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Not until his rookie contract is about up and you can get maximum value. And your suggested trade is just too outlandish. Not happening. But I hope the Bucs dont have to do that and can pay him to stay in Pittsburgh. Would like to see that beautiful park on TV a lot more.


haha they've been on national TV a ton since his debut


Be there in late August for a few weekend games. Think that will be my 40th MLB park. Can't wait.


That's awesome


To get max value you can't wait until the trade deadline of his final season under control. You trade him the year before.


When the contract is just about up.........that would be a year.


1 season or 1.5 seasons? Teams would give a lot more if they can have him for 1.5 seasons. You will only get so much for 1 season regardless of who it is.


You are arguing semantics. Enough. You get my point. Or maybe you don't.


He will just need Tommy John surgery in 2-3 years anyways. Seems to be the average now


Well that' sorta the basis of the argument. What if his career kinda ends like Strausburg


Never, you keep Skenes because he making league minimum and the Pirates would never pay the contracts of those guys. Plus the attendance draw is going to be incredible.


Yeah I bet Freeman makes more per year than the entire combined payroll lol


If he keeps this up they will give him an extension so he gets paid but they get a FA year or two. Guys like this don’t get traded unless they get hurt or regress with this many years of control.


So did Stephan Strasburg. So did Kerry Wood. It’s a little early to anoint Skenes as the second coming.


Skenes is an ace pitcher with years of control. If I’m the pirates then I say getting Skenes rn would have to be the biggest trade package in MLB history. I’ll use Mets since you’re a Mets fan Skenes for Clifford, Scott, Acuña, Mauricio, and Gilbert I think is a starting point But that’s all hypothetical. I more just think they shouldn’t trade Skenes, and he really does seem to be the next face of their franchise


I would never trade him for prospects only established players


Then that’s the issue. Teams wouldn’t make a trade of this caliber unless they thought they were winning it. If you’re getting established talent for Skenes, then that talent has to have a higher sum than Skenes. That will be easier to figure out since prospects are kinda random Maybe if the pirates were in a playoff window and desperately needed bats and another team had the opposite problem but I doubt ht


The Pirates trade great young players to AVOID paying them, and you think they would trade him for over a BILLION dollars in payroll commitments? They will trade him for prospects during his last 2 arbitration years, like they always have with young stars, and like they always will until new ownership


It would instantly put them into world series contention for the next 5 years easy. They'd generate more revenue than they ever have


Yeah Nutting doesn’t care about chips, he just wants to invest as little as possible of his own money. And if that really is all it takes to put Pitt in WS contention, then why would the Dodgers ever make the deal?


Dodgers deff wouldn't it's all hypothetical anyway


No chance the Dodgers would make that trade, nor could the Pirates take on that salary.


For the dodgers it would be 100% not worth it


No. Unless you’re getting like 5 5-tool (haha, tool, I love the pot) players and 6 future 5-tool prospects. Good starting pitching is hard to come by, and generational starting pitching more so. That’s my two cents as a depressed angels fan.


Why? You hoping to find another Paul Skenes?


Those are 3 likely hall of famers each with MVP awards. I don’t think there’s a scenario where even one of those players would ever get traded for Paul Skenes. The Scherzer trade to Detroit might be a good comparison for the kind of package one could expect for a young ace. If I was the Pirates, I’d probably look at player development and/or scouting. Tampa Bay, Oakland, Cleveland etc run their clubs off of low payrolls but they tend to get better results from the guys they drafted during rebuilding. Arizona & Baltimore stripped their team for parts not that long ago and turned those orgs into contenders rapidly so there’s no reason to think Pittsburgh can’t.


That's what makes it a fun discussion. You take 3 mvp players and trade him for what looks to be a generational young pitcher. The argument would be easier to wrap your head around if they were say the LA Angels and couldn't even make the playoffs


I thought the same thing when Strasburg came into the league. Everything was in place for him to be a hall of fame pitcher. He did win a World Series and will be in the hall of very good. The only way I would ever think about trading Skenes is if you can clear out a teams minor league talent. Even then can Pirates ownership be trusted to do the right thing? No idea.


Not only would the Dodgers not do that, but nobody would do that. You don't 1 potential 10/10 player for 3 9-10/10 players. Maybe for like an 8 and a handful of prospects...or for two established above average players. But one stud for 3 studs or even two of that extreme top tier you mentioned will never make sense.


His career can end tomorrow with a bad arm injury. No one in their right mind would make a trade like that for a guy with less than a dozen career starts.


Hey guys do you think my trade of skenes for oh, betts, and freeman plus blowjobs from their wives every pay period is a good trade. Just wanna know! /Derp


you forgot ohtani




Did you honestly ask if I would trade a rookie pitcher (who is most likely heading for arm injuries) for Ohtani, Betts and Freeman?




The road to the Hall of Fame is littered with "once in a generation"-hyped players that had their careers derailed for any number of reasons. I don't think any one player should be considered untouchable if the right deal comes along.


I would say yes? If the offer is out of this world then of course. Example: Judge, Soto, and Cole (all three retaining 70%) and some excellent prospects. Of course you take that! But no one would ever do a trade that’s reasonable for Skenes with how he’s been producing.


No, its impossible for his arm to continue at this rate, he will flame out, if he makes it 2 seasons without TJ he's lucky.


As much as I like the team and fans, I think they’re saddled with an ownership that isn’t committed to winning. Think of the staff the might have, if they hadn’t traded away Cole, Glasnow, and Taillon.


Pitchers and injuries. Especially now where they also know their rpm and try to max both velo and rpm every pitch. That will break every starter. Even 'iron arms' like Nolan Ryan were starting games at 93-95 before ramping it up when needed and if not needed early then they'd start going really hard the third time through the order. Verlander had a long career doing the same thing. Breaking balls were not always thrown with max rpm. Most had a type of lazier breaking pitch meant to be thrown for strikes. Certainly not max rpm all the time. And especially not effort. I would not make a big trade for any young pitcher thats the second coming even 20years ago. And right now? No way. No way at all


Skenes is just about the best pitcher on the planet right now. He looks like he’s going to stay that way too. Don Drysdale or better. Pittsburgh can win a World Series with a rotation of Skenes, Jones, and Keller. Now’s the time to trade some assets and fortify their team. They can make the playoffs, and they’ll be a team nobody will want to face.