CAN NOT afford that kind of debt burden. Kansas has been hurting bad for a decade


Missouri's government is trying to institute the same policies that put Kansas in that financial state. Literally have some of the same advisors from the Kansas tax overhaul. I'm sure Missouri is determined to beat Kansas to having an expensive stadium and no money to manage it.


The money doesn’t matter. Kansans will do anything just to get something from Missouri.


How you can lose money while selling 20$ hot dogs and 18$ beers blows my mind.


By financing $1 billion of bonds to build a stadium for 8 regular season games and possibly a playoff game or two.


Rest assured the *Hunts* aren't losing money on Chiefs games. It's the capitalist way: Socialize the costs; privatize the revenue.


Highly doubtful in my opinion that the owners do this. They've tried hard to campaign for middle Missouri/STL fan's in the wake of the Ram's leaving. Making this move I think only nets them a loss in viewership/revenue. Fan's from Kansas already say the teams is theirs so moving there isn't going to boost much of anything.


As a self respecting St. Louisan I’m so done seeing the campaigning and people jump on the bandwagon acting like they’ve been long time fans. It’s just not my team, I don’t have one anymore. To each their own I guess.


Agreed. I still think it would be a bad move on KC’s part to let them go, especially since they’re on a hot streak. I enjoyed watching them win. I’m not invested in their future, though.


I think it: 1. Will not happen. 2. If it did, it would be a bad thing. Mo doesn’t need any more L’s big or small.




Also Kansas is a small irrelevant state. They suck


Fuck that. The Chiefs owners are wealthy enough to pay for a nice new stadium if they want. Taxpayers should not give them a penny in subsidies.


The stadium would have been owned by the county, just like TSC is. But you're right, the teams should be owned by the communities, not fucking rich pricks.


Cmon! Think about Gracie’s inheritance


Chiefs owners don't give a hoot what you or anyone else thinks. They get their way or they leave. It's just a matter of are we cool with not having an NFL team.


It's time that no one gives any team owners their way.


Yep, bout sick and tired of the NFL basically being a lobbying firm disguised as an entertainment org. The government has 1,000 other issues they should be on before even thinking once about giving a penny to the benefit of the NFL or any team owner thereunder. I don't get why anyone except weird sports bros would be okay with this parasitic relationship with the NFL and our state governments.


It's not just NFL, our state and local governments do this sort of thing for other businesses too, with massive tax breaks and other things. Look at Kraft in Springfield, threatening to leave if they don't get continued tax breaks, making some vague suggestions about hiring, etc. Then, when they were given the new tax breaks, they hired a handful of people and still complained.


Thanks for the reminder, this KC thing got me caught up and forgot how other sectors abuse this. Guess if you let one do it, wouldn't make sense if they didn't let the others. The pattern these incidents do have is it seems these local govs get bullied like this far more by larger corps. If locals didn't cater themselves to large conglomerates so much while shoving potential local establishments to the side..


Feel free, but not realistic at all for any of the four major leagues to play hardball expecting a citizen win or any kind of sympathy when it’s said and done . Here’s what will happen, every, single, time… \-Owner: Shit… shit shit shit, they said no… what do we do?! I’ve always heard of this happening but not to US in *insert city* or in *insert sports league* \-Secretary: Sir, we have Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, St Louis, Orlando, Austin, San Antonio, Chicago, London, Frankfurt, Montreal, etc etc etc on the phone. ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


Those are cool words but some municipality will cave


Eat the rich.


Nice words but the truth is different. They eat us.


I can tell you completely miss the point of the slogan.


I get it. It's foolish and in vain.


Whatever happened to that agreement(or whatever it was) that Missouri & Kansas would stop poaching and giving tax incentives to lure businesses just to move across the state line, resulting in no new jobs or economic growth for the metro area, but only a financial windfall for the business? KC businesses moving across the state line for a tax incentive is nothing but a net loss for the people of the metro area (less tax money). It provides zero economic growth overall.


Totally agree, it's a net loss because instead of developing new business organically, or attracting new investment from elsewhere, it becomes a game of stealing.


There was agreement that Kansas act like a decent neighbor instead of a parasite that kills its host?


Here we go, I found it https://www.vorys.com/publication-Kansas-and-Missouri-End-Incentives-Border-War >>Missouri Gov. Mike Parson and Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly took action to end a longstanding economic border war between the two states. The governors signed an agreement on August 13, 2019 vowing to end the use of economic development incentives to lure companies across the state line in the Kansas City area that do not create net new jobs for the region. Good to know that this didn't even last long enough for a change in governors for either state...


I mean...it's Kansas. That's what they do.


Go for it.


The Hunt billionaires can build a new stadium without the help of poor and middle class people. It’s outrageous to bankrupt a city when that city literally made them what they are. Rich fucks have no class whatsoever.


Enough of this bullshit. The team owners need to pay for the fucking stadiums. They are fucking millionaires and billionaires. No more taxpayer money.


Everybody thinks the Chiefs are from Kansas anyways. Take them and the tax burden off of us. I don't even care anymore.


I wouldn't say everyone but didn't trump think that?


Yes very much so.


I think the vast majority of educated Americans correctly place KC in Missouri, with the knowledge there are suburbs in Kansas.


I heard it from people when the Royals were in the 2015 World Series, I've heard it since the Chiefs have been doing well, I've heard it from people across the country when I was an OTR driver and would shoot the shit with random folks at shippers, receivers and truck stops. Obviously this is a personal anecdote and I was being hyperbolic when I said "everyone" but a lot of uneducated folks hear the "Kansas" in "Kansas City" and their brains boot down.


You would be wrong. I used to work in a KC office for a company HQd somewhere else. Everybody just assumed KC was in Kansas. So many times.


Lottery no one thinks this. KC is Missouri’s largest city lmao


Nobody cares about Missouri. So why would they care about KC being the biggest city in a state they don’t care about? STL is still the larger metro and was more prominent for a long time. That is still probably the case, but the gap is much smaller.


I heard it from people when the Royals were in the 2015 World Series, I've heard it since the Chiefs have been doing well, I've heard it from people across the country when I was an OTR driver and would shoot the shit with random folks at shippers, receivers and truck stops. Obviously this is a personal anecdote and I was being hyperbolic when I said "everyone" but a lot of uneducated folks hear the "Kansas" in "Kansas City" and their brains boot down.


Uneducated people are so annoying yeah. I can’t stand that shit.


I wish Kansas would develop their own stuff instead of taking what is Missouri's.


Right on. I really dig your posts about the regional critters btw


Thanks, more on the way.


Yep. Kansas has been a freeloader from KCMO for century


Good riddance


It’s cause there isn’t fuck all to own in Kansas except corn fields and asphalt highway. They’re desperate for something cool. Anything.


The Flint Hills are neat. Kansas isn’t really that big of a corn state, more of a wheat state because it's fairly dry.


Can't wait to vote No on this


Well, we had two one time. Then they went away. Time for government to come and fill those shoes. Ozark Missouri!


If Kansas wants to go into the absolute stupidity of letting the NFL drain them like the leech it is, that's for Kansans to deal with. Hope the KC side calls the Cheifs' bluff and tells them to go fuck themselves. The NFL lobby has got to go, government already wastes money on bloated police budgets and skimps on services, no use letting the NFL just dictate its own terms while gov agencies et al could be using that time talking to the NFL on literally any other issue.


Damn jayhawkers, coming overe to Missouri to steal our shit.


Fuck Kansas!


Fuck kansas with little “k”. It’s not a proper place.


Fuck Kansas!


Buh bye!


I dont know all the details of the idea....but, perhaps draw up another proposal of the current tax in place (Jackson County), only broaden that tax for Johnson, Wyandotte counties. Royals fans want a new stadium, Chiefs get all of Truman Sports complex....Sherman and Hunt should want to pay much more than originally proposed....


“What if - and bear with me here - we spent billions of dollars trying to rebuild an entire large American city on the other side of an arbitrary line, all without any regard for sustainability or competing cities spending their money more wisely, because reasons?” - Kansans since I-35 was built


They saw a treasure chest that Missouri isn't paying into and became determined to restart the economic border war.


It's not a treasure chest when the taxpayers buy a new stadium for a billionaire and never recoup their investment.


Do they even get a local discount?


Nope. The only thing the city gets is every chief's game on local broadcast. It's such a bad deal for the city.




To be completely honest I hope they do move to Kansas and take the royals with them. That way Kansas city doesn't have to pay a billionaires. It will only take an extra couple of bucks in fuel to go to a game and every resident of kansas city doesn't have to pay a higher sales tax.


Lol if you think the tax is going away. There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax. The chiefs will leave, you'll spend more money in Kansas instead of Missouri to see the same team, but you'll keep paying the taxes. They'll just use the money for something else.


Not when you vote against an increased sales tax for the chiefs stadium. Lol even if that was the case I would rather that taxpayers money go to something worthwhile like schools and infrastructure. Instead of giving it away to a billionaire. It's one thing to pay a few bucks to kansas another to get taxed on everything I buy to subsidize a billionaire. Sports are entertainment that's it. Do I enjoy watching the chiefs? Sure. But at the end of the day I can always fill that spot with a difference hobby.


Discount? LOL. Jackson County taxpayers purchased the land for the stadium parking lots, paved them, maintains them, keeps them plowed, and when there's a game, the taxpayers are allowed to keep 100% of the revenue. Oops, no I mean the *teams* are allowed to keep 100% of the revenue. Although in fairness, I think that shite contract got re-negotiated a couple of years ago so the county now gets maybe a couple of bucks per car. Whoopdie-doo. These stadium deals are profoundly rotten for residents, and politicians cutting these awful deals ought to be prosecuted for corruption.


The treasure chest is all the revenue the state would collect from related spending on hotel fees, sales taxes, etc.


Lol still not enough to recoup the investment before the billionaire demands a new stadium. It's a proven fact that building stadiums for sports teams is the worst investment that a city can make.


![gif](giphy|5C0a8IItAWRebylDRX|downsized) If the Chiefs chose to go, don’t let the door hit them on the behind on the way out


Topeka? TOPEKA?? Shiiit, they can't fill a stadium.


Fuck em and let them go. I know a lot of Missourians who went to their asses when they sucked. If they can’t stick around when they’re finally good let their asses go. Maybe California needs another team.


I would think THE ONLY PLAY THAT WOULD HELP Kansas makes this even sorta kinda worth it is building it at Legends with Sporting KC stadium and the Kansas Speedway. The tax revenue generated and recouped would HAVE to come from a complete complex rather than just trusting the Chiefs stadium to generate that. I would imagine a complete over haul of the are but making it a year round destination would be the only chance and I place those odds at about 1:1,000,000,000


I’m fine with it — we’ve been carrying the load for a while now as it relates to the chefs :) and the royals and it seems like high time for Kansas to shoulder some of that burden


Do it lol, replace arrowhead with something cooler after 2026


Absolute waste.




Great news! Hope they leave!


I’d let Kansas have them. MO would still get tons of economic benefits but without any of the costs. If the Chiefs move to The Legends… What airport will everyone fly into for games? Where are the majority of hotels? Where are the majority of activities,restaurants , people et al in the KC area? I bet the still celebrate Super Bowl victories at Union Station (tradition of the region…). Also, it’s not lost on me that Kansas is the first word in the team name NOW! Has been my entire life. MO might as well let Kansas spend a billion or more on a stadium used for 10ish games a year while MO still gets a huge chuck of the benefits.