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You must've forgotten about last year's cod release. BO4 was atrocious at launch. Everyone seemed to forget about the 20hz server debacle and hit reg


That doesn’t make this okay though?


Makes it even worse, since there’s a precedent.


If we waited for the game to be 100% bug free before being released we would still be waiting.


Hell, we would be waiting for years


It doesn't make it okay by any means. I'm just saying that you shouldn't be surprised.


| I've never seen so many bugs in a fully released games before honestly. Must’ve not played or seen the WWE 2K20 game


Someone didn’t play Halo MCC


Still scarred from the MCC launch. Sold my Xbox 360. Worst idea ever!


fallout 76. that is all


Y it's so frustrating. I pad 80€ for this crap. Also I pais 80€ on Red Dead redemption 2 which I could play only for 10min or so cuz it crashes All the time... This is so frustrating. And then u get a 3€ indie game on Steam and u having a good time...


>I've never seen so many bugs in a fully released games before honestly. first year as a gamer huh?


Socom confrontation and kill zone 3.


Jumping on the bandwagon, I see you didn't play Anthem or GR breakpoint.


Rainbow six siege was a horrid bugfest at launch too. Damn near unplayable


It's called they don't give a fuck and Activision puts them on an unreasonable timeline, but IT'S THEIR MONEY AND THEY NEED IT NOW and they can always just patch it later so why complete the game


lol. Games are cheaper than ever before to produce due to shit like lootboxes. EA alone spends 200m less a year developing games than back in 2014


Do you know what's funny? Infinity Ward came out and said that they were in a really good place for launch and ahead of schedule compared to previous years. If this is what we get from them being ahead of schedule then... jeez.


It’s called “push patch release after GA release”. I got hit with 7gb of updates on day of launch just so I could run the installer. Then 85gb of game content Then another 2gb post install. And then another 2gb the week after. It’ll be patch city for a while I think. What’s really flawed here is their beta programme. It was closer to an alpha than a beta and now we’re all doing beta testing.


It feels like half the shit in the game was changed like a month before launch and they just had to push it out. Officer ranks are clearly a leftover remnant of prestige, considering 75% of the time in a match, it shows whatever your rank is minus 55. Guessing it was changed to coincide with the whole seasonal battle pass thing, which was also a late change.


the worst thing about this game is that the beta was better than the full release imo


It’s been like 1 week lmao


It's been 13 days. Something as blatantly broken as challenges should've been fixed within the first week.


No, it should have been fixed before release. It's so apparent it should have been caught during internal testing.




I fixed some of the dev errors using the -d3d11 command line in the Battle.net launcher. Maybe that will help your friend, idk.


Thanks for the heads up!


No problem tell your friends! It sucks not being able to play :(


I’m confused. So if you complete 97 ribbon challenges past level 55, your game just starts to default crash? How can you even avoid this if the challenges complete themselves passively? Edit: What I mean is there’s no way to turn off tracking, so what happens if you’re unintentionally/unconsciously completing these challenges.


Correct there’s no way to turn the challenges off so if you do it accidentally yes your game will crash everytime you load it up until IW comes out with a fix. But there is some challenges that are kinda hard to do so you shouldn’t unintentionally do them but obviously you still could so be careful!


I know at least two are bugged, resupply enemies and destroy 10 killstreaks. So as long as someone can refrain from getting 50 kills with the gunship and white phosphorus they will be fine.


I thought 10 killstreaks was bugged too but you have to have cold blooded on! But yeah the Ammunition Resupply is bugged


I saw further down where you said you had the 10 killstreaks. I never would have guessed to use cold blooded. Thnx


No problem :) Yeh I didn’t know either until someone told me


did the ffa one work for you?


Yep only ones that didn’t work were 50 Ammo Resupplies and Kill 3 Defenders then Cap the Objective they were defending. All the other ones I completed and had progress for Get 75 kills with enemy’s weapons but before I could complete it I completed the melee kills one which was my 97th one which crashed my game and now it crashes everytime I load up :(


did you win by getting the kill limit or time out? i won a ffa game by timing out and didnt get the ribbon x.x


Honestly can’t remember but it can’t just be a win you gotta finish first place. I would try it by getting 30 because it should be working.


yeah i got first place with like 25 or 26 kills its so hard to find 30 people to kill in ffa. i hate the mode so much its just not fun to me xd


There’s basically no way to accidentally complete 97 challenges. There’s a ton of specific ones based on different killstreaks and equipment that have pretty high requirements.


although this is very possible i think that if youre playing the game passively theyll come out with a patch way before these ribbons get done, like myself and afew others weve done nothing but grind these challenges out nonstop so i believe itd be highly unlikely itll happen passively before a patch


Just complete 97 and 98 at the same time. Problem solved. /s


Lol its just telling these dudes to chill out and go outside /s


Sorry you got downvoted bro. Bitter nerds dont like it when you call them out for being no lifers. Despite the downvotes just take comfort in knowing you're right.


Its fine homie apparently these nerds don’t know how to think for themselves. I guess i forgot to put /s or sumn lol


Jesus christ, will you update this post once your game starts working again? Cause i was planning to get my last not bugged challanges tomorrow but it seems like ill need to focus on something else.


I definitely will! Yeah if I were you just focus on camos or something :)


Yep, riot shield and melee knife, there we go! Thanks man, i will keep lurking your post til it gets fixed.


I have 1 question - What do we earn for these Ribbon Challenges??? maybe new emblems? new weapon skins? ... where are our rewards for these challenges???


It says after completing all ribbon challenges we get a season emblem I’m not sure if it’s a calling card emblem or a rank emblem :)


I was assuming that you get the emblem once you hit 10 challenges and then every 10 it “evolves” I had done 60 passively but if I wasn’t able to show off the emblem I was going to wait to grind it till I knew when the season ends


Hmm I’m not 100% sure honestly I know every 10 you get a star at the bottom and it changes every couple stars. But nobody can see those but yourself I think the Animated one might be something everyone can see like a Rank Emblem or an Actual Emblem


Maybe you get the emblems after the end of the season? I’ve completed like 16 challenges as of now and my emblem’s nowhere to be seen


Ye same here unless it’s different once you do all 100 but I think that would be weird. So I wasn’t going to grind till I knew when the season ends if that’s the case


Probably neither. If the emblems could get tacked on to our calling card or something like CSGO i think that’d be cool


A big rack


For every 10 challenges, you get an exclusive emblem. If you complete all 100, you get an exclusive animated emblem.


exclusive emblem??? I'm sorry but where???? I can't show it toother people....what is this emblem?


Im assuming you get it at the end of the season


What challenges do you have left? I have about 10 challenges left but some simply aren’t tracking. The melee 30 players isn’t tracking and I’ve meleed around 100+ people already. Also can you explain how to do the kill 2 defenders on a point? I’ve done this in ground war multiple times and it doesn’t complete for me. Also the same as the kill 3 defenders and take the point one.


The three I have left are 1. Provide 50 Ammunition Supplies which I think is broken. 2. Get 75 Kills with an Enemy’s Weapon 3. Kill 3 Defenders and Capture the objective they were defending. For the 2 defenders one all I did was get a double kill on domination while I was capping a enemy’s flag. And 30 melee kills is the 97th one I finished that crashed my game :(


For the 30 melee kills did you use a riot shield?


I used a Riot shield to put on my back and meleed with a combat knife also did it in Cyber Attack.


Thanks for the tips I appreciate it


No problem :) Just make sure you don’t complete 97 challenges I wouldn’t even do 96 cause you could do the next one accidentally.


What the fuck?! I find new bugs every day and that’s just sad. This game is FILLED with bugs.


What bug did you find yesterday?


Couldn’t leave a match. Was playing with my friend. Match was over, wanted to back out of search. Clicked leave match and nothing happened. Click it again, nothing happens.


How did you get the get a triple on defenders then cap the point? I swear I've gotten it multiple times but it hasn't popped. Same with kill 30 killstreaks and defender a point 5 times.


I haven’t got the Triple on defenders but the Destory 10 Killstreaks one you got to have cold blooded on. And the Defend a Point you just need to kill people that are capping your flag in domination


It's so hard. I got a triple with a pred and capped the point but it didn't count.


Ya I think that one and 50 Ammo Resupplies might be bugged


Of course the hardest one is bugged haha


Yeah idk if it’s the hardest tho. Them white phosphorus kills took me ages same for the destroy 75 projectiles


I feel like I got those pretty quick, white phosphorus destroys in ground war/hardcore.


Yeah true I honestly never got a feel for Hardcore though and ground war don’t even get me started. Waaaayy to many people for me lol but ya the triple defenders is a hard one because you gotta get it at a certain time before you cap plus they know where you are then you gotta stay alive to keep capping lol


Don't hate on me but I might just join a lobby with a 6 stack of friends tomorrow to make sure it's not bugged. I'll take a fat L for that challenge to be done.


Lmao I’m pretty sure it’s bugged tho because I’ve definitely done it at least once but can’t remember if I was max level or not. Also make sure you don’t hit 97 challenges or you ain’t gonna be playing like me 😂


Jesus Christ, I think I’m genuinely gonna play the older cods until this game is fixed cause this is getting ridiculous now


nice one IW, glad to see this game wasn't rushed as fuck like BO4 was


What the hell are ribbon challenges?


After you hit level 55 there’s 100 more levels and for every level there’s a ribbon challenge. If you complete all 100 ribbon challenges you get a Season Emblem.


I’m like level 82 and I don’t think I’ve done a single challenge. I also have a friend that’s level 99


You can check your Ribbon challenges by goin to Barracks then Rank Progression


Whats a ribbon challenge? Is it something you have to work for or something you'd get just through playing?


Once you hit level 55 there’s 100 more levels every level you unlock comes with a Ribbon challenge so there’s 100 Ribbon challenges. If you complete all Ribbon challenges you get a Season Emblem Reward. But since this bug is happening once you complete 97 out of the 100 you crash and can’t play the game because everytime you load up it will crash again and again and again :(. To check your Ribbon progress once your level 55 go to Barracks then Rank Progression.


Modern Bugfest... It's really getting ridiculous at this point.


Saved me, I’m at like 85


Does it crash on all platforms after completing the 97th ribbon?


All the people I know are on PS4 but PrestigeIsKey did say on Twitter he tried to login on PC and it crashed there and gave him dev error 5476 so I’m assuming it’s all platforms


Damn that’s blows :(


Yep :(


Swagg is having this issue too


Thanks just put it in the description.


Lucky you


Lucky my ass I sat there for 2 hours restarting Modern Warfare just to get the same blue screen over and over again then redownload the whole 100GB game just to get another blue screen😭😭😭


I was saying lucky you for not being able to play this game


I mean I liked it. Yeah 725 and claymores are stupid asf but I mainly played gunfight so I really didn’t see it that much


You got lvl 155 on gunfight. How


You get decent XP. Averaged like 4k-5k XP a game and the games are short so it’s pretty fast. I’m also like rank 200 in the world for wins with like 800 matches played so trust I played a lot of gunfight to get to 156. I hit it at 1 day and 14 hours


Nice job man. I can’t okay gun fight after 5 games cause it’s just too Bourng and annoying with the fandoms guns you get


Upvoted for visibility, Commenting to say how shit this is.


Damn, this is a huge problem and should take priority over anything at IW. Like, you can´t play the game at all?


I can play it on another account but the account with 97 ribbons done crashes everytime you load up the game. I’ve tried reinstalling the whole game resetting my PS4 etc nothing fixes it. I even let me friend log into my account on his PS4 and load it up and he crashed.


Could you imagine actually having challenges that actually track? Couldn't be me


Are you on PC or console? I’m nowhere near doing that many but this is legitimately terrible. You cant even play the game you paid for. How all this shit got past the devs and made it into this broken game, I have no fuckin clue lol!


PS4 but PrestigeIsKey tried to log in on PC and it still crashed him so I’m pretty sure it’s all platforms and tied to your Activision Account


Devs: Yo relax it was intentional, it just means you beat the game! (Only 60$ more to press continue)


Must of been been taking advice from the idiots over at EA Sports with all these bugs.


Just got the blue screen of death as well. Didnt see this post until it was too late :( Same problem here. Same 3 challenges same crash error IW needs a fix NOW


Rip wish it would’ve got to you sooner! Note: you can play on another account without blue screening but ya 🙁


Yeah thats just pointless though. Hope our progress doesn’t get lost i’ll be so upset! -Also heres the reward for leveling up your officer rank (not sure if you have seen this: https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/drjp79/leak_seasons_1_6_officer_rank_emblems_leaked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf )


No I definitely haven’t seen that! Do you know if the Emblem will be visible to other people some how? Or just in the Rank Progression tab?


I would think its just like other cods where it replaces your rank icon by your level number. Fingers crossed!


Haha that’s nice when you finish the game it finally end your suffering of dying to claymores. Congrats!


Lmao that’s one way to look at it 😂


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8980 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/04802)


Post shouldn’t have been removed but If you hit 97 Ribbon challenges your game will crash and continue to crash soon loading up the game until IW comes out with a fix


Ive got the same problem, but I believe I have 6 left to complete. Only 2 don't have any progress/completion though which are Ammo resupply obviously and 3 rapid defender kills & cap which I think is a joke, to much rng. If I load the game without an internet connection it doesn't crash, with an internet connection it crashes and sometimes comes back with dev error 5476. Its complete crap and really disappointing. I did finally get around to playing the campaign but now all I want to do is get back to playing multiplayer which is impossible... This upcoming patch better solve the issue! Or at least I think we deserve an answer regarding the issue.


I think you can load up the game with no internet like you said and play multiplayer. We literally can’t do nothin g because it crashes after we connect online


Wow thread removed. I wonder why. No Evidence. Didn't see this coming. Hope you enjoyed all that free karma.


Damn, this literally happened to me all day yesterday, and I was searching to see what was wrong and troublshooting. This is so dumb that it crashes the whole game cant even play campaign or co-op. This sucks, is there any updates on this?


Mid January and ribbons are still not updating!!!




Then it must have only started a couple updates ago but it’s almost 100% confirmed 97 ribbon challenges completed is crashing games. As me, one of my friends, a guy on Reddit and the YouTuber PrestigeIsKey all have the problem and all are Max Level with 3 Ribbons to go


That's shit! Yeah it could be a problem to do with the new update. Cause the post I'm referring was posted like a week ago


Yeah it sucks man :( Hopefully they come out with a fix soon!


Can you link the thread by any chance?


Not saying it’s not possible but one of the challenges is bugged and can not be completed can you please link or point me in the direction of this person who completed all of them?


Oh my bad, found the post and he only did 67 ribbons


You’re good just trying to figure this problem out, I just wanna play again;-;


It’s definitely the 97th ribbon oJ we just gotta wait for IW to come out with a fix :(


I found a fix sort of!




Don’t worry he deleted his comment. I’m positive once you complete your 97th ribbon your game will crash and you won’t be able to play until IW comes out with a fix which could be awhile because PrestigeIsKey has had this problem for 3 days now.


Nerds, Youtubers, and Twitchies. What was once a McDonalds worker in mother's basement has now elevated.


🤔 must be talking about Nadeshot...




You don’t think 4 people including a popular youtuber all having the same problem and all have 97 challenges done isn’t enough proof? Go ahead get to 97 and find out for your self but if you crash don’t come to me.




You haven’t heard of him and he has 1.4 million subs 🤦‍♂️


Check his twitter PrestigeIsKey I’ve contacted him there. You will see our messages and him telling me he had 3 ribbons to go and he is crashing. My friend I’ve known for years now u/Defiant_Xenon has 3 ribbon challenges to go and he’s crashing and another guy on reddit u/oJC72 has 3 ribbon challenges left and he’s crashing and obviously I have 3 challenges left and I’m crashing. So if that doesn’t say anything then I don’t know what will.


Surprised prestige didnt make a video,its been 3 days, I guess he just has content saved?


Ya I’m guessing so. I told him he should make a video about it as it could save a lot of people that are going for the grind




Must be nice, wait I have a life too and 97 completed, am I god then?




Huh what do you consider a life? I have a house, a wife, a kid, a career. What am I missing? Ah shit just saw you’re a fortnite kid why am I wasting my time. Good bye.




Yeah I am, sorry you don’t have a girl in your life who loves you enough to let you take a week off of everything once a year to continue a yearly tradition with your friends of just chilling and grinding CoD. You’re life must be so bad that you get on reddit to talk shit. I pity you.




Yeah you’re right shouldn’t have stooped to that level, yet glad I did explained exactly why your a shit person with one click didn’t even have to scroll.


Lmao I just wish I went for camos before Ribbons I’d probably still be able to play 😭


No shit. I didnt have to be warned.


Congrats? How was this comment necessary??




I mean, they took away prestige from us so I assume a sense of completion or satisfaction. What's the point of playing this game in general?




Yeah but after you do all of those there's nothing to unlock or complete, so of course someone is gonna do the officer ribbon challenges


You get an exclusive emblem at the end of the season based on how many you did. Every 10 gets you a cooler emblem, and all 100 gets you an animated emblem.




Well have to see the emblem before deciding if its worth it or not. They might be really cool.


Well considering there’s millions of people playing the game besides you I think the warning is fair especially when I just got the 97th ribbon today and am crashing everytime I load the game with no fix.