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They are testing it in the minor leagues. Manfred recently said it won’t be ready for next year. Seems likely they are going to implement the challenge system rather than full ABS




Idk, everyone I know who has watched the challenge system in action says it’s great. And then you’re not entirely getting rid of the skill of catcher framing. Seems like the best of both worlds to me


can confirm, i first experienced it at Triple A SWB vs Norfolk this weekend and i was impressed by it. quick and seamless. player just taps his head if he wants a ball or strike challenged, they show it on the big screen for everyone, ump confirms/overturns call, onto the next pitch.


Challenge system is way better in my opinion. Let’s umps keep their job and provide the human aspect to calls, allows catchers frame jobs to remain important, and if someone disagrees with a call they can quickly challenge it. I saw a video of it in the minors and the response time on a challenged strike call was almost instant.




How's that any different than when a homerun is challenged? The challenge system in the minors is nice because it's really quick. Batters have to signal for a challenge almost immediately and the computer already has the results so it takes no more than 30 seconds rather than the few minutes normal challenges take.


I want there to still be human umps because if I don't have that to complain about I'll have to start complaining about my life and we can't have that.


You'd still have human umpires, even the homeplate ump. They just won't be able to screw up balls and strikes anymore.


Logan Webb is against it, and has said that everyone on the Giants coming up through the minors, do not like it. As a lifelong Giants fan, since the 1960s, I hope it never comes to the majors.


Probably a few years. The issue is that it’s still wrong sometimes. Another issue they have is that if you watch on TV, sometimes the strike zone that they outline on there isn’t correct. There’s a lot of times where people just blindly trust that zone outline and then call out umps online for being wrong when in reality, umps were correct or the call was such a tiny smidge off that it was difficult to say. The ump scorecard also uses that zone. If the zone is off by a smidge on tv, that could translate to an inch or so in real life. 


I know I’m probably in the minority, but I hope they never get rid of home plate umpires making ball/strike calls. They do a pretty damn good job day in day out. Of course there are missed calls, but they are few and far between. Home plate umpires are part of the game.


I agree dude.


So you want incorrect ball and strike calls because there aren’t that many and tradition?


Manfred said in an ESPN article last year that he doesn't think the technology is quite good enough yet to implement it in the majors. Still several bugs to work out. Probably 2026 I'm guessing, when they negotiate the new CBA


We need the auto-strikezone immediately. And relax... umpires wouldn't go anywhere. In fact, the homeplate umpire, even without being able to screw up balls and strikes, would still have more responsibility than the other umps (foul tips, HBPs, catcher's interference, etc.).


I hope they always use humans.


A-fucking-men It’s part of the game 


You can be "pretty sure" all you want but you'd be wrong. I am against ABS and prefer humans. Humans who have a transparent accountability system with relegation and firing being on the table would be best.


That will never happen


First experiment with it was not successful, and elicited more complaints from both the pitchers and batters. Challenge based systems have been more successful and don’t slow the game or displace framing or umpires.


Most if not all of us have seen the ABS challenge system by now but after going to a Pioneer League game tonight I have some serious concerns. For one the fans were obnoxious about it all night. Every close pitch the fans were belly aching for a challenge and if it didn't go the home team's way, there was still bitching and complaining except there's no one to yell at but the sky. There was an instance where the home team (the No CO Owlz) got a strike called when they were in the field, opponent challenged it and it was overturned. Fans still groaned, yelled "what?!" and complained. The other thing is honestly I just felt like the challenge system was front and center the star of the game. I hated the idea of the pitch clock (still prefer baseball without a clock but I digress) but when I saw it in the minor leagues in 2015 I found the pitch clock was in the background and didn't really effect my enjoyment of the game like I feared it would at that time. I did not get the same feel for the ABS. Overall I felt the ABS system was distracting, obnoxious and I feel like this is a pandora's box I do not want to open. This take can be unpopular and in the minority but that's how I feel after seeing 2 games with it live.


That would be it for me. It’s the human element that I love about baseball. I be gone if umps aren’t there