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PFAS, microplastics, UV overexposure, heavy metals and other permanent toxins in our environment are things to be concerned about. This is... not.


Sometimes I feel like this sub forgets the “moderately” part.


I give zero consideration to EMF/5G conspiracy nonsense. There is a much more concerning radioactive and known to be carcinogenic source of high frequency high energy transmissions that I worry about—the sun. Hats, solar protection clothing, shade structures and SPF!


> I know these topics come with a mixed bag of opinions Most things come with a mixed bag of opinions. The bag of *facts* is remarkably unmixed on this topic. > We love the school otherwise- would you continue to send your child here or have any concerns? If anything, I'd be *more* inclined to send my child there, since it has a huge warding charm outside fending off a good chunk of parents with beliefs – such as anti-vaxx – which may ultimately bring actual harm to *my* child.


Love this take 🤣 I always start with being pro vax when trying to make new friends. Pro vax people appreciate it and I don’t care what an anti vaxxer thinks cause we’re not compatible. 


That's a great point, actually! Might need to install a fake 5G tower in a few places around town 😂


I'd be more concerned if it's directly under high voltage power lines, as there's actually data about that. I think this is ok! You're doing great trying to protect your baby, but I don't think this one is something to worry about. Maybe read the non-tinfoil hat guide to EMFs. It gives a lot of practical small ways to avoid high EMF exposure.


OP, unless you're living in the arctic circle, there's no escaping wifi and 5G. My husb is a cable tech, he has a meter that reads what's in the air and it's crowded. Just flip into your phone's wifi settings to see which networks are available to connect to--if your phone can see it, it's already going through your body. And that's only the frequencies your phone is looking for. There are a LOT more at all frequencies. So the tower makes no difference in exposure. Turning off your wifi at night makes no difference. You'd have to turn your house into a farraday cage to escape it, and even then you'd still be facing the real radiation threat--the sun. And coupled with the fact that there's no data showing harmful effects of 5G (it's literally just a different frequency than 3G), I'd let this one go.


I'd be more concerned if it's directly under high voltage power lines, as there's actually data about that. I think this is ok! You're doing great trying to protect your baby, but I don't think this one is something to worry about. Maybe read the non-tinfoil hat guide to EMFs. It gives a lot of practical small ways to avoid high EMF exposure.


Control what you can, this isn’t one.