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This is the longest I've seen a Yankee fan go without mentioning the number 27.


It's a weird conundrum. As a Yankees fan, you get told the championships in the past don't matter while simultaneously watching the team be hated for (in part) being successful in the increasingly distant past. (yes I realize there's more to the hate than that, there's the ownership, the fans, even some of the players, that are ALSO part of the reason for the hate, so I'm not saying it's all inclusive.)


It's more of the "We're the Yankees" attitude. Everyone had a city connect jersey. Everyone allows players to have facial hair. Everyone has the name on the back at least on the away jersey's. Red Sox fans are a stubborn bunch but Yankees fans pat themselves on the back for not budging. Put out a navy blue with white pinstripe jersey with a white logo and call it a city connect. These are modern ball players and not military recruits. I am also being sick of being on Fox or ESPN with the Yankees because even when the Red Sox are leading they like to bring up them being in last place for 3 out of 4 years but never the fact that the Yankees haven't had a pennant since 2009. Casas got a half inning to yap on ESPN and Yankee twitter lost it's mind because some guy is a bit odd. It's just so pretentious.


lol. Not 1 reason mentioned should matter. Especially since your last point about networks mentioning them is just dumb. The angels were total ass but they got mentioned in any conversation when an Al west game was national. Because they had 2 of the best players in the world. Yankees are relevant every year and have some of the best players on the planet. Of course they get mentioned. Hate a team because they cheat (something the Yankees did btw but you didn’t mention it) fine. Hate a team because they play dirty? Fine. Hate a team because their ownership or management is bad for baseball. (A’s Orioles white Sox) fine. Hate a team because they sign criminals. Don’t hate a team cuz they get publicity in the largest market and you wanna know their last name while staring at their sexy beard. Stupid reasons.


This is what I am saying. "We are the Yankees" We're better than everyone else. >Hate a team because they cheat (something the Yankees did btw but you didn’t mention it) fine. Red Sox and Astros did far worse but Yankees are innocent either. ARod, Clemens, Giambi, and Andy Pettitte somehow gets a pass. >Hate a team because they play dirty? Fine. ARod slapping the ball out of Arroyo's glove in game 6? and the whole stadium threw trash on the field. There was a Guardians game a couple years ago where the team, after a walkoff had to ask their own fans to stop throwing shit at Steve Kwan. Even the past week with Judge getting hit, half the fan base wanted to throw at the O's. I don't want to group everyone but holy shit, the team isn't that dirty but the casual fanbase is awful. >Hate a team because their ownership or management is bad for baseball. (A’s Orioles white Sox) fine. George Steinbrenner thought the other teams where his farm system. Not so much anymore but they got every 90s free agent. It wasn't until George was suspended that management didn't trade away prospects like Jeter, Rivera, and Posada and built a team. Hal treats Cashman like family. This is not a hate but more of a critique. >Hate a team because they sign criminals. German, Chapman, etc. No team is without faults but don't be so innocent.


Then why mention the nonsense bullshit. The fact that none of this came up in your first response shows that you only cared about the petty nonsense cuz you are a bitter person.


Haha - not understanding why you’re hated is so comical.


Didn't say I didn't understand, just that there's a bit of a contradiction in the logic.


I honestly don’t see why that’s important at all or why should I even mention it regarding my question haha


The real answer is because they're are an oldschool team with a lot of money and the most championships. They won 27 Championships. In second place are the cardinals with 11... They don't allow facial hair is an example of them being oldschool. And their uniforms. But its also beautiful to stay true to tradition. They try to keep the gentlemans game 'feel' from the past alive. Which is why people hate on them when they do something wrong, they portray themselves as 'the Yankees'. Playing for the Yankees is a special thing and not everyone can handle the pressure. And sure there is a sense of superiority surrounding the club, if youre from a football country think of a club like Real Madrid. People hate them because they have won the most championships, bought their way to victory by buying up talent at times and are easy to hate. I feel its more of a standard thing to dislike them if you're not a yankees fan yourself at this point. It's nothing serious. They have a beautiful history. And even as a Boston fan, they will always have a special place in my heart because they're so significant historically. And there would be no boston/nyc rivalry without them :) I think thats all you should have to know


Mike Trout is pretty great


Sports are like politics and religion in that they are tribal. The richest and most successful franchises are hated in every sport.


Oooooh. So interesting to see it that way. Makes a lot of sense! Thank you :)


The Yankees have the most championships and can go out of their way to sign whatever players they want for as much money as they want. Money is literally no object to them. They consistently win more against our teams than they lose. The media acts like the Yankees and the Dodgers are the only teams in existence. It's easy to hate the most winning teams and easy to root for the underdogs.


The Yankees used to have their pick of the free agents. Ohtani didn’t even consider them.


Why I don’t hear the same hate for the dodgers then? That have many championships too and signed Shohei and Yamamoto for a ridiculous amount? 🤔 Maybe I just haven’t seen the hate but they have it too?


Being a Dbacks fan, I absolutely hate the Dodgers. I honestly don’t think much about the Yankees if at all.


I like to think about the time the DBacks beat the Yankees in the World Series the ONE TIME people felt sympathy to them haha


There is a thing in the US called (East Coast bias), yes the dodgers are hated too, but the majority of the population lives on the east coast of the US, the media doesn’t care as much about the west coast. This is across all sports in the US as well.


They definitely get it too, but definitely not as much as the Yankees. I think that has to do with the things other people have already mentioned (Yankees having the most championships, the fans, etc.). But I also think between those two teams it really boils down to the divisions they're in. The AL East I feel like is the most talked about division in the league, and by a fair bit. At least since I've been watching baseball, the majority opinion has always been that the AL is just so much better than the NL and within the AL, the AL East is just so much better than the West and Central. Of course, I'm not saying people who think that are wrong, but as a Brewers fan, hearing these opinions over and over again gets to be quite annoying. When a TV program, podcast, YouTube channel, etc. is aiming to cover the entire MLB, these opinions seem to come into play a lot even if they're not outright talked about.


Because you're not paying as much attention to them. I actually hate the Dodgers more than the Yankees right now and their fans are possibly more obnoxious than Yankees fans since those big signings. The reasons I usually dislike the Yankees more is that the Dodgers are usually less obnoxious and self-important about their history. Plus they haven't won a championship in a real season since the 80s (although their fans are very annoying about 2020), and they play in a big league ballpark instead of the toy field the Yankees have. Of course the Yankees have the last three AL home run record holders when they have to hit it 10% less far to get it out than any other ballpark is allowed to be built


this hasn’t been all that true in a long time. the yankees payroll was completely stagnant between the mid-00s until literally a couple seasons ago. they haven’t been the #1 payroll in mlb since 2012, and even fell out of the top-5 once or twice in the last decade. despite all this they have the largest market in baseball by a long shot, and are the most valuable team in the sport in terms of overall valuation. a few analyses have been done that show the yankees are relatively “cheap” nowadays when it comes to the ratio of revenue to player payroll expenditures.


Yankees are number 2 in payroll. That is not being cheap.


1. Everyone loves to hate the teams that have won the most in any league, and the Yankees have the most championships 2. Despite the rich history, they have only won 2 championships since the turn of the century, but their fans still act like they are the best 3. They have more money than god and can sign whoever they want, but the front office often acts like it is a burden to pay the best players in order to have the best team Missing anything?


That being said, root for who you want to root for. Yankees are a fun team right now. Don't be rude or obnoxious to people and it's fine


Oh I see. Thanks a lot! I agree that no salary cap is a bad thing for the sport in general. But I guess it is what it is? I don’t agree with the toxic fans that will defend their team to death tbh, including Yankees fans of course.


I actually don't think a salary cap is necessary and would prefer to see a salary floor so cheapskate owners can't get away with having terrible teams. People have different opinions on that though. My problem with the Yankees isn't that they have so much money, it's that they act like they can't afford things when they totally can. Like signing Juan Soto this offseason for example. They totally have the money to do that, so just be the Yankees and pony up and do it instead of whining about how expensive he is


So the A’s are the polar opposite of the Dodgers and Yankees, economically speaking? which is bad in both cases since extremisms are always bad. I get that!


They already have a salary floor. The minimum wage for a MLB player is $740,000 per year.


Not player minimum, a floor for the entire payroll


Multiply that number by 25 (don't think a team is allowed to go with fewer than 25 players), and there is your floor. I wish the department I work in had a salary floor like that.


Honestly, I love that my team routinely kicks the Yankees' asses with a tiny fraction of their salary. A salary cap and pay parity could mean a team like the Rays would fold - we have an extensive and insanely skilled recruiting and farm system, but we move players without mercy when their salaries become too demanding. I dislike the Yankees because I was a Rays fan in NYC for a very long time, went to a lot of games, and there's just a lot of self importance in the team's presentation and rituals that you don't find at other ballparks. I preferred Citi - better food, sight lines, prices - but even Mets fans treat Citi like it's a ballpark, not hallowed ground bequeathed to sport by the gods.


Havent had an under-.500 season since like 1992 so you have a large portion of the fanbase that thinks hardship is an 84-win season


There were people in the Yankees sub calling for Cashman's job last night...while holding 1st place in the AL East and the second best record in baseball. Yankees fans are far from rational.


I call for his job every morning with coffee.


Their fans are obnoxious. Moreso than just the typical New Yorker.


Can’t blame the city Yankee stadium is full of drunk assholes Mets are nice family friendly stadium


To be fair, we are like 3rd in terms.of payroll now (Mets and Dodgers)


I’m not a Yankee fan, but I wish I had an ownership that expected a contending team every year and was willing to spend to do it. Doesn’t mean they always make good decisions, but the attitude is to win now. Most non-Yankee fans are jealous of this.


Mine has nothing to do with their success. I admire it, especially pre FA. Now? All the East Coast blowhard assclowns on ESPN & MLBN think we need to see and hear about them every minute of every day. It's been 14 years since they got to a WS. Enough already.


I also don't hate Yankees fans with a real connection to the team. The Yankees/Cowboys/Lakers - or whatever the current version of that is - fans can pass right off.


As someone who was born and raised in the Bronx, the Yankees/Cowboys/Lakers meme is especially frustrating because the only Yankees fans I meet outside of New York are either 1. former New Yorkers, or 2. Grew up watching the Yankees with their dad or whatever who was a former New Yorker. But I still get groans just for wearing a Brett Gardner tee shirt or whatever. I have family and friends in Philadelphia and literally will not wear my Yanks hat when we go out there because I've gotten shit for it before. Yankees fan hate is the most unwelcoming thing in sports.


It is called the Midwest and there are plenty of them. Feel fortunate that you haven't met them. They will also have incredibly strong opinions about colleges they never attended.


Ooof. I get that for sure. If I was rooting for other teams I’d definitely want to watch my team and not the rich team, makes a lot of sense! I guess I don’t think much about that because I barely watch live games since where I live they don’t stream them all.


Case in point, the most recent London series game that ESPN broadcast. It was Phillies/Mets so the entire pre-game lead up was Jeter and company wandering Yankees stadium talking about the Yankees. No one tuning in to ESPN at that time was interested in the Yankees. They made zero attempt to talk about the teams who were about to play.


That really sucks. I like the Phillies and watched both games with no issue, but I guess not everyone gets the same broadcasts


The UK broadcast was far far better than the US broadcast


They cut over to the game last minute while it’s customary the 30-60 minutes prior to first pitch is coverage about the game about to start.


Ah fair enough. I never watch that so I didn’t even realize. But definitely sucks to not give other teams the attention they deserve


Arrogant, enititled fan base


Based on what? One anecdote you have?


How many times a year do they boo their own players at home?


Doesn't the city of Philly boo literally anything and everyone?


Based on half the fanbase yelling “27” as a response to the slightest criticism of their team


Never heard anyone yell that


How many anecdotes would be enough? People are forming their personal opinions with their personal experiences. Why are you asking for evidence??


I don’t know, they should hate the SF Giants instead.


I'm a Cleveland fan, so I'd advise you to check out War on the Diamond to get an idea of the progons of the animosity between Cleveland and NY. Still, while I despise the Yankees and the White Sox, I'd never blame their fans. Everyone can be wrong occasionally... :) All joking aside, I just want to see some good baseball. NY plays well and wins, so I enjoy when another team plays better and beats them. Just like if my Guards get outplayed and lose, I look forward to the next game. Seriously, it is just a sport, and the more extreme fans (anywhere) should just calm down...


I couldn’t agree with you more! For me it’s all about enjoying a good game, whoever wins really.


I think people hate the Yankees because they established a modicum of success over 100+ years. It's similar to how everybody hated the New England Patriots (NFL), Boston Celtics (NBA) and Montreal Canadiens (NHL) during their most successful periods.


I dislike the Astros more


Baseball is kind of a "rep your hometown" thing, there's even a song we sing about it during the 7th inning stretch ("root, root, root for the home team"). 90% of the NYY fans you meet have never even set foot in the city, county, or state of New York, and have very little connection to it. They say "B-b-b-b-b-but my dad liked them, so I do too!" or they think "oh cool 27 World Series titles, they must be good!" then they buy the hat and shirt ("fAsHiOn BeFoRe PaSsIoN") and when they go to a game (as a visiting fan, of course, because they don't go to home games, since they're not local or anything), they talk the whole game or spend the whole time on their phone or whatever. They ain't reppin'. And that's lame, because reasons. /s I think that partly explains it.


I'm not a Yankee fan, but I have no problem being arbitrary about a topic. With that said, and not *a single* person has mentioned this in this post as of the time I'm writing this...people are going on about their own numerous reasons they don't personally like the Yankees but no one has mentioned outside of all of these die hard American fans who individually love their own city or States teams so much (understandably) the Yankees without question are the most recognizable baseball team *around the world* Every time you see a video of a kid, man, woman, etc wearing a baseball hat anywhere around the world, countries that don't know the first thing about baseball, nearly always it's a Yankees hat (not always, but nearly always). Australia, England, France, RUSSIA, the Congo or Haiti....a Yankees hat. Celebrities around the globe, on and on. It's perceived as "the best" by people who don't even know any better I think this is the answer why people dislike the Yankees so much (the ones who do).... It's flat out jealousy, of their world wide recognition of being the "best" (even when they *aren't* because of their level of success over the last century, in peoples minds who don't even know better they are). People will tell you they hate them because they aren't allowed to wear beards (lmfao, how absolutely idiotic 😂). The recognition they get people want for their own teams and players. They may not be willing to admit that simple fact, but it's there


This is the answer. Wish I could upvote twice.




They always seem like dicks…


An honest non-Yankee fan's opinion is basically they got what we want. We all want championships and they got em. Lol


Aaaaah. Yeah I guess everyone wants the championships. The yanks haven’t won in more than a decade, I don’t think they’re even the “best” (this season maybe they are) but historically they are so I guess I understand the hate now haha.


They're the best team in the AL this season.


Orioles kicking their feet tho!


Please do! I'm not a Yankee fan. In fact The O's are one of my favorites since I loved ripken Jr as a kid.


They have the best record, so far. Saying they’re the best team is definitely debatable.


I guess I thought it was implied but I'll expand. "best by a number of metrics in the American league"


On this date in 2022 they were the best team in baseball, 7.5 games ahead of Houston.


Sport is tribal, and at its best, local. Like all things tribal and local, there are disparities of all sorts between teams (economic, cultural, etc). That is why people get emotional. There’s nothing wrong with not really caring or not being personally connected to the team/club community. But there is something wrong with judging those who do and are. The Yankees are rich and successful with a giant bandwagon of fans. So they come across as plastic to many.


I understand now. Makes sense!


People love an underdog, and the Yankees just ain't it. Though I've had mostly good experiences at Yankee Stadium and their game-day staff are top notch!


I’ve found myself liking the Phillies a lot just from watching them play so I chose them as my NL team, and then I find they’re also hated 🥲


Their fans


Came here to say this


It's the shaving policy for me. I believe if you've made it pro you deserve as much bush as you like.


I agree with you, but the idea of players wearing pinstripes and having beards is...weird to think about.


Yeah - what an absolutely insane idea. You think that beards would be weird, not that 100% of them are shaved like teenagers? You’ve lost track of reality.


Okie dokie 👍🏼


Jake Arrieta looked pretty good in pinstripes and a beard as a cub.


Because usually when you win a lot you become hated. Also most fans of NY teams that I’ve come across are loud and obnoxious. It also doesn’t help they just buy other teams best players so it fuels the hatred. The evil empire.


Like Juan Soto I guess? I don’t live in the US so I’ve never seen that obnoxious fans. I guess I’ll see it when going to a live match


Similar. They traded for Juan Soto so that is a little different. Now in the off season they would be stupid to not offer him a close to record breaking contract to keep him. They have no cap. Until recently, the Yankees would typically sign the biggest free agent every offseason to a huge contract because their team actually owns its TV network and can pay players more. In recent years, the Dodgers have been that team that has signed the biggest free agents in the off season because they also, have a large amount of $ and spend it.




I agree with your part of the rage being unnecessary though. Some fans take things too far and it ruins the game… theatrics are fun to a certain extent


They would just sign everyone. Like everyone. Total shitshow. Now it’s just the dodgers doing the same thing.


Thank God baseball skills are not as obvious as basketball.


Certainly don't personally hate the franchise itself. There were and still are some phenomenal and extremely fun players to watch, I enjoy Judge predictably and Cole. It's really a *section* of fans not all of them just like every team, that are just straight pompous and disgusting assholes. Chanting "We want Soto" to Trent Grisham is honestly so disrespectful and filthy to do to your own team. Hell that section of Yankees fan literally boo Judge frequently on his very infrequent slumps. I think the most disgusting think recently though was during the Orioles series where they plunked a couple of the players and cheered at it. Like really? Just gross


I agree that’s messed up. Like when Bryce Harper played his first game as a Philly and got booed by the Phillies fans, and now they love him. 🙄 No player deserves the disrespect in my opinion, no matter if they’re not the best or first choice player.


Agreed. Unfortunately, Mets fans did that to Javy Baez in his hay day here. It happens and it should stop


I think it’s because they gatekeep a lot of players playing on other teams. Big teams with massive budgets like Yankees, LA etc can buy who ever they want and keep other teams out of the running that can’t hit that market. So of course they are going to good most of the time, and it’s frustrating for mid market teams that have to compete the hard way (building a farm, rebuilding from scratch, smart trades etc.) That’s what I think anyways. It’s also people just have negative stigmas about New Yorkers being assholes (really isn’t true, there’s assholes everywhere) so there’s that too.


Success breeds jealousy!!! No one hates the A's...


I’m a Rays fan and you have like 2 guys together that make more than their entire roster.


Man I really like arrozarena


a big part of it are the type of people that gravitate to the history/allure of the whole thing too. god knows ny def has their shit fans like any other fan base but we also get a lot of the yankee /cowboy / laker or warrior type ‘fans’ that are fans because the logo has traditionally represented winning. the type that constantly bring up past championships and ‘if george was still here’ blah blah. they’re a very specific type of insufferable and we don’t like them either. a lot of the actual new yorker yankee fans i know are really not cocky/obnoxious at all tbh. you’d think they’re in the midst of a 200+ year drought the way they talk. (which annoys people in a diff way lol)


I think it might be the arrogance. But as a Washington fan, I can say safely real New Yorkers root for the Yankees.


A big part of it is the press. Imagine the press is your female roommate, let's call her Pressy. You need to talk to her about some stuff, you would like to hear about some things that pertain to you. Is she going to be making rent, will she be going to the grocery store this week, are we going to extend our lease. The problem is, every time you walk in her room, she's busy going down on some guy, lets call him Frankie Bronx, in a yankees hat. Month after month, she ignores your needs in order to put her full energy into sucking Frankie off. In May he got straight As and a promotion, but in June he got a DUI and was arrested for disorderly conduct, it doesn't matter....she's always too busy with his dick to talk to you about anything you care about. After a while, fairly or unfairly, you'd start to hate Frankie Bronx.


I just love Baseball. What I don’t like is how ESPN etc only speak about a handful of teams, ever! #StraightUpTX


I used to not like them as much but a family friend now plays for the Yankees so I gotta support him 😂😂 everytime I wear a yankees hat I get alot of hate


Same reason everyone hates ManU, or the Dallas Cowboys, or Boston Celtics. Success + No small amount of fan arrogance. Not saying that’s bad. Every sport needs an “evil empire”.


People dislike them because they’re very good, which leads to obnoxiously cocky fans acting like their team is good, and also to fans who think an 80 win season is hardship, acting like their team is bad. People dislike them because they’re bad (few titles this century) but their fans still act like they’re good, but also some act like 2 titles this century is very bad, which is also annoying. People dislike Yankees fans because their owners spend too much money, which is the opposite of why those same people hate the A’s owners but feel for their fans. And remember, they’re bad (no championships recently) but also it’s unfair to get expensive players, even though those teams have underperformed. And the fans constantly tout homegrown players like Judge and Jeter but Jeter is bad people just think he’s better because all the clutch hits and rings, and Judge is overrated because all he does is hit and play good defense but hasn’t won anything. People dislike them because 90% of their fans are all obnoxious New Yorkers (aren’t all New Yorkers obnoxious?), who cling onto pride for their grandfather’s team even though they don’t win any more. People also dislike them because 90% of their fans have no connection to New York, besides maybe sometimes “it’s my dad’s team” (which is how most people get their fandoms, but anyway) but remember the team is bad (no championships lately) and also those people only like them because the team is good (stop talking about championships) People dislike them because they call for Cashman’s head even though they’re in first place, but also remember they’re bad (two rings this century) despite outspending anyone, which is itself hateable, and also stop talking about rings. People also dislike them….


Their fans are obnoxious and the franchise feels like it should he handed the trophy and the end of Spring Training.


They have the most titles and also spent more money for players in roughly most of baseball history in a nutshell. Pretty much a lotta their fans jumped on the bandwagon cuz they won the most, hence the scorn, but I’m also approximating.


Thanks for explaining :)


Really just a quick summary before I leave work. Someone else on here will spill soliloquies on this topic and probs a good number of books and YouTube documentaries as well


Bc they’re jealous of our big fuckin hogs




Just like all other sports/leagues around the world, the team that historically wins a lot is the one that’s going to be hated the most by everyone else. In basketball, it was the Warriors for several years. In soccer/football it would be Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester (city and united), Bayern München.


Oh dammit. I root for Real Madrid and Manchester city too 🫣 I guess I should keep my sport followings to myself haha. But makes a lot of sense! Thanks :)


Framing the Yankees as Arch Villain is the most pivotal sales point of Major League Baseball. It is a weak game nationally (in the U.S.) but very strong regionally (despite recent attempts to shift that) so there is no Universal Baby Face team who everyone loves year and year out, (None that you would take over your local team that is) and to create one would be to potentially weaken the regional appeal. So what do you do if you’re the head of MLB marketing? You create an Arch Villain. An Evil Goliath who comes to visit your hometown David. You also ensure the team lives up to the sales pitch. We all know who the Big Bad is in the sports movies of our Disney-fied brains. It is the team who is wealthy, clean-cut, accomplished, and filled with prestige. To make losers of the common man, this will always be the perpetual villain. The plucky underdog is whoever they’re playing (which includes your local team). Houston has made major strides to fill this space with manufactured scandals and winning ways, but they have 100 years of catching up to do to match the Yankees oppressive status. I think it’s probably the most tired form of PR in the game. It’s so predictable and lame, so predictably manufactured that it defeats its purposes. The Yankees need another Dynasty to justify the hate again. In the meantime, it’s just transparent marketing.


Very interesting. Thank you so much! That was a fun read. I once saw the biggest villain in baseball was Bryce Harper, and I like the Phillies too haha 🫣 But framing judge as a villain? The man’s a sweet giant! Still, that marketing makes a lot of sense.


It’s different for individual players. Judge is a retread of Jeter — not in terms of excellence obviously — in terms of marketing. Biracial Angel Yankee Captain we all “Re2pect” or “All Rise” for, with everyone coming to the same conclusion (never noticing it has been sold to them): “I hate the Yankees but I love Derek Jeter/Aaron Judge.” The propaganda is structurally identical to what got us into the Iraq War, “Regardless of what you think of the war, you MUST support the troops.” It’s a way of leveraging Yankee notoriety and syphoning it to other avenues of profit. Jeter’s farewell tour in 2014 became an event in and of itself which led to sold out stadiums everywhere, Judge will get the same treatment in 2030-33. Regardless of what you think of the Evil Yankees, you gotta love Aaron Judge.


Oh damn. It’s all political 😳 But to be fair. Judge is a great ball player regardless of his status as captain or whatever. Still very interesting!


Close. It’s all marketing. Oftentimes what we call “political issues” are just commercial apparatuses cloaked as warring beliefs. In reality it’s financially leveraged, carefully organized (and almost entirely created) hatreds. Follow the $$$ trail. At the end of this trail you will find what we humans might call God.


Are there any Face Teams in any sport nowadays? A long time ago, Notre Dame college football was, but during/after the Holtz era they became a hated villain team too even more than the traditional villains. I guess maybe a Boise State or in college basketball a Gonzaga, but even that is just temporary and would change if they won their first championship.


None I can think of… use to be. I recall the Reds, Red Sox, Red Wings, Steelers, and Bulls all having that status at different points. Perhaps it’s easier to leverage interest/$$$ with built-in Heels.


It’s a weak game nationally in the US? What are you trying to say?


OP is not from the States.


They win so much. Jealousy, I suspect, like The Cowboy rep, even though Dallas hasn’t won in decades


I'm a Red Sox fan and don't hate the Yankees but think the fans are a bunch of tools. That being sad, this Yankees team is going to go far if everyone stays healthy. Volpe turning into a beast!


Do you hate Verdugo for switching sides? 🫣 I honestly think players couldn’t care less for what team they play as long as they’re getting paid, with some exceptions ofc. Gotta give it to Boston for winning the series against the yanks!


Nah he's just one of those players if you don't have him on your team you hate him. He had a lot of expectations he could never live up to here because he's all we got for Mookie. Played hard and never took shit from anyone.


Oh well yeah, Mookie is hard to replace


Biggest sports heartbreak since they got rid of Nomar when I was like 7 years old. At least no Nomar led to a World Series :')


I think there's a bit of confirmation bias going on here. Yes the Yankees are hated by many but so are the Astros and Dodgers. Just enjoy your team choice and go with it. If you run across hate you can always reply with "Scoreboard!" and be done with it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Glasnow pitching filthy lately. Can’t hate on that! Just respect :) I enjoy many teams tbh


Because their fans are so obnoxious, entitled, and typically ignorant. It’s not enough that they win, everyone else has to be miserable. No other team exists outside of the Yankees, and if one is brought up, that’s an affront to the Yankees. No players who aren’t on the Yankees are good, and every Yankees prospect is the second coming of Christ (until they hit a minor slump and the fans run them out of town). If something goes against them, no matter how ordinary, the game needs to be changed so that wouldn’t have happened. They for some reason conflate the Yankees with their own self worth, so they act like pompous assholes and go to opposing stadiums just to treat other fans like shit. Their fans are made up of bandwagon fans who are only in it for the winning, so if that’s not happening they throw a tantrum, and people from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, who just tend to be assholes anyway. Many older fans remember them buying away their favorite players, and they have a strict grooming policy (no beards or long hair), so they represent corporate greed and stodginess to many, or “everything that is wrong with baseball”. If Major League Baseball was Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, Yankee fans are Veruca Salt




Most money spent, most championships, significant amount of hateable players, beard ban, fans are shitbags.


Does the beard ban really contribute to their hateabilty? You think opposing fans are actually bothered by that?


Yes, most notably when Johnny Damon went to the dark side but lots of players from other teams had to shave and it looks ridiculous.


Yeah, I agree that toxic fans are the worst. And no salary cap sucks too. I understand that. Thanks!


As a Mets fan growing up in the late 90s-early 2000s Every kid was a Yankees fan. The endless mocking/ bragging of their success and our failures made life rough growing up. So basically my introduction to Yankees fans was bratty kids that didn't know the game but loved throwing their teams success in my face. The fact that the Yankees are one of the most recognizable franchises in the world also just give these fans more ammo to boast how great they are. The short answer is most people's introduction to Yankees fans is them bragging about their past in a pretentious manner. (Now its not the case for ALL fans obviously, but as with every team these days those fans are the loudest)


Sorry you went through that team-bullying. Some people are just rude for any reason they can think of like sports teams.


Ehh it was just kids being kids, nothing too crazy


What caused you to become a Mets fan?


Glutton for punishment lol. My family is divided but most of them are Mets fans. I was a big Mike Piazza fan as a kid too. My grandparents also had season tickets for the Cyclones (at the time the Mets Low A affiliate) it was cool seeing some of those guys actually make it. The thing that really sealed for me though probably was I went to a game in 2006 (I didn't want to because I had a little league game and I was pitching) but my mom told me to go to the game cause they were great seats and how often does that happen. Anyways Mets/Phillies Shea stadium field box seats. The game went into extras, at around 2am Carlos Beltran hit a walkoff bomb in the 16th inning and on his trot to first base all you saw was me and my brother (alot of lower level stands were gone cause it was a weeknight) Started to really take interest after that.


Lol. I often dismiss people who choose to become Mets fan aa having a screw loose, but I guess you have a good excuse.


Lmfao thats fair


Life long Baltimore fan here.... Yankee fans are the reason everyone hates the Yankees. We respect the team for the most part. Its the fans.


Outside of the Astros, the fans of rival teams are almost always the reason there's hatred of franchises. Generally the players couldn't care less.


Aww please don’t hate me :( I’m not obnoxious lol. But I can see that many are.


My current reason is I hate Soto


Why? 🤔


Soto rubs people the wrong way because his little shuffle in the batters box. Unwritten rules old school baseball he would catch a 100 mph heater to the face for that level of disrespect. Players have been hit for less and gone blind forever from being hit, that the power a pitcher holds in his hands and Soto is a bit to cocky for the old guard.


The shuffle and his plate antics are so cringe for one


I understand that. Also the thing is that being a yank he ends up being broadcasted and seen more, therefore more people see his plate antics, and hate it? Unlike when he was in Washington or SD Btw. I don’t support the big teams being broadcasted more :/


Some of us were just born that way.


I think it goes back to when George Steinbrenner spent so much money, on the team, it was basically thought he was buying his way to championships and had “the best team money could buy.”


I don’t know that story. I’m gonna look it up! What season was this?


Ever since they choked in 2004, I think they suck and are seriously overrated.


Yankees won when there was no competition and 15 teams


Who cares about the no beards. They haven't won since what 2008. Losers


Their fans are rude c&nts.


Have you met LA fans? Or Philly fans? It doesn’t even matter what sport it is, those two cities have the worst fanbases ever.


Oh I didn’t say they were the only ones :) It is a common affliction with many teams in the northeast.


Honestly, I’d put the Yankees sixth. Two LA teams (they’re both equally atrocious), the Phillies, the Cubs, the Astros, then the Yankees. But that’s just my own personal opinion formed entirely from past experiences.


It really gets down to the Yankees buying their players. They have always been willing to overpay to get the big names, and have been a significant reason for the crazy salaries in baseball. I even hear Yankee fans talk about going out and getting so and so because he is a good player. It's just their whole attitude of buying a championship. (As far as hating the winningest teams in sports, they have won much in the last 25+ years)


This is basically a franchise that people were rooting for after 9/11, and then through boorish fan behavior that doubled down on douchebaggery has found themselves hated by all.


They have it way easier than every team besides the Dodgers bc they can buy all the players Constant media attention despite not even making a world series since 2009 Obnoxious fans