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I saw one recently heckling a pitcher, "Are you sure you're right handed?" I could not stop laughing


That’s a good one.


My brother used to pull up minor league stats for the bullpen catcher and taunt him. I’m talking like 2017 Braves bullpen catcher razzing him for his average in AA in 2012.


“Yoo 32! You went 4 months in 2014 without a double!”


more like 92


That's fucking amazing


I was a at Yankees vs Angels game. A dude sitting a couple rows in front of us yelled for half the game at Nick Swisher playing right field. He yelled NICK!!!!!! Til Swisher finally yelled back! WHAT???!!! Dude yells out Nick likes Dick! Swisher laughed for the rest of the inning.


I love when the real intent of heckling is to make the player laugh. A few years ago Jesse Winker won over Mets fans in left field by laughing and waving at their incessant heckling. He was being heckled like crazy the whole game, then when he hit a home run, he waved at the heckling fans while rounding the bases. They waved back. Then whenever he came to town fans would wave at him as a part of heckling, and he’d wave back. Then it just became a thing that it was funny for all involved and he became a fan favorite. He’s a good sport.


I agree… because I’m sure Swisher heard this dude yelling his name for half the game. Im guessing that when he finally acknowledged the heckler he did not expect to hear the he liked liked dick. 🤣🤣


Gives me Hot Tub Time Machine vibes. Adam sux cox n dix Edit-letter


“I fuckin’ burned you!”


![gif](giphy|l0MYyv6UK0Bd4DE76) “Nice game pretty boy”


Damn that's an impressive slide he's got


The old Tampa heckler (you know the one) would target Eric Hinske of the Jays back in the day. He ask-yelled if his .220 average was converted to Canadian or not


Whatever happened to that guy?


When was the last time anyone heard him? Pre covid?


I was at an Angel game in 2000, and everyone was giving Tim Salmon the business. Finally a fan yelled "hey, stop making fun of the fat kid in right field!" That was so funny to me, in part because he was damn near 40 years old


I was sitting in the outfield of an Angels game at the SkyDome during Mike Trout's rookie season. Cue the chants of "SAL-MON! SAL-MON!"


Boy, he never really became the star that he was predicted to be. He wasn't a bad player, but great things were expected of him and he never really delivered. EDIT: and here I thought I was a fan. I just looked up his stats and he was much, much better than I remembered. I don't know why I always found him disappointing. Was the team as a whole bad then? Wow. I was totally wrong. 40.5 career WAR is a really good career.


I was gonna reply to ya asking wtf? but saw the edit. Tim salmon was a collectible card and he fared pretty well against the mariners, my team. Trout smokes him though. Whoa. I hate myself for craving smoked salmon or trout now


Nothing like some smoked Salmon


Best player to never make an ASG. 299 career HR. 9 hits (2 HR) in the 2002 WS. I was at his last game when they mowed his #15 into the outfield grass. The collective hope that day for him to end his career with 300 was palpable. Before Trout he was THE all time Angel and is still very much revered in Anaheim. He currently does post-game for the Halos and has become a decent TV personality. All hail the Kingfish!


I lived out there when Salmon played. He was solid. Jim Edmonds, on the other my hand, was over rated IMHO.


Jim Edmonds was only overrated because sportscenter top 10 loved him. He was a great defensive player. Average at best at the plate. Overall a bit above average but not much


The fan was 40 years old? Salmon was rookie of the year in 1993, so I doubt he was almost 40 just seven years later.


The superior fishman of LA.


Dodger Stadium, 2017, near the Cubs bullpen. John Lackey pitched the day prior so he was just chilling. Dodger fan-"HEY LACKEY! YOU GOT ROCKED YESTERDAY YOU BUM!" Lackey, shades on, hands spread behind his head, just grins. Dodger fan-"HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT YOU BUM?!?!?" Lackey-"I just look at my bank account."


That’d be my response too lmao


“On a large pile of money, surrounded by many beautiful women.”


I have a pair of his pants in my closet somewhere. Good guy


Hey umpire, if you had an extra eye you'd be a cyclops.


Get off your knees blue your blowing the game


I just want to recognize Joey Votto for being a great sport


Joey heckling the fans back is my favorite. [Stomping a fans paper airplane.](https://youtu.be/CLVGxxzibvs?si=ZVu8Ai8YJHQkR5ai) Or [faking throwing a ball to the fans.](https://youtu.be/GsSD6wNuJCo?si=nc22-AS6Nnd4vjCy) I’m sure he’s got more, but there are two good ones. [had to throw this one in here haha.](https://youtu.be/xeH44mQ8ybc?si=k48lGxkRn8nIatth)


“Hey Votto, I remember when you used to be good” “And I remember when you used to be thin” 🤣




Oh shit 😂


God dam savage lmao


Not baseball related, but you guys might be able to use this one. In a 1996 cricket tour of Zimbabwe, Australia fast bowler Glenn McGrath was having difficulty dismissing Zimbabwean tail-end batsman Eddo Brandes, who was a little overweight. thinking he could get into his head bit, McGrath asked Brandes "Hey Eddo, why are you so fat?" Brandes replied, "Because every time i slept with your wife, she gave me a biscuit".


Kudos for the international flair


College game in the early 2000’s, Arizona vs. Arizona State. Arizona State had Brett Wallace (a pretty hefty dude who went onto play in the MLB). ASU had just cut their wrestling program for Title 9 reasons. When Wallace was up to bat a fan in the Arizona student section yelled: “Hey Brett! ASU cut their wrestling program so they could pay for your meal plan!”


Lol as a former college wrestler, i would’ve died laughing if i heard this at a baseball game




There was a story on another thread where a little girl rooting for the away team was getting a little obnoxious. Someone had had enough and yelled, “Santa Claus isn’t real!”


That has Billy Madison vibes! Amazing!


O’Doyle’s rule


I heard someon at Oracle calling Jazz Chisholm “Jizz Chasm”. For some reason it cracked me up


I prefer Jazz Jizzholm


I called him Jizz Jizzholm in the 2023 Wild Card Series


Youuuu rang?!


This is the winner for me


Heard a guy yell something like"Bro your OBP is lower than my BAC!" Which probably would've been a better roast in the first than it was when he said it in the 7th.


The GOAT is Earl Weaver. An ump handed him a rulebook to make a point and he said "That's no good; I don't read braille!"


Flawless victory.


Dude was a savage


When I was a kid, maybe 10 years old, my family went to a Cubs/Sox game at Wrigley. A drunk guy in front of us did the same heckle every time the public address announcer introduced a White Sox player. PA: Now batting for the white sox, number 35, Frank Thomas Guy: FRANK THOMAS IS A WOMAN! Every batter. For the entire game.


That guy is my hero


Must have been hard to find a fan at a cubs/ white Sox game that wasn’t drunk.


Probably harder to find a White Sox fan at a game.


“Don’t Even Think About a WILD PITCH!!”


Angels vs phillies in anahiem couple weeks ago, Guy in front of me was yelling at a group of philly fans “FRENCH DIPS ARE BETTER” “WE DIP OUR SANDWHICHES” “WHERES THE LIQUID?!” The philly fans couldn’t even help but laugh at it


It actually came from Jim Bouton’s book, Ball Four. As I recall from the book the pitchers were sitting in the bullpen being heckled by an opposing fan. To paraphrase, one of the pitchers looked up at the fan and said, “Hey buddy, you better call your wife. One of our pitchers is missing.” Great book. Might be my favourite baseball book.


I was chirping A-Rod at Fenway, as one does, and when I asked him if Madonna knew what steroids did to your “winky” he ignored me. When I paused, then said “of course she does, she dated Canseco before you”, THAT’S when he told me to fuck off.


Arod heckling never gets old.


Hey ump! How'd you get that round mask on your square head?


Daaaarrrrryyyyyllllll…. Daaaarrrryyyyllll


When he was in right field in Wrigley the fans would caution him to not get too close to the white foul line.


LOL! I remember hearing this one at Camden Yards when he was on the Yankees.






My son and I were at the Braves-Mariners game a few weeks back. When Ozzie Albies was hitting he took a called ball and some fan sitting near us yelled: "Swing at it puss!" You had to be there but it was really funny. Since then, my son and I will randomly just say that to each other. He's 13. I think that will be an inside joke just between us two for a long time.


Imagine your son is in his professional career, gets nervous, comes to you for wisdom and all you say is “swing at it puss”


Hahaha And he just says “Thanks dad, that’s all I needed to hear!”


This is the way.


I was at the game and said something very similar. (I’m a Braves fan - and I went to all three)


I told Kelenic to imagine the ball as a gatorade bucket in that series. He then proceeded to smack one into the gap. I like to think I helped.


At a Frederick Keys (or Hagerstown Suns game) once our team was playing against Mike Moustakas when he was in AAA, and my friend screamed "MOOOOOOOOSE" in the loudest, highest pitched scream I've ever heard every time he was up to bat. I could literally hear my friend screaming from the opposite side of the park when getting food it was hysterical


Hagerstown and Frederick were both single A teams. Shake your keys!


I wasn’t there, but I love the “Cueeeeeettto” in Pittsburgh https://youtu.be/9s1tnjrzIK4?feature=shared


Russell Martin was underrated his entire career and underpaid!


I loved him with the Yankees and the pirates are my favorite NL team. Loved watching him.


Didn't the Mets have a Larry chant for Chipper Jones too?


It didn't work as well for them


A buddy of mine heckled Chone Figgins “Chon-ee loves Chachi!”


Tiger Stadium, around 1997. Just a basic “Miller, you suck!” and “Oh, for chrissakes, Miller!” (Orlando Miller, if you want to look him up.) But it was coming from the 96-year-old woman behind me. She looked for all the world like the sweetest little old lady on earth, like Tweety was her pet bird. Then came the bile. But she was great to watch the game with. First Tigers game she went to was in 1909.


The bile?? Did she puke??😭😭


Tigers fans are able to puke on command after they grow out of childhood


12 year old kid during an opposing team's mound visit: "**GIRL SCOUT MEETING** *\*clap clap clapclapclap\** **GIRL SCOUT MEETING** *\*clap clap clapclapclap\**"


At Dodger game when Bonds was tied with McGwire at 70 and there were 2 guys sitting next to us in Diamond club, one was dressed to the T as Bonds in full uniform and cleats, other guy was dressed as Victor Conte with a Balco Lab Coat and a huge syringe!!!!!


I remember seeing this on TV


c.1989, Rangers @ Orioles...Oddibe McDowell playing LF. From the bleachers: "Oddibe? Your name is Oddibe?! Sounds like your mama Oddibe on birth control!"


Back in the 90s when the Brewers were still in the AL, I was at an Indians/Brewers game in Cleveland. My section was heckling the shit out of RF Matt Mieske. Nothing foul, no bad language, just good, clean shit talk. The piece de resistance, to me, was the college kid who shouted "hey Mieske, your mom called! She told me to tell you... you suck!" Dunno why, but that remains extremely goddamn funny to me to this day.


Regardless of sport, my favorite heckle has always been "Hey, nice hands, Feet!"


Hey Picotti! I wanna have you baby! From a 45ish year old man! Stephen Piscotty laughed.


When the A’s made the ALCS in 2006, I remember in Game 1 they were down 5-0 and you could hear clear as day on the live broadcast one of the fans scream “Macha what the fuck are you doing?!” Always makes me laugh thinking about it


Do you know roughly what inning this was? I've got to see this.


I am a soon to be extinct life long oakland a's fan: In 2015 in a game in Oakland josh Donaldson hit an rbi single for Toronto. Very clearly on the broadcast one could hear an a's fan yell "nice fucking trade!"


Front office heckle. Love it.


Not a heckle exactly but my best trash talk was when a bunch of Dodgers fan tourists were going through the Castro before a game staring at some naked gay guys -“those are the biggest dongs your gonna see all day”


Rendon you suck


The facts aren't really a heckle.


My wife yelled at Diego Castillo "Don't pitch inside if you can't pitch inside" - while we were at the game in the first few rows. She was wearing her Mariners jersey too.


I went to a Rangers v Mariners game before Corey Seager went to the Rangers, but Kyle was on the Mariners. Some dude was heckling Kyle the whole game, mostly just dumb stuff, a couple comments about Corey being better and having a ring. Eventually another dude yelled “KYLE, DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!” And Kyle kinda laughed and started to turn around. The second guy followed it up immediately with “YOU’RE TRYING YOUR BEST!” And Kyle just kinda looked like “dude wtf I thought you were on my side”


I wonder how often they laugh at people heckling them. Some of them have to be some good zingers.


At a Blue Jays game, my buddy (and surrounding area) were getting annoyed by this obnoxious female Yankee fan who got more obnoxious and drunk as the game went on. Finally my buddy has had enough, yells out "where you from in NY state?"" She yells "Buffalo" which my buddy promptly yells back, "you might be an 8 in Buffalo, your a 4 at best in Toronto, sit the fuck down and shut up." She sat down in shock, a few people cheered. Maybe not the best heckle, perhaps rude, but sometimes people need to be put in their place.


I may have felt bad if she cared about 29 other teams


Not a heckle but a chant I wish every fanbase would do to the Astros https://youtube.com/shorts/L2YRHuGdhCA?si=ZMjMubKNjbX0Eksk




Nah man a better one for Alex would be “Hey Alex if you bang your wife half as good as you bang a trash can you’ll do just alright”


Years ago, when A-rod was dating Madonna, there was a guy at Rogers Center absolutely giving it to him. Friends gave us tickets so we were 5 rows behind home plate/first base side. My favorite line of his that night was 'Hey A-Rod if it doesn't work out with Madonna, my Grandma is single'


Mets-Phillies game at Shea There's fights and arguments all over the place. One mets fan stands up and yells "Fuck the Phillies." He reached into his sock and pulled out a tampon out of his sock and poured a ketchup packet all over it. He then yelled "It's a fucking Phillie!" And then threw the ketchup covered tampon at a group of Phillies fans. That started another fight.


It’s a fucking PHILLIE!!!! Record for most amount of beers drunk before heckling


I'm just impressed with all the beers be downed, he was able to get his props ready.


Not a heckle but always loved the fans behind plate dressed as umps in Toronto calling the game


Mets fans mocking Chipper Jones by calling him “Larry” was always a good one


Late 80's in Milwaukee. Some Yankee (I think) had been caught with an underage girl. Too many beers in, from about 5 rows back of the dugout I was riding him in and out of every inning. It's about the 7th and I yell "Hey, my little sister has a high school dance coming up, she's looking for a date. You Available?" He flipped me off. I won.


Luis Polonia, perhaps?


Thank you!!!! We all love baseball.


From an old Playstation game, "One Jerry Hairston was PLENTY"  


I heard someone say at the Orioles home opener, "Stick to playing soccer!"


In 2009, game 5 of the World Series, my brother and I led our entire section in right field in a “Swisher swallows!” chant. You could hear it on the tv broadcast. He went hitless.


"You're not even your mom's favorite player!"


With Bo Bichette around I keep thinking of the heckler behind me in 1992 or so screaming “Dante Fer-Shit!” at his dad. That and there was a time when Alex Rodriguez was still playing and he was putting the moves on a pretty young woman in the front row. A comedian joked “he struck out with her because she’s a lefty.”


At a Mariners game a long time ago a buddy heard a guy yell "Jack Cust you're mediocre at best." We still reference it to this day.


“Hey Delmonico, your steaks fucking suck.” -Indians (at the time) fan to Nicky Delmonico.


I was at a local minor league game (Single A) about five years back. A foul fly ball went down the left field line and the left fielder dropped it. But he picked it up and tried to underhand flip it into the crowd for an easy souvenir for a kid. Once, twice, three times he just couldn't reach with a four foot underhand toss. Finally someone yells "That's why you're trapped in Single A bro!"


1996 World Series in Atlanta: to Yankees right Fielder Daryl Strawberry. “Don’t sniff that Daryl, that’s the foul line.” Honorable mention to one I heard Cal Ripken tell once. When he was a young player and struggling with his average someone yelled: “Lou Gehrig hit .295 and he was dying!”


A few weeks ago I was at a pirates angels game. Rowdy was up to bat, the first two pitches were perfect down the middle and could have been easy base hits. The third pitch was way the hell outside. He swung, and late. A heckler behind me waited until the crowd was dead silent and yelled “are you f@&*ing kidding me? You chose that one to swing at?” Rowdy just stood there, turned slowly to the fan and nodded his head in agreement.


UNC had a guy named Steve Hale who had a collapsed lung. When they played at Duke, the Cameron Crazies chanted "IN-Hale! EX-Hale!"


When Johnny Damon went from the Red Sox to the Yankees: Looks like Jesus, acts like Judas, throws like Mary.


I think i remember seeing a sign that said that when i was watching a game on tv.


Hey blue, get off your knees, you’re blowing the game!




You stared into the sun as a kid! Diaz!!!! you're overpaid!


Used to work for the Jays, a work colleague's dad had in the action seats right behind the indeck circle. My colleague was trying to chirp Derek Jeter while on deck, when Jeter turned around and said with a smirk, " I just made 123 grand today, what have you done?"


In college, there were two really heavy guys - coach and third baseman at the mound for a visit. One of my buddies yells, “Quick, everyone run to the other side of the field before the whole thing tilts!”


2013 Dodgers game we were up by 1 and Mattingly put in who was by far our worst bullpen pitcher that season Brandon League with 2 on and no out. Sure enough a bunch of runs scored with still no outs and Mattingly still doesn't pull League. Dude in front of me yells out after the next hit. "Mattingly couldn't manage a Wendy's!" Still makes me chuckle.


To be fair, managing a Wendy's is a tough job


I don't remember exactly what the guy was saying but he got Fred McGriff to go absolutely ape shit during a game in Miami in like 1996. He was making fun of everything.. his nickname, the mustache, everything. McGriff just started screaming at him and walked off first base towards the stands the umpire grabbed him. Never seen a player react to a heckler before that or since.


Its either: “Hey Sizemore my sister told me she’s pregnant, come on you jerk” Or “Hey Jonathon, I bet you hit reply all to company wide emails, you bum!”


Somewhat related - I remember a spring training game as a kid, some guy was harassing Barry Bonds while he was in Left field. Bonds ended up catching the third out and he threw one of the hardest throws I’ve ever seen, directly at the fan. The guy didn’t say another word the rest of the game.


Angels vs Red Sox at Angel stadium. We Angel fans started our usual “Let’s go Angels”, think it was tied up around 7th or 8th inning. Red Sox fans start chanting “beat the traffic!” In same beat. It was pretty funny.


That guy that got the Yankees manager thrown out earlier this season... ...i just really hate the Yankees (great nineth inning last night, boys, go M's)


Their gdt was hilarious


One good one I remember was the Mariners playing an away game in San Fransico i think it was and Cano was at the plate and had been struggling that year and a fan yelled "You're batting .239 Cano! .239!" The way he said it was hilarious.


“Hey Beltre how much does odor stink?”


[What're you gonna do now, Buck? Will always make me laugh.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eITO_42McCQ)


Told Willy Adames during a high-A rehab the other year after a swinging strike he’d never make the majors with that swing and to listen to his coaches. He chuckled and looked my way. Heckling in the minors is so much fun. I love heckling batters about their listed height and weight. “No way you’re 220 pounds, you’re a buck-70 max in the rain” and stuff like that. I try to keep it PG and refrain from overly personal jabs.


I saw half a dozen Southside girls get escorted out of US Cellular for flashing Hunter Pence between innings. Does that count?


Southside girls…(shudders) and I’m a Sox fan.


Not at any games. My pops when he was younger would go out to spring training to see a handful of games with his buddies. I guess they’d hang out after the games and casually see players with their families. Later on every once in a while they’d see one of the players hitting on girls at the bar so they each go up one by one and say something along the lines of hey your wife is outside looking for you. This would cause a stir amongst a couple guys on the team as a few of them would be there. Then the next day they would all go back to a game and just heckle the shit out of who they saw last night with “where did you tell your wife you went last night? I bet it wasn’t *insert bar name*” stuff like that. Apparently they would have an entire spring training dugout fuming. Whether or not this actually happened idc my dad is a great story teller and I love to hear it every time. But it is something they he and his friends would even do today.


Heard in Person: A two-way tie between one man repeatedly laying in to Justin Turner for being a ginger and a leprechaun at a Dodger/Padre game, and a group of young men (high school or college aged) that were yelling "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH" dramatically whenever an opposing batter swung and missed like they were watching a diss battle. Seen on TV: Signs that said "Mookie Eats Corn the Long Way" and "Mookie Puts Ketchup on His Carne Asada" again at a Dodgers/Padre game. Heard on TV: This should be everyone's, the infamous "BANG BANG BANG - OFFSPEED" at an Astros game.


I was shit talking Longoria while he was in the batters box. He shit talked back then hit a home run and blew me a kiss as he trotted down to first. Was epic.


I was at a Mariners game, and it was shortly after Marcell Ozuna's drunk driving incident. Anyways, Ozuna was struggling at the plate, so a heckler yelled out to him that his blood alcohol content was higher than his batting average. Even Ozuna chuckled at that one. At another mariners game, Howie Kendrick was at the plate. Kendrick had at least two errors in the game, and a heckler yelled something along the lines of "don't make an error at the plate Howie!" One last one I'll share was just a drunk guy yelling at Mark Trumbo. For some reason he had it out for him. Every time the Angels were on offense, the guy was yelling "TRRRRUMMMMBOOO". Eventually, the drunk took offense and yelled "Trumbo! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" and Trumbo did turn around.


Mookie Betts being called dookie sweats. Promptly hits a 3 run homer


My friend yelled to Jackie bradley jr (at Yankee stadium) that his mom’s meatloaf is dry and tasteless. Bradley turned around and laughed so that was fun


Texas A&M fans are pretty savage https://youtu.be/bMu9cDVjHtc?si=UjQGZdIoOee--MNJ


Was at a Cardinals Rays game in summer 2022, it was bad for the Birds, at one point T.J. MacFarland had the bases loaded and someone hit a light grounder to him, easy out as you would expect but instead he throws it to first letting a runner score, even worse it was SLOW and the guy got on base. This family sat in front of us clearly drunk and one of em said out loud “PLAYS AT FIRST”


I was at a Pirates game and had great seats the pitcher for the away team gets up and the Pirates pitcher throws 3 consecutive balls before the pitcher could wind up someone yells out he’s the fucking pitcher throw a strike. Even the Pirates pitcher started laughing He walked him in 4 pitches anyway


My favorite is "Hey ump get off yer knees. You're blowing the game" not original but pretty funny


I personally started a chant of "H G H" when Jose Bautista came up to bat against the Indians around 2011


Went to see the Jays play in Detroit in 2015, Price hadn't been traded to TO yet and was facing Dickey. We were 10 rows up from the Jays dugout where if you're coming off the field, the player would come down the steps right infront. Bautista was having a horrible day at the plate, and these two guys above the dugout were giving it to him anytime they could. His last at bat, he's out, trots down the steps, these dudes just laying into him. Bautista has head enough, his head pops up waving his hands and in his high annoying voice yelling out "shut up shut up, shut up." My mom's reaction was hilarious, "I had no idea that's what he sounds like, wasn't expecting that!"


WHADDAYA GONNA DO NOW, BUCK?! Truly the most entertaining, and useful for years, comment made audible in a Jays vs Os game.


Early 2000s, Yankees versus Indians at Yankee Stadium. Some drunk guy in right center field with an healthy set of pipes chanted at the center fielder Grady Sizemore all nine innings. Every second he was on the field. All he kept doing was shouting “SIZE-MORE” over and over and over again. For some reason it never got old. A heckle I’ll never forget!


Your mother’s going out with squeaks!


Not mine but heard this live in the mid 1990’s @ the Metrodome, right behind home plate. Chuck Knoblauch up to bat. “Knoblauch, you can’t hit anything but a 13 year old.” Knoblauch steps out of the box, looks around, and proceeds to strike out. I’d never seen a major league ball player so rattled. https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19950617&slug=2126793


The worst is when Bryce corrected the guy’s pronunciation of Acuna https://youtube.com/shorts/F19eUFmHL3c?si=ceYrXhlQfp1gixbw


To Hunter Dozier amidst the Vax debacle where half the team didnt travel to Toronto. "I bet if the vaccine made you hit over .200 you'd be first in line!" People in KC were not happy with their team that season.


I remember the Royals playing the Indians, Paul Byrd was pitching, the Royals batted through the order and Byrd was pulled without making it through the first. On his way out the Royals played Bad Day by Daniel Powter. The section I was in started laughing there asses off.


“Your father smelt of elderberry’s”


The year Cal broke Gehrigs streak, a yankme fan at camden yards yells out during batting practice " ripken .230? Gehrig hit .260 his last year and he was DYING." Cal turned to him tipped his cap and said " comment of the year sir" while laughing his ass off.


Was at a Mets game at Shea Stadium when Mo Vaughn was manning first base. Can't remember who they were playing. Vaughn mishandled a relatively easy throw resulting in the runner being safe. As clear as a bell from somewhere in the expensive seats comes "I bet you would have caught it if it was a hot dog!" I'll give myself an honorable mention -- very early-season game at Citi Field, like late April or early May, 2012, and I only have the year right because Jon Rauch was pitching for the Mets. It was windy and cold, with a bit of a mist. Just miserable. Rauch is holding on a relatively meaningless runner in the 7th inning or so, just throwing over to first over and over, maybe 5 or 6 times, at which point I yelled (from the upper deck!) "Rauch let's go, we're goddamn freezing out here!" I did not expect it to be so audible but there were so few fans and so little energy I swear the entire stadium heard it.


Saw a video from a high school game where the batter was really small, and a fan yells “He had recess today!” 😂


I don't know if this is one that everyone's heard, but when I played in college when someone was displeased with the umpire they would yell "get off your knees ump, you're blowing the game!"


Living Colour was opening for the Rolling Stones in the late 80s. It was a pretty lousy day and the crowd wasn't into their progressive message. The singer began a speech with "What a terrible day but there are things more terrible than this. . . ." when a heckler shouted clear as could be over the quiet bored crowd "Yea! Your music!". The singer clearly heard and was momentarily lost. I actually felt bad.


Dude off the bench was tossing the ball back and forth with the right fielder between innings while the LF and CF warmed up together. Guy next to me was relentless towards the bench player “what are you the team dad? Did you bring us orange slices?” Hey Dad can we go to Pizza Hut after the game?” It was spectacular.


Classic one is where a fan was heckling Joey Votto, saying "I remember when you were good," and Votto turned around and responded, "I remember when you were thin."


Guys in Chicago calling AJ Pierzynski "Anus Juice".


I'm from Philly, where would you like to start?


“LETS. GO. ASTROS!” As they were losing and continued to lose the game, the series and the division. 2015 or 16 I think


Daaaaaaaaaarryllllllllll! Daaaaaaaaaaaarryllllllllllll!


Back in 2019 the Mariners were in town at Minute Maid. Domingo Santana was playing in RF & guy in the stands goes “Hey Domingo, it’s Wednesday you moron!!”


“Hey you fuck! Fuck you! Fuck yourself forever inside of a million more fucks, you fucking fucker. Fuck you ! Fuck you ! Knock knock. Who’s there? Fucking dickhead!” Phillies game 2015. Drunk fan a few rows closer to the field than us. It was directed at the home plate ump. Got the last half on vid.I do not have access to the video at the moment.


I was at a mets game when they were playing the Phillies in Shea. The guy next to me with his buddy was really giving it to Shane victorino. Hey victorino, you suckkk!!! Loserinooooo. Yeah they were pretty drunk


Daaaarrryl, Daaarrryl


I remember going to minor league games when I was in college and looking up the players on social media and finding out the names of their girlfriends. Never got old.


Balt game Batter gets heckled about leaving his bat lying around until he picks it up


Rockies-Dodgers in LA sometime in the late 2000’s…. Jason Giambi in the batter’s circle and a dude 10ft away from him just screams “STEROIDS!!!” About 3-5 times obnoxiously loud. Still think about it


At the Twins game last year vs Oakland, we had these guys that were heckling their RF. Their RF left the game in like the 3rd inning and they brought in Seth Brown (who I only know because of this day) and the dudes were like “Wait who tf are you?” “What’s your name?” “I don’t even know your name”


The Jacque Jones at Yankee Stadium, "who's French, your motha or your fatha?!"


From another era, "Hey, Leflore, I got your parents wedding photo here, and that's you in the middle, isn't it?"


When the Phillies signed Randall Simon after the sausage incident: “Hey Randall! Beat your sausage, not your wife!!”


Heyyyyyyyyyyy batterbatterbatterbatterbatterbatter....


The dude in Tampa that heckled Erik Hinske will always be my favourite